Preserving and Celebrating Our United Methodist Heritage in Central and Northeast Pennsylvania


On Line Data Bases


Wyoming Conference Pastors.  The Wyoming Conference existed from 1852 to 2010 covering northeast Pennsylvania and southcentral New York.  Click on the first letter of the surname to enter the file of all the pastors for that letter.  The instructions file gives details about this project and helpful notes for interpreting the information. 

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The Wyoming Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, serving congregations in northeastern Pennsylvania and southern New York, was created in 1852 from the southern part of the Oneida Conference.  In 1970 the Conference acquired the former Evangelical United Brethren congregations within its boundaries. 


This file attempts to identify every pastor who was licensed by, ordained by, or served a church within the Wyoming Conference from its creation in the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1852, through its years in the Methodist Church and the United Methodist Church until its dissolution in 2010.  At that time its Pennsylvania congregations were placed in the Central Pennsylvania Conference (which was re-named the Susquehanna Conference) and its New York congregations were placed in the newly-formed Upper New York Conference.  Records of pastors who joined the Upper New York Conference generally end in 2010, and further information on those pastors can be obtained from the Upper New York Conference.  Records of pastors who joined the Susquehanna Conference in 2010 will be updated as time permits, and further information on those pastors can be obtained from the Susquehanna Conference. 


Oversimplified account of the territory embraced by the formed Wyoming Conference

-          Prior to 1810 the territory was mostly moved back and forth between the Baltimore and Philadelphia Conferences, although some of the northern part was in the New York Conference.

-          1810 Genesee Conference formed.

-          1829 Genesee Conference split; Oneida Conference formed.

-          1852 Oneida Conference split; Wyoming Conference formed.  At this point the Wyoming Conference is predominantly in Pennsylvania, but including southern New York along the Susquehanna River.

-          1869 Oneida Conference abolished; its territory split between the Wyoming Conference and the newly formed Central New York Conference.  At this point the Wyoming Conference adds New York territory to become almost evenly divided between Pennsylvania and New York and attain essentially the boundaries it kept until being dissolved in 2010.


            The following notes will help clarify some of the notation and format.

(1) This file generally does not include pastors who served in the Wyoming Conference area before the formation of the Wyoming Conference in 1852 and were never members of the Wyoming Conference

(2) In general, older terms have been entered using their modern equivalent.  And so…

      (a) “supernumerary” [unassigned, usually for health reasons, but not old enough for

             retired status] is rendered “on leave.”

      (b) “superannuated” is rendered “retired.”

      (c) “presiding elder” is rendered “district superintendent”.

(3) All persons documented to have served a church are listed in the same format.  This is whether that person served as a lay pastor, a local pastor, a supply pastor, a student pastor, or an itinerant pastor – and whether that person was full-time or part-time.







Born: 9-2-1887  Brooklyn NY                                   married: Annabelle B. Matthews [8/24/1914]

Died: 12-31-1983                                                        obit: [d. 8/3/1925]

                                                                                    married2: Edith C. Buell

1913    ordained, Congregational Church                   obit2: Wyoming Conference 1965, 251

1925    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference       

1927    ordained elder


Interment: Baptist Cemetery, North Ashford CT

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1984, 205


1909-14           student, Moody Bible Institute in Chicago IL

                            1913-14       Watson Park IL

1914-17           Hanover IL

1917-21           Bolton CT Congregational Church

1921-25           Eastford CT Congregational Church

1925                “transfer” to Wyoming Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church

1925-27           Glen Lyon (beginning 9/15/1925)

1927-33           Springville

1933-36           Moosic

1936-40           Meshoppen

1940-53           Lehman

1953-60           McClure

1960                retired




Born: 12-31-1838  Plains PA                                     married: Elizabeth Wyatt

Died: 12-22-1878  Manhattan NY                             obit: [d. 11/22/1874]

                                                                                    Married2: Mary Delia Archer

1860    license                                                             obit2: [1856-1939]

1863    admitted on trial

1865    ordained deacon


Interment: Hollenback Cemetery, Wilkes Barre PA

Obit: New York Conference 1879, 40


1861-62           South Canaan

1862-64           Broome NY

1864-65           Spencer NY

1865-66           Spencer NY and Candor NY

1866                transfer to Troy Conference


Note: The first Mrs. Abbott is the daughter of William Wyatt.  Following the death of William P. Abbott, the second Mrs. Abbot married a Mr. Harold R. Miller.  The Abbott church in Parsons was named for W.P. Abbott in recognition of the fact that he was born near there, the borough of Parsons (now part of Wilkes-Barre) having been created from Plains township in 1876.




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:


2005    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

2008    ordained elder





2003-04           Barton NY

2004-05           Barton NY and Halsey Valley NY

2005-06           not appointed

2006-08           student

2008-10           Candor NY

2010                charter member of Upper New York Conference




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:


1864    admitted on trial, East Genesee Conference





1864-66           Lawrenceville

1866                discontinued

                        “transfer” to Wyoming Conference

1874                transfer to North Carolina Conference


Note: The 1887 Catalogue of Living Union College (NY) Alumni lists hima as an 1859 graduate living as a clergyman in Trenton NJ.  The 1905 Dickinson College Alumni Directory lists Thomas S. Abrahams as a non-graduate member of the class of 1857 living in Philadelphia PA.  This surname also appears as ABRAHAM.




Born: 6-14-1860  Auburn PA                                     married:

Died: 8-30-1913                                                          obit:


1886    admitted on trial

1888    ordained deacon

1890    ordained elder


Interment: Jersey Hill Cemetery, Auburn Center PA



1886-87           Maple Grove

1887-90           Northmoreland

1890-91           Worcester

1891-93           Smyrna

1893-95           Morris

1895-97           Brooklyn

1897-99           Nicholson

1899-01           Lackawanna [Old Forge]

1901                withdrew under charges


Note: The preferred designation is G. Frank Ace.




Born: 3-31-1915  Lockwood NY                               married: Frances Evelyn Tripp

Died: 3-7-2004  Springville NY                                 obit: Upper New York Conference 2015, 592


1935    license, Wyoming Conference

1937    admitted on trial, Dakotas Conference

1941    ordained elder, New England Conference (courtesy)


Interment: Prospect Hill Cemetery, Sidney NY

Obit: Wyoming Conference 2004, 203; Central New York Conference 2004, 331


1935                Lockwood – Barton (beginning 4/29/1935)

1935-36           Davenport Center (moved to Davenport in mid-year)

1936-37           Mt. Upton (ending 12/31/1936)

1937-38           Garden City, South Dakota Conference (beginning 1/1/1937)

1938-40           Gayville – Volin, South Dakota Conference

1940-43           student

1943                transfer to Central New York Conference

1943-45           Millerton – Jackson Center

1945-48           Montour Falls

1948-51           Mecklenberg-Enfield-Kennedys-Cayutaville

1951-58           South Otselic – Pharsalia

1958-60           Warners – Belle Isle

1960-66           director of migrant ministries, New York State Council of Churches

1966-67           Nedrow

1967-71           Bridgeport

1971-73           Wayuga

1973-76           Westbury Red Creek

1976-77           Elmira Westside, Wyoming Conference

1977                retired

                            1983-85       Fleming




Born: 3-31-1862  Savonna, Italy                                married: Irma Peruzzi

Died: 7-14-1933  Providence RI                                obit: New England Southern Conference 1958, 173


1886    license, Italian Free Church

1897    ordained, Presbyterian Church


Interment: Highland Memorial Park, Johnston RI

Obit: New England Southern Conference 1934, 136


1886-93           Italian Free Church

1893                immigrate to the United States

1897-05           Presbyterian Church

1905                “transfer” to Genesee Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church

1905-11           Rochester Italian Mission

1911                transfer to Northern New York Conference

1911-16           Utica Italian Mission

1916                transfer to Erie Conference

1916-18           New Castle Italian Mission

1918                transfer to Wyoming Conference

1918-20           Wilkes-Barre St. Paul’s Italian

1920                transfer to New England Southern Conference




Born: 6-9-1885  Syracuse NY                                                married: Mabel Southard Porter

Died: 1-30-1978  Binghamton NY                             obit: Wyoming Conference 1980, 307


1909    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1911    ordained deacon


Interment: Glenwood Cemetery, Afton NY

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1978, 230


1908-09           East Worcester NY

1909-11           Westford NY

1911-13           Davenport NY

1913-17           Hartwick NY– Hyde Park NY

1917-18           New Berlin NY

1918-22           West Exeter NY

1922-23           Nichols NY

1923-26           Chenango Bridge NY

1926-28           Castle Creek NY

1928-33           Candor NY

1933-36           Schenevus NY

1936-39           Windsor NY

1939-44           Otego NY

1944-46           Oxford NY

1946-51           Sherburne NY

1951-53           Moosic

1953                retired

                            1953-56       Sidney Center NY


Note: Charles M. Adams is the son of Walter S. Adams, and the father of F. Porter Adams, and the grandfather of Nancy J. Adams.




Born: 10-30-1921  West Exeter NY                           married: Doris Anita Gross

Died: 4-5-1985  Binghamton NY                               obit:


1942    quarterly conference license, Otego

1947    admitted on trial, New Hampshire Conference

1947    ordained deacon, New Hampshire Conference

1951    ordained elder, Wyoming Conference


Interment: Sylvan Lawn Cemetery, Greene NY

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1985, 288


1947-48           Methuen – Oaklands

1948-49           Lawrence – St. Mark

1949-50           student

1950                transfer to Wyoming Conference

1950-52           assistant, Endicott Central

1952-57           Nimmonsburg

1957-61           Sayre

1961-69           Forty Fort

1969-72           superintendent, Binghamton District

1972-78           Binghamton Fairview

1978-85           Endicott First


Note: F. Porter Adams is the father of Nancy J. Adams, the son of Charles M. Adams, and the grandson of Walter S. Adams.






Born: 1-11-1806  Jefferson County NY                     married: Caroline Ballard

Died: 9-5-1871  Delphos KS                                      obit: Wyoming Conference 1893, 90


1830    admitted on trial, Oneida Conference


Interment: Racine WI

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1872, 36


1830-31           Wyalusing

1831-32           Dryden

1832-33           Newark

1833-34           Newfield

1834-35           Franklin

1835-36           Dryden

1836-37           Oneida Mission

1837-39           Sauquoit

1839-41           Hampton and Lairdsville

1841-43           Verona

1843-44           Morrisville

1844-46           Cortlandville

1846-47           North Danby

1847-48           on leave

1848                retired

     1869  transfer to Wyoming Conference by boundary change


Note: A biographical sketch of Moses Adams appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 147.




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:


1989    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1992    ordained deacon





1989-90           student

1990-95           Hartwick NY

1995-97           associate, Endwell

1997-03           Apalachin NY Park Terrace

2003-07           Ransom

2007-10           Newark Valley NY

2010                charter member of Upper New York Conference

2010-14           Caring Covenant Cooperative Parish, Newark Valley

2014-20           superintendent, Mountain View District


Note: Nancy J. Adams is the daughter of F. Porter Adams, granddaughter of Charles M. Adams, and great-granddaughter of Walter S. Adams.




Born: 8-20-1863  Redfield NY                                  married: Georgiana Gee

Died: 12-13-1908  East Worcester NY                      obit: Wyoming Conference 1955, 2068


?          exhorter’s license, Otego

?          local preacher’s license, Otego

1898    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1900    ordained deacon

1902    ordained elder


Interment: Fabius NY

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1909, 119


1898-00           Decatur NY

1900-03           Laurens NY

1903-05           East Worcester NY and Decatur NY

1905-06           East Worcester NY

1906-07           Cooperstown Junction NY

1907-08           Cooperstown Junction NY and Portlandville NY

1908                East Worcester NY


Note: Walter S. Adams is the father of Charles M. Adams, who supplied the pulpit as a local preacher during his father’s final illness and was officially appointed there following his death, and the grandfather of F. Porter Adams, and the great-grandfather of Nancy J. Adams.  A biographical sketch of Walter S. Adams appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 270.




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:


1856    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1858    ordained deacon

1859    ordained elder, New York East Conference: page 8





1855-57           Springville

1857-58           Port Jenkins NY (1st part); Northmoreland (2nd part)

1858-59           Union NY

1859                located

1859                “transfer” to New York East Conference

1860                re-admitted to Wyoming Conference as a deacon, page 10

1861                located

1863                “transfer” to Providence Conference

1863-65           East Greenwich

1865-67           Provincetown Center

1867                withdrew


Note: Andrew P. Aiken graduated from Wesleyan University in Middletown CT in 1862.  He may have died September 1875 in Centre County PA [see Centre Recorder for 9/9/1875].




Born: 08-25-1951                                                        married: Roger G. Richards

Died:                                                                           obit:


1975    admitted on trial, West Michigan Conference

1978    ordained deacon, Nebraska Conference



Obit: Wyoming Conference


1975-77           student

1977                transfer to Nebraska Conference

1977-80           Lexington

1980-83           Loup Cooperative Parish

1983                transfer to Wyoming Conference

1983-88           Noxen

1988-89           Windsor

1989                transfer to Detroit Conference [as Pegg Ainslie]


Note: Pegg Ainslie-Richards was married to Roger G. Richards.




Born: 9-20-1937  Scranton PA                                   married: Marilyn Avery

Died: 5-17-2016                                                          obit: [5/18/1941 - ]


1961    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1961    ordained deacon

1963    ordained elder



Obit: Upper New York Conference 2017.2, 201


1960-64           Wanamie (beginning 5/22/60)

1964-70           Hawley

1970-82           Dallas

1982-88           superintendent, Oneonta District

1988-92           Johnson City Sarah Jane Johnson Memorial

1994-97           Endicott First

1997                retired

                            2010  charter member of Upper New York Conference


Note: Douglas N. Akers is the son of George R. Akers.




Born: 6-14-1911  Scranton PA                                   married: Margaret Elizabeth James

Died: 8-21-1987                                                          obit: Wyoming Conference 2003, 201


1938    admitted on trial

1940    ordained deacon

1942    ordained elder


Interment: [body donated to Upstate Medical Center]

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1987, 310


1937-38           Thornhurst (beginning 11/1/1937)

1938-42           Hop Bottom

1942-47           Hamlin

1947-52           Peckville

1952-58           Endicott St. Paul’s

1958-65           Honesdale

1965-68           associate, Scranton Elm Park

1968-74           superintendent, Oneonta District

1974-77           conference administrator

1977                retired

                             1977-82  minister of visitation, Vestal


Note: George R. Akers is the father of Douglas N. Akers




Born: 12-23-1939                                                        married: Mary Cheryl _____

Died:                                                                           obit:


1974    license, Wyoming Conference

1980    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1983    ordained deacon





1974-78           Rome

1978-81           student

                            1979-81       Edison OH Canaan (beginning 9/1979)

1981-85           Ransom

1985-94           Afton

1994-03           Otego

2003-05           Upper Butternut – Wharton Valley

2005                retired

                            2007-08        Otego

                            2010             charter member of Upper New York Conference

                            2011-12       Hartwick – Mt. Vision (beginning 7/17/2011)

                            2013-14       Hartwick – Mt. Vision (beginning 9/1/2013)

                                                Edmeston – W. Exeter (beginning 11/1/2013)

                             2018-20      Otego

                                                     2019-20      Unadilla




Born: 12-15-1839  Hale’s Eddy NY                          married: Mattie Knight
Died: 5-18-1899  Binghamton NY                             obit: Wyoming Conference 1884, 62


?          quarterly conference license, Kingston

1867    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1870    ordained deacon

1872    ordained elder

Interment: Hale’s Eddy NY
Obit: Wyoming Conference 1900, 108


1864-65           Lackawaxen

1865-67           Candor and Spencer

1867-68           Newton

1868-70           Hendricksburg

1870-71           North Danby

1871-73           Montrose

1873-76           Binghamton Main Street

1876-79           Owego

1879-82           Binghamton High Street

1882-85           Binghamton Chenango Street

1885-88           Whitney’s Point

1888-89           Greene

1889-91           Smyrna

1891                retired


Note: Almus D. Alexander is a brother to Charles S. Alexander.   Their father served as a local pastor. A brief biography of Almus D. Alexander appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 147.




Born: 6-15-1843  Hale’s Eddy NY                            married: Mary E. Allen

Died: 5-24-1918  Binghamton NY                             obit: Wyoming Conference 1921, 115


1861    exhorter’s license

1866    local preacher’s license

1870    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1872    ordained deacon

1874    ordained elder


Interment: Hale’s Eddy NY

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1919, 138


                        Mill Hollow [Luzerne]

                               Mountain Top
1870-72  Spencer
1872-73  Newark 
1873-75  Tioga Center
1875-77  Great Bend
1877-80  Slaterville
1880-81  Triangle
1881-82  on leave
1882-83  Oakland

1883                retired


Note: Charles Alexander is a brother to Almus D. Alexander.  Their father served as a local pastor.  Mrs. Alexander is the daughter of Rev. Aaron P. Allen of the Presbyterian Church.  A biographical sketch of Charles S. Alexander appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 270.




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:






1868-69           Lackawaxen


Note: Lewis Alexander served as a supply preacher.  He is otherwise unknown.




Born: 8-11-1899  Greene NY                                     married: Yvonne C. Carver (1923)

Died: 5-25-1974  Baltimore County MD                   obit: [1902 – 7/24/1974]

                                                                                    married2: Almira Stanton

1920    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference        obit2: [9/23/1899 – 7/14/1967]

1952    license, Baltimore Conference                       married3: Mrs. Blanche Dean Bassler (1970)

1960    ordained deacon, Baltimore Conference        obit3: Baltimore Conference 1983, 378

1966    ordained elder, Baltimore Conference


Interment: Meadowridge Memorial Park, Elkridge MD

Obit: Baltimore Conference 1974, 388


1920-25           student, Syracuse NY

1925                discontinued

                        “transfer” to Baltimore Conference

1960-61           Baltimore Swindell Memorial

1961-64           Baltimore Chesaco Avenue

1964-66           on leave

1966-71           assistant, Homestead

1971-72           Monkton

1972                retired


Note: Frederick E. Alger is the son of Willard H. Alger.  He was an active layman and served as a supply pastor, retiring from his job with Lever Brothers in 1964.   The first Mrs. Alger later married a Mr. Quinlan.  The third Mrs. Alger, nee Dean, was the widow of a Mr. Bassler.




Born: 4-3-1861  Fly Creek NY                                  married: Genevieve Colburn

Died: 1-1-1949                                                            obit: Wyoming Conference 1903, 112

                                                                                    married2: Carrie N. Harrington

1886    local preacher’s license, Otsego                     obit2: Wyoming Conference 1952, 1166

1890    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1892    ordained deacon

1894    ordained elder


Interment: Milford Cemetery, Milford NY

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1949, 214

1888-89  Portlandville
1889-90  Westville
1890-91  West Nicholson
1891-94  Laurens and Oneonta Plains
1894-98  Sherburne
1898-02  Greene

1902-07           Milford

1907-12           Otego

1912-13           New Berlin NY

1913-16           Waverly PA

1916-24           Factoryville

1924-32           Otego

1932                retired

                            Plymouth (2 years)


Note: Willard H. Alger is the father of Frederick E. Alger.  A biographical sketch of Willard H. Alger appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 271.




Born: 12-20-1838  Newark Valley NY                      married: Roxanna Richards

Died: 12-19-1916  Flemingville NY                          obit: Wyoming Conference 1885, 60

                                                                                    married2: Bertha D. Dunn

1870    exhorter’s license                                            obit2: Wyoming Conference 1921, 112

1871    local preacher’s license

1874    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1875    ordained deacon

1878    ordained elder


Interment: Flemingville Cemetery, Flemingville NY

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1917, 120


1872-73           Litchfield

1873-75           Campville

1875-78           North Barton

1878-80           North Tioga

1880-83           Windham

1883-84           Hale's Eddy

1884-85           Beach Pond

1885-86           Oregon [Carley Brook]

1886-87           Oregon [Carley Brook] and Rileyville

1887-90           North Abington

1890-92           Center Moreland

1892-95           Danby

1895-96           Apalachin

1896                retired


Note: A biographical sketch of John R. Allen appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 272.




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:


1996    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1999    ordained deacon





1996-01           Worcester

2001-07           New Milford

2007-10           Windsor

2010                charter member of Upper New York Conference

2010-20           Binghamton Ogden-Hillcrest




Born: 8-21-1944                                                          married: Jane Anne _____

Died:                                                                           obit: [1/1/1947- 7/1/1967]

                                                                                    married2: Kathy Sue _____ [6/20/1982]

1971    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference        obit2: [3/1/1952 – ]

1974    ordained elder                                                 married3: Darlis _____





1971-73           student

1973-78           Cooperstown (ending 4/1978)

1978-80           Waymart (beginning 4/1978)

1980-88           Castle Creek

1988-93           Oxford

1993-02           Greentown Hemlock Grove

2002-07           Lynchburg VA Monroe, Virginia Conference

2007                retired

                            2010            charter member of Upper New York Conference


Note: Robert D. Allen is the son of Robert R. Allen.




Born: 9-13-1911  Laflin PA                                       married: Jessie M. Havens

Died: 10-5-2000  Binghamton NY                             obit: Wyoming Conference 2002, 203


1970    ordained deacon


Interment: Riverhurst Cemetery, Endwell NY

Obit: Wyoming Conference 2001, 187


1956-83  West Chenango (beginning 12/1956 and ending 12/31/1983)

1983                       retired (beginning 12/31/1983)


Note: Robert R. Allen is the father of Robert D. Allen.  He served as a local preacher.




Born:                                                                                                  married: Emil Allgeier

Died:                                                                                                  obit: Susquehanna Conference 2018, 263


2009       license




2009-10  Providence

2010                       transfer to Susquehanna Conference bt boundary change

2010-11  Providence

2011-20  White Mills (ending 12/21/2019)

2020                       retired





Born: 1-27-1911  Brooklyn NY                                         married: Margaret Cole

Died: 9-16-2002  Grand Junction CO                                obit: [1/19/06 - ]


1956    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1956    ordained deacon

1959    ordained elder


Interment: Memorial Gardens, Grand Junction CO

Obit: Wyoming Conference 2003, 201


1955-58           student, Drew Theological Seminary

                             1955-58      Damascus

1958-61           Lake Ariel – Hamlin

1961-69           Cooperstown

1969-81           Apalachin

1981                retired

                            1983-87       Flemingville




Born:                                                                           married: Kadiatu _____

Died:                                                                           obit:


2007    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference





2005-09           Mount Upton

2009-10           Plains

                             2009-10      Wilkes-Barre Bennett -Derr

2010                transfer to Susquehanna Conference by boundary change

2010-19           Plains

                             2010-11      Wilkes-Barre Bennett-Derr

                             2011-15      Wilkes-Barre Centrral

2019-20           State College Bethune – Park Forest

2020-23           superintendent, Williamsport District





Born: 1-11-1889  Pectono PA                                    married: Florence Louisa Hooper

Died: 4-20-1984                                                          obit: Southern New Jersey Conf. 1980, 200


1938    ordained, Eastern Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church


Interment: Olivet Cemetery, Pittsgrove NJ

Obit: Southern New Jersey Conference 1985, 209


1918-23           Carley Brook

1923-32           Clifford (ending 11/15/1932)

1932                “transfer” to Eastern Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church (1933, 73)

1932-37           Hollisterville circuit: East Sterling, Hollisterville, Mt. Cobb and Cortez

1937-40           Point Erial NJ

1940                transfer by denominational merger to Southern New Jersey Conference

1940-49           Manahawkin and Cedar Run

1949-56           Centerton Circuit

1956-59           Alloway

1959                retired


Note: George E. Ammerman served as a local preacher in the Wyoming Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church and the Eastern Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church until 1938 (page 40), when he was ordained and granted full membership.  Mrs. Ammerman was the daughter of Thomas H. Hooper (1861-1935) of the Eastern Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church.  She had a brother and two brothers-in-law who were preachers in the Methodist Protestant Church and became Methodists in the 1939 denominational union: Thomas Leroy Hooper (1894-1975) of the West Virginia Conference, Stephen F. Sliker (1884-1958) [married to her sister Leona] of the New Jersey Conference, and George H. Naylor (1898-1966) [married to her sister Myrtle] of the Southern New Jersey Conference.




Born: 6-10-1876                                                          married: Carrie Julia Garrabrant

Died: 2-2-1936                                                            obit: Newark Conference 1955, 149


1895    admitted on trial

1896    ordained local deacon

1899    ordained elder



Obit: Newark Conference 1936, 451


1895-96           student

1896-97           Choconut Centre

1897-00           New Berlin

1900-01           Kirkwood

1901                transfer to Newark Conference




Born: 1867                                                                  married: Lillian Underwood [1895]

Died: 5-9-1930                                                            obit: [12/7/1873 - 1957]


1894    license to exhort, Wyoming Conference

1896    license to preach, Wyoming Conference

1902    ordained local deacon, Central New York Conference

1903    admitted on trial

1906    ordained elder


Interment: McGraw Rural Cemetery, McGraw NY



1897-98           Beaver Meadow NY

1898-99           Edmeston

1899-00           Burlington Flats

1900                “transfer” to Central New York Conference

1900-03           Freetown

1903-04           Scott

1904-10           Virgil (moved to Newfield before the end of the conference year)

1910-13           Newfield

1917                withdrew

1922                reinstated

1922-23           Enfield and Kennedy’s

1923                located


Note: A.S. Anderson served as a local preacher




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:







2009-10           Franklin Forks

2010                charter member of Upper New York Conference

2010-11           Franklin Forks, Susquehanna Conference

2011-14           Rochester Seneca

2014-15           Spencerport – Adams Basin

2015-20           Syracuse UM Ministries




Born: 7-19-1945                                                          married: Gail O’Day [8/8/1970]

Died:                                                                           obit: [6/26/1949 – ]

                                                                                    married2: Susan _____

1968    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference        obit2:

1968    ordained deacon

1971    ordained elder





1968-71           student

1971-75           associate, Endicott Central

1875-83           Clarks Green

1883-89           Wilkes-Barre First

1889-90           sabbatical

1990-93           Castle Creek (ending 12/31/1992)

1993-95           Carbondale (beginning 1/1/1993)

1995-05           Athens

2005-07           Clarks Summit

2007                retired

                            2010  transfer to Susquehanna Conference by boundary change




Born: 12-8-1873  Belle Center OH                            married: Nellie Josephine Sharpe [8/14/1912]

Died:                                                                           obit:


1899    admitted on trial, Central Ohio Conference

?          ordained deacon

?          ordained elder





1899-03           Lima Epworth

1903                transfer to Troy Conference

1903-09           Troy State Street

1909                transfer to St. Louis Conference

1909-12           St. Louis Union

1912                transfer to Wyoming Conference

1912-15           Scranton Elm Park (ending 2/1915)

1915-17           conference evangelist (beginning 2/1915)

1917                transfer to West Ohio Conference


supply pastor, Erie Conference

1946-50           Titusville: Bethel/White Oak


Note: George Woodmansee Anderson is the proper given name.  He received an AB (1898) and MA (1899) from Ohio Wesleyan University and was a noted traveler and lecturer.  While at Elm Park, George W. Anderson took extended leaves to preach in evangelist campaigns.  In February 1915 (see 1915 journal, page 72), he led a campaign at Plymouth PA that resulted in over 3,000 converts.  He led successful evangelistic campaigns into the 1930’s and is reported to be the author of several books [Chosen Words: for Personal Workers and Young Christians (1916), Problem or Opportunity? Which Is It the Church Is Now Facing (1919), Unfinished Rainbows and Other Essays (1925), etc.] and of the gospel hymn “The World is Confused – But not Lost.”  Mrs. Anderson compiled gospel songbooks [Songs of the New Crusade (1927)] and provided musical support for her husband’s evangelistic crusades.




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:







2003-05           Upper Butternut – Wharton Valley

2005-10           Plymouth NY

2010                charter “member” of Upper New York Conbference

2010-11           Plymouth – North Norwich – Preston

2011                retired

                             2013-16      Leonardsville

                             2016-19      New Berlin

                                                     2018-19      West Exeter


Note: Richard Anderson served as a local preacher.




Born: 7-1-1927  Litchfield PA                                   married: Ruth J. Allen

Died: 9-30-2014  Binghamton NY                             obit: [45/1927 – ]


1944    license

1948    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1948    ordained deacon

1950    ordained elder


Interment: South Montrose PA

Obit: Upper New York Conference 2015, 593


1947-48           Tobyhanna, Eastern Pennsylvania Conference

1948-49           student

1949-51           Center Moreland

1951-54           Montdale

1954-57           Great Bend – Hallstead

1957-61           Vestal Center

1961-66           Niommonsburg

1966-69           Milford

1969-70           sabbatical

1970                retired

                            1999-01  chaplain, Elizabeth Church Manor (ending 9/1/2001)

                            2010       charter member of Upper New York Conference


Note: Arthur H. Andrews is the son of Clarence L. Andrews.  Some records give this name as H. ARTHUR ANDREWS.




Born: 1-16-1902  Broome County NY                       married: Gertrude Fairbanks White

Died: 9-23-1968  Heart Lake PA                               obit: Wyoming Conference 2009, 223


1930    admitted on trial

1932    ordained deacon

1934    ordained elder



Interment: South Montrose Cemetery, South Montrose PA

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1969, 249


1927-30           Litchfield

1930-32           Castle Creek

1932-38           Camptown

1938-41           West Nanticoke

1941-43           Wyoming

1943-46           Montrose

1946-49           Cooperstown

1949-51           Mountaintop

1951-57           Duryea

1957-60           Providence

1960-65           Luzerne

1965-67           Oxford

1967                retired


Note: Clarence L. Andrews is the father of Arthur H. Andrews.




Born: 9-30-1840  Salem PA                                       married: Mrs. Maria Westfall
Died: 7-12-1879  Franklin Forks PA                          obit: Wyoming Conference 1913, 120


1863    quarterly conference license, Beach Pond

1873    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1876    ordained deacon

1878    ordained elder

Interment: Salem Cemetery, Hamlin PA
Obit: Wyoming Conference 1880, 34


1864-67           student, Wyoming Seminary

1867-68           Herrick Center

1868-69           located

1869-70           Oregon

1870-73           Lackawaxen

1873-75           Pleasant Valley

1875-76           Osborne Hollow

1876-78           Triangle

1878-79           Union Center

1879                located


Note: A brief biography of George Clinton Andrews appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 148.  Mrs. Andrews is the widow of local preacher John Westfall.




Born: 7-22-1915  Kingston PA                                  married: Elizabeth E. Kneeland

Died: 4-8-1999  Fitchburg MA                                  obit: [9/12/1914 – 8/24/2015]


1940    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference


Interment: Center Cemetery, Sheffield MA



1940-42           student

1942                discontinued

                        (denomination unknown – probably Congregational [UCC])






                        chaplain, US Army and Air Force








Note: Howard A. Andrews graduated from Haverford College (1937) in Haverford PA and Andover-Newton Theological Seminary in Newton Centre MA.




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:







2007-10           East Berkshire – Jenksville

2010                charter member of Upper New York Conference

2010-16           East Berkshire – Jenksville

                             2011-13      Berkshire First

2916                retired






Born: 9-17-1877  West Exeter NY                             married: Bertha A. Darling

Died: 12-1-1952  Waverly NY                                   obit: Wyoming Conference 1959, 1180


1903    admitted on trial, Northern New York Conference


Interment: Salisbury Center NY

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1953, 1455


1903-04           Salisburg Centre

1904-07           Hammond

1907-08           Trenton

1908-11           Rock River

1911                transfer to Austin Conference

1911-12           Dallas TX Mallalieu

1912                transfer to Wyoming Conference

1912-16           Great Bend – Hallstead

1916-22           Athens

1922-26           Endicott Central

1926-29           Carbondale

1929-35           superintendent, Oneonta District

1935-39           Carbondale

1939-43           Newark Valley

1943                retired




Born: 2-19-1830  Morris NY                                     married: Mary S. Thompson

Died: 3-24-1908  Athens PA                                      obit: Wyoming Conference 1907, 116


1855    exhorter’s license

1856    local preacher’s license

1858    admitted on trial, Oneida Conference


Interment: Tioga Point Cemetery, Athens PA

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1908, 127


1858-60           McDonough

1860-62           Preston

1862-64           New Berlin NY

1864-66           Mount Upton

1866-69           on leave

1867-70           Afton

1869                transfer to Wyoming Conference by boundary change

1869-70           Afton

1870-72           Windsor

1872-73           Thompson

1873-75           North Barton

1875-76           Ellistown

1876-84           on leave

1884                retired


Note: A biographical sketch of William W. Andrews appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 273.




Born: 8-9-1922                                                            married: Marilyn Ann Vall

Died: 7-17-2000                                                          obit: [5/23/1928 – 9/9/2012]


1952    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1953    ordained deacon

1954    ordained elder


Interment: Fort Snelling National Cemetery, Minneapolis MN

Obit: Minnesota Conference 2001, 245


1951-54           Clifford

1954                transfer to Minnesota Conference

1954-59           Atwater – Rosendale

1959-63           Slayton – Lake Wilson

1963-70           Dodge Center

1970-74           Hastings

1974-77           Olivia Emanuel – Osceola

1977-82           Aitkin Pine Lake

1982-83           Pinelake

1983-87           Long Prairie

1987                retired


Note: Marvin Andros served Clifford while a seminary student at Drew in Madison NJ.




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:


1875    ordained local deacon





Note:  There are records of E.F. Andrus presiding at weddings in Chenango Bridge NY from 1872 to 1877.  There was also a different contemporary local preacher Erastus Andrus (1837-1889) in Broome NY




Born: 6-5-1830  Philadelphia PA                               married: Mary H. Stone
Died: 2-11-1898  Maine NY                                      obit: Wyoming Conference 1915, 100


1871    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference       

1873    ordained deacon

1875    ordained elder

Interment:  Valley Home Cemetery, Windham PA
Obit: Wyoming Conference 1898, 91


1871-72           Herrick Center

1872-75           Damascus

1875-77           Windham

1877-80           Le Raysville

1880-83           Camptown

1883-86           Meshoppen

1886-89           Newton

1889-91           Lackawanna

1891-93           Nicholson

1893-95           Dalton

1895-97           Vestal

1897-98           Maine


Note: A brief biography of Joseph R. Angel appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 149.




Born: 10-19-1876                                                        married:

Died: 4-25-1957                                                          obit:


1910    received, Presbyterian Church



Obit: New York East Conference 1957,775


                        Rock River Conference

1916                transfer to Wyoming Conference

1916                Scranton Italian Mission (ending 11/30/1916)

1916-17                       New York City (beginning 12/1/1917)

1917                transfer to New York Conference


Note: Pio Armati served as a Presbyterian preacher in New Jersey and New York before joining the Methodists.




Born: 5-13-1877 Schenectady NY                             married: Elda Coons

Died: 11-22-1936  Johnson City NY                          obit: [12/12/1881 – 1/1/1947]


1913    admitted on trial

1915    ordained deacon


Interment: Middlebury NY

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1937, 144


1913-16           Heart Lake

1916-18           Chenango Bridge

1918-20           Ogden

1920-21           supervisor, Children’s Home farm

1921-22           Ogden

1922-23           Ouaquaga

1923-24           Great Bend

1924-26           Apalachin – Little Meadows

1926-28           associate, Endicott First

1928-29           Unadilla

1929-30           Endicott St. Paul’s

1930-33           Philanthropic Finance Inc.

1933-35           Choconut Center – Westover

1935                retired


Note: Mrs. Armlin is credited in General Board of Pensions records for serving in the ministry with her husband for six years, 1913-19.




Born: 2-3-1837  Albany NY                                       married: Nettie Raymond

Died: 1-16-1915                                                          obit: Michigan Conference 1916, 98


1876    exhorter’s license

1876    local preacher’s license

1877    admitted on trial, Michigan Conference

1879    ordained deacon, Michigan Conference

1881    ordained elder, Michigan Conference


Interment: Mountain Home Cemetery, Kalamazoo MI

Obit: Michigan Conference 1915, 587


1876-79           Byron Center

1879-81           Sparta

1881-83           Grand Haven

1883-86           Bloomingdale

1886-89           Mendon

1889-91           Kalamazoo

1891-94           St. Joseph

1894-96           Union City

1896                transfer to Wyoming Conference

1896-01           Forty Fort

1901-04           Marathon

1904                transfer to Michigan Conference, page 71


Note: A biographical sketch of Edmund V. Armstrong appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 273.




Born: 10-12-1856  Nicholson PA                               married: Eliza Jane Louisa Crow [3/19/1880]

Died: 12-19-1934  Owego NY                                   obit: [12/2/1863 – 3/28/1925]

                                                                                    married2: Mrs. Laura Phillips [1/30/1927]

1892    license                                                             obit2: [d. 5/5/1934]

1896    ordained local deacon


Interment: Evergreen Cemetery, Owego NY

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1935, 639


1892-94           Rome

1894-99           North Tioga

1902-03           Campville


                        South Danby

1904-05           Hale’s Eddy (ending 5/1905)

1914-15           Little Meadows

1915-18           Flemingville

1918-20           Barton (ending 11/1920)


1921-22           Danby – South Danby


1925-26           Hickory Gove



Note: Oliver H.P. Armstrong served as a local elder and hence his service record is not well-documented.  He is reported to have served in that capacity in the New York Conference for ten years.  The second Mrs. Armstrong is believed to be Laura C. Bower Phillips Armstrong (1858-1934), buried in Caroline NY and the widow of a Mr. Joseph D. Phillips (1861-1919).




Born: 10-24-1829  Warren Center PA                       married: Josephine Whitaker

Died: 9-20-1898  Binghamton NY                             obit: [8/29/1834 – 1/15/1916]


1864    admitted on trial, recommended by Auburn

1866    ordained deacon


Interment: Floral Park Cemetery, Johnson City NY



1864-65           Auburn

1865-66           Skinner’s Eddy


1872-73           Gibson


1874-75           Newton

1875                located

                            1893            Odessa


Note: Andrew J. Arnold is a brother of Calvin V. Arnold.  A wagon maker and farmer, he lived his final 24 year in Binghamton NY, where he was an earnest worker in the High Street Church.  Find-A-Grave gives a good photograph.




Born: 11-11-1822  Warren Center PA                       married: Content B. Buffington
Died: 7-25-1900  Binghamton NY                             obit: Wyoming Conference 1896, 102

                                                                                    married2: Mrs. Nancy Tingley

1839    exhorter’s license                                            obit2: [1825 – 1904]

1844    license

1848    admitted on trial, Oneida Conference

1854    ordained elder            

Interment: Spring Forest Cemetery, Binghamton NY
Obit: Wyoming Conference 1901, 99


1848-49           Windsor
1849-50           Conklin
1850-52           Lanesboro

1852                charter member of Wyoming Conference
1852-53           Vestal
1853-55           Salem
1855-57           Mount Pleasant
1857-58           Sanford
1858-59           located
1859-60           Shepherd’s Creek
1860-62           Candor
1862-64           Newark
1864-66           Hawley
1866-68           Mount Pleasant
1868-69           Nicholson
1869-70           Brooklyn        
1870-73           Hawleyton
1873-76           Castle Creek
1876-77           New Milford
1877-80           Maine
1880-81           Vestal
1881-83           Kirkwood
1883-86           McDonough
1886-88           Gilbertsville
1888-91           Osborne Hollow and Port Crane

1891-93           Westford

1893                retired


Note: Calvin V. Arnold is a brother of Andrew J. Arnold and the grandfather of William B. Arnold.  A brief biography of Calvin V. Arnold appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 150.




Born: 7-20-1885  New York NY                                married: Annette K. Henwood

Died: 11-11-1965  Niagara Falls NY                         obit: Genesee Conference 1942, 462


1909    license

1911    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1914    ordained deacon



Obit: Western New York Conference 1966, 819


1909-10           Foster

1910-12           Lackawaxen

1912-16           Skinner’s Eddy

1916-20           Mehoopany

1920-22           on leave

1922                transfer to Genesee Conference

1920-22           Cameron

1922-24           Lawrenceville

1924-26           Hammondsport

1926-30           Sanborn and Pekin

1930-37           Buffalo South Park and Lackawanna

1937-39           Stephen’s Mills Parish

1939-43           Holland, Protection and Colden

1943-44           Castile

1944-48           Ellicottville

                             1944-45      East Otto

                             1945-48      West Valley

1948-50           on leave

1950                retired


Note: William B. Arnold is the grandson of Calvin V. Arnold.




Born: 3-3-1908  Yonkers NY                                     married: Emma J. Fox

Died: 4-15-1974                                                          obit:


1947    license, Baptist Church

1960    ordained, Baptist Church



Obit: Wyoming Conference 1974, 284


1947-60           part-time pulpit supply and inner-city ministry in NYC

1960-65           Georgetown

1965-66           Sherburne Village Baptist Church

1966                “transfer” to Wyoming Conference of the Methodist Church

1966-72           Westover

1972-74           Center Moreland


Note: Roy V.W. Ashmall is the father of Rev. Donald H. Ashmall of the International Council of Community Churches.  Following the death of Roy, Mrs. Ashmall married William B. Gritman.




Born: 4-28-1925  Lackawanna County PA                married: Carolyn M. Katilus

Died: 3-28-2005                                                          obit:


1950    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1953    ordained, Episcopal Church


Interment: Morningside Cemetery, DuBois PA



1950-52           student, Temple University in Philadelphia PA

1952                discontinued, page 956


Note: Albert A. Attenborough served Episcopal churches in Pennsylvania and New Jersey before serving for 27 years as chaplain and team leader in New York state at the Rockland Psychiatric Center.  His 1961 Temple University STD thesis is titled “A Comparison of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola with Modern Psychiatry.”




Born: 8-24-1918  Sayre PA                                        married: Dorothy Mae Barnhart

Died: 9-21-2008  Brunswick ME                               obit: [5/16/1924 – ]


1950    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1951    ordained deacon, Northern New Jersey Conference

1952    ordained elder, Northern New Jersey Conference


Interment: St. Johns Cemetery, St. Johns PA

Obit: Wyoming Conference 2009, 224


1945-49           student, Colgate University in Syracuse NY

                            1946-48       Preston

                            1948-49       McDonough

1949-50           student, Union Theological Seminary

1950                transfer to Northern New Jersey Conference

1950-51           student, Union Theological Seminary

1951-53           East Rutherford – Carlton

1953-58           Leonia

1958                transfer to Southern New England Conference

1958-61           Pittsfield First

1961                transfer to Northern New Jersey Conference

1961-69           dean of students, Union Seminary

1969-72           dean, Drew University

1972-80           bishop, Philadelphia Area

1980-88           bishop, Pittsburgh Area

1988                retired


Note: James Ault also severed as interim bishop in the Albany Area.




Born: 11-9-1864  Brookfield NY                               married: Frances B. Sprague

Died: 7-18-1933  Leonardsville NY                           obit: Wyoming Conference 1936, 855


1894    local preacher’s license

1898    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1898    ordained deacon

1900    ordained elder


Interment: West Edmeston NY

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1934, 390


1898-01           Union Center

1901-03           Foster

1903-10           Chenango Bridge

1910-16           Oxford (began in mid year: 1910, 55)

1916-18           Uniondale

1918-20           leave of absence

1920-22           Whitney’s Point

1922-25           Kirkwood

1925                retired


Note: A biographical sketch of Andrew O. Austin appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 274.




Born: 8-28-1828  Luzerne County PA                       married: Barbara Benscoter
Died: 3-15-1883  near Muhlenburg PA                      obit: Wyoming Conference 1900, 118


1854    exhorter’s license

1857    quarterly conference license  

1865    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference, recommended by Lackawanna

1867    ordained deacon

1869    ordained elder

Interment: Benscoter Cemetery, Muhlenburg PA
Obit: Wyoming Conference 1883, 47


1865-66           Lackawanna

1867-69           Northmoreland

1869-72           Newton

1872-75           Lehman

1875-78           Carverton

1878-80           Northmoreland

1880                retired


Note: Isaac Austin is an uncle to John R. Austin.  A brief biography of Isaac Austin appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 151.




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:







2003-07           Litchfield

2007-10           Litchfield and Lounsberry

2010                charter member of Upper New York Conference

2010-16           Litchfield and Lounsberry

2016                retired

                             2016-20      Litchfield and Lounsberry





Born: 2-1-1873  Muhlenberg PA                                married: Phene VanBuren

Died: 8-29-1957                                                          obit: Wyoming Conference 1984, 206


1894    exhorter’s license

1895    local preacher’s license

1901    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1903    ordained deacon

1905    ordained elder


Interment: Lakeview Cemetery, Ithaca NY

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1958, 874


1899-01           Scranton Ash Street and Nay Aug

1901-03           Scranton Ash Street

1903-05           Laurens

1905-07           Oakland

1907-08           Maple Grove

1908-10           Center Moreland

1910-13           Lehman

1913-15           Wilkes-Barre Bennett Memorial

1915-17           Wilkes-Barre Firwood

1917-22           Trucksville

1922-23           Dalton

1923-24           Newton

1924-27           Binghamton Oak Street

1927-29           Whitney Point

1929-30           Hawley – White Mills

1930-34           Thompson

1934-38           Hopbottom

1938                retired


Note: John R. Austin is a nephew to Isaac Austin.  A biographical sketch of John R. Austin appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 274.




Born: 7-19-1876  Oxford NY                                     married: Mabel Mae Lewis

Died: 8-6-1961                                                            obit: Wyoming Conference 1941, 164

                                                                                    married2: Mrs. Linn A. Maples

1908    license                                                             obit2: Wyoming Conference1950, 542

1909    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1911    ordained deacon


Interment: Milford Cemetery, Milford NY

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1962, 220


1908-10           Decatur

1910-14           Harpursville – Nineveh

1914-17           Laurens – Oneonta Plains

1917-18           Wells Bridge

1918-22           Edmeston

1922-27           Sherburne

1927-29           Windsor

1929-35           Milford

1935-37           New Berlin NY

1937-40           Hartwick

1940                retired


Note: The second Mrs. Austin was born Anna Blanch Smith.




Born: 1847  South Danby NY                                    married: Martha Long

Died: 4-23-1914                                                          obit: Wyoming Conference 1936, 856


1870    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1872    ordained deacon

1874    ordained elder


Interment: Hopfer Cemetery, Wallsville PA

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1914, 111


1870-71           Scranton Hyde Park

1871-73           North Abington

1873-75           Clark's Green

1875-77           Moscow

1877-80           Nicholson

1880-83           Union

1883-85           Waverly and Clark's Green

1885-88           Dallas

1888-90           Parsons

1890-91           on leave

1891-96           Glenwood

1896-97           Wallsville

1897-98           on leave

1898-99           chaplain, Hillside Home

1899                retired

                             1910-13      North Sanford


Note: A biographical sketch of Samuel J. Austin appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 271.




Born: 7-28-1819  Groton CT                                      married: Mary Ann Avery [4/16/1844]

Died: 9-4-1891  Scott County AR                              obit: [9/11/1801 – 4/14/1867]

                                                                                    married2: Lucy Ann Wagner [1/1/1868]

1852    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference        obit2: [10/1/1844 - ?]

1855    ordained deacon, Genesee Conference

1857    ordained elder, Genesee Conference





1852-53           Broome

1853-54           Vestal

1854-55           Flemingville NY

1855-56           Colly (Sullivan County PA)

1856                transfer to East Genesee Conference

1856-58           Loyalsock

1858-60           Canton

1860                located


Note: Henry T. Avery moved to Iowa, where there is no record that he served as a pastor.




Born: 3-15-1882                                                          married: Mary E. Passage

Died: 7-21-1953  Sayre PA                                        obit: Wyoming Conference 1969, 253


1928    license

1941    ordained local elder


Interment: Lockwood Cemetery, Barton NY

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1954, 1756


1928-30           Maple Lake

1930-34           West Nicholson

1934-36           (not appointed)

1936-45           Lockwood (started during the 1935-36 conference year)

1945-46           (not appointed)

1946-50           Plymouth NY

1950                retired


Note: Orlu D. Avery is the father of Ruth Bertha Avery Kellerman, wife of Robert P. Kellerman.  He served as a local preacher.





Born: 6-14-1896  Romulus NY                                         married: Pearl Murnan (2/26/1920)

Died: 12-19-1988  Kenosha WI                                         obit: Western New York Conference 1976, 241


1921       license

1924       admitted on trial, Genesee Conference

1928       ordained deacon, Genesee Conference


Interment: Prospect Hill Cemetery, Perry Center NY

Obit: Western New York Conference 1989, 340


1924-27  Greigsville – Covington

1927-33  Springville

                                    1927-30            Collins Center

                                    1930-33            Boston

1933-39  Wayland

1939-41  Hornell East Avenue – Almond

1941-47  Medina

1947                       withdrew

1948                       reinstated

1948-50  Westfield – North Fork – Cowanesque

1950-52  Mt. Morris

1952-55  Caton – South Corning

1955-60  Buffalo Summer Place – Lovejoy

                                    1959-60            St. Andrew

1960-61  Corning Bethany – Coopers Plains

1961                       retired




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:







2009-10           Whittemore Hill


Note: Allyson Aylesworth served as a local preacher.





Born: 7-26-1847  Decatur NY                                    married: Emily K. Sperry

Died: 2-1-1922  Los Angeles CA                               obit: [10/25/1847 - ]


1873    admitted on trial, Western New York Conference

1885    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1887    ordained deacon

1889    ordained elder


Interment: Angelus Rosedale Cemetery, Los Angeles CA



1873-74           Centerville

1874-75           Centerville and Eagle

1875-76           Andover

1876                charter member of East Genesee Conference; discontinued

                        supply work in the Wyoming Conference

1882-83           Portlandville and Junction

1883-84           Preston

1884-86           Edmeston

1886-88           Choconut Center

1888-91           McDonough

1891-95           Middlefield

1895-96           Wells Bridge

1896-99           New Milford (did not finish third year; see 1899,27)

1899-01           on leave

1901                located

1908                moved to California, where he served as a supply


                        Del Rosa First


Note: Charles W. Babcock (and Emily) has a monument/gravesite in Maple Grove Cemetery, Worcester NY, inscribed with their birthdates, that they purchased but never used.




Born: 5-4-1877  Huntingdon, England                       married: Lillian Deamer

Died: 11-20-1965  Binghamton NY                           obit: Wyoming Conference 1948, 1019

                                                                                    married2: Ethel Jane Arnold

                                                                                    obit2: Wyoming Conference 1978, 232

?          admitted on trial, Wesleyan Connexion of British Methodism

1907    admitted on trial, Virginia Conference


Interment: Chenango Valley Cemetery, Binghamton

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1966, 254


1906-07           Change Islands, Newfoundland

1907                “transfer” to West Virginia Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church

1907-08           Barrackville

1908-09           Bomont

1909-10           Pine Grove

1910-13           Ripley

1913-16           Hartford

1916-17           Point Pleasant

1917-20           Sutton

1920-21           Rowlesburg

1921-22           sabbatical

1922-23           Bellington

1923-24           on leave

1924                transfer to Wyoming Conference (see 1925,82)

1924-26           Smyrna

1926-28           Mill City

1928-29           Maple Grove

1929-30           Scranton Bradley Memorial

1930-31           Hamlin

1931-33           Hop Bottom – Brooklyn

1933-36           Berkshire

1936-40           Sidney Center

1940-42           Sanitaria Springs

1942                retired

                             1949-51      Evans Falls




Born: 11-30-1868  Chinchilla PA                              married: Addie M. Tingley

Died: 2-10-1941                                                          obit: Wyoming Conference 1916, 117

                                                                                    married2: Kathryn Ace

1890    local preacher’s license                                   obit2: Wyoming Conference 1969, 254
1894    ordained local deacon

1897    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference; recommended by Waverly PA

1899    ordained deacon


Interment: Sunnyside Cemetery, Tunkhannock PA

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1941, 152


1897-99           Centermoreland

1899-02           Moosic

1902                transfer to Colorado Conference

1902-03           Denver Merritt Memorial

1903                transfer to Wyoming Conference

1903-05           Askam

1905-06           Scranton St. Paul’s

1906-08           associate, Scranton Elm Park

1908-12           Plains

1912-14           Endicott

1914-17           Nicholson

1917-18           Taylor

1918-20           Wilkes-Barre Derr Memorial

1920-25           Luzerne

1925-29           Dallas

1929-31           Moscow

1931-36           Carverton

1936                retired


Note: A biographical sketch of Judson N. Bailey appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 275.  General Board of Pensions records list the date of death as 2/13/1941.




Born: 7-29-1829  Thompson CT                                married: Carrie M. _____

Died: 3-8-1904                                                            obit: [1832 – 10/10/1886]


1859    admitted on trial, New Hampshire Conference


Interment: Evergreen Cemetery, Berwick ME








Great Falls

East Salisbury

1873-75           Claremont

1875-76           Portsmouth

1876-78           Lancaster

1878-79           Tilton

1879-81           Sanbornton

1881-82           on leave

1882-84           Hopkinton

1884-85           on leave

1885                transfer to Wyoming Conference

1885-86           Lehman

1886                transfer to New Hampshire Conference

1886-87           ?

1887                withdrew

                        joined the Congregational Church

1888-89           Ossipee

1889-92           Beechwood

1892-93           ?

1893-01           Wells Beach

1901-02           ?

1902-04           South Killingly




Born: c1860  NY                                                        married: Anna Harned [10/24/1883]
Died: 1-4-1891  Castle Creek NY                              obit: [11/1863 – 9/1892]


Interment: Mt. Vision NY
Obit: [Wyoming Conference 1891, 15]


1890-91           Castle Creek (9/1890-1/1891)


Note: Volney A. Bailey appears to have been a local preacher, but is otherwise unknown.  He served Castle Creek as reported in the 1891 journal, page 15.  Mrs. Bailey was a daughter of Henderson G. Harned.




Born: 5-1-1861  Summit NY                                      married:
Died: 4-7-1890  Union Center NY                             obit:


1881    exhorter’s license       
1884    quarterly conference license

1886    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1888    ordained deacon


Interment: Upper East Worcester Cemetery, Union Center NY
Obit: Wyoming Conference 1891, 78


1886-88           Harford

1888-90           Union Center


Note: A brief biography of William H. Bailey appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 152.




Born: 5-?-1850  Monagham County, Ireland             married: Hattie Coe

Died: 6-2-1912                                                            obit: [d. 12/2/192]


1874    admitted on trial, Northern New York Conference


Interment: Southampton NY

Obit: New York East Conference 1913, 114


                        Middleville NY

1884                transfer to New York East Conference

                        Milford CT

                        New York City Willis Avenue

                        New Haven George Street

                        Sag Harbor and East Hampton

1901-02           Worcester, Wyoming Conference

1902                transfer to Wyoming Conference

1902-04           Worcester

1904-08           on leave

1908                transfer to New York East Conference

1909                on leave for health reasons


Note: Joseph Baird is the father of George Adelbert Baird (1884-1955) of the New York Conference.  A biographical sketch of Joseph Baird appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 276.




Born: 10-7-1903  Bainbridge NY                               married: Lillian E. Dufford

Died: 6-3-1969  Binghamton NY                               obit: Wyoming Conference 1984, 206


Interment: Warn-Ten Broeck Cemetery, Brisben NY

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1970, 247


1952-53           McDonough

1953-55           Preston – McDonough

1968-69           McDonough


Note: Charles F. Baker is the father of Richard Baker.  He served the above appointments in the Wyoming Conference as a local preacher.  He reportedly served 12 years in the Troy Conference and 16 years with the Reformed Methodist Church.  The “obituary” of Mrs. Baker is simply a belated announcement of her death; her dates are 1904-1981.




Born: 10-19-1925                                                        married: Diane Floyd

Died: 3-10-2013  Ridgefield CT                                 obit:

                                                                                    married2: Mrs. Edith Yake

1958    ordained, American Baptist Convention        obit2:


Interment: Congregational Church of Brookfield Memorial Garden, Brookfield Center CT                                                                       



                        Center Street Baptist, Jamaica Plain MA

                        First Congregational Church, Fryburg ME

1978-87           Maine Federated (Wyoming Conference)

1987-94           Ridgebury Congregational Church, Ridgefield CT

1994                retired

                             visitation pastor, Brookfield UCC


Note: Donald H. Baker served Maine Federated congregation in the Wyoming Conference as a pastor in the United Church of Christ.  He is the author of the 1962 book Psychology of Prayer and was a member of the Connecticut Conference UCC at the time of his death.




Born: 9-4-1935  Brooklyn PA                                    married: Ruth Yvonne Banker (1/23/1956)

Died:                                                                           obit: Susquehanna Conference 2019, 332


1961    local preacher’s license

1962    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1962    ordained deacon

1964    ordained elder





1961-64           Mehoopany (beginning 5/14/1961)

1965-69           Avoca

1969-72           associate, Binghamton Tabernacle

1972-86           Forty Fort

1986-93           Endicott Central

1993-00           superintendent, Wilkes-Barre District

2000                retired

                            2006  West Pittston (Feb – June)

                            2010  transfer to Susquehanna Conference by boundary change

                            2011  Mountaintop Christ (1/1/2011 to 6/30/211)




Born: 12-13-1936  Binghamton NY                           married: Marie Carolyn Pacey

Died: 10-1-2011                                                          obit: [6/24/1939 – 11/13/3004]


1969    license, Wyoming Conference

1970    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1972    ordained deacon, Western Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Glasgow PA



1969-71           Lake Como

1971                transfer to Western Pennsylvania Conference

1971-76           Glasgow Larger Parish

1976-79           Midway

1979-82           Grand Valley (ending 12/31/1981)

1982                Evans Memorial (1/1/1982 – 6/30/1982)

1982                Pittsfield (7/1/1982 – 12/31/1982)

1983                withdrew (1/1/1983)


Note: Richard Baker is the son of Charles F. Baker.  He was living in Van Ormer PA at the time of his death.




Born: 3-22-1853                                                          married: Jennie F. _____

Died: 1-3-1941                                                            obit: [1853 – 1939]


1874    exhorter’s license, Ortega

1875    local preacher’s license

1880    admitted on trial

1882    ordained deacon

1884    ordained elder


Interment: Weedsport Rural Cemetery, Weedsport NY

Obit: Michigan Conference 1941, 885


1880-81           North Norwich

1881-83           Willett

1883-84           Onaquaga

1884-86           Sanford

1886-89           Sidney Centre

1889                transfer to Central New York Conference

1889-92           East Canton PA




Born: 7-30-1839  Guilford NY                                   married: Stephen Livingston Baldwin

Died:  3-16-1861  at sea                                              obit: Newark Conference 1903, 95




Interment: “the cemetery on the west bank of the Cehnango,” Binghamton NY



1858-61           missionary, Foochow China


Note: Helen “Nellie” Baldwin is the daughter of Barlow Weld Gorham and the wife of Stephen Livingstone Baldwin (1835-1902) of the Newark Conference.




Born: 11-20-1814  Woodbury CT                              married: Thomasine Spry [5/21/1857]

Died: 11-26-1900  Dover NJ                                      obit: [6/14/1835 – 6/9/1885]


1855    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1858    ordained deacon





1855-56           Cherry Ridge

1856-57           Bethany

1857-58           Stoddartsville

1858                located


Note: Julius A. Baldwin received an MD from the University of Maryland in 1849 and practiced medicine full-time after leaving the ministry.




Born: 5-20-1814  Cape May NJ                                 married: Henrietta Ash

Died: 6-9-1890  Ocean Grove NJ                               obit: [1813 – 9/7/1846]

                                                                                    married2: Carolyn J. Orton

1839    admitted on trial, New York Conference       obit2: [7/6/1827 – 10/9/1894]

1843    ordained deacon

1845    ordained elder


Interment: Glen Falls Cemetery, Glen Falls NY

Obit: Troy Conference 1891, 97


1837-39           local preacher, New York Conference

1839-41           Westport

1841-42           Sugar Loaf

1842-43           West Point

1843-45           Pawlings

1845-46           Norfolk

Millersville MD



Saugerties circuit


1853                transfer to Providence Conference

1853-55           Portsmouth

1855-57           Woonsocket

1857-59           on leave

1859-60           Chesterton, Troy Conference

1860                “re-admitted” to Wyoming Conference as an elder

1860-62           Scranton

1862-64           on leave

1864                located

1864                “transfer” to Troy Conference

1864                transfer to Vermont Conference by boundary change

1864-65           Leicester

1865-66           Salisbury

1866-68           Bristol

1868-70           Vergennes

1870-71           Ferrisburg

1871                transfer to Troy Conference by boundary change

1871                Ferrisburg

1872-74           Stamford

1874-77           Troy Third Street

1877                retired


Note: While located 1857-59, George C. Bancroft edited a newspaper in Boston and did religious work with seamen.  He is the father of “Methodist deaconess leader” Jane Marie Bancroft Robinson (1847-1932).




Born: 1-31-1939                                                          married: Roger B. Bargainnier [6/26/1975]

Died:                                                                           obit: [6/29/1936 – ]





1984-1985       Lockwood (beginning 1/1/1984 and ending 10/6/1985)


Note: Dorothy A. Bargainnier served as a local preacher.  The family appears to have retired to the Ashville NC area.




Born: 9-17-1811  Kingston PA                                  married: Phoebe Williams
Died: 9-24-1886  Wyoming PA                                 obit:

                                                                                    married2: Phoebe Ann Brown

1836    admitted on trial, Oneida Conference             obit2: [d. 8/5/1883]

Interment: Forty Fort Cemetery, Forty Fort PA
Obit: Wyoming Conference 1887, 71


1836-37           Canaan

1837-38           Pittston

1838-40           Skinner’s Eddy

1840-42           Newfield

1842-43           Candor

1843-45           Binghamton

1845-47           Honesdale

1847-52           on leave for health reasons

1852                charter member of Wyoming Conference

1852-61           on leave

    1852-55       Bethany

    1855-56       Honesdale

    1856-61       Carbondale

1861                retired



Note: Abel G. Barker is a brother of Thomas B. Barker, and he is an uncle to Rev. William Morris Barker (1854-1901), a bishop in the Episcopal Church.  A brief biography of Abel Barker appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 153.




Born: 7-4-1876  Durhamville NY                              married: Laura Jane Marshall [8/5/1903]

Died: 2-2-1957  Seattle WA                                       obit: [4/16/1872 - ?]

                                                                                    married2: Edna Thiele

1897    exhorter’s license, Oneida                              obit2: [10/6/1886 – 5/22/1986]

1897    local preacher’s license

1900    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1901    ordained deacon

1903    ordained elder [see 1904, 34]


Interment: Lakeview Cemetery, Seattle WA



1896-99           student, Syracuse University

1899-01           Heart Lake

1901-04           North Norwich

1904-07           Davenport

1907-11           Wyalusing

1911-12           Falls

1912-13           Waverly PA

1913                withdrew, page 63

1914-15           Navarino, Central New York Conference

1915                “transfer” to Central New York Conference [see CNY Conference 1915, 59]

1915-16           Navarino

1916-17           East Syracuse

1917-20           superintendent, Anti-Saloon League

1920                located


Note: A biographical sketch of Elbert E. Barker appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 276.




Born: 4-24-1828  Kingston PA                                  married:

Died: 4-26-1898  Scranton PA                                   obit:


1855    admitted on trial, East Genesee Conference

1857    ordained deacon, East Genesee Conference


Interment: Forty Fort Cemetery, Forty Fort PA



1855-56           Tioga

1856-57           Covington

1857-58           Wellsboro

1858                located

                        “transfer” to Episcopal Church

        -64           assistant, Philadelphia PA Grace

1864-81           Lancaster PA St. John’s

1881-               Carbondale Trinity

1896                “transfer” to Wyoming Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church


Note: Thomas B. Barker is a brother to Abel G. Barker. Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference states he was “for many years a minister in the Protestant Episcopal Church, who within a few years before his death united with the Elm Park Church of Scranton, and whose orders were recognized by the Conference of 1896.”




Born: 11-22-1936                                                        married: Ray Foster Barnard

Died:                                                                           obit: Susquehanna Conference 2017, 278


1982    local preacher’s license

1993    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1993    ordained deacon





1982-84           Stevens Point (beginning 9/1982 and ending 10/1984)

1984-89           Hop Bottom (beginning 10/1984)

1989-98           Dalton

1998-03           Maine Federated

2003                retired

                            2010  transfer to Susquehanna Conference by boundary change




Born: 8-28-1807  Cobleskill NY                                married: Harriet N. Clagett
Died: 4-23-1886  Rome PA                                        obit: Wyoming Conference 1889, 84


1831    quarterly conference license, Sharon circuit
1845    ordained local deacon

1855    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1857    ordained elder


Interment: Bumptown Cemetery, Rome PA
Obit: Wyoming Conference 1887, 67


1852                “transfer” to Wyoming Conference by boundary change

1852-54           Litchfield

1854-55           LeRaysville

1855-56           Rome

1856-58           Dundaff and Glenwood

1858-60           Beach Pond

1860-62           Sanboro          

1862-63           Damascus

1863-65           Lanesboro

1865-67           Page Brook

1867-70           Harpursville

1870-73           Orwell

1873                retired


Note: Silas Barner is the father of Mary A. Barner Jewell, wife of Charles H. Jewell.  A brief biography of Silas Barner appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 133.




Born: 9-14-1834  Bradford County PA                      married: Sarah Elmina Woodruff

Died: 5-13-1919  Hop Bottom PA                             obit: Wyoming Conference 1930, 358


1857    exhorter’s license

1869    local preacher’s license, Wyalusing

1873    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1873    ordained deacon

1877    ordained elder


Interment: Evergreen Cemetery, Brooklyn PA

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1920, 111


1872-73           Wyalusing

1873-74           Nicholson

1874-76           Gibson and Harford

1876-79           Factoryville

1879-80           Orwell

1880-81           Mount Upton

1881-84           New Berlin NY

1884-87           Little Meadows

1887-90           Vestal

1890-91           Marathon

1891-93           Brooklyn

1893-95           Auburn

1895-98           Falls

1898-00           Lanesboro

1900-01           on leave

1901-03           Conference Evangelist

1903               retired


Note: Dayton C. Barnes is the son of Jeremiah C. Barnes and a brother to Newton W. Barnes.  A biographical sketch of Dayton C. Barnes appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 277.




Born: 11-10-1808  Granville MA                               married: Lucy Wickizer

Died: 9-18-1867  Herrickville PA                              obit: [9/4/1809 – 5/8/1889]



Interment: East Herrick Cemetery, East Herrick PA



1858-59           Wyalusing


Note: Jeremiah C. Barnes is the father of Dayton C. Barnes and Newton Barnes.  He served as an active local pastor.




Born: 9-7-1945                                                            married: Evalena P. Cure (9/23/1977)

Died:                                                                           obit: Susquehanna Conference 2022, 351


1974    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1974    ordained deacon

1977    ordained elder





1974-76           associate, Endwell

1976-78           Peckville

1978-80           Throop

1980-83           Nainbridge

1983-89           Sherburne

1989-93           Hawleyton

1993-00           Oxford

2000                Oneonta Elm Park (ending 10/2000)

2000-04           on leave (beginning 10/2000)

2004                retired

                            2010  transfer to Susquehanna Conference by boundary change





Born: 5-6-1848  East Herrick PA                               married: Mrs. Lois Lovina Fuller Vaughn

Died: 8-9-1922                                                            obit: [10/4/1848 – 1/2/1890]

                                                                                    married2: Gettie Wells

1877    local preacher’s license                                   obit2: Wyoming Conference 1915, 102

1886    ordained local deacon

1893    ordained local elder

1909    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference


Interment: Camptown Cemetery, Camptown PA

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1923, 131


                        Standing Stone

                        East Herrick

1884-87           Tioga Centre

1887-90           Apalachin

1890-91           Tioga Centre

1891-93           Flemingville

1893-96           Hornbrook

1896-99           Tioga Centre

1899-02           Rome

1902-03           Lockwood

1903-07           Orwell

1907-08           Barton

1908-11           Little Meadows

1911-12           Spencer

1912-15           Berkshire

1915-18           Choconut Center

1918-19           Kirkwood

1919-20           Little Meadows

1920-22           Flemingville

1922                Ogden


Note: Newton W. Barnes is the son of Jeremiah C. Barnes and a brother to Dayton C. Barnes.  He served as a local preacher for 25 years until admitted on trial as an itinerant in 1909; accordingly, some of his early service is not well-documented.  The first Mrs. Barnes (nee Fuller) was the widow of a Mr. Elwood L. Vaugh (1844-1872).




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:


2005    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

2009    ordained deacon





2005-06           student

2006-10           Morris

2010                charter member of Upper New York Conference





Born: 6-30-1930                                                          married: Audrey Marie Svendsen

Died: 4-4-1993                                                            obit: [1930 – 2008]


1954    admitted on trial, Minnesota Conference

1957    ordained deacon, Minnesota Conference


Interment: Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Maplewood MN

Obit: Minnesota Conference 1993, 236


1954-57           Skinners Eddy, Wyoming Conference

1957-               Rice Lake


Note: Emery G. Barrette served as a student local pastor while attending Drew Theological Seminary. He is described in Minnesota in 1966 as being a juvenile court chaplain.




Born: 9-2-1836 McDonough NY                               married: Maria Adelaide Hand [10/?/1860]

Died: 1-29-1908  McDonough NY                            obit: [1838 – 2/5/1862]

                                                                                    married2: Mrs. Eva DeEtta Lewis [1870]

1869    admitted on trial                                              obit2: [1836 – 12/17/1891]

1871    ordained deacon                                              married3: Mrs. Ellen Schwartz [9/14/1892]

1871    ordained elder


Interment: McDonough Village Union Cemetery, McDonough NY



1869-70           Preston           

1870-73           Triangle

1873-75           Clifford

1875-76           Decatur

1876-78           on leave, living in Decatur

1878-81           on leave, living in McDonough

1881                withdrew

                        entered the Baptist ministry

                        Meridian (2 years)

                        East Pharsalia (14 years)

1897                retired


Note: Alvin W. Barrows studied law before entering the ministry.




Born: 5-18-1819  London NH                                                married: Althea Hoadley

Died: 10-12-1891                                                        obit: Central New York Conference1886, 102


1848    exhorter’s license, Smithville

1850    local preacher’s license

1851    admitted on trial, Oneida Conference

1853    ordained deacon

1855    ordained elder


Interment: Ovid Cemetery, Ovid NY

Obit: Central New York Conference 1892, 106


1850-51           Hawleyton

1851-52           Brooklyn

1852                charter member of Wyoming Conference

1852-54           Dundaff

1854-55           Bethany

1855-57           Montrose

1857-59           Abington [Waverly]

1859-61           Lackawanna [Scranton]

1861-62           Great Bend

1862-64           Union

1864-65           Van Ettenville

1865                transfer to Central Ohio Conference

1865-66           Quincy

1866-67           Richwood

1867-69           Defiance

1860-71           Toledo Lagrange Street

1871-73           superintendent, East Toledo District

1873-75           Toledo Monroe Street

1875-76           Delta

1876-78           on leave

1878                transfer to Genesee Conference

1878-80           Italy

1880                transfer to Central New York Conference by boundary change

1880-82           Pultneyville

1882-84           Dryden

1884-86           Ovid

1886-87           Odessa

1887-88           Union Springs

1888-89           Sheldrake

1889-90           Benton Center

1890-91           Hopewell and Flint Creek

1891                on leave




Born: 10-15-1916  Vandling PA                                married: Doris L. Brunner [6/22/1938]

Died: 10-17-2006                                                        obit: [10/2/1916 – 2/?/2009]


1956    license, Wyoming Conference

1958    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1958    ordained deacon

1961    ordained elder



Obit: [none]


1956-58           Clifford – Lenoxville (beginning 10/1956)

1958-61           Clifford

1961-64           Forest City

1964-67           Scranton Myrtle Street

1967-78           Sidney (ending 12/1978)

1978-80           Binghamton Fairview (beginning 12/1978)

1980-85           Carbondale

1985                retired





Born: 3-31-1840  Unadilla NY                                   married: Carrie L. Morgan [4/12/1865]

Died: 1923                                                                  obit: [1847 – 1882]


1873    admitted on trial

1875    ordained deacon

1877    ordained elder


Interment: Elmwood Cemetery, St. Paul NE



1879                transfer to Nebraska Conference




Born: 8-1-1886  Danville OH                                     married: Lola Evelyn Haugh  [1920]

Died: 9-13-1962  Oxfoed OH                                     obit: [11/9/1894 – 11/?/1973]


1918    admitted on trial, Genesee Conference


Interment: Oxford Cemetery, Oxford OH

Obit: Southern California - Arizona Conference 1964, 265


1918-20           North Ridge

1920-21           Lackawanna

1921-25           Newfane

1925-26           associate, Buffalo Asbury-Delaware

1926                transfer to Wyoming Conference

1926-29           Plymouth

1929-32           Scranton Simpson

1932-34           Binghamton Fairview

1934-36           Newark Valley

1936-39           Clark’s Green (ending 1/1/1939)

1939                transfer to Peninsula Conference

                        Wilmington DE

                        Miami FL

                        Wheeling EV

                        transfer to Southern California – Arizona Conference

                        Douglas AZ

1954-57           Los Angeles Moore Memorial

1957                retired





Born: 12-?-1811  Kent County, England                   married:
Died: 6-16-1899  Astoria NY                                     obit:

                                                                                    married2: Clara Bush

1838    admitted on trial, Oneida Conference             obit2: Wyoming Conference 1904,107
?          ordained, Oneida Conference


Interment:  Woodlawn Cemetery, New York NY
Obit: Wyoming Conference 1900, 109


1838-40           Westfield

1840-41           Otego

1841-43           Chenango

1843-44           Bainbridge

1844-46           Page Brook

1846-48           Lanesboro

1848-50           Orwell

1850-52           LeRaysville

1852                charter member of Wyoming Conference

1852-54           Montrose

1854-55           Barton

1855-63           agent, Conference Tract Society

1863-65           Great Bend and New Milford

1865                retired

                             Astoria, Arlington, Bellport, Oyster Bay, Steinway


Note: A brief biography of Philip Bartlett appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 154.




Born: 4-21-1924  Sidney Center NY                          married: Maxine C. Cronauer

Died: 7-6-2001  Fern Park FL                                    obit: [5/14/1928 – ]


Interment: Ouleout Cemetery, Franklin NY

Obit: Wyoming Conference 2002, 204


1951-54           Mount Upton – Rockdale (beginning 12/1/1951)

1954-57           Afton – North Afton

1957-61           Schenevus – Westford

1961-66           Bainbridge – Union Valley

1966-67           ?

1967-80           high school guidance counselor at Mount Upton and Afton high schools

1980-89           Orlando FL Regional Medical Center

1989                retired

                            1989-99  part-time chaplain, Orlando Regional Medical Center


Note: James M. Bartz is a nephew to William E. Bartz.  He served in the Wyoming Conference as a local preacher.  The chapel at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Florida is named is named the Chaplain James M. Bartz Memorial Chapel in his memory.  His education includes studies at the Westminster Theological Seminary.




Born: 1-27-1896  Bronx NY                                      married: Lulu A. Rutenber

Died: 11-1-1990                                                          obit: Wyoming Conference 2000, 308


1927    local preacher’s license, Wyoming Conference

1936    ordained deacon


Interment: Evergreen Hill Cemetery, Unadilla NY

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1991, 327


1927-31           North Fenton

1931-33           Coventry

1933-36           Hawleyton

1936-43           Castle Creek

1943-48           Marathon

1948-51           Lanesboro

1951-565         superintendent, Children’s Home

1955-59           North Fenton

1959-63           New Berlin

1963                retired


Note William E. Marts is an uncle to James M. Bartz.




Born: c1849  MD                                                        married: Viola L. _____

Died: 8-22-1926  Philadelphia PA                             obit:


1876    admitted on trial, Baltimore Conference

1878    ordained, Pennsylvania Conference MP


Interment: Marathon Village Cemetery, Marathon NY



1876-77           Bentley Springs

1877                “transfer” to Pennsylvania Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church

1877-78           Monroe

1878-79           Pine Creek

1879-80           Burlington

1880                “transfer” To Wyoming Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church

1880-81           Harford

1881-83           Rush

1883-85           Apalachin

1885-87           Spencer

1887                no longer listed

                        “transfer” to Philadelphia Conference

                        “transfer” to New York Conference


Note: Calvin H. Basford served as a local and/or supply pastor in the Wyoming Conference and the Philadelphia Conference and, for a few years before his death, in Sullivan County of the New York Conference.  The tombstone gives the name of Mrs. Basford as Viala, but there are no dates.




Born: 3-4-1947  Scranton PA                                     married: Anne Louise Meters

Died:                                                                           obit: [8/21/1950 – ]


1970    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1976    ordained deacon, Wyoming Conference





1970-72           student

1972-73           Skinners Eddy

1973-74           student

1974-79           Carverton

1979                transfer to Peninsula Conference

1979-81           Newark

1981-84           Peninsula – McCabe

1984-88           Odessa

1988                transfer to Central Illinois Conference

                        conference staff


Note: As of 2003 Paul R. Bauer was serving congregations under appointment in the Illinois Great Rivers Conference.




Born: 6-30-1890  Nichols NY                                                married: [never married]

Died: 10-16-1985                                                        obit:


1916    ordained deaconess


Interment: Tioga Point Cemetery, Athens PA

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1986, 286


Note: Edna May Baxter was the first woman to serve full-time as a teacher of religious education in a theological seminary.  She is listed in the 1966 Who’s Who in the Methodist Church, page 72.  Her many achievements in Christian Education include the 1963 book The Beginnings of Our Religion.




Born: 6-24-1953                                                          married: Bonnie Gail Shillabeer

Died:                                                                           obit: [4/22/1957 – ]


1980    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1982    ordained deacon

1984    ordained elder





1975-78           student, Misericordia College

     1975-78      Kunkle

1978-80           student, School of Theology

     1978-80      Alderson – Kunkle

1980-86           Skinners Eddy

1986-88           Factoryville

1988-98           Dallas

1998-03           Endwell (ending 2/28/2003)

2003-08           Trucksville (beginning 3/1/2003)

2008                transfer to Central Pennsylvania Conference

2008-16           director, Connectional Ministries

2016-23           Scranton Elm Park




Born: 1-17-1942  Wilkes-Barre PA                            married: Mildred B. _____

Died:                                                                           obit: [5/30/1943 - ]


1964    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1964    ordained deacon

1967    ordained elder





1964-68           student

1968-69           Berkshire

1969-73           associate, Endwell

1973-76           associate, Vestal

1976-06           director of admissions, Boston University School of Theology

2006                retired

                            2010  charter member of Upper New York Conference


Note: Earl R. Beane is the son of Roy H. Beane.





Born: 5-22-1864  Port Huron MI                               married: Mary Linton

Died: 7-?-1943                                                            obit: [1867 – 5/?/1940]


1897    admitted on trial, Detroit Conference


Interment: Riverhurst Cemetery, Endicott NY

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1944, 842


1897-07           conference Evangelist

1907-13           Detroit Conference



1913                “transfer” to Wyoming Conference

1921-23           Hawleyton

Little Meadows

Union Center


1929-31           Lockwood


1931                retired


Note: Fred G. Beane is an uncle to Roy H. Beane.  He served in the Wyoming Conference as a local preacher.




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:






1921-22           Kirkwood


Note: Harold Beane served as a supply preacher.  He is otherwise unknown.




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:





1947-48           Pleasant Mount (beginning 12/15/1947)


Note: Ralph Beane was a student at Syracuse University.





Born: 1-31-1898  Port Huron MI                               married: Beatrice Cooper

Died: 11-24-1974  Wilkes-Barre PA                          obit: Wyoming Conference 1939, 589

                                                                                    married2: Ruth O. Coon

1922    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference        obit2: Wyoming Conference 1973, 289

1930    ordained deacon                                              married3: Janet Stevens

1932    ordained elder                                                 obit3: Wyoming Conference 2005, 192


Interment: Vestal Hills Memorial Park, Vestal NY

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1975, 172

1919-21           Campville

1921-22           ?

1922-23           Laflin

1923-24           Eatonville

1924-32           student

1932-33           Choconut Center – Westville

1933-36           Springville – Dimock

1936-41           Mill City

1941-46           Askam – Sugar Notch

1946-48           Forest City

1948-50           West Nanticoke

1950-54           Skinner’s Eddy

1954-57           Courtdale – Larkesville

1957-60           Plains – Derr

1960-64           Hawley

1964                retired


Note: Roy H. Beane is the father of Earl R. Beane and a nephew to Fred G. Beane.




Born: 10-10-1951                                                        married: Carola Beasley

Died:                                                                           obit: [9/22/1951 – ]


1976    license, recommended by Brookline MA United Parish

1977    ordained deacon

1980    ordained elder




1976-78           Boston University School of Theology

1978-82           McClure NY

1982-86           Pittston

1986                transfer to Central Pennsylvania Conference

1986-87           Farragut-Fairfield

1987-90           on leave

1990-95           Saltillo

1995-96           Wiconisco Wesley – Muir Grace

1996-97           student

1997-98           Harrisburg Riverside

1998-99           Upper Room Ministries

1999-03           Harrisburg Fifth Street

2003-04           Forge Hill

2004-05           sabbatical leave

2005-12           Liverpool

2012-14           Duncannon Asbury – Roseglen

2014-16           Burnham – Milroy

2016                retired


Note: Carola Beasley-Topliffe is a member of the Susquehanna Conference.




Born: 11-28-1880  Amsterdam NY                            married: Louise K. Godfrey

Died: 9-29-1964  Stamford NY                                  obit: [7/22/1883 – 8/?/1973]


1909    ordained, Presbytery of Jersey City


Interment: Roxbury Methodist Cemetery, Roxbury NY

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1965, 241


1910                transfer to the Presbytery of Newark

1910-15           Montclair NJ Grace Presbyterian

1915-19           Patterson NJ Lakewiew Presbyterian (beginning 1/27/1915)

1919-               Schoharie NY Federated

                        Bayonne NJ First Reformed (11 years)

1943                “transfer” to Wyoming Conference of the Methodist Church          

1943-46           Lanesboro

1946-50           Oxford

1950-52           Hartwick

1952                retired

                             1955-57      Bloomville


Note: George J. Becker graduated from Syracuse University (1906) and Columbia University Union Seminary (1909). 




Born: 5-27-1901  Oswegatchie NY                            married: Agnes Bertha Elizabeth Schulze

Died: 2-26-1985  Zephyrhills FL                               obit: [4/23/1904 – 11/20/1997]


1922    license

1925    admitted on trial

1934    ordained elder


Interment: New Era Cemetery, New Era PA



1922-26           Preston

1926                transfer to Central New York Conference

1945                transfer to Genesee Conference


Note: Chester C. Cushman was a retired member of the Western New York Conference at the time of his death, but apparently there was no conference obituary.




Born: 5-26-1887  Berkshire NY                                 married: Lula Ely

Died: 1-23-1973  Cortland NY                                   obit: Wyoming Conference 1964, 237


1945    ordained local deacon

1952    ordained local elder


Interment: Evergreen Cemetery, Berkshire NY

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1973, 281


1932-34           Chenango Forks

1938-39           West Chenango

1939-53           Choconut Center

1953-60           Berkshire

1960                retired


Note: George D. Beers is the son of George O. Beers.  He served as a local preacher.




Born: 11-7-1846  Middlebury CT                              married: Clara Matilda Taylor

Died: 4-7-1931  Johnson City NY                              obit: Wyoming Conference 1911, 108

                                                                                    married2: Clarissa M. Bunnell

1866    exhorter’s license                                            obit2: Wyoming Conference 1931, 577

1867    local preacher’s license

1874    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1876    ordained deacon

1878    ordained elder


Interment: Berkshire NY

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1931, 569


1873-76           Rush

1875-77           Jenningsville

1877-80           West Nicholson

1880-83           Springville

1883-86           Maine

1886-89           Berkshire

1889-93           Skinner's Eddy

1893-96           Candor

1896-99           Hornbrook and Ghent

1899-04           Le Raysville

1904-08           Gibson and South Gibson

1908-12           Berkshire

1912-14           Franklin Forks

1914-15           Triangle

1915-18           Windham

1918-21           Hawleyton

1921-23           Union Center

1923-24           Castle Creek

1924                retired


Note: George O. Beers is the son of Rev. Ebenezer O. Beers (1818-1847) of the New York Conference, the father of George D. Beers, and the grandfather of John George Easton and of Rev. John Taylor Beers (1914-1990) of the North Central New York Conference.  A biographical sketch of George O. Beers appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 277.




Born: 5-24-1915  Walton NY                                     married: Florence C. Blackman

Died: 9-19-1980  Pottstown PA                                 obit: [6/20/1916 – 8/18/1956]

                                                                                    married2: Mabel Harley

?          ordained, Baptist Church                                obit2:


Interment: Bateman Memorial Cemetery, Newport NJ

Obit: Wyoming Conference


1970                “transfer” to Wyoming Conference of the United Methodist Church

1970-72           Trucksville

1972-76           Wilkes-Barre Firwood (ending 3/30/1976)

1976                withdrew






Born: 11-6-1855  NY                                                 married: Lulu M. Doane

Died: 10-27-1925  Syracuse NY                                obit: [5/2/1864 – 1/6/1944]


1883    ordained deacon

1886    ordained elder


Interment: Oakwood Cemetery, Syracuse NY



1881-83           Garrattsville

1883-84           Worcester

1884-85           on leave

1885-86           Candor

1886-89           on leave, evangelist

1889                located

                        “transfer” to Congregational Church


Note: John D. Belknap is the son of evangelist Almeron D. Belknap (1827-1909).  He traveled throughout the state of New York as an evangelist.  He also served the First Congregational Church of Mount Vernon NY.




Born: 9-22-1871  Framwellgate Moor, England        married: Nellie Griswold

Died: 12-28-1967  Kingston PA                                 obit: Wyoming Conference 1946, 453


1896    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1898    ordained deacon

1900    ordained elder


Interment: Forty Fort Cemetery, Forty Fort PA

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1968, 241


1895-97           Lackawaxen

1897-01           Narrowsburg

1901-05           Ariel

1905-08           Binghamton Clinton Street

1908-12           Union

1912-16           Athens

1916-22           Kingston

1922-28           superintendent, Wilkes-Barre District

1928-34           Johnson City

1934-41           superintendent, Wilkes-Barre District

1941-44           Dorranceton

1944                retired


Note: A biographical sketch of George M. Bell appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 278.




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:


local preacher’s license





2001-10           Westville

2010                charter member of Upper New York Conference




Born: 3-18-1853  Plymouth NY                                 married: Alice Maria Queal [8/17/1881]
Died: 9-20-1912  Santioree, PR                                 obit: Puerto Rico Mission Conference 1906, 55

                                                                                    married2: Margaret Throop Hill

1881    admitted on trial, Detroit Conference obit2: [10/23/1873 - ?]


Obit: General Minutes spring 1913, 61 [Puerto Rico Mission Conference]


1881-83           North Branch

1883-84           Sand Beach

1884-85           Croswell

1885-93           faculty, Wyoming Seminary

                             1892-93  Decatur

1893                transfer to Wyoming Conference

1893-95           missionary, Iquiqui Chile

1895                transfer to South America Conference


Note:  Mrs. Benedict is the daughter of William G. Queal.  She was previously married (3/14/1866) to a George Henry Dewey.




Born: 11-21-1858  Schenevus NY                             married: Rebecca Van Zandt

Died: 3-11-1912  Montrose PA                                  obit: Wyoming Conference 1935, 641


1884    exhorter’s license, Schenevus

1885    local preacher’s license, Otsego

1886    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1888    ordained elder

1890    ordained deacon


Interment: Schenevus NY

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1912, 131


1884-85           South Hill

1885-86           Laurens

1886-87           Laurens and Oneonta Plains

1887-91           Sidney

1891-92           Scranton Hampton Street

1892-94           Otego

1894-96           Worcester

1896-98           Unadilla

1898-02           Montrose

1902-04           Owego

1904-12           Montrose


Note: A biographical sketch of Haskell B. Benedict appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 279.




Born: 1840  Stapleton, England                                 married: Sabra Wakeman

Died: 1-17-1897  Harpursville NY                             obit:


1886    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference



Obit: Wyoming Conference 1897, 89


1886-88           Wells Bridge

1888                transfer to South America Conference

1888-95           missionary to Iquique, Chile

1895-96           on leave

1896-97           Harpursville, Wyoming Conference


Note: James Benge is a cousin to Albert B. Richardson.  He had been a local preacher in England before coming to America in 1886.  The Christian Advocate gives his death date as 1/11/1897.




Born: 1-27-1858  Scranton PA                                   married: Minnie Newton Jansen

Died: 12-27-1936  Philadelphia PA                           obit: Wyoming Conference 1947, 728

                                                                                             Philadelphia Conference 1946, 470

1877    exhorter’s license

1881    local preacher’s license

1883    ordained deacon, Wyoming Conference

1885    ordained elder, Wyoming Conference


Interment: Arlington Cemetery, Lansdown PA

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1937, 149

          Philadelphia Conference 1937, 173


1878-79           Norwich

1879-81           Lisle

1881-83           Whitney's Point

1883-86           Sherburne

1886-90           Schenevus

1890-93           West Pittston

1893-98           Honesdale

1898-99           Jermyn

1899-02           Athens

1902-05           Scranton Asbury

1905                transfer to Philadelphia Conference

1905-06           Philadelphia Christ

1906-10           Philadelphia Eden

1910-11           Allentown Linden Street

1911-15           Philadelphia Emmanuel

1915-16           Philadelphia Mariner’s Bethel

1916-18           Philadelphia Twentieth Street

1918-20           Mahanoy City

1920-22           Philadelphia Pitman

1922-23           Roxboro Emmanuel

1923                retired 


Note: Charles A. Benjamin is the father of Clarence J. Benjamin (1883-1969) and of Charles Dow Benjamin (1894-1950), both of the Philadelphia Conference.  A biographical sketch of Charles A. Benjamin appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 280.




Born: 3-24-1883  Lisle NY                            married: Agnes Elvey

Died: 9-13-1969  Hallstead PA                      obit: Eastern Pennsylvania Conference 1975, 780


1904    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1906    ordained decon



Obit: Eastern Pennsylvania Conference 1970, 387


1904-06           Hallstead

1906-07           Glen Moore, Philadelphia Conference

1907                transfer to Philadelphia Conference, page 74

1907-08           Glen Moore

1908-10           East Lansdowne

1910-11           Landenberg and Kemblesville

1911-13           Quarryville

1913-15           Elam and Bethlehem

1915-18           Philadelphia Twenty-Second Street

1918-21           St. Clair

1921-22           Middletown

1922-26           faculty, Wesleyan Seminary int Lima NY

1926-49           on leave

                             faculty, Olney High School in Philadelphia

1949                retired


Note: Clarence J. Benjamin is the son of Charles A. Benjamin and a brother to Charles Dow Benjamin (1894-1950) of the Philadelphia Conference. 




Born:                                                                           married: Julie _____

Died:                                                                           obit:


1988    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1988    ordained deacon

1991    ordained elder





1988-89           student

1989-93           Great Bend (beginning 1/1/1989)

1993-01           Noxen

2001-04           Wilkes-Barre First and Abbott

2004-08           Wilkes-Barre First and Ashley Centenary

2008-10           Carbondale

2010                charter member of Upper New York Conference




Born: 1-1-1846  Smyrna NY                                                  married: Latie J. Fradenburgh

Died: 10-2-1898  Smyrna NY                                    obit: Wyoming Conference 1919,145


1875    admitted on trial

1877    ordained deacon

1879    ordained elder


Interment:  Smyrna NY
Obit: Wyoming Conference 1899,105


1875-76           Jackson

1876-79           Chenango

1879-82           Guilford

1882-85           Lisle

1885-86           North Fenton and New Ohio

1886-91           Binghamton Chenango Street

1891-92           Pittston

1892                retired


Note: A brief biography of Edgar Bennett appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 155.




Born: 2-22-1810  Norwich NY                                  married: Selina Miller
Died: 8-3-1851  Wilkes-Barre PA                              obit: Wyoming Conference 1893,88


1834    admitted on trial, Oneida Conference


Interment: Wilkes-Barre PA
Obit: General Minutes 1852, 151


1834-35           Bridgewater

1835-36           Brooklyn

1836-38           Canaan

1838-39           Dundaff

1839-40           Windsor

1840-41           Canaan

1841-42           Bethany

1842-44           Wyoming

1844                retired

                            1847-48  Tunkhannock

1852                charter member of Wyoming Conference


Note: A brief biography of Lucien Bennett appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 156.




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:


1856    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference





1855-56           Lackawaxen

1856-57           Thompson

1857                no longer listed


Note: A Rev. M.L. Bennett served Baptist churches in Chenango County NY: Bainbridge Center 1858-59, Mount Upton 1859-60.




Born: 1-1-1867  Auburn Center PA                           married: Emily [Emma] V. Colburn

Died: 11-27-1951  Tampa FL                         obit: Wyoming Conference 1963, 234


1890    ordained local deacon

1892    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1894    ordained elder


Interment: Garden of Memories, Tampa FL

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1952, 1151


1886-90           student, Wyoming Seminary

1890-92           student, Drew Theological Seminary

                            1890-92  Alderson

1892-95           Harvey’s Lake

1895-98           Lehman

1898-06           Scranton Embury

1906-10           Plymouth PA

1910-12           West Pittston

1912-18           Scranton Simpson

1918-25           Binghamton Centenary

1925-31           superintendent, Scranton District

1931-36           Dorranceton

1936                retired


Note: A biographical sketch of James Benninger appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 284.




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:


1997    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1997    ordained deacon

1999    ordained elder





1997-00           New Hope Faith and Stairville–Slocum

2000-03           Rome–Orwell

2003-05           Fairdale

2005-10           Springville (beginning 7/15/2005)

2010                charter member of Upper New York Conference





Born: 9-12-1928  Scranton PA                                   married: Euna Lee _____

Died: 6-16-2006  Northborough MA                         obit: [3/27/1929 – 12/28/2008]


1954    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1956    ordained deacon, New York Conference

1957    ordained elder


Interment: [cremated] First UMC, Hendersonville NC



1954-55           student, Drew University in Madison NJ

1955                transfer to New York Conference

1955-56           student

                            White Sulphur Springs & Harris

1956-62           Monticello

1962-66           Yonkers First

1966-67           Yonkers Church of the Master

1967-81           Hicksville

1981-87           superintendent, Connecticut Central District

1987-91           New Canaan CT

1991                retired




Born: 2-18-1931  Holden WV                                    married: Shirley Elizabeth Jones

Died: 10-24-2012          Wilmington DE                    obit: Wyoming Conference 2000, 302


1953    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1954    ordained deacon

1955    ordained elder


Interment: Delaware Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Bear DE

Obit: Susquehanna Conference 2013, 262


1953-54           student

1954056          Gouldsboro

1956-76           chaplain, U.S. Air Force

1976                Tioga Center

1976-80           Waverly NY

1980-82           superintendent, Oneonta District

1982-86           Dallas (ending 8/31/1986)

1986-87           sabbatical (beginning 9/1/1986)

1987-88           Dallas

1988-90           Binghamton Boulevard

1990-95           chaplain, Homes for the Aging

1995                retired

                            2010  transfer to Susquehanna Conference by boundary change




Born:                                                                           married: Vaughn Glover

Died:                                                                           obit:

                                                                                    married2: Chris Bentley


1994    local preacher’s license, recommended by Moscow

1997    admitted on trial, ordained deacon, Wyoming Conference

1999    ordained elder





1994-97           Sterling (beginning 10/1/1994)

1997-06           Sayre

2006-08           Sayre and Hornbrook

2008-10           Union Corners

2010                transfer to Susquehanna Conference by boundary change

2010-18           East Canton

2018-20           Jefferson – Greenmount

2020-21           Honesdale Central

2021                retired


Note: Vaughn Glover is an ordained member of the Wyoming Conference.




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:





1912-13           Throop


Note: W. Bentley served as a supply pastor.  Nothing else is known about him.




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:


1926    admitted on trial





1926                transfer to New England Conference

                        Dorchester MA

                        Taunton MA




Born: 4-3-1936                                                            married: Judith G. _____

Died: 10-4-2000                                                          obit: [11/11/1942 – ]


1978    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1983    ordained deacon, Peninsula Conference


Interment: Valley View Cemetery, White Mills PA



1978-81           student

1981                transfer to Peninsula Conference

1981-82           Felton

1982-89           associate, Wilmington Aldersgate

1989-92           General Board of Global Ministries

1992                transfer to North Georgia Conference





Born: 11-27-1913                                                        married: Waty Florine Douglas [12/15/1938]

Died: 10-2-1981                                                          obit:


1944    admitted on trial


Interment: Restland Memorial Park, Carthage TX



1944                transfer to North Texas Conference




Born: 12-5-1924  Wilkes-Barre PA                            married: Margaret Louise Dabbs

Died: 2-?-2000  Sumter SC                                        obit: [11/18/1925 – ]


1946    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference


Interment: Salem Black River Presbyterian Cemetery, Sumter SC



1946-51           student

1951                discontinued


Note: Dr. John M. Bevan went on to a distinguished career in higher education, as demonstrated by the many references in print and on the Internet to his effective and innovative methods as a professor and an administrator.  He is remembered at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg FL through The John M. Bevan Award presented to an outstanding faculty member each year and The Bevan Memorial Scholarship awarded annually to rising juniors who are a catalyst for positive innovative programs within the college and community at large.




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:


local preacher’s license





2008-09           Otego

2009-10           Otego–Sand Hill

2010                charter member of Upper New York Conference





Born: 7-16-1790  Hampton NY                                 married: Alice Lathrop
Died: 7-6-1859  Scranton PA                                     obit: [5/8/1791 – 1/?/1877]


1812    admitted on trial, Genesee Conference


Interment:  Orwell PA
Obit: Wyoming Conference 1860, 47


1812-13           Wyoming

1813-14           Chenango

1814-15           Bridgewater

1815-16           Wyalusing

1816-17           Broome

1817-18           Cortland

1818-19           Wyalusing

1819-20           Shamokin

1820-22           Wyoming

1822-24           Canaan

1824                retired

    1829  charter member of Oneida Conference

    1852  charter member of Wyoming Conference


Note: Elisha Bibbins is the father of Robert Kendall Bibbins (1824-1898) of the Rock River Conference – and a first cousin to Samuel Bibbins (1796-1877) of the Detroit Conference, the father of Elisha Bibbins (1823-1875) of the Detroit Conference.  A brief biography of Elisha Bibbins appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 156.




Born: 11-21-1859  Lancaster OH                               married: Alice Hovey Dean

Died: 1-3-1926  North East MD                                 obit: Pittsburgh Conference 1947, 766


1879    local preacher’s license

1882    ordained local deacon

1886    ordained local elder

1887    admitted on trial, South Indiana Conference


Interment: North Eat United Methodist Cemetery, North East MD

Obit: Pittsburgh Conference 1926, 428


1879                Truit's Chapel (mid-year), Michigan Conference

1879-80           Big Rock Circuit, Rock River Conference

1880-81           Somonauk, Rock River Conference

1881-83           Little Rock and Jericho, Rock River Conference

1883-84           La Moille, Rock River Conference

1884-86           student, DePauw University

                            1885         Malden and Arlington (mid-year), Rock River Conference

                            1885-86    Harmony and Knightsville, Rock River Conference

1886-87           Rushville, Southeast Indiana Conference

1887                join Southeast Indiana Conference

1887-90           Rushville

1890                Indianapolis Central Avenue (part year, if at all)

1890-91           Parkersburg First, West Virginia Conference

1891                transfer to West Virginia Conference

1891-92           Parkersburg First

1892                transfer to North Indiana Conference

1892-95           Anderson Meridian Street

1895                Fort Wayne Wayne Street (part year)

1895                transfer to East Ohio Conference

1895-97           Akron First

1897                transfer to Pittsburgh Conference

1897-01           Pittsburgh Smithfield Street

1901                transfer to Wyoming Conference

1901-05           Wilkes-Barre First

1905                transfer to Philadelphia Conference

1905-06           Philadelphia Christ

1906                transfer to Wyoming Conference

1906-08           Oneonta

1908                transfer to Ohio Conference

1908-09           Columbus Wesley Chapel

1909                transfer to Central Ohio Conference

1909-10           Toledo Epworth

1910                transfer to Erie Conference                

1910-11           Meadville First [aka Stone]

1911                transfer to West Virginia Conference

1911-13           Crafton/Andrews

1913                transfer to Baltimore Conference

1913-14           superintendent, Maryland General Hospital

1914-17           Frostburg

1917                transfer to Wilmington Conference

1917-19           New Castle

1919                transfer to Pittsburgh Conference

1919-20           Woodlawn First

1920-21           Monessen First

1921-22           Millvale

1922                retired


Note: The ministerial career of John H. Bickford is difficult to reconstruct.  He served as a student/local pastor until formally joining the Southeast Indiana Conference in 1887.  For a time, his education and oratorical skills made him one of the pastors of that era that went from conference to conference supplying prominent pulpits.  A biographical sketch of John H. Bickford appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 283.




Born: 6-20-1869  Rebersburg PA                               married: Sarah Catherine Erhard (1897)

Died: 1954  Pensacola FL                                          obit: [1872-1938]


1899    license, recommended by Spring Mills

1908    admitted on trial, recommended by Port Matilda

1912    ordained local dean, Wyoming Conference, recommended by Bethany


Interment: St. Peter’s Lutheran & Reformed Cemetery, Rebersburg PA



1901                East Falmouth MA (3 months)

1904                South Dakota

1905-06           York Springs

1906-07           Alum Bank

1907-09           Port Matilda   

1909-10           Pine Grove Mills

1910-11           Burnt Cabins  

1911                discontinued

1911-13           Bethany, Wyoming Conference


Note: Some sources give the first name as EDWARD.  Edwin S. Bierley is an 1898 graduate of Williamsport Dickinson Seminary.  Some biographical information appears in the Ministerial Qualifications Book, page 59.  Mrs. Bierly is a sister to Rev. Clyde Erhard “of Texas” (dates and affiliation unknown).





Born: 6-9-1941                                                            married: Maija Veidins _____ [5/9/1963]

Died:                                                                           obit:


1971    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1974    ordained deacon, New England Conference





1971-73           student

1973                transfer to New England Conference

1973-74           Mansfield – Rehoboth

1974-75           Westford

1975-80           chaplain

1980                transfer to New Mexico Conference

1980-84           chaplain

1984                withdrew


1995-02           St. Paul’s Lutheran, Karnes City TX (beginning 9/1/1995 and ending 2/10/2002)

2002                retired (beginning 2/10/2002)


Note: Jon Richard Bigsby is the author of A Soviet Latvian and His Revelation of a Socialist Society (1963).




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:


local preacher’s license





2002-05           Lockwood

2005-09           Lockwood & Barton & Halsey Valley

2009-10           Lockwood & Bartom

2010                charter member of Upper New York Conference




Born: 8-19-1933                                                          married: Judith _____

Died: 12-17-2009                                                        obit: [9/1/1935 – ]


1956    license, Wyoming Conference

1958    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1960    ordained deacon, California-Pacific Conference


Interment: Landis Valley Mennonite Cemetery, Lancaster PA



1956-59           Pleasant Mount

1959                transfer to California-Pacific Conference

1959-61           Big Pine

1961-65           Los Angeles Eastmont

1965-70           Placentia

1970-73           Norwalk First

1973-74           sabbatical leave

1974-75           student

1975                located




Born: 9-19-1915  Doniphan MO                                married: Katherine Andrews

Died: 7-7-1976  Cincinnati OH                                  obit: West Ohio Conference 2013, 371


1940    admitted on trial, Northern Illinois Conference

1945    ordained deacon, St. Louis Conference


Interment: Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery, Oakville MO

Obit: West Ohio Conference 1977, 240


1941-43           New Milford - Davis

1943                transfer to Wyoming Conference (10/9/1943)

1943-44           Scranton Elm Park

1944                transfer to St. Louis Conference (6/1/1944)

1954-57           Kansas City Aldersgate

1957-60           Kansas City Melrose

1960                transfer to Southern Illinois Conference

1960-62           Alton First

1962-68           Effingham Centenary

1968                transfer to West Ohio Conference

1968-69           Cincinnati Mount Healthy

1969-76           Cincinnati Epworth


Note: Following the death of William L. Bird, Katherine married a Mr. Schwab.




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:


?          license





2000-01           Brookvale


Note: Donald Birtch lived in Binghamton NY and served as a local preacher.




Born: 10-5-1953                                                          married: Sandra Leah Meachem Mitchem

Died:                                                                           obit: Susquehanna Conference 2011, 393


1973    local preacher’s license, West Virginia Conference

1981    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1981    ordained deacon

1983    ordained elder





1973-75           Bellington circuit

1975-76           Talcott

1976                transfer to Wyoming Conference

1976-78           Waymart

1978-81           student

                            1980-81  Kauffman’s, Eastern Pennsylvania Conference

1981-83           Oxford

1983-88           Camptown

1988-93           Meshoppen (ending 1/1/1993)           

1993-94           on leave (beginning 1/1/1993)

1994-00           Fairdale

2000-07           Susquehanna

2007-09           Jermyn and Dunmore

2009-10           on leave

2010                transfer to Susquehanna Conference by boundary change


Note: Mrs. Bitler is the daughter of Rev. James C. Mitchem (1929-1995) of the West Virginia Conference.




Born: 8-19-1814  Bainbridge NY                               married: Laura Stewart Starr 
Died: 12-20-1889  Bainbridge NY                             obit: Wyoming Conference 1884, 61


1837    admitted on trial, Oneida Conference


Interment:  Riverside Cemetery, Oneonta NY
Obit: Wyoming Conference 1890, 83


1837-38           Chenango

1838-39           Exeter

1839-41           Otsego

1841-42           Cooperstown

1842-44           Homer

1844-46           Oxford

1846-48           Otsego

1848-50           Hartwick

1850-52           Cincinnatus

1852                charter member of Wyoming Conference

1852-54           Ames

1854-58           superintendent, Chenango District

1858-62           superintendent, Cazenovia District

1862-64           Ithaca

1864-65           Skaneateles

1865-69           superintendent, Otsego District

1869-71           superintendent, Honesdale District

1871-73           Owego

1873-75           Providence

1875-76           Marathon

1881-82           on leave

1882-84           Gilbertsville

1884-86           Westville

1886-88           Lanesboro

1888                retired

     1888-1889 Nanticoke (beginning 11/1888)


Note: A brief biography of William Bixby appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 157.




Born: 3-16-1935                                                          married: Carolyn _____

Died: 6-30-2019                                                          obit:


1981    local preacher’s license


Interment: Fairview Memorial Park, Elmhurst PA

Obit: Susquehanna Conference 2020, ?


1980-89           Equinunk

1989-90           (not appointed)

1990-97           West Nicholson

1997                retired

                            2010  transfer to Susquehanna Conference by boundary change


Note: Wilbur W. Black served as a local preacher.




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:


local preacher’s license

2007    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference





2001-02           Jermyn

2002-07           Moosic

2007-10           Damascus

2010                transfer to Susquehanna Conference by boundary change

2010-16           Damascus

2016-19           Moscow

2019-23           Dalton - Factoryville




Born:                                                                           married: Larry McMaster

Died:                                                                           obit:


1987    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1987    ordained deacon

1989    ordained elder





1987-89           associate, Clarks Summit

1989-90           Windsor

1990-95           Scranton Simpson – West Park

1995-96           Scranton Simpson – West Park – Court Street

1996-97           Scranton Simpson – West Park

1997-02           Skinners Eddy

2002-06           Morris

2006-10           Binghamton High Street

2010                charter member of Upper New York Conference


Note: Ann S. Blair is reported to be the daughter of a pastor in another conference.




Born: 4-23-1836  Waymart PA                                  married: Caroline [Carrie] E. Morgan

Died: 4-19-1914  North Towanda PA                        obit: Wyoming Conference 1896, 102

                                                                                    marrried2: Sarah Sherwood

1875    exhorter’s license, Hyde Park Simpson          obit2: [5/6/1858 – 1/12/1933]

1876    local pastor’s license

1877    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference


Interment: Hornbrook PA

Obit: Wyoming Conference 1914, 109


1876-77           South Danby

1877-80           Harford

1880-81           Flemingville

1881-81           Litchfield

1882-81           Hornbrook

1883-81           Union Center

1884-86           Jackson

1886-89           Kirkwood

1889-91           Plymouth NY

1891-93           Greene

1893-95           Castle Creek

1895-96           Lisle

1896-97           Smyrna

1897                retired


Note: A biographical sketch of Hiram G. Blair appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 281.




Born: 4-26-1861  Kingston PA                                  married: Mary Jane Strickland

Died:                                                                           obit: Wyoming Conference 1906, 112

                                                                                    married2: Margaret Rhoads [1912]

?          exhorter’s license, Carbondale                       obit2: [b. 1881]

?          local preacher’s license, Carbondale 

1890    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1892    ordained deacon





1889-91           Bainbridge

1891-94           Cooperstown

1894-99           Mount Upton

1899-01           Whitney's Point

1901-02           Lehman

1902-10           Wyoming

1910-12           Plymouth PA (ending 9/2/1912)

1912                withdrew from the ministry; see 1913, page 81


Note: In 1912 Williams T. Blair re-married, left the ministry, and moved to Michigan.  The 1920 census still shows him in Wayne County MI. He later apparently returned to the area and is the author of The Michael Shoemaker [Schumacher] Book (1924), a Luzerne County biographical/genealogical study.  A biographical sketch of Williams T. Blair appears in Chaffee’s 1904 History of the Wyoming Conference, page 284.




Born: 7-24-1817                                                          married: Ann Greenfield

Died: 3-17-1893                                                          obit: [1/20/1813 – 3/22/1883]

                                                                                    married2: Mary Electa Jewett

                                                                                    obit2: [1/27/1838 - ]

Interment: Evergreen Cemetery, Brooklyn PA



1869-71           Canaan, Pennsylvania Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church

1872-75           Lackawaxen

1875-77           Rileyville


Note: C.W. Blake is the father of Susannah Blake Price, wife of George T. Price.  He served as a local preacher and had been a chaplain in the Civil War.  In 1902 the second Mrs. Blake married widower Mr. Jason S. Wright.




Born: 3-4-1931  Carbondale PA                                 married: Lois Lorraine Reedy

Died: 9-24-2016                                                          obit: Wyoming Conference 1993, 346

                                                                                    married2: Gladys Fortuna


local preacher’s license, recommended by Forty Fort

1954    admitted on trial, Wyoming Conference

1954    ordained deacon

1967    ordained elder


Interment: Willow View Cemetery, Clifford township, Susquehanna County PA

Obit: Susquehanna Conference 2017, 279


1951                Gouldsboro Highway (May-June)

1952-53           Thornhurst

1953-56           Thornhurst – Daleville

1956-60           (not appointed)

1960-61           Harford

1961-81           Apalachin Park Terrace

1981-87           North Fenton

1987-89           Tioga Center

1989-91           Wilkes-Barre Firwood

1991-94           Bethany

1994                retired

                            1994-98       Factoryville

                            1998-99       Afton (11/1/1998 – 2/1/1999)

                            1999            Deposit – North Sanford (2/1/1999 – 6/30/1999)

                            2000            Equinunk (7/1/2000 – 10/31/2000)

                            2010             transfer to Susquehanna Conference by boundary change


Note: Gladys Fortuna-Blake is an ordained member of the Wyoming Conference.




Born: 10-28-1819  Springville PA                             married: Hester Ann Cargill  
Died: 7-26-1876  Cortland NY                                   obit: [9/22/1824 – 1/11/1906]


1837    exhorter’s license

1840    local preacher’s license

1841    admitted on trial, Oneida Conference


Interment: Cortland NY
Obit: Wyoming Conference 1877, 34


1841-42           Vestal

1842-43           Brooklyn

1843-44           Wyoming

1844-45           Brooklyn

1845-46           Vestal

1846-48           Dundaff

1848-50           Pike

1850-52           Nichols