Snyder County
are the postcards related to United Methodism in Snyder County PA that are in
the postcard collection at the archives of the Susquehanna Conference of the
United Methodist Church. The Susquehanna
Conference covers 32 counties in central and northeast Pennsylvania. The archives of the Susquehanna Conference
are located at Lycoming College in Williamsport PA.
Methodism includes the following denominations, abbreviated as shown.
EA – Evangelical Association
EUB – Evangelical United Brethren Church
EV – Evangelical Church
MC – Methodist Church
ME – Methodist Episcopal Church
MES – Methodist Episcopal Church, South
MP – Methodist Protestant Church
UB – United Brethren Church
UE – United Evangelical Church
UM – United Methodist Church
The EA and UE denominations united to form the EV denomination.
The ME and MES and MP denominations united to form the MC denomination.
The UB and EV denominations united to form the EUB denomination.
The EUB and MC denominations united to form the UM denomination.
addition, United Methodism produced the following separate denominations,
created by congregations that left one of the above denominations. Relevant postcards from these denominations
are included in the collection.
EC – Evangelical Congregational Church,
left the UE in 1922
ECNA – Evangelical Church of North America
[now the Evangelical Church], left the EUB in 1968
UBOC – United Brethren Old Constitution
Church, left the UB in 1889
UC – United Christian Church, left the UB
in 1869
Fremont [Mount Pleasant Mills] UB
This building has been replaced by a newer brick structure.
Hoovers UE
This building is now Faith UM
Kratzerville UE
This building is still standing, but
it is no longer a church.
McClure UE parsonage
This house is no longer the
Middleburg town churches
The UB church is at the left.
The UE church is at the right.
Middleburg UB
This building is now an independent
Middleburg UB pastor and wife #1
This congregation is now
Middleburg UB pastor and wife #2
This congregation is now
Middleburg UE view #1
This building is now Trinity UM
Middleburg UE view #2
This building is now Trinity UM
Middleburg UE view #3
This building is now Trinity UM
Penns Creek EV
This building is now St. Pauls UM Church.
Penns Creek Methodist [sic]
This card is mis-labeled. This building was erected as a Lutheran &
Reformed Church and is now part of the United Church of Christ. It was never a Methodist building or the site
of Methodist preaching.
Selinsgrove MC
This building is now Wesley UM