Central Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church

Pennsylvania United Brethren Pastors.  This file ncludes every person known to have (1) been licensed or ordained in Pennsylvania by the Pennsylvania (up to its dissolution in 1964), East Pennsylvania (up to 1951) or Allegheny (up to its dissuloution in 1952) Conferences of the United Brethren [and EUB] Church or (2) served an appointment in one of those Conferences.  Individual pastors may be accessed using the search function, by scrolling down the list, or by clicking on the first letter of the surname to enter the file at the appropriate place.
     The instructions file gives information about this project, the dates at which subsequent conferences split off from the Pennsylvania Conference, and detailed bibliographic references. 

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z






Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1837    license





1837-38           New York

1838                surrender license until difficulties settled




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: 109

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1824    ordained




1818-19           Dauphin circuit, Philadelphia Conference of ME Church

Note: William Abels was admitted on trial in the Philadelphia Conference of the ME Church in 1818, but he does not appear in any category in any subsequent year.  He is known to have visited Liberia, Africa, as a preacher in December 1831, apparently as part of an effort to return Negroes from America to Africa.




Born: 1-24-1826  Loganton PA                                  married: Hannah Forney

Died: 7-11-1903  Lock Haven PA                              obit: [11/3/1832 – 8/14/1911]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1851    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1854    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Dunnstown Cemetery, Dunnstown PA



1851-53           Halifax circuit

1853-55           Dauphin circuit

1855-57           Lancaster

1877                name erased


Note: John Q. Adams settled on a farm near Dunnstown PA in 1878, lost all in the flood of 1889, re-settled in Woodward township in the gardening business and served as a local pastor, and became a charter member of the East Main Street Methodist Episcopal Church in Lock Haven PA.  Extensive biographies of John and Hannah appear in Beers’1910 Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, pages 580-583.




Born: 1839 Dayton OH                                              married: Nannie S.C. Hough

Died: 7-?-1923                                                            obit: [1842 - 1895]

Miller-Raker #: no                                                      married2: Etta M. _____

Fulton #: no                                                                 obit2: [1858 – 1928]

Gibble list: no


1867   ordained, Miami Conference


Interment: Woodland Cemetery, Des Moines IA



1860-64          student, Wittenberg College in Springfield OH

1864-67          divinty student, Wittenberg College in Springfield OH

                            Miami City OH

                            Buda IL

1873-74           college chapel, Lebanon Valley College in Annville PA

1874                enters the ministry of the Congregational Church

1874-75           Lexington OH
1883-86           Red Cloud NE
1889-93           Perry IA
1893                enters the ministry of the Presbyterian Church
1893-96           Mount Ayr IA
1896-99           Humeston IA
1920                 living in Jackson MO

Note: Joseph G. Aikman served the college chapel 1873-74 while a faculty member in the Natural Sciences.




Born: 5-28-1871  Carroll County MD                        married: Mary Haines

Died: 11-27-1947                                                        obit: Central Pennsylvania Conference 1973, 381

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 350

Gibble list: no


1903    quarterly conference license

1905    permanent quarterly conference license, page 16

1906    license, recommended by Baltimore Otterbein Memorial [not granted, see Note]

1907    license, Allegheny Conference

1911    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Hampstead Cemetery, Hampstead MD

Obit: Allegheny Conference 1948, 65


1906-08           East Salem

1908-10           Mapleton

1019-12           Monessen

1912-14           Beaver Falls

1914-16           Windber

1916-18           Everson

1918-20           Herminie

1920-25           Clearfield

1925-27           Huntingdon

1927-28           Portage

1928-29           Holsopple

1929-34           Altoona Schum

1934-37           Madison

1937-39           Beaverdale

1939-40           Susquehanna

1940-45           Milton St. Peter’s

1945                retired

                            1945-47       supply, Milton St. Peter’s


Note: 1905,50 conditions his admission to conference upon meeting the educational requirements of the Discipline.  An amendment specifies that he be retained in the quarterly conference relation until the requirements are met.





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no





1902    York Springs (May-Oct)


Note: A. Albert was a quarterly conference preacher who was appointed to York Springs when H.H. Yohe resigned – see Pennsylvania Conference 1902, 16.





Born: 11-13-1868  Lebanon County PA                    married: Mary Richards

Died: 11-6-1902  Sierra Leone, Africa                       obit: [5/26/1877 – 12/14/1973]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1895    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1899    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Africa; memorial tombstone in Shirk’s Cemetery, Lebanon County PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1903, 23


1895-97           Sinking Spring

1897-99           Elizabethville

1899-02           superintendent, United Brethren mission is Sierra Leone


Note:  Mrs. Albert later married Samuel S. Hough.  The 1974 Encyclopedia of World Methodism includes an article on Mary R. Hough.





Born: 4-9-1853  West Fairview PA                            married: Catharine Ann Uhler

Died: 4-21-1919                                                          obit: [3/12/1856 – 3/10/1930]

Miller-Raker #: 405

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1876    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1879    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Middletown Cemetery, Middletown PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1919, 45


1872-76           student, Lebanon Valley College

1876-79           Manheim

1879-82           Florin

1882-85           Mt. Wolf circuit

1885-87           York First

1887                transfer to Pennsylvania Conference

1887-90           York First

1890-94           presiding elder, Baltimore District

1894-99           Dallastown

1899                transfer to East German Conference

1899-01           Shamokin First

1901                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference

1901-04           Lebanon Salem

1904-06           Reading Zion

1906-12           New Holland

1912-18           Middletown

1918-19           Cleona


Note: Holdcraft’s 1939 History of Pennsylvania Conference, page 288, gives a brief biography.  I.H. Albright earned a PhD (not honorary) from Lebanon Valley College in 1893.





Born: 7-12-1936  Lancaster PA                                  married: Carol Murphy

Died: 2-13-2022  Lancaster SC                                  obit: [d. 1991]

Miller-Raker #: no                                                      married2: Gail Suggs

Fulton #: no                                                                 obit2:

Gibble list: no


1960    1icense, East Pennsylvania Conference: recommended by Neffsville

1963    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference





1960-63           student, United Theological Seminary in Dayton OH

                            1961-62       Sugar Creek UCC in Bellbrook OH

                            1962-63       minister to youth, Dayton Miami Chapel

1963-69           Cressona-Landingville

1969-70           Cressona

1970                no longer listed

                        “transfer” to Baptist Church

                        Freeport NY

                        Mattituck NY

1978                associate, Lancaster PA First

                        Scottdale PA

                        Salem OH

                        Penacock NH

 1994               founded Vision Ventures Ministries (church consulting firm)


Note: George Valentine Alexander was active is scouting and received several awards.




Born: 7-7-1928  Freedom PA                                     married: Shirley Todd

Died: 1-29-2008                                                          obit: Western Pennsylvania Conference


1949    license, Allegheny Conference

1965    ordained elder, Western Pennsylvania Conference EUB


Interment: Concord UMC Cemetery, Marion NC

Obit: Western Pennsylvania Conference


1950-51           Orbisonia (last half of year)

1951                transfer to Western Pennsylvania Conference EUB by conference union

1951-58           Orbisonia

1958-70           Pittsburgh Immanuel

1970                transfer to Western Pennsylvania Conference UM by denominational union

1970-87           Pittsburgh Immanuel

1987-88           Power Resources

1988                retired and moved to Marion NC

                             1989-92      Clinchfield-Concord, Western North Carolina Conference

                             1992-96      Concord, Western North Carolina Conference

                             1996           transfer to Western North Carolina Conference




Born: 3-2-1807  Cheat River Valley MD                   married: Anna Maria Gossard

Died: 3-25-1885  Cumberland County IL                  obit: [6/22/1809 – 4/6/1887]

Miller-Raker #: 153

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1829    license

1834    ordained


Interment: Washington Cemetery, Crooked Creek township, Cumberland County IL

Obit: Lower Wabash Conference 1891, 4


1830                charter member of Hagerstown Conference

1834-35                      Staunton circuit

1835-37                      Woodstock circuit

1837-38                      South Branch circuit

1838-39           ?

1839-41                      Pendleton mission

1841-42                      no minutes

1842                withdrew

                        transfer to Lower Wabash Conference


Note: This surname is also rendered ALLENBACH.   He grave marker declares him to be “a faithful member of the United Brethren Church for 55 years” – but be may have associated with the Lutheran Church for a period of time.  Samuel F. Allenbaugh is the father of Rev. John Wesley Allenbaugh (1833-1888), who was licensed by the United Brethren and went to Kansas in 1866 – where he was ordained in 1880 by the Congregational Church.




Born: 1813  Mostrach, Germany                                married: Sophia Weels

Died: 2-21-1878  Baltimore MD                                obit: [c1824 – 8/?/1902]

Miller-Raker #: 280

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1845    license

1846    ordained


Interment: Loudon Park, Baltimore MD

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1878, 20


1845-46           Jewish Mission

1846                transfer to Scioto Conference

1853                Liverpool, Allegheny Conference

1854                transfer to Pennsylvania Conference

1854-55           York circuit

1855-61           Baltimore English mission

1861-62           York Springs circuit

1862-63           Alto Dale circuit

1863-66                      presiding elder York District

1866-67           presiding elder Chambersburg District

1867-68           Shopps station [Shiremanstown]

1868-70           Carlisle circuit

1870-73           Baltimore First [Old Otterbein]

1873                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference, page 18

1873-75           Baltimore Fulton Avenue

1876                transfer to Pennsylvania Conference


Note: Holdcraft’s 1939 History of Pennsylvania Conference, page 288, gives a brief biography.








Born: 11-30-1770  MD                                               married: Susanna B. Crum

Died: 8-23-1850  Hillsboro OH                                 obit: [11/15/1776 – 2/18/1855]

Miller-Raker #: 44

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1802    license

1808    ordained


Interment: Ambrose Cemetery, Highland County OH

Obit: Religious Telescope 1/8/1851


1812                accompanies Newcomer in VA, PA, OH, KY

1815                transfer to Miami (OH) Conference


Note:  William H. Ambrose is the father of Matthias Ambrose (1810-1883) and Lewis D. Ambrose (1817-1892), both of the Illinois Conference.  William’s wife Susanna is the daughter of Christian Crum (see the note in that file), and his daughter Christina married a grandson (Jacob Sonner, in Highland County OH) of George Adam Geeting. 




Born: 4-14-1928                                              married: Grace Marie Willard

Died: 11-25-2013  Frederick MD                   obit: [8/27/1927 – 12/16/2020]

Miller-Raker #: 718

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1950    license, recommended by Upper Strasburg

1954    ordained


Interment: Mount Bethel Cemetery, Garfield MD

Obit: Baltimore-Washington Conference 2014, 622


1949-51                      Upper Strasburg

1951-54           student, Bonebrake [United] Seminary, Dayton OH

1954-58                      Dillsburg

1958-61                      Baltimore Otterbein

1961-64                      York Fifth

1964-70                      Silver Spring Memorial

1970                transfer to Baltimore Conference by boundary change

1970-76                      superintendent, Frederick District

1976-82                      Concord – St. Andrews

1982-86                      conference council director

1986-91                      coordinator, Appalachian Development Commission

1991                retired


Note: David Hafer Andrews is the son of Elmer Ross Andrews.  He is the father of Rev. Richard Andrews (1958-2013) and the grandfather, through Richard, of Rev. Daniel Andrews and Rev. Sarah Andrews Schlieckert – all of the Baltimore-Washington Conference.   His home church was Newburg.




Born: 3-3-1900  Hagerstown MD                               married: Helen Hafer

Died: 9-19-1981  Hagerstown MD                             obit: Baltimore Conference 1984, 371

Miller-Raker #: 641

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1921    quarterly conference license

1925    license, recommended by Hagerstown Grace

1930    ordained


Interment: Rest Haven Cemetery, Hagerstown MD

Obit: Baltimore Conference 1982, 395


1926-28                      Mont Alto

1928-31                      Rohrersville

1931-34                      Fayetteville

1934-47                      Chewsville

1947-54                      Newburg

1954-68                      Thurmont – Deerfield

1968                retired

1969-70           Shiloh, supply

1970                transfer to Baltimore Conference

1970-81           Shiloh, supply


Note: Elmer Ross Andrews is the father of David Hafer Andrews, and the beginning of at least four generations of ordained pastors within the United Methodist tradition – see David H. Andrews.





Born: 3-25-1887  near Refton PA                              married:

Died: 6-27-1909                                                          obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes [ANDREWS]


1907    license, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Strasburg Mennonite Cemetery, Strasburg PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1909, 36


1907-09           student, Lebanon Valley College


Note: “Harry” Andrew appears to be the preferred name.



Born: 1-9-1887  Franklin County                               married: Mildred E. Barnes

Died: 8-21-1964                                                          obit: Baltimore Conference 1990, 413

Miller-Raker #: 623

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1923    license, recommended by Fayetteville

1927    ordained


Interment: Norland Cemetery, Chambersburg PA

Obit: Susquehanna Conference 1964, 48


1923-29                      Biglerville

1929-33                      Winterstown

1933-49                      Waynesboro

1949-60                      Mt. Wolf

1960-64                      Williamsport MD





Born: 2-1-1843  PA                                                    married: Salana Diehl

Died: 3-6-1919  Guilford PA                                      obit: [1844 – 1903]

Miller-Raker #: 346

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1865    quarterly conference license, Mechanicsburg

1867    license

1870    ordained


Interment: Fairview Cemetery, Keedysville MD

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1919, 69


1867-68                      Ickesburg

1868-70           Path Valley

1870-73           Orrstown

1873-76           Alto Dale

1876-79                      Shopps station [Shiremanstown]

1879-80                      Newville

1880-81                      Baltimore Scott Street

1881-83                      Bendersville

1883-84           Shippensburg

1884-87           West Fairview

1887-89           Rocky Spring

1889-93           Manchester

1893-94                      St. Thomas

1894-99                      presiding elder, Chambersburg District

1899-02                      York Third

1902-16                      Keedysville

1916                retired


Note: Holdcraft’s 1939 History of Pennsylvania Conference, page 289, gives a brief biography.





Born: 2-13-1916  Rockhill Furnace PA                     married: Grace Arlene Gifford

Died: 7-19-1979  Dayton OH                                     obit: [5/24/1916 – 8/16/2015]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1934    quarterly conference license

1936    license, Allegheny Conference: recommended by Orbisonia

1938    ordained, Allegheny Conference



Obit: Rocky Mountain Conference 1980, 252


1834-38           student, Otterbein University

1938-41           student, Bonebrake [United] Theological Seminary

                             1938-41      Springboro OH, Miami Conference

1941-43           Wall

1943-47           Houserville

1947-61           Scottdale

1961-68           assistant director, Adult and Men's Work [Dayton OH]

1968                transfer to Rocky Mountain Conference

1968-71           Torrington WY

1971-74           conference council director [Denver CO]

1974-79           Sterling CO

1979                retired


Note:  The Apps retired to Ohio, where they each died and were cremated.  Mrs. App was from the Shade Gap – Mount Union area of Huntingdon County.




Born: 1898                                                                  married: [never married]

Died: 4-5-1966                                                            obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 505

Gibble list: no


1926    quarterly conference license, Altoona First

1927    license, Allegheny Conference

1929    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Grandview Cemetery, Tyrone PA

Obit: [Western Pennsylvania Conference 1966, 29]


1925-28           church secretary and pastoral assistant, Altoona First

1928-43           religious education and young people’s work

1943-44           Mahaffey

1944-46           Casselman

1946-47           religious education

1947-49           New Paris

1940-55           religious education

1955                retired





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 108

Gibble list: no


1859    license, Allegheny Conference

1862    ordained, Allegheny Conference




1859-60           Tyrone

1860-61           Luthersburg

1861-63           Curwensville

1865                name erased


1873-74           Brookville


Note: This is believed to be the Robert Armor (1823-1898) buried in the Elmenton Cemetery, Emlenton PA, who married Mary A. Hulings (1843-1877) in 1863.




Born: 1895  Manheim PA                                          married: Iona G. Kemmerly

Died: 2-18-1980                                                          obit: [6/8/1897 – 7/20/1994]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 421

Gibble list: yes


1912    quarterly conference license

1913    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1921    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Newtown UM Cemetery, Columbia PA


                        Student, Lebanon Valley College

1913-14           Waukesha, Allegheny Conference

1914-15           Bradenville, Allegheny Conference

1915                transfer to Allegheny Conference

1915-17           Bradenville

1917-20           Richfield

1920-23           Liverpool

1923-27           South Williamsport

1927-28           Jeannette

1928-29           Enders, East Pennsylvania Conference

1929-30           Fayette

1930-31           Westmoreland

1931-36           Latrobe

1936-37           without appointment

1938                located


Note: After locating, Raymond H. Arndt retuned to Lancaster County and acted as a supply minister and part-time salesman




Born: 4-29-1856  Annville PA                                   married: Ellen E. Peffley

Died: 6-26-1933                                                          obit: [1858-1908]

Miller-Raker #: no                                                      married2: Agnes C. Gassert

Fulton #: no                                                                 obit2 [1861-1939]

Gibble list: yes


1879    quarterly conference license

1881    license, East German Conference

1885    ordained, East German Conference


Interment: Covenant Greenwood Cemetery, Ebenezer [Lebanon County] PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1933, 17


1880-81           Pine Grove circuit

1881-82           Freeburg circuit

1882-83           Albany mission

1883-85           Paxinos circuit

1885-89           Tremont circuit

1889-91           Catawissa circuit

1891-95           Jonestown circuit

1895-98           Tower City

1898-01           Mt. Carmel

1901                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference

1901-02           Mt. Carmel

1902-03           Iona

1903-04           Lickdale

1904-10           Valley View

1910-12           Allentown circuit

1912-14           Grantville circuit

1914-20           Bern circuit

1920-23           Linglestown

1923-25           Campbelltown

1925                retired





Born: 5-15-1878  England                                          married: Elizabeth Augusta Maupin (5/15/1909)

Died: 12-6-1940  Roseville CA                                  obit: [10/13/1891 – 5/6/1940]

Miller-Raker #: no     

Fulton #: no    

Gibble list: no


1914    admitted on trial, Northwest Texas Conference MES





1897-98           Rosedale

1898-99           student, Lebanon Valley College

1914                “transfer” to Northwest Texas Conference, MES

1914-16           Lamesa

1916-18           ?

1918                located

                        “transfer” to Presbyterian Church

                        Trenton MO

                        Sallisaw OK


Note:  A.E. Arnfield served in the Allegheny Conference under “others employed in the conference.”  The 1900 LVC yearbook lists him in one place as being from Manchester, England, and in another place as being from Johnstown PA.  The gravemarkers give the years (apparently erroneously) 1887 and 1892 for Albert and “Bessie”.




Born: 1896                                                                  married: Ruth E. Warriner

Died: 1972                                                                  obit: [1906 – 1990]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


Interment: Mount Rose Cemetery, York PA



1920-22           Sinking Spring

1922-25           student, Princeton Seminary

1947-49           York Westminster Presbyterian


Note: Jay H. Arnold served as “others employed by the conference” while a student at Lebanon College 1918-22.  He became a Presbyterian minister.





Born: 5-3-1868  Schuylkill County PA                      married: Maggie Statia Leydig

Died: 8-25-1934  Port Matilda PA                             obit: [12/13/1870 – 2/11/1958]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 270

Gibble list: yes


1888    quarterly conference license

1891    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1901    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Presbyterian Cemetery, Port Matilda PA

Obit: Allegheny Conference 1934, 63


1891-93           Schaefferstown circuit

1893-94           Lickingville, Allegheny Conference

1894-95           Middletown, Allegheny Conference

1895                transfer to Allegheny Conference

1895-96           Berlin

1896-98           Springfield

1898-99           Dehaven

1899-00           Paychinsville

1911-12           Susquehanna

1912                Port Matilda

1912                located





Born: 2-11-1922  Franklin PA                                    married: Louise Stevenson

Died: 2-7-2003  Millersville PA                                 obit: [5/15/1923 – 6/8/2008]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1957    1icense, East Pennsylvania Conference: recommended by East Smethport

1963    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Green Hill UM Cemetery, Conestoga PA



1957-62           Bellegrove circuit

1962-67           Highville

1967-76           Allentown Salem

1976-81           Lancaster Pearl Street

1981-85           West Willow

1985                retired

                             1995-99      Green Hill



AU      see OW





Born:                                                                           married: Joan H. _____

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1951    1icense, East Pennsylvania Conference: recommended by Harrisburg Derry Street

1955    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference





1952-57           Mount Carmel

1957-59           Aristes-Mount Carmel

1959-69           Cleona (ending 11/1/69)

1969-73           coordinator, Conference Camps and Conferences (beginning 11/1/69)

1973-78           consultant, Conference

1978-83           Lancaster Grandview Heights

1983-94           Norristown Haws Avenue

1994                retired





Born: 11-?-1855  Juniata County PA                         married: Elizabeth Bressler (1880)

Died: 10-8-1932  Blair County PA                             obit: [1856-1900]

Miller-Raker #: no                                                      married2: Emma Florence Buckley (1901)

Fulton #: 224                                                               obit2: [7/28/1872 – 8/27/1928]

Gibble list: no


1888    license, Allegheny Conference

1891    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Dunmyer Cemetery, Salix PA



1888-90           Juniata

1890-93           Berlin

1893-94           Cooksburg

1894-95           Clarington

1895-97           North Jefferson

1897-99           Mahoning

1899-00           Cambria

1900-01           Dunlo

1901-02           East Freedom

1902-03           Bigler

1903-04           West Decatur

1904-05           not listed

1905-06           Susquehanna

1906-14           on leave

1914                referred to quarterly conference, page 63


Note: Peter L. Auker is the subject of the 2021 on-line document Tracing the Steps of a Circuit Rider by Lindea Auker.  He is a brother to Rev. Joseph Auker (1844-1899) of the Church of the Brethren.  An obituary for the first Mrs. Auker appears on page 666 of The Religious Telescope for May 23, 1900.





Born: 6-21-1892  Pine Grove PA                               married: Elizabeth Herr

Died: 9-?-1972                                                            obit: Eastern Conference 1964,120

Miller-Raker #: no                                                      married2: Ada Howard

Fulton #: no                                                                 obit2: Central Pennsylvania Conference 1981, 347

Gibble list: yes


1912    quarterly conference license, Pine Grove

1915    license, Lower Wabash Conference

1921    ordained, Illinois Conference


Interment: Hummelstown Cemetery, Hummelstown PA

Obit: Central Pennsylvania Conference 1973, 367


1912-15           student, Lebanon Valley College

1915-16           Wood River IL, Lower Wabash Conference

1916-17           Mt. Vernon IL, Lower Wabash Conference

1917-18           Redmon circuit, Lower Wabash Conference

1918-21           student, Bonebrake [United] Theological Seminary in Dayton OH

                        1919                 transfer to Illinois Conference

                        1919-21           Dayton OH Wagner Chapel

1921-23           Lebanon St. Paul’s, East Pennsylvania Conference

1923                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference

1923-24           Lebanon St. Paul’s

1924-26           Linglestown-Colonial Park

1926-47           New Holland

1947-62           Hummelstown

1962                retired

                            1962-63       West Willow

                            1963-64       Refton

                            1964-65       Shopes

1970                transfer by boundary change to Central Pennsylvania Conference





Born: 11-8-1760  Buffalo Valley PA                         married: Catharine Reiber

Died: 4-24-1831                                                          obit: [8/7/1764 – 8/13/1849]

Miller-Raker #: 29

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1800     license

1809    ordained, German Reformed


Interment: Water Street Cemetery, Water Street PA



1801-04                      Dreisbach German Reformed Church, Union County

1804-31           Zion German Reformed Church, Huntingdon County

1807                dismissed


Note: John Dietrich Aurandt was elected to the State legislature in 1819.




Born: 6-30-1856  Winterstown PA                            married: Sarah Ellen Craumer

Died: 10-15-1939  Carlisle PA                                   obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1933, 22

Miller-Raker #: 400

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1879    quarterly conference license, Dallastown

1881    licensed

1884    ordained


Interment: Home Cemetery, Dallastown PA

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1940, 28


1881-84                      Perry circuit

1884-86                      Duncannon mission station

1886-90                      Boiling Springs circuit

1890-99                      Shippensburg mission station

1899-02                      presiding elder, Chambersburg District

1902-14                      York Second

1914-22                      New Cumberland

1922-23                      Lemoyne

1923-25                      located

1925                conference superintendent July to October

1925                retired


Note: Holdcraft’s 1939 History of Pennsylvania Conference, page 289, gives a brief biography.  Mrs. Ayers is the daughter of William H. Craumer.





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1954    license, East Pennsylvania Conference: recommended by Harrisburg Derry Street





1954-58           student, Lebanon Valley College

1958-62           student, University of Pennsylvania

1962-20           staff, University of Michigan Institute for Social Research

2020                retired


Note: Jerald G. Bachman is the author of numerous books and articles on youth behaviors, substance abuse, and other social issues.





Born: 9-8-1867  Lititz PA                                          married: Clara Weidman

Died: 11-25-1939  Des Moines IA                             obit: [11/16/1870 – 3/25/1953]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1894    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1897    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Chapel Hill Cemetery, Des Moines IA



1894-95           Paradise station

1895-98           Grantville circuit        

1898-00           Manheim station

1900-01           Jacksonville circuit (Enders)

1901-02           Manor

1902-03           on leave for secular employment

1903-05           Eby’s (ending 9/10/1905)

1905-10           living in Elkhart IN and pastoring part-time

1910-12           living in Des Moines IA and pastoring part-time

1912                transfer to Iowa Conference

1912-39           living in Des Moines IA and pastoring part-time


Note:  Although 1908, 11 states “an open transfer was granted to M.E. Bachman” while he was living in Indiana, he apparently did not formally join another conference until 1912 while he was living in Iowa.  M.E. Bachman graduated from the Still College of Osteopathy in Des Moines IA in 1912 and served as dean of that institution 1912-23.  He is the father of Walter Eugene Bachman (1890-1971: member of the Iowa and Nebraska Conferences, and president of York College 1947-53) and Fannie Irene Bachman (1898-1973: teacher at McCurdy Mission School 1929-51 and namesake of that institution’s Bachman Hall dormitory).  Even though he is listed in the United Brethren Yearbook until 1940, there appears to be no conference obituary for M.E. Bachman.  The story of the Bachman family is given in Pauline Bachman Mann’s 1981 book “Our Heritage, a History of the Bachmans of Lititz Pennsylvania: ancestors and descendants of Aaron Eugene & Fannie Ritter Bachman, and Monroe Eugene & Clara Weidman Bachman.” 





Born: 7-30-1874  Reading PA                                    married: Irene O. _____

Died: 3-30-1947  Portland OR                                   obit: [5/7/1898 – 12/10/1974]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1896    license, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: River View Cemetery, Portland OR



1899                transfer [to Rock River Conference?]


Note: A.U. Baer appears in the UB Yearbook in the Rock River Conference beginning in 1902.  The East Pennsylvania Conference gives a middle initial of W.




Born: 1796                                                                  married:

Died: 2-27-1853  Path Valley PA                              obit:

Miller-Raker #: 95

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1820    license

1822     ordained


Interment: Spring Run Cemetery, Spring Run PA

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1854, 30 – sent to The Religious Telescope


1826-27           presiding elder


Note: Weaver’s 1908 Minutes of the 1819-24 Conferences, page 45, gives a brief biography [BEAR].





Born:                                                                           married:

Died: 1823                                                                  obit:

Miller-Raker #: 97

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1820     license








Born:                                                                           married:

Died: 1831/2                                                               obit:

Miller-Raker #: 76

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1815    license



Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1832, 32


Note: John Baer appears to have been the brother of Christian Newcomer’s father-in-law (see Newcomer’s journal for 5/1/1812).




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: 65

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1811     license








Born: 6-24-1842                                                          married: Louise Ungerbuehler

Died: 6-17-1911  Hartleton PA                                  obit: [4/4/1844 – 8/13/1921]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 231 [BAIR]

Gibble list: yes


1884    license, East German Conference

1887    ordained, East German Conference


Interment: Northwood Cemetery, Philadelphia PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1911, 32


1883-84           Philadelphia Port Richmond [St. Paul’s]

1884-85           Middleburg circuit

1885-86           Freeburg circuit

1887-88           Yocumtown mission, Pennsylvania Conference

1888                transfer to Allegheny Conference

1895                transfer to East German Conference

1900-01           East Clearfield, Allegheny Conference

1901                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference


Note: W.A. Baier (also Baeir, Bare, Beier) was a member of the East German Conference from Freeburg, Snyder County, when assigned to Yocumtown.  He suffered from ill health and did not finish the year.





Born: 5-3-1856  Wellsboro PA                                  married: Mary Gummo

Died: 7-10-1911  New Paris PA                                 obit: Allegheny Conference 1918, 64

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 331

Gibble list: no


1905    license, Allegheny Conference

1910    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Wildwood Cemetery, Williamsport PA

Obit: Allegheny Conference 1911, 83


1905-06           Lloydell

1906-07           Claysville

1907-08           Dunevy

1908-09           Houserville

1909-10           Fair Hope

1910-11           New Paris


Note: Church records refer to him (apparently incorrectly) as Newton F. Bailey.





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 59

Gibble list: no


1844     license, Allegheny Conference





1845-46           Juniata

1846                name erased


Note: This is believed to be the Emanuel Bair [8/17/1816 – 1/3/1901] born in Newberry township, York County, and died in Shade Gap, Huntingdon County.




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 382

Gibble list: no


?    license, ? Conference





1907-08           Madlen IL, Illinois Baptist State Convention

1908-09           Waukesha circuit, Allegheny Conference of the United Brethren Church

1909-10           Springfield, Allegheny Conference of the United Brethren Church

1910                transfer to Allegheny Conference

1916                returned to quarterly conference license

                        affiliated with the Baptist Church

1917-19           Peter’s Creek, Pittsburgh PA Baptist Association

1918-22           Pitcairn First, Pittsburgh PA Baptist Association

1922-               Des Moines IA


Note: E.H. Baker served in the Allegheny Conference under “others employed by the conference” – his credentials and/or affiliation appear to be Baptist.





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1933   license, Allegheny Conference: recommended by Altoona Otterbein





Note: F.H. Baker apparently never served under appointment.  He is otherwise unknown, but is believed to be the Frank H. Baker [2/24/1914 – 9/25/1999] born in Blair County and died in Juniata County.




Born: 1-12-1891  near Newburg PA                          married: Catharine Louise Sparrow

Died: 10-3-1959  Enola                                              obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1931, 40

Miller-Raker #: 596                                                    married2: Olive May Sheibley

Fulton #: no                                                                 obit2: Central Pennsylvania Conference 1982, 389

Gibble list: no


1916    license

1922    ordained


Interment: Spring Hill Cemetery, Shippensburg PA

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1960, 42


1916-17                      Carlisle circuit

1917-20                      Dover

1920-25                      Shermansdale

1925-30                      Oakdale

1930-38                      Duncannon

1938-48                     Shepherdstown

1948-50                      York Haven

1950-58                      Enola

1958                retired


Note: The first Mrs. Baker was the daughter of Charles Mayberry Sparrow.





Born:  1759  Germany                                                            married: Susanna Putnam (1781)

Died: 1808  Tennessee                                                obit:

Miller-Raker #: 9

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1789    license


Interment: Tennessee



Note:  Drury’s 1924 History of the United Brethren in Christ, page 156, gives a brief biography of Baker and the others listed in connection with the historic conference of 1789.  Page 257 of the same book notes that on 4/5/1812 Francis Asbury made the following comments while eulogizing Martin Boehm and speaking of the United Brethren in general: “Our German reformers have left no journal or record, that I have seen or heard of, by which we might learn the extent of their labors; but from Tennessee, where the excellent Baker labored and died, through Virginia and Maryland, into Pennsylvania as far eastward as Bucks and Berks counties, the effects of their ministry were happily seen and felt.”   Holdcraft’s 1959 The Old Otterbein Church Story, page 58, gives a brief biography.

     The first authoritative biograph of Henry Baker entitled “The Excellent Baker” is given in the 2024 volume of The Chronicle, pages 18-22.  His family tree includes three Mehtodist Episcopal preachers.  He is father of Rev. Henry Baker (1795-1863) of the Cincinnati Conference, the grandfather of Rev. George W. Waggoner (1820-1905) of the Southern Illinois Conference, and the uncle of Rev. Job McNamee Baker (1794-1878) of the East Texas Conference.





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no





1860-61                      Shopps station [Shiremanstown]

1860                resigned Shopps station





Born: 8-22-1809  Centre County PA                          married: Sarah Linstman

Died: 10-2-1900                                                          obit: [3/29/1821 – 3/28/1852]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 33

Gibble list: no


1839    license, Allegheny Conference

1841    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Mount Pleasant PA

Obit: Allegheny Conference 1901, 32


1841-42           Juniata

1842-43                      Harrisburg station, Pennsylvania Conference

1843-45           superintendent, Huntingdon District

1845-46           superintendent, Westmoreland District

1846-48           Allegheny

1848-50           located

1850-51           Westmoreland

1851-52           Somerset

1852-53           located

1853-55           Liverpool

1855-56           Allegheny

1856-57           Johnstown

1857-58           Schellsburg

1858-59           Washington

1859-63           located

1863-64           Mechanicsburg

1864-65           Blair

1865-66           Bellefonte

1866-68           Millheim mission

1868-69           Juniata

1869-70           Washington

1870-71           Industry

1871-72           located

1872-73           Bellefonte & Millheim

1873-74           ?

1874-75           Cambria

1875-76           West Branch circuit

1876-78           Springfield

1878-79           Fallen Timber

1879-80           East Salem

1880-81           Indiana

1881-82           Cooksburg

1882-85           Allegheny

1885-87           located

                             1885-86       Cooksburg

                             1886-87      Tuscorora (1st part), New Haven (2nd part)    

1887                retired





Born: 6-14-1916  Rozel KS                                        married: Ruth Horst

Died: 2-12-1978                                                          obit: [5/18/1918 – 4/16/1989]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


Interment: Schaefferstown Cemetery, Scharfferstown PA



1958-59           Shermansdale-Young’s


Note: Nolan F. Balman is listed as “others employed” and the charge as under “care of conference superintendent.”  In 1967 he is described the Lebanon Daily News as the “deputation secretary of the Evangelical Alliance Mission.”  He is the author of God's Viking, the biography of TEAM missionary Walter S. Olsen (1916-1972). 





Born: 1804                                                                  married: Nancy _____

Died: 1884                                                                  obit: [1811 – 3/24/1867]

Miller-Raker #: 285                                                    married2: Mary A. _____

Fulton #: no                                                                 obit2: [? – 5/23/1870]

Gibble list: no


1847    license

1851    ordained


Interment: Old Hill Cemetery, Smithville OH



1851                transfer, to any western conference


Note: Little in known of Christian Balmer except that a daughter Anna M. was born in Mechanicsburg PA in 1839 appears to have been associated with Shoop’s Church in Shiremanstown and many of the United Brethren pioneers.  The family moved to Ohio in 1851.  He reportedly worked as a coachmaker and preached on Sundays.  The Chronicle 1996, page 88, gives a brief biography.  Christian Balmer is no relation to Bishop John Balmer Showers, who was named for the Canadian physician who attended his mother’s birth.





Born: 1-21-1868  Hummelstown PA                          married: Katie E. Linaweaver

Died: 9-5-1922                                                            obit: [5/14/1872 – 11/18/1938]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1903    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1906    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Fishburn Cemetery, Hershey PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1922, 66


1902-07           Catawissa circuit (beginning 1/1/03 – see 1903, 5)

1907-15           Harrisburg Sixth Street

1915-19           Columbia Salome

1919-22           Schuylkill Haven


Note:  Peter H. Balsbaugh is the father of Edna Balsbaugh Beittel, wife of Charles R. Beittel.





Born: 11-26-1832  Thurmont MD                              married: Cecelia Caroline James (1859)

Died: 1-16-1893  Annville PA                                   obit: [10/25/1836 – 4/16/1914]

Miller-Raker #: 330

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1854    license, Virginia Conference

1856    ordained, Virginia Conference


Interment: Charles Evans Cemetery, Reading PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1893, 30


1854-55           Middle Creek circuit

1855-56           Buckhannon

1856-57           Churchville

1857-58                      Winchester

1858-59                      Hagerstown mission station

1859-61           Baltimore mission

1861-62           Frederick

1862                transfer to Pennsylvania Conference

1862-64           Orrstown station

1864-66                      Shopps station [Shiremanstown]

1866-67                      New Holland circuit

1867-68                      unknown

1868                transfer to Virginia Conference

1868-69           unknown

1869-70           Hagerstown mission station (also assigned in 1870, but went to East Pa instead)

1870-72           Mountville circuit, East Pennsylvania Conference

1872                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference

1872-73           Mountville circuit

1873-74                      Highspire circuit

1874-80           presiding elder

1880-83                      Harrisburg Memorial [First]

1883-84                      presiding elder, Chambersburg District

1884-85                      presiding elder, Lancaster District

1885-86                      presiding elder, Baltimore District

1886-89           presiding elder, Harrisburg District

1889-92           Reading Otterbein

1892-93                      Pottstown mission


Note: Isaiah Baltzell was a prominent hymn writer and editor of gospel song books.  Holdcraft’s 1939 History of the Pennsylvania Conference, page 289, gives a brief biography.  Gibble’s 1951 History of the East Pennsylvania Conference, page 452, gives a brief biography.





Born: 7-25-1934                                                          married: Verna E. _____

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: 772

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1959     license, recommended by New Cumberland Trinity





1959-61           member of New Cumberland Trinity, student at Messiah College

1961                withdrew, moved to Tennessee





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: 136 & 207 [BERGER]

Fulton #: 26

Gibble list: no


1828    license

1835    ordained





1839                charter member of Allegheny Conference

1857                erased


Note: Eberly’s Landmark History of the United Brethren Church, page 77, also renders the name BARGER.  Aldrich’s 1887 History of Clearfield County, page 440, identifies Joseph Barger as an early Boggs township resident prominent in the United Brethren Church.  This could be the Joseph Barger (1790-1866) buried in the Bigler Cemetery in Bigler PA.





Born: 1850                                                                  married: Laura Belle Smith

Died: 12-3-1919  Hagerstown MD                             obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1947, 36

Miller-Raker #: 484

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1873    quarterly conference license, Mt. Hebron (South Branch, Virginia Conference)

1877    license, Parkersburg [West Virginia] Conference

1879    ordained, Parkersburg [West Virginia] Conference


Interment: Rose Hill, Hagerstown MD

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1920, 67


1874-75                      New Germany MD

1875-76                      Augusta circuit VA

1876-77                      Buckhannon station WV

1877-78                      Berlin, Ontario Canada

1878-79                      Philippi WV

1879-80                      Central station

1880-82                      West Milford

1882-84                      Lexington IL

1884-86                      Pendleton circuit

1886-87                      South Branch

1887-88                      North Fork

1890                transfer to Maryland Conference

1890-91                      Chewsville MD

1891-92                      Williamsport MD

1892-93                      Westernport MD

1894                retired, member of Hagerstown Grace

    1902        transfer to Pennsylvania Conference by boundary change

    1904-11  evangelist at large


Note: The Maryland Conference was formed from the Virginia Conference in 1887 and merged into the Pennsylvania Conference in 1902.  William D. Barger’s daughter Eunice is the wife of Joseph H. Schmitt.





Born: 5-18-1891  Huntington IN                                married: Helen Virginia Beall

Died: 7-16-1967  Darlington MD                               obit: [2/23/1891 – 12/9/1972]

Miller-Raker #: 626                                                    married2: Mary B. _____

Fulton #: no                                                                 obit2: [5/31/1907 – 5/8/1979]

Gibble list: no


1924    license

1931    re-licensed, recommended by Baltimore Franklin Street  1931, 28


Interment: Deer Creek Harmony Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Harford County MD



1925-27                      Baltimore Trinity

1927-29           Winterstown

1929-30                      living in Lancaster

1930                                returned to quarterly conference license

1930-33           living in Lancaster, Baltimore, Hagerstown  

                             1932-33      Hagerstown Mission, Pennsylvania Conference of the UBOC

1933                dropped, discontinued course of study, no longer UB


Note: Paul R. Barnaby is the son of Rev. Alvin Paul Barnaby (1865-1906) and the grandson of Bishop Horace Thomas Barnaby (1823-1917), both of the United Brethren Old Constitution – the latter being an 1889 co-founder of the denomination along with Bishop Milton Wright.  A family picture and biographical sketch appear in the 1928 Winterstown Church Centennial booklet.  See also the journals of the Pennsylvania Conference of the UBOC 1932 (p.11) and 1933 (p.4), as Paul R. Barnaby supplied their work in Hagerstown for almost two years but was never a ministerial member of that conference.





Born: 4-14-1912  Snyder County PA                         married: Naomi Beatrice Herrold

Died: 4-16-1998                                                          obit: Western Pennsylvania Conference 1992, 308

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1933    quarterly conference license, Freeburg

1935    license, Allegheny Conference: recommended by Richfield

1941    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: St. Clair Cemetery, Greensburg PA

Obit: Western Pennsylvania Conference 1998, 390


1939-42           Waukesha

1942-47           Altoona

1947-53           Altoona Third

1953-60           South Fork

1960-68           Philipsburg (ending 11/1968)

1968-75           Paradise (beginning 11/1968)

1975-78           South Greensburg

1978                retired





Born: 19-14-1897  Punxsutawney PA                        married: Bessie Mildred Dobson

Died: 9-12-1975  Hollidaysburg PA                          obit: Western Pennsylvania Conference  1976, 333

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 490

Gibble list: no


1923    quarterly conference license

1925    license, Allegheny Conference

1929    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Pearce Cemetery, Rossiter PA

Obit: Western Pennsylvania Conference 1976, 319


1923-25           Hustontown

1925-27           Runville

1927-28           New Paris

1928-30           Rochester Mills

1930-34           Casselman

1934-37           Wyano

1937-49           Glasgo

1949-52           Sidman – St. Michael

1952-57           Punxsutawney Albion

1957-59           Cherry Tree

1959                retired





Born: 8-1-1911  Punxsutawney PA                            married: Edna Elizabeth Sherwood

Died: 10-27-1988                                                        obit: Western Pennsylvania Conference 1994, 283

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1931    quarterly conference license

1936    license, Allegheny Conference: recommended by Punxsutawney

1938    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Circle Hill Cemetery, Punxsutawney PA

Obit: Western Pennsylvania Conference 1988, 495


1936-38           student, Bonebrake [United] Theological Seminary in Dayton OH

1938-43           Altoona Pleasant Valley (ending 3/1/1943)

1943-49           McKeesport First (beginning 3/1/1943)

1949-56           Somerset

1956-64           Johnstown Park Avenue

1964-75           McKeesport Kephart

1975-76           sabbatical

1976                retired


Note: Kenneth T. Barnette is the father of Rev. Sherwood Barnette and Rev. Sheldon Barnette – both formerly of the Western Pennsylvania Conference, most recent affiliations unknown.





Born: 10-24-1840  Middleburg, Franklin Co PA       married: Susan Catherine Gossard

Died: 1-17-1904  Bendersville PA                             obit: [12/29/1843 – 12/11/1892]

Miller-Raker #: 410

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1874    license, Virginia Conference

1879    ordained, Virginia Conference


Interment: Bendersville Cemetery, Bendersville PA

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1904, 70


1884                transfer to Pennsylvania Conference

                        taught school until becoming an itinerant

1895-98                      Perry circuit (beginning 10/12/1895)

1898-99           New Bloomfield

1899-03           Bendersville


Note: David Barnhart is the father of Elmer H. Barnhart and William V. Barnhart.





Born: 5-21-1872                                                          married: Cynthia L. Baker

Died: 6-20-1958                                                          obit: [1/24/1877 – 6/26/1962]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 284

Gibble list: no


1898    license, Allegheny Conference

1903    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Burwood Cemetery, Escalon CA

Obit: Southern California–Arizona Conference (M) 1959, 316



1895-98           Industry

1898-00           Connellsville

1901-03           student, Bonebrake Seminary in Dayton OH

                            1901-02       Fairview, Miami Conference

    1902-03       Bowlusville, Miami Conference

1903-04           Claysville

                        moved to California   

                        Chino UB

                        Monrovia UB

1907-11           Alpaugh Union          

     1910            honorable discharge from the United Brethren Church

1911                “transfer” to Southern California Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church

1911-12           Alpaugh

1912-13           Del Rey

1913-14           Orange Cove

1914-19           Alpaugh

1919-20           missionary to Arizona (Williams, Flagstaff, Grand Canyon)

1920-21           located

1921-22           Cutler and Exeter

1922-25           Earlimart

1925                retired


Note: Elmer H. Barnhart is the son of David Barnhart and a brother to William V. Barnhart.  Baker was the maiden name of Mrs. Barnhart’s mother; Mrs. Barnhart’s maiden name is also given as Cynthia Vandivort.




Born: 1-2-1893  Forward PA                                      married: Reba Mae Wentling

Died: 10-26-1944                                                        obit: [2/21/1892 – 5/19/1975]


Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1926    quarterly conference license, Cleona

1927    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1931    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Gravel Hill Cemetery, Palmyra PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1945, 15


1926-32           Lebanon circuit

1932-44           Hershey First





Born: 1-11-1867  Waynesboro PA                             married: Fannie Susan Gossart

Died: 6-7-1946                                                            obit: [1/4/1871 – 3/10/1954]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 267

Gibble list: no


1894    quarterly conference license

1895    license, Allegheny Conference

1899    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Green Ridge Cemetery, Scottdale PA

Obit: Allegheny Conference 1946, 64


1894-95           Rosedale

1895-99           LaJose

1899-02           McKeesport First

1902-07           Connellsville

1907-08           Wilkinsburg

1908-17           Pitcairn

1917-19           field work Church Erection

1919-21           field work, Board of Administration (ending 4/1921)

1921-23           Monessen (beginning 4/1921)

1923-26           McKeesport Kephart

1926-27           Beaver Falls

1927-31           Latrobe

1931-42           Westmoreland

1942                retired


Note: William V. Barnhart is the son of David Barnhart and a brother to Elmer H. Barnhart.  Mrs. Barnhart's maiden name is also rendered Gossert.





Born: 9-27-1859  Yoe PA                                          married: Lydia Landis

Died: 12-22-1919  Yoe PA                                         obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1919, 70

Miller-Raker #: 431

Fulton #: 322

Gibble list: no


1881    quarterly conference license, Dallastown

1888    license

1891    ordained


Interment: Dallastown PA

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1920, 68


1888-89           Winterstown (beginning 10/1888)

1889-92                      Dover circuit

1892-95           Eschol mission

1895-96                      living in Dayton OH

1896                transfer to Maryland Conference

1896-99                      Walkersville

1899-00           living in Hagerstown MD

1900                transfer to Northern Illinois Conference

1900-01           Forreston IL  [? – nee Note below]

1901-02                      White Heath IL

1902-03           living in Shiremanstown

1903                transfer to Allegheny Conference

1903-04           Orbisonia

1904-06           Coalport

1906-07           South Williamsport

1907-09                      Bellefonte

1909-10                      Portage and/or Wilmore [records confusing]

1910-11                      Greenwood

1911-12           Mapleton (resigned 12/7/11, moved to York?)

1912-13           Milton

1913-15           Dover, Pennsylvania Conference

1915                transfer to Pennsylvania Conference

1915-17           Dover

1917-19                      Shepherdstown

1919                Jefferson


Note: The 1900-01 year is confusing.  Daniel Barshinger is listed locally as pastor at Boonsboro MD (Maryland Conference) 1900-01.  He also seems to have been assigned 1900-01 to New Paris (Allegheny Conference) 1900-01, but apparently did not serve.  The years 1909-1911 are also unclear, although he apparently graduated during this time from the Doctor Gordan School of Osteopathy at Rockford IL.  A copy of the 11/29/19 Telescope in the Dallastown church file includes brief biographical sketches of Rev. and Mrs. Barshinger.





Born: 1-10-1805  Clearfield County PA                                married: Mary _____

Died: 5-29-1850  Clearfield County PA                                obit: [10/8/1804 - ?]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 37

Gibble list: no



1840    license, Allegheny Conference

1843    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Mount Joy United Brethren Cemetery, Burnside township, Clearfield County PA

Obit: [Allegheny Conference 1907, 9]


1843-45           Clearfield circuit


Note: Isaiah Barto is the great-grandfather (through his daughter Mary Ann Barto Neff and grandson Isaiah Barto Neff) of George O. Neff.  It appears that both the wife (Mary) and 7 year old daughter (Tabitha) of Isaiah Barto may have died the same day 4/19/1850.




Born: 11-15-1774                                                        married:

Died: 10-31-1853                                                        obit:

Miller-Raker #: 228

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1838    license


Interment: Salem Church, Franklin County PA

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1854, 30 - sent to The Religious Telescope


1849-50           Conococheague circuit





Born:                                                                           married: Carolyn Ruth Bumgartner

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1953    1icense, East Pennsylvania Conference: recommended by Lancaster Otterbein

1958    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference





1953-55           student, Princeton University

1955-58           student, United Theological Seminary in Dayton OH

                             1955-58  assistant, Dayton High Street

1958-59           assistant, Elizabethtown

1950-64           Reading Zion

1964-73           Reading Inner City Parish

1973-79           superintendent, Reading District

1979-80           Lancaster First

1980-88           bishop, Boston Area

1988-00           bishop, Pittsburgh Area

2000                retired





Born: 4-30-1874  Lickdale PA                                   married: Lydia Ann Zeller

Died: 9-21-1954  Dayton OH                                     obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1959, 53

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1896    quarterly conference license, Dayton OH Summit Street

1897    license, East German Conference

1898    ordained, East German Conference


Interment: Memorial Park Cemetery, Dayton OH

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1955, 29


1898-01           Allentown Zion

1901                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference

1901-06           Harrisburg First

1906-11           Reading Zion

1911-20           Lancaster Covenant

1920-21           Dayton First, Miami Conference

1921                transfer to Miami Conference

1921-29           Dayton First

1929                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference

1929-45           bishop, Eastern Area

1945                bishop emeritus





Born: 2-10-1905  Tyrone PA                                      married: Ruby Ann See

Died: 12-30-2000  Charlottesville VA                       obit: Virginia Conference 1957, 20

Miller-Raker #: no                                                      married2: Lucie S. _____

Fulton #: 524                                                               obit2: [2/12/1912 – 9/9/1999]

Gibble list: no


1927    quarterly conference license

1929    license, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Augusta Memorial Park, Waynesboro VA

Obit: Virginia Conference 2001,?


1929-31           Altoona Wehnwood

1931-33           Runville (ending 5/9/1933)

1933-35           Mapleton (beginning 5/10/1933)

1935-36           Riverton, Virginia Conference

1936                transfer to Virginia Conference

1936-39           Riverton

1939-43           Blairton-Greensburg

1943-49           faculty, public schools in WV

1949-57           Berkeley Springs

1957-69           faculty, American School of the US Forces in Baumholder and Augsburg Germany

1969-71           faculty, public schools in Washington DC

1971                retired


Note: Earl C. Bateman Sr. is the father of Virginia Ann Bateman Martindale, wife of Rev. Charles T. Martindale of Ohio, affiliation unknown.  A biographical sketch for Earl C. Bateman is given in Glovier's 1965 History of the Virginia Conference, page 321.  He is listed as a member of the Virginia Conference at his death, but it appears that the Conference did not publish an obituary.




Born: 1859  Bellefonte PA                                         married: Amelia A. Malone

Died: 5-29-1922  Orbisonia PA                                  obit: [?/?/1859 – 11/18/1921]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton: no

Gibble list: no


Interment: Orbisonia PA



1907-09           Eschol, Allegheny Conference

1909-10           Shade Gap, Allegheny Conference

1912-13           Shade Gap, Allegheny Conference

1912-13           Horse Valley, Pennsylvania Conference (apparently simultaneously with above)


Note: Zebulon Bathurst appears to have served without being formally licensed or ordained by any Conference.  Zebulon and Amelia were married 12/23/1880 at Milesburg. 





Born: 3-18-1850  Klecknersville PA                          married: Ellen M. Miller

Died: 3-9-1910                                                            obit: [10/3/1850 – 3/7/1924]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1889    quarterly conference license, Chapman’s Quarries

1892    license, East German Conference

1895    ordained, East German Conference


Interment: Salem Union Cemetery, Moorstown (Northampton County) PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1910, 42


1891-92           Catawissa circuit

1892-93           Myerstown

1893-96           Mt. Carmel

1896-97           Pine Grove circuit

1897-99           located, living in Klecknersville

1899-01           Sunbury and Milton

1901                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference

1901-02           Paradise

1902-08           located, living at Klecknersville

1908-09           Iona

1909                retired


Note: The maiden name of Mrs. Bauer also appears as Mary L. Miller.




Born: 3-10-1768  Middletown Valley MD                             married: Anna Margaret Beckenbach

Died: 4-20-1851  OH                                                              obit: [2/24/1768 – 9/16/1840]

Miller-Raker #: 24

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1795    license

1814    ordained


Interment: Bowlus Cemetery, Fremont OH



1812-13                      oversight “between Potomac and Susquehanna rivers”

1816-18                      presiding elder

1820’s             transfer to Ohio


Note: Holdcraft’s 1939 History of the Pennsylvania Conference, page 290, gives a brief biography.  The surname is also rendered BOWLUS.  Memorial United Methodist Church (Sandusky County OH) has microfilmed records at the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center placed by Vonda Bowlus Kokai, a lifelong member and church historian.  The congregation begun under Jacob Bowlus.  In 1822, Jacob Bowlus migrated from Frederick County, Maryland to Winter's Station (near Bettsville OH). Through his influence, the General Conference formed the Sandusky Conference and began supplying the stations with itinerant ministers in 1829.  Chapter 6 of the 1908 denomination study course Our Heroes discusses Jacob Baulus.  Jacob Bowlus is a first cousin to Jacob Doub.  Weaver’s 1908 Minutes of the 1819-24 Conferences, page 46, also gives a brief biography.



Born: 1763                                                                  married:

Died: 1818/9                                                               obit:

Miller-Raker #: 45

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1802    license

1817    ordained


Interment: Lutheran Cemetery, Middletown MD

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1819, 15 (postscript)


Note: Weaver’s 1908 Minutes of the 1819-24 Conferences, page 46, gives a brief biography.





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1888    license, East Pennsylvania Conference





1889    transfer to Maryland Conference


1890    transfer to Ohio German Conference




Note: Henry Baumbach is considered a ministerial son of Baltimore Third [Fulton Ave].  This surname is also rendered BAUMBACK. 





Born: 7-19-1863                                                          married: Mary Sylvaria Fout

Died: 10-31-1933  Frostburg VA                               obit: [3/18/1869 – 10/12/1916]

Miller-Raker #: 486                                                    married2: Lydia E. Garman [8/22/1917]

Fulton #: no                                                                 obit2:

Gibble list: no


1888    licensed, Virginia Conference

1895    ordained, Virginia Conference





1888-89                      Hartmansville mission

1889-90                      Franklin

1890-91                      Moorefield

1891-02           unknown, apparently transferred to Maryland Conference

1902                                transfer to Pennsylvania Conference

1902-04           living in Westernport MD

1904-06           living in Elkgarden WV

1907                dismissed, pages 46&72


Note: The Conference at which William P. Bazzle was dismissed was held on October 1907.  As late as September 1907 he was living on Main Street, Keyser WV, and performed two weddings – presumably as a local pastor, even though this was outside the bounds of the Pennsylvania Conference in which he was licensed.  In 1911 there was a wedding performed “at the home of Rev W. P. Bazzel [sic] by Rev J. H. Brunk of Keyser.”  Keyser WV and Rev. J.H. Brunk were within the Virginia Conference of the United Brethren Church, but there is no known evidence that W.P. Bazzle ever re-connected with the Virginia Conference of the United Brethren Church.  In 1917 W.P. Bazzle was living in Summit County OH, using the Rev. designation as a “minister of the Gospel.”





Born: 7-128-1852  West Bromwich, England            married: Sarah Evans

Died: 1-10-1929                                                          obit: [3/1/1854 – 4/14/1935]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


            quarterly conference license, Columbia Salome

1889    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1893    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Middletown Cemetery, Middletown PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1929, 13


1892-93           Marietta circuit

1893-99           East Harrisburg circuit

1899-00           Intercourse

1900-01           Halifax

1901-03           Tower City

1903-04           Pequea circuit

1904-06           Elverson circuit

1906-09           Liverpool, Allegheny Conference

1909-11           Union circuit

1911-15           Hillsdale circuit

1915-18           Royalton

1918-20           retired

1920-22           Iona

1922                retired


Note: In 1901 Rev. Beach was assigned to Hillsdale but “exchanges were made shortly after conference” and he served at Tower City instead.





Born: 12-12-1917  Beavertown PA                            married: Erma E. Hoffman

Died:12-10-2004  York PA                                        obit: [1/3/1921 – 2/19/1997]

Miller-Raker #: 719

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1947    quarterly conference license, York First (transfer from Allegheny Conference)

1950    license, recommended by York First


Interment: Susquehanna Memorial Gardens, York PA



1947-48           Mount Olivet

1950-59           living in York, no progress

1959                return to permanent quarterly conference license, page 89


Note: LeRoy K. Beachel taught in the York public schools for 32 years and taught Sunday School at York Otterbein for more than 50 yrars





Born: 8-26-1898  Prince William County VA           married: Grace Agnes Morgan

Died: 3-23-2000, Chambersburg                                obit: [6/15/1897 – 10/30/1980]

Miller-Raker #: 611                                                    married2: Mrs. Anna Ruth Ross Baker [1983]

Fulton #: no                                                                 obit2: [7/1/1914 – 5/1/2002}

Gibble list: no


1920    license

1925    ordained


Interment: Lincoln Cemetery, Chambersburg PA



1921-25                      Chewsville

1925-26                      Fayetteville

1926-28                      instructor, Quincy Orphanage

1928-57                      local

1957                withdrew, page 82 “engaged full time in commercial enterprise”


Note: The death of his father, layman Elmer C. Beachley of Myersville MD, is noted in 1935, 28.  Raymond E. Beachley was an active member of Fayetteville Otterbein, where he directed the choir for more than 60 years.  He developed the successful printing department at Quincy Orphanage in 1928 and founded Craft Press Inc, of Chambersburg in 1929 – of which he was president until retiring in 1974.  The second Mrs. Beachley, nee Ross, was the widow of a Mr. Harold Gilbert Baker.





Born: 7-23-1842                                                                      married: Sarepta O. Miller

Died: 1-25-1927                                                                      obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1911, 115

Miller-Raker #: 351

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1868    quarterly conference license, Salem (Littlestown circuit)

1869    license

1873    ordained


Interment: Salem Church at Guldens, Adams County

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1927, 58


1869-70                      Fulton mission

1870-73                      Perry circuit

1873-76           Shopps station [Shiremanstown]

1876-80                      Baltimore Second

1880-83                     presiding elder, Chambersburg District

1883-84           presiding elder, Baltimore District

1884-86           presiding elder, Chambersburg District

1886-88           Hanover station

1888-90           local

1890-93           presiding elder, Chambersburg District

1893                                local

[1900-01          Gettysburg, from 11-1-1900 until conference in March 1901]


Note: Holdcraft’s 1939 History of the Pennsylvania Conference, page 290, gives a brief biography. 





Born: 9-2-1893  Klinefeltersville PA                         married: Sallie Ebling

Died: 5-11-1969  Lancaster County PA                     obit: Eastern Conference 1969, 119

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1913    quarterly conference license, Myerstown

1914    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1918    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Zion UB Cemetery, Myerstown PA

Obit: Eastern Conference 1969, 119


1914-17           Schaefferstown

1917-18           student, Albright College at Myerstown

1918-24           “unemployed”, living in Myerstown

1924-28           Williamstown

1928-34           Shamokin Second

1934-37           Reading Salem

1937-39           Tower City

1939-42           Union circuit

1942-48           West Willow

1948-50           Iona

1950-56           Coatesville

1956-57           Refton

1957-58           without appointment, page 45

1958-60           assistant, Neffsville

1960                retired

                             1960-69      Oregon


Note: Cornwell Beamesderfer is the father of Emmett E. Beamesderfer, Harold E. Beamesderfer and Lloyd E. Beamesderfer.





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list:     


1949    license





1954                dropped: East Pennsylvania Conference 1954, 48


Note: Emmett E. Beamesderfer is the son of Cornwell Beamesderfer and the brother of Harold E. and Lloyd E. Beamesderfer.





Born: 10-6-1916  Myerstown PA                               married: Mary Ruth Hoffman

Died: 3-8-2003  Richland PA                                     obit: [11/3/1917 – 5/30/2005]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1933    quarterly conference license, Shamokin Second

1945    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1947    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Churchville Cemetery, Oberlin PA

Obit: Eastern Pennsylvania Conference 2003, 396


1946                associate, Palymra First (summer)

1946-47           Grantville circuit

1947-52           Showmakersville-Bern

1952-62           Steelton

1962-75           Lebanon Trinity

1975-80           Philadelphia Juniata Park

1980                Jonestown

1980                retired


Note: Harold E. Beamesderfer is the son of Cornwell Beamesderfer and the brother of Emmett E. and Lloyd E. Beamesderfer.





Born: 7-15-1915  Myerstown PA                               married: Miriam Ruth Schott

Died: 1-24-2001                                                          obit: Central Pennsylvania Conference 1986, 427

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1933    quarterly conference license, Shamokin Second

1942    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1951    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Charles Evans Cemetery, Reading PA

Obit: Central Pennsylvania Conference 2001, 357


1937-38           Mt. Aetna

1943-55           Williamstown-Tower City

1955-59           Linglestown

1959-60           Royalton

1960-70           administrator and chaplain, Dauphin County

1970                transfer to Central Pennsylvania Conference

1970-77           administrator and chaplain, Dauphin County

1977-81           Steelton Grace

1981                retired

                        1981-85     Steelton Grace


Note: Lloyd E. Beamesderfer is the son of Cornwell Beamesderfer and the brother of Emmett E. and Harold E. Beamesderfer.





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1944    license, East Pennsylvania Conference





1948                dismissed


Note: Samuel H. Beamesderfer was designated a parish associate at Highland Presbyterian in Lancaster PA [Presbytery of Donegal] on June 23, 1998.





Born: 10-2-1907                                                          married:

Died: 12-26-1990                                                        obit:

Miller-Raker #: 654

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1926    license, recommended by Hanover





1926-29           student, Lebanon Valley College

1932                referred back to quarterly conference  1931, 37


Note: John W. Beattie is the son of William Metzel Beattie.  He later enrolled in the Army OCS at Aberdeen MD.





Born: 3-1-1874  Peach Bottom PA                            married: Carrie Susan Klinedinst

Died: 8-21-1944  Greencastle PA                               obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1934, 25

Miller-Raker #: 531                                                    married2: Ruby Edith Morin Wyand

Fulton #: no                                                                 obit2: Central Pennsylvania Conference 1970, 386

Gibble list: no


1897    quarterly conference license, York Second

1904    license

1911    ordained


Interment: River View Cemetery, Williamsport MD

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1944, 37


1900                Hellam, resigned after 1 month: 1901, 16

1904-08                      Rohrersville

1908-10                      Dillsburg

1910-14                      Mount Wolf

1914-20                      Greencastle

1920-22                      Keedysville

1922-25                      York Fifth

1925-27                      Hanover

1927-30                      Shiremanstown

1930-33                      Gettysburg

1933-37                      Williamsport MD

1937-42                      Jefferson

1942-44           Lemasters


Note: William M. Beattie is the father of John W. Beattie.  Miller’s 1968 History of Pennsylvania Conference, page 390, gives a brief biography.





Born: 3-9-1839                                                            married: Frances Keller

Died: 1-6-1920                                                            obit:

Miller-Raker #: 371                                                    married2: Mary E. _____(c1869)

Fulton #: no                                                                 obit2: [7/21/1842-4/23/1878]

Gibble list: no                                                             married3: Margaret Maria Wiley (1879)

                                                                                    obit3: [1/25/1844-7/3/1908]

1973    license                                                             married4:Lula Virginia Zuse (1911)

                                                                                    obit4: [3/3/1885-11/4/1959]

Interment: Maryland Line Cemetery, Maryland Line MD



1869-70           assistant, Cecil circuit of Maryland Conference of MP Church                    

1871-73           Stewartstown mission

1873-75                      Shippensburg circuit

1876                Alto Dale, did not finish the year

1878-79           Greencastle (beginning Oct 1878)

1885                returned to quarterly conference license, page 17


Note:  There is evidence unsupported by conference records that he supplied Spry Otterbein briefly in the 1870’s and part of the Parkton circuit of the Baltimore Conference of ME Church during 1903-04.  This person is referred to by several other names – including George M. Beatty, George McBeatty, J. McBeatty.  The fourth Mrs. Beatty is a sister to Clayton H. Zuse and Harry W. Zuse.





Born: 4-2-1881  Quincy PA                                       married: Clara Emma Eisenbaugh

Died: 9-26-1966  Newfoundland NJ                          obit: [11/16/1884 – 12/12/1965]

Miller-Raker #: 515

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1903    license, recommended by Mont Alto


Interment: Red Lion Cemetery, Red Lion PA



1903-05                      student, Lebanon Valley College

1905-06           living in Dayton OH [student at Bonebrake Seminary?]

1906                withdrew, page 49

1906-07           faculty, Masanutten Academy

1907-14           faculty, Central High School in Pittsburgh PA

1914-16           principal of schools, Red Lion PA

1916-19           faculty, Carnegie Institute of Technology

1919-25           faculty, Lebanon Valley College

1925-44           principal, Radnor PA High School

1944-               faculty, Admiral Farragut Academy in St. Petersburg FL

                        faculty, New York University

                        faculty Bucknell University


Note: The 1905 BIZARRE [LVC yearbook], page 34, gives a picture and brief biography.  T. Bayard Beatty taught English, and one of this main interests was in drama.  Mrs. Beatty was a native of Red Lion and a 1904 graduate of Lebanon Valley, where thy met.  Do not confuse this man with his son, T. Bayard Beatty Jr, born in Red Lion PA 10/20/1908.





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no





1900-01           Hellam (served only 1 month, and then resigned)


Note: See 1900, 55 and 1901, 16.  Nothing more is known about this man, although there is a possibility this is George William Beatty.





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no





1888-89           Lititz and Brunnerville


Note: Isaac Becker was a local preacher who served for one year.  In 1889 Lititz and Brunnerville were placed on the Lancaster circuit.  This may be Lititz blacksmith Isaac S. Becker (1849-1931), who appears to have later become a Mormon elder.





Born: 8-8-1884  Lebanon County PA                        married: Emma Elizabeth DeLong

Died: 1914                                                                  obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1963, 61

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1905    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1909    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Aulenbach’s Cemetery, Reading PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1915, 36


1904-06           Landingville

1906-10           Mont Clare

1910-12           Grantville circuit

1912-14           Shamokin First



Born: 9-26-1893  Lebanon County PA                      married: [never married]

Died: 5-24-1956  Lebanon PA                                   obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


Interment: Iona Cemetery, Iona PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1956, 28


1930-47           missionary – Moyamba, Sierra Leone

1947-51           missionary – Tiami, Sierra Leone

1951                furlough fore health reasons





Born: 3-8-1907  Elizabethville PA                             married: Eva Louise Shissler

Died: 1-9-1993  Cape May NJ                                   obit: [1912 – 9/26/2012]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1928    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1936    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Brunnerville UM Cemetery, Brunnerville PA

Obit: Eastern Pennsylvania Conference 1993, 277


1925-26           Sinking Spring

1926-27           Fontanna

1927-29           Brunnerville

1929-34           Tremont St. John’s

1934-36           Lebanon Bethany

1936-40           Mont Clare Otterbein

1940-41           Silver Spring circuit (ending 8/29/41)

1941-46           chaplain, US Air Force (beginning 8/29/41)

1946-47           Philadelphia Fourth [Burholme]

1947-57           Philadelphia First [Mt. Pisgah]

1957-59           Harrisburg State Street

1959-69           Middletown

1969-73           Mountville St. Paul’s

1973                retired





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no





1932    Philadelphia Third (Jan – Sept); 1932, 21


Note: M.B. Beerhalter, a local minister of Philadelphia Third, filled the pulpit for the remainder of the conference year following the death of I. Moyer Hershey on 1/30/1932.





Born: 9-27-1881  Fredericksburg PA                         married: Ada Alleman

Died: 4-7-1961  Lancaster PA                                    obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1956, 28

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1899    quarterly conference license

1901    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1907    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Ebenezer Cemetery, Lebanon PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1961, 55


1904-06           Manor circuit

1906-09           Cressona

1909-16           Manheim

1916-38           Shamokin First

1938-53           Columbia Salome

1953                retired





Born: 7-8-1824  near Myerstown PA                         married: Elvina Kalbach [Kelbaugh]

Died: 4-9-1892                                                            obit: [2/2/1825 – 1/5/1913]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


            quarterly conference license


Interment: Hummelstown Cemetery, Hummelstown PA



Note: Henry Behney preached in the German Language as a local preacher in the Hummelstown area up to the time of his death.





Born: 10-15-1905  Ralston PA                                   married: Dorothy E. Hiester [9/15/1934]

Died: 8-18-1987  Lebanon OH                                   obit: [1/3/1910 – 12/15/1994]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1925    quarterly conference license, Annville

1928    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1933    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Memorial Park Cemetery, Dayton OH

Obit: Eastern Pennsylvania Conference 1988,


                        student, Lebanon Valley College       

                        student, Yale University

1935-73           faculty, Bonebrake [United] Theological Seminary in Dayton OH

1973                retired


Note: J. Bruce Behney is co-author, with Paul D. Eller, of Abingdon Press’ 1979 The History of the Evangelical United Brethren Church.  A biographical sketch appears in Gibble’s History of the East Pennsylvania Conference, page 558.  Both Rev. and Mrs. Behney are graduates of Lebanon Valley College, and they were married in the college church in Annville.




Born: 1-31-1817  Spruce Creek PA                           married: E.G. _____

Died: 8-10-1883  Pleasant Unity PA                          obit:

Miller-Raker #: 205

Fulton #: 8 & 167

Gibble list: yes


1837    license

1840    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Pleasant Unity Cemetery, Westmoreland County PA

Obit: Allegheny Conference 1883, 36


1838-39                      Clearfield circuit

1839                                charter member of Allegheny Conference

1839-40                      Huntingdon circuit

1840-41                      no minutes taken

1841-42           Washington circuit


1843-44           Westmoreland circuit

1844-45           Ligonier circuit


1846-47           presiding elder, Western District

1847-48           Westmoreland circuit

1848-49           Somerset circuit

1849-50           presiding elder, Huntingdon District

1850-51           presiding elder, Eastern District

1851-52           Ligonier circuit

1852-53                      presiding elder, Western District

1853-54                      presiding elder, Eastern District

1854-55                      Westmoreland circuit

1855-56                      Washington circuit

1867-57                      Madison circuit

1857-58                      presiding elder, Western District

1858-59                      presiding elder, Northern District

1859-60                      suspended for 1 year

1860-61                      Springfield circuit

1861                withdrew, irregularly


1874                transfer (?) to Allegheny Conference





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no     

Fulton #: 519  

Gibble list: no


1928    quarterly conference license

1929    license, Allegheny Conference





1929-32           student

1932-35           YMCA

1935                no longer listed


Note: Clyde Beilstein graduated from Otterbein University in 1927 with his hometown listed as Connellsville PA.  He is listed as a pastor of a United Brethren church in Englewood, Montgomery County OH, in “the 1930’s.”  He returned to Connellsville as a Rally Day speaker in 1964 and attened the Miami (OH) manual conference sessions in 1966.




Born: 6-8-1928  Steelton PA                                      married: Margaret Ann Greenawalt

Died: 2-3-1985  Pottsville PA                                    obit: [6/13/1931 – 5/2/2011]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1967    1icense, Eastern Conference: recommended by Steelton Centenary

1969    ordained, Eastern Conference


Interment: St. Michael’s Cemetery, Birdsboro PA

Obit: Eastern Pennsylvania Conference 1985, 301


1965-75           Birdsboro Christ

1975-78           Birdsboro Christ & Focht Memorial

1978-84           Birdsboro Focht Memorial

1984-85           Frackville First & St. Clair


 Note: Allen R. Beistline is an uncle to Ronald J. Beistline of the Susquehanna Conference.




Born: 4-20-1893  Columbia PA                                 married: Edna Frances Balsbaugh

Died: 5-29-1974  Harrisburg PA                                obit: Eastern Conference 1967, 130

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1915    quarterly conference license, Columbia Salome

1918    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1924    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: East Harrisburg Cemetery, Harrisburg PA

Obit: Central Pennsylvania Conference 1974, 414


1917-18           Diamond Grove IL

1918                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference

1918-22           Royalton

1922-28           Schuylkill Haven

1928-64           Harrisburg Otterbein

1964                retired

                        1964-70  visitation pastor, Mechanicsburg First

                        1970        transfer to Central Pennsylvania Conference

                        1970-72  visitation pastor, Harrisburg Otterbein


Note: Charles R. Beittel is the father of Dale R. Beittel.  Mrs. Beittel is the daughter of Peter Hummel Balsbaugh.





Born: 3-5-1924                                                            married: Barbara Ruth Kolb

Died: 5-24-2012                                                          obit: [1926 – 12/2/2015]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1943    quarterly conference license

1945    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1950    ordained


Interment: Mound Cemetery, Marietta OH



1943-44           Enders-Powell Valley circuit

1944-45           Hillsdale circuit

1945-49           student, Yale Divinity School in New Haven CT

1949                dismissed, joined West Ohio Conference of the Methodist Church

                        Chicago Oak Park

                        Perrysburg-Toledo First

                        Columbus Riverside

                        Cincinnati Armstrong

                        Springfield Central

                        Columbus King Avenue

                        Zanesville Grace

1973-82           Marietta Christ


                        Marietta OH Belpre Congregational

                        New Martinsville WV First Christian

                        Charleston WV Boyd Memorial Christian



Note: Dale R. Beittel is the son of Charles R. Beittel.   




Born: 8-13-1918  McKeesport PA                             married: Eileen F. Gilbert

Died: 1-30-1995 Clearfeld PA                                   obit: [7/3/1922 – 10/15/2011]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


Interment: Woodside Cemetery, Spring Valley PA

Obit: Western Pennsylvania Conference 1995, 361


                        Mount Hope, Allegheny Conference

                        Conference staff

1970                charter member of Western Pennsylvania Conference UM

1984                retired

                             assistant, Clearfield West Side 




Born: 12-28-1921  York County PA                          married: Elizabeth Ann Sparks

Died: 8-20-1973  Columbus OH                                obit: [11/24/1928 – 7/1/2012]

Miller-Raker #: 720

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1950    license, recommended by Spry Otterbein


Interment: Otterbein Cemetery, Spry PA

Obit: [York Daily Record 8/22/1973, page 8]


1950-52           attending Otterbein College, Westerville OH

1953                dropped, change in vocational plans


Note: Llewwellyn and Elizabeth Bell graduated from Otterbein College in 1952 and 1950 respectively.   According to his obituary, he was a ninth grade teacher in the Columbus school system, a six-year Navy veteran, and had lived in Columbus OH for 21 years.  In 1976, Mrs. Bell married a Mr. James Malta.





Born: 10-22-1911                                                        married: Amelia A. Millovich

Died: 1-16-1999                                                          obit: [11/7/1914 – 3/28/2018]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1934    quarterly conference license, Lebanon Salem

1937    license, East Pennsylvania Conference: recommended by Lebanon Covenant

1939    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Mount Lebanon Cemetery, Lebanon PA

Obit: Eastern Pennsylvania Conference 1999, ?


1940-46           Potttstown Salem & Birdsboro Christ

1946-51           Allentown Zion [Trinity]

1951-59           Cleona & Lebanon St. John’s

1959-76           chaplain, Lebanon Valley College

                             1968-76      Mt. Gretna

1976                retired





Born: 3-27-1881  Elizabethville PA                           married: Estella S.M. Leese

Died: 3-7-1944                                                            obit: [2/24/1886 – 9/?/1968]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1910    quarterly conference license, Oberlin Neidig Memorial

1910    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1912    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Union Deposit Cemetery, Union Deposit PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1944, 16


1910-13           Allentown Sixth Street [Grace]

1913-15           Williamstown

1915-21           Bellegrove

1921-32           Allentown Sixth Street [Grace]

1932-34           Campbelltown  & Lebanon West

1934-44           Lebanon West




Born: 11-12-1876  England                                        married: Matilda Trabert

Died: 2-3-1947  Johnstown PA                                  obit: [2/7/1873 – 6/11/1946]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


?          license, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Grandview Cemetery, Johnstown PA



1900                Hollsopple Bethel (July – Sept)

1900-01           West Decatur (resigned soon after conference)

1904-05           Lloydell


Note: Arthur J. Bendle is listed as "others employed in the conference."  He and his wife were lieutenants in the Salvation Army and served in Johnstown following the 1889 flood.  He is the author of the 1917 book Is the Bible What It Claims to Be?





Born: 3-3-1766  Cumberland County PA                   married: Magdalena Minnich

Died: 3-29-1837 OH                                                   obit: [1/23/1766 – 4/23/1843]

Miller-Raker #: 48

Fulton #: no

Gibble #: yes


1803    license

1815    ordained, Miami Ohio Conference



Interment: Liberty Cemetery, Fairfield County OH



1810                charter member of Miami Ohio Conference


Note: George Benedum is considered one of the founders of the UB Church in Ohio.  See Drury, page 308.  Krumm’s 1958 History of the Scioto Conference, page 7, gives a brief biography.  Chapter 3 of the 1908 denomination study course Our Heroes discusses George Benedum.  His daughter Mary Magdalene Benedum is the mother of Ohio UB preacher Alexander C. Jeffries , father of the heavyweight boxing champion Jim Jeffries.





Born: 12-13-1930  Rehrersburg PA                                       married: Mary Lou Ruegsegger

Died: 7-8-2014  Camp Hill PA                                               obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1955    1icense, East Pennsylvania Conference: recommended by Schaefferstown

1960    ordained, Michigan Conference


Interment: Chestnut Grove Cemetery, Marysville PA

Obit: Susquehanna Conference 2015, 260


1957-60           student, Evangelical Theological Seminary

                             1958-59  assistant, Chicago Diversey Parkway

1960                transfer to Michigan Conference, page 95

1960-62           Ludington Zion          

1962                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference

1962-67           Shamokin Second

1967-70           Millersburg Hebron

1970                transfer to Central Pennsylvania Conference by change of boundary

1970-80           Millersburg Hebron

1980-93           Marysville Wesley

1993                retired

                             1993-95  associate, Wellsville





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1931    license, Allegheny Conference: recommended by Altoona First





1935           name erased, page 93


Note: William Bennett apparently never served under appointment and was never ordained.  He is otherwise unknown.





Born: 1-3-1877  Lebanon PA                                     married: Eva Ronald

Died: 9-27-1954  Seattle WA                                     obit: [1883 – 1980]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1899    license, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Acacia Memorial Park and Funeral Home, Seattle WA



1899                transfer to Oregon Conference


Note: Harry K. Benson graduated from Franklin and Marshall College in 1899.    The Hood River Sun for 10/5/1899 describes Rev. H. K. Benson as “the young minister who arrived here last week from Lebanon, Pa., to take charge as pastor of the U. B. church for the ensuing year” and states “Mr. Benson is an earnest, forcible and eloquent speaker and has made a very favorable impression with our people.”  In 1902 he was “appointed” to serve as the principal of the Kent WA public schools.  He eventually obtained a PhD and taught at the University of Washington in Seattle and authored a college textbook on industrial chemical engineering.



Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no






1913-16           Hustontown

1916-17           Clarion River


Note: L. Benson served as “others employed by the conference” and is otherwise unknown.  This may be Rev. Louis Harry Benson (1892-1985) who was licensed by the Pittsburgh Conference of the Evangelical Church in 1926.





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: 52

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1803    license

1805    ordained











Born: 5-17-1888                                                          married: Nannie Burris

Died: 6-28-1961                                                          obit: [8/20/1880 – 7/30/1945]

Miller-Raker #: 572

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1912    license, recommended by Windsor: 112, 33


Interment: Kearney Cemetery, Kearney NE



1912-14                      attending Shenandoah Institute, Dayton VA

1914-15           living in Aurora NE

1915                transfer to Nebraska Conference, page 80





Born: 1820                                          married: Isabella McKee

Died: 11-11-1891  Chambersburg PA                        obit: [1819 – 8/28/1891]

Miller-Raker #: 268

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1843    license


Interment: Cedar Grove Cemetery, Chambersburg PA



1850-51           Perry circuit, did not finish the year

1860-61                      Mercersburg circuit

1872-78           chaplain, Franklin County Poor House

1879                withdrew, over issue of secret societies

1881-87           chaplain, Franklin County Poor House


Note: Augustus Bickley Sr. is the father of Barnet A. Bickley.  The Chronicle 1996, page 88, gives a brief biography.  Augustus Bickley Jr. served Alto Dale circuit for the Pennsylvania Conference UBOC 1890-91, although he is not listed as a ministerial member of that conference.  Beer’s 1887 History of Franklin County, page 213, states that “Mr. Bickley commenced holding religious service at the poor-house in 1836, and continued with few interruptions until 1872, when he was regularly elected chaplain, with a salary.”




Born: 8-3-1838  Chambersburg PA                            married:

Died: 2-17-1863  Chambersburg PA                          obit:

Miller-Raker #: 334

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1863    license



Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1864, 91


Note: Barnet A. Bickley is the son of Augustus Bickley Sr.  This name is sometimes given as BERNARD.  His father also had a brother named Barnet (1816-1880) – who married a daughter (Delilah) of John Fohl.




Born: 3-15-1907                                                          married: Madeline Violet Lemmon

Died: 2-?-1985  Dayton OH                                       obit: [4/26/1907 – 3/14/2003]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 519 [BEILSTEIN]

Gibble list: no


1928    quarterly conference license

1929    license, Allegheny Conference





1929-32           student, Bonebrake [United] Theological Seminary in Dayton OH

                             Englewood OH

1932-35           YMCA

1935                no longer listed




Born: 4-25-1902  Lebanon PA                                   married: Rena Miller Borgner

Died: 11-27-1977  Lebanon County PA                     obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1959, 58           

Miller-Raker #: no                                                      married2: Hilda Catherine Jenkins (Castor)

Fulton #: no                                                                 obit2: East Pennsylvania Conference 1962, 62

Gibble list: yes


1925    quarterly conference license, Lebanon Salem

1926     license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1930    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Mount Lebanon Cemetery, Lebanon PA

Obit: [East Pennsylvania Conference 1978, 486]


1925-68           Lebanon Hebron

1968                retired


Note: Alden George Biely is the father of Alden George Biely Jr. The second Mrs. Biely was the widow of a Mr. Norman Richard Castor.





Born: 4-3-1930  Lebanon PA                                     married:

Died: 2-10-2017  Annville PA                                   obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no                                                                

Gibble list: no


1952    license





1953-54           student, United Seminary in Dayton OH

1954                dropped: East Pennsylvania Conference 1954, 48


Note: Alden George Biely Jr. is the son of Alden George Biely.  He graduated from Lebanon Valley College with a degree in music education in 1952, served as an organist and choir director at several churches in Lebanon County and initiated the Mt. Gretna Campmeeting mass choir.   His daughter Beth married Mark Wethington, son of missionary and LVC professor Elbert Wethington.




Born: 8-25-1855  Upper Bern PA                              married: Sarah Jane Wagner

Died: 8-19-1939  Reading PA                                                obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1922, 26

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1884    quarterly conference license

1891    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1893    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Charles Evans Cemetery, Reading PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1939, 16


1891-92           Penbrook

1892-95           Marietta

1895-98           Halifax

1898-00           Hopekand

1900-01           Elverson

1901-02           on leave, living in Birdsboro PA

1902-09           faculty, Gibraltar School in Birdsboro

1909-24           faculty, Reading High School for Boys

                        1921-22  Pottstown

1924-25           Pottstown

1925-29           instructor in Spanish, Schuylkill [Albright] College in Reading

1929                retired


Note: George F. Bierman is a brother to the educator Dr. Elijah Benjamin Bierman (1839-1909) who was on the first faculty at Lebanon Valley College and served as its president 1890-97.  Rev. Bierman received a D.D. degree from The Chicago Lutheran Seminary in 1901 and spent most of the rest of his years in education as a member of the Reading Salem congregation.  He is also the author of the “Bierman Family” booklet.  Mrs. Bierman’s dates, not given in her conference obituary, are 4-30-1857 to 8-19-1922.



BIGGS, GEORGE JR.          

Born: 6-2-1907  Youngwood PA                               married: Martha Ellen Wingate

Died: 6-13-2001                                                          obit: Western Pennsylvania Conference 1998, 404

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 528

Gibble list: no


1929    quarterly conference license

1930    license, Allegheny Conference

1935    ordained, Allegheny Conference



Obit: Western Pennsylvania Conference 2002, 313


1928-32           student, Otterbein College in Westerville OH

1932-35           student, Bonebrake [United] Theological Seminary in Dayton OH

                             1932-33 Aley Chapel

1935-36           assistant, Wiliknsburg Christ

1936-38           Middleburg

1938-44           Altoona Greenwood

1944-50           McKeeesport Shoemaker

1950-68           Johnstown Homestead Avenue

1968-83           Arbutus Park Manor

1973                retired

                             1973-1985  Arbutus Park Manor




Born: 5-3-1817                                                                        married:

Died: 6-30-1889  Duncannon PA                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: 327

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1862    license

1863    ordained



Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1890, 21


1863-64                      Ickesburg mission

1864-66           Carlisle circuit

1866-68           Rocky Spring station

1868-69                      Orrstown station

1869-70                      Bendersville

1870-73           located, living in Shiremanstown

                             1873-78            Pennel’s ME

                                                Duncannon, from 10/17/1879 until conference in March 1880


Note: The Chronicle 1996, page 88, gives a brief biography.





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1935    license, East Pennsylvania Conference





1941                referred





Born: 10-23-1886  Hanover PA                                 married: James Bingham

Died: 1-14-1958  Quincy PA                                      obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1946, 17

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1929    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1929    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference



Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1958, 46


Note: Mrs. Bingham was never assigned to a church, but always active in churches served by her husband.





Born: 4-23-1854  Franklin County PA                       married: Mary Elizabeth Glee (5/1880)

Died: 1-9-1919 Shiloh UB Church, Bigler PA          obit: [10/30/1856 – 12/31/1928]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 271

Gibble list: no


1896    license, Allegheny Conference

1899    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Old Bradford Cemetery, Bigler PA

Obit: Allegheny Conference 1919, 86


1895-97           Glasgow

1897-00           Liverpool

1900-03           Woodland

1903-04           Wilmore

1904-07           Runville

1907-09           East Freedom

1909-11           Somerset

1911-12           living in Portage

1912-13           Greenwood & Juniata

1913-14           living in Juniata

1914-16           East Salem

1916-19           Bigler




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: 373

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1874    license

1877    ordained





1874-77           Ickesburg circuit

1877-80           York Springs circuit

1880-81           resigned York Springs, helped on Horse Valley

1881-85                      Greencastle

1885                withdrew, pages 4 & 23




Born: 12-14-1884  Toronto, Canada                          married: Alta Baer

Died: 6-22-1946                                                          obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1958, 46

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1920    quarterly conference license, Philadelphia Third

1923    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1929    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Baer Mennonite Cemetery, Hanover PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1946, 17

1921-22           Chambers Hill

1922-23           Sinking Spring

1923-26           Stoverdale

1926-29           student, Bonbrake [United] Theological Seminary in Dayton OH

                             1926-29      Englewood OH

1929-30           Highspire

1930-31           not assigned, living in Harrisburg

1931-32           Campbelltown (beginning 5/50/1931; see 1931, 19)

1932-37           Coatesville

1937-42           West Willow

1942-44           Halifax

1944-46           Lebanon Memorial





Born: 1-20-1833                                                          married: Fannie Eshelman

Died: 2-12-1918                                                          obit: [11/9/1832 - ]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1865    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1868    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Ebenezer Cemetery, Lebanon PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1918, 42


1867-69           Susquehanna circuit

1869                charter member of East German Conference

1869-71           Bellegrove circuit

1871-72           Pinegrove circuit

1872-75           Union Deposit circuit

1875-76           Jonestown circuit

1876-78           Bellegrove circuit

1878-81           not assigned, living in Jonestown

1881-82           Lebanon circuit

1882-83           not assigned

1883-84           Valley View circuit

1884-85           not assigned

1885-88           Fishing Creek circuit

1888-98           not assigned

1898                retired

                        1901    transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference


Note: The reason for the gaps in service is not known.  The death date is also variously reported as 1-12-1918 and 2-6-1918.





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: 159

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1830    license








Born: 8-9-1821, Littlestown PA                                 married: Eliza Over

Died: 3-27-1891                                                          obit: [12/18/1824 - 12/16/1889]]

Miller-Raker #: 273

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1844    license

1847    ordained


Interment: Cedar Grove Cemetery, Chambersburg

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference UBOC 1892, 14


1845-46                      Perry County mission

1846-48                      Chambersburg circuit

1848-49                      Rocky Spring circuit

1849-50                      Chambersburg station, did not finish the year

1850-57           located

1857-59                      Greencastle circuit

1859-63                      presiding elder, Chambersburg District

1863-65                      Rocky Spring station

1865-66           presiding elder, Chambersburg District

1866-67           Newburg circuit

1867-69           presiding elder, Chambersburg District

1869-70                      Orrsrtown station

1870-71                      Shippensburg mission station

1871                located

                            1873-74  Greencastle

1879                withdrew, over issue of secret societies


1889                appointed superintendent of the Chambersburg District by UBOC dissenters


Note: The Chronicle 1996, page 88, gives a brief biography.  James M. Bishop is a brother to Jeremiah P. Bishop.





Born: 1828                                                                  married: Elmira Snively

Died: 1890                                                                  obit: [1840 – 1909]

Miller-Raker #: 295

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1851    license

1854    ordained


Interment: Cedar Hill Cemetery, Greencastle PA



1851-52                      Chambersburg circuit

1852-53                      Rocky Spring circuit

1853-54                      York Spring circuit

1854-55                      Mercersburg circuit

1855-57                      Philadelphia Clinton Street station

1857-58                      Harrisburg mission

1858-59           Big Spring circuit

1859-60           Big Spring station

1860-61                      Orrstown station

1861-62                      Baltimore mission station

1862-65           Baltimore English mission

1865-66                      Rocky Spring station

1866-67                      Shopps station [Shiremanstown]

1867-70                      Mechaniscburg station

1870                withdrew, over doctrines about hell


Note: The Chronicle 1996, page 89, gives a brief biography.  Jeremiah P. Bishop is a brother to James M. Bishop.





Born: 2-14-1893  Garrett PA                                      married: Savilla Romesberg (1918)

Died: 12-19-1959                                                        obit: Allegheny Conference 1948, 69

Miller-Raker #: no                                                      married2: Mrs. Viloa A. Brannen Kime (1949)

Fulton #: 427 & 479                                                   obit2: [11/4/1891 – 5/17/1981]

Gibble list: no


1915    quarterly conference license

1916    license, Allegheny Conference

1920    ordained, White River Conference


Interment: Grandview Cemetery, Altoona PA

Obit: Western Pennsylvania Conference 1960, 32


1917-18           East Salem (beginning 11/1917)

1919                Glasgow (summer)

1920                transfer to White River Conference

1920-21           Snyder Chapel of the Crawfordsville circuit

1921-22           Crawfordsville circuit

1923                transfer to Allegheny Conference

1923-28           Woodland

1928-59           Altoona Juniata

1959                retired


Note: The second Mrs. Bittner (nee Brannen) outlived three husbands – she was the widow of a Mr. Edwin Grant Kime (1892-1947), and when widowed a second time she married a Mr. Martin Kensinger Glass (1876-1970).



Born:                                                                           married: Margaret Hartner

Died: 7-30-1849                                                          obit:

Miller-Raker #: 256

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1841    license

1844    ordained


Interment: Baltimore MD

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1850, 16


1844-47           Baltimore mission


Note: Holdcraft’s 1959 The Old Otterbein Church Story, page 58, gives some biographical information.





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 57

Gibble list: no


1844    license, Allegheny Conference

1847    ordained, Allegheny Conference





1844-45           Allegheny


1846-47           Washington


1849-51           agent, Mt. Pleasant College

1851                name erased for leaving his wife and child





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no     

Fulton #: no    

Gibble list: no








                        student, Otterbein University

1890-91           Waterford (last part of year)

1891-92           BradenAburg


1896-97           East Freedom

1897-98           Clarington

1900-02           student, Union Seminary

1902-03           Seward IA


Note:  E.J. Blackburn served in the Allegheny Conference under “others employed in the conference.”  Nothing more is known about this person.   The 1900 journal of the Miami Conference states “E.J. Blackburn of the seminary [at Dayton] was recommended as worthy to receive beneficiary aid.”  He is listed in the United Brethren year books up to and including 1914 as a member of the Miami Conference with various addresses in Ohio, mostly Dayton.




Born: 6-8-1866  MD                                                   married: Clara May Haws (9/14/1886)

Died: 4-27-1944  Los Angeles County CA                obit: [c1868 - ]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 235

Gibble list: no


1890    license, Allegheny Conference

1893    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Inglewood Park Cemetery, Inglewood CA

Obit: California Conference 1944, 50


1890-92           New Paris

1892-94           Bellefonte

1894-96           Liverpool

1896-98           Braddock Second

1898-99           Wilmore

1899-01           Johnstown Third

1901-06           Rockwood

1906-08           Orbisonia

1908-12           Herminie

1912                transfer to California Conference

1912-13           Riverside First





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 213

Gibble list: no


1885    license, Allegheny Conference

1886    ordained, Allegheny Conference





1885-86           student, Bonebrake Theological Seminary

1887                transfer to





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no





1861-62           York circuit





Born: 12-3-1902  Royalton PA                                  married: Ruth N. Goudy

Died: 2-22-1985  Brandon FL                                                obit: Eastern Pennsylvania Conf 1996,?

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1925    quarterly conference license, Harrisburg State Street

1926    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1932    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Limona Village Cemetery, Brandon FL

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1985, 299


1926-29           Stoverdale

1929-32           student, Bonebrake [United] Theological Seminary in Dayton OH

                        1929-30  Waterhouse-Bonehill, Miami Conference

                        1930-31  Houghton Congregational Christian Church in Houghton OH

1932-33           Lebanon circuit

1933-40           Silver Spring circuit

1940-68           Mont Clare

1968                retired

                             1968-73  visitation pastor, Limona Village UM Chapel in Brandon FL





Born: 1-15-1844  Lebanon County PA                      married: Kate _____

Died: 11-28-1924  Myerstown PA                             obit: [2/20/1840 – 1/24/1905]

Miller-Raker #: no                                                      married2: Lillie L. Bomgardner

Fulton #: no                                                                 obit2: [5/4/1877 – 7/6/1962]

Gibble list: yes [BLECHER]


1885    license, East German Conference

1888    ordained, East German Conference


Interment: Zion UM Cemetery, Myerstown PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1925, 14


1901                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference


Note: Araon M. Blecker is a brother of Jared R. Blecker.  “Brother Blecker never served as a regularly appointed pastor…  He ministered extensively by assisting the different presiding elders in the conducting of quarterly conferences, and doing some evangelistic work, as well as relieving pastors when in need of a supply.”  He also served on various Conference and General boards.  He appears to have operated a photography shop in Myerstown 1863-1898.





Born: 10-15-1847  Lebanon County PA                    married: Elizabeth Zeller

Died: 4-1-1912  Myerstown PA                                 obit: [East Pennsylvania Conf 1926, 13]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes [BLECHER]


1881     quarterly conference license, Mt. Aetna

1882    license, East German Conference

1884    ordained, East German Conference


Interment: United Brethren Cemetery, Myerstown PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1912, 32


1881-83           Northampton circuit

1883-86           Lehigh Valley circuit

1886-89           Sinking Spring circuit

1889-93           Baltimore Old Otterbein

1893-97           Lebanon Memorial

1897-99           Bellegrove circuit

1899-01           Palmyra First

1901                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference

1901-02           on leave, living in Myerstown

1902-03           Schuylkill Haven

1903-05           Iona circuit

1905-07           Bern circuit

1907                located for health reasons


Note: Jared R. Blecker is a brother of Aaron M. Blecker.  Mrs. Blecker’s dates, which are not given in the conference journal, are 10/3/1847 – 2/18/1926.  Her father George Zeller (1818-1889) was a local preacher instrumental in establishing the Mt. Aetna church and a nephew to [Bishop] Andrew Zeller (1755-1839) of the Miami Conference.





Born: 5-12-????  Lebanon PA                                                married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1913    license, East Pennsylvania Conference





1913-14           Jonestown circuit

1919                referred


Note: Gideon L. Blouch eneter Lebanon Valley College in 1912.  His picture and limited information appear in the 1915 LVC yearbook Bizarre.  The 1947 alumni directory places him as a teacher in Joliet IL.



Born: 3-27-1910  Lebanon PA                                   married: Mildred Catherine Lengle

Died: 3-31-1988  Cornwall PA                                  obit: Eastern Pennsylvania Conf 1994,7.274

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1931    quarterly conference license, Lebanon Bethany

1933    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1938    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Ebenezer Cemetery, Lebanon PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1988, 7.17


1934-35           Mt. Aetna

1935-38           student, United Theological Seminary in Dayton OH

1938-41           Northampton circuit

1941-43           Jonestown

1943-46           chaplain, US Army

1946-53           Allentown Grace

1953-56           Manor circuit

1956-59           Sunbury Otterbein

1956-61           Silver Springs-Centerville

1961-64           Hempfield

1964-75           Reading Faith

1975                retired

                             1976-77      Shirk’s

                             1977-80      Kauffman’s





Born: 7-20-1882  Thomastown                                   married: Elizabeth Middour

Died: 6-8-1973                                                            obit: Baltimore Conference 1981, 372

Miller-Raker #: 644

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1908    license, Pennsylvania Conference UBOC: recommended by Waynesboro

1917    ordained, Pennsylvania Conference UBOC


Interment: Quincy Cemetery

Obit: Baltimore Conference 1974, 390


1907-08           Littlestown mission

1908-10           Carlisle mission

1910-12           Shippensburg mission

1912-13           Lemasters, did not finish the year

1913-14           Hagerstown mission

1914-17           Lemasters

1917-26           Chambersburg King Street

1926                                 transfer to Pennsylvania Conference

1926-33                      Myersville

1933-52                      Baltimore Franklin Street

1952                retired


Note: Mrs. Blubaugh was a niece of Etta and Harvey Kitzmiller, benefactors of the Quincy Home.  While B.F. Blubaugh (Chambersburg King Street), Amos M. Funk (Greencastle) and Walter I. Kauffman (Franklintown) all transferred from the UBOC at the same time, there is no evidence of any connection.





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble #: no


1828    license to exhort

1830    license

1832    ordained, Virginia Conference





1831-32           Juniata circuit





Born: 6-8-1775  Lancaster County PA                       married:

Died: 12-19-1875                                                        obit:

Miller-Raker #: 28

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1800    license

1802    license, Methodist Episcopal Church

1803    ordained, Methodist Episcopal Church


Interment: Staten Island NY

Obit: Newark Conference ME 1876, 53


Note: Henry Boehm is the son of Martin Boehm.





Born: 11-30-1725  Lancaster County PA                   married: Eve Steiner

Died: 3-23-1812  Lancaster County PA                     obit: [12/25/1734 – 11/26/1822]

Miller-Raker #: 2

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1756    ordained, Mennonite Church


Interment: Boehm’s Chapel, Lancaster County PA



1800                elected [with Otterbein] one of first two bishops of the United Brethren Church


Note: Martin Boehm is the father of Henry Boehm.





Born: 4-13-1894  Lebanon PA                                   married: Adeline Florence Murray

Died: 1-24-1926  Cressona                                         obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1960, 51

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1913    license, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Mt. Zion Cemetery, South Pottstown PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1926, 11


1913-17           Pottstown

1917-19           Reading Trinity

1919-21           Shamokin Trinity

1923-26           Cressona


Note: Beginning in 1924 Harry F. Boeshore was unable to perform full pastoral duties and continued to live in the parsonage while the primary pastoral duties were performed by another pastor.





Born: 4-11-1868  Lebanon County                            married: Clara Nye

Died: 1930  Philadelphia PA                                      obit: [1870-1925]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1894    license, East German Conference:      recommended by Lebanon First [Salem], see Gibble, 315


Interment: Ebenezer, Lebanon PA



1896                membership ceased





Born: 10-3-1921  Beech Grove IN                             married: Dorothy Mae Lynch [9/25/1942]

Died: 9-2-1985                                                            obit: [6/14/1922 – 4/27/2000]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1941    license, Baptist Church

1942    ordained, Baptist Church



Obit: West Ohio Conference 1986,?


1947-50           Bradenville, Allegheny Conference of the EUB Church

1948                transfer to Allegheny Conference of the EUB Church

1948-50           Bradenville

1950-56           Woodland

1956-58           Punxsutawney First (ending 1/1958)

1958-59           Tampa FL, Florida Conference (beginning 1/1958)

1959                transfer to Florida Conference




Born: 10-14-1845  Lebanon County PA                    married: Esther A. _____

Died: 12-23-1917  Harrisburg PA                              obit: [5/24/1846 – 12/2/1870]

Miller-Raker #: no                                                      married2: Mary E. Feeser

Fulton #: no                                                                 obit2: [9/23/1846 – 11/25/1919]

Gibble list: yes


1875    license, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Willow Grove Cemetery, Linglestown PA



1881                name erased


Note: A member of the Linglestown church, Joseph L. Bolton was school teacher/principal and justice of the peace.




Born: 11-7-1871  Palmyra PA                                    married: Sara E. Parker

Died: 11-20-1943  Palmyra PA                                  obit: [6/30/1875 – 5/12/1955]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1911    license, East Pennsylvania Conference: recommended by Harrisburg First


Interment: Gravel Hill Cemetery, Palmyra PA



1911-1914       living in Annville

1914                transfer to Pennsylvania Conference


Note: 1914, 13 lists Joseph W. Bomberger as transferring to the Pennsylvania Conference, but there is not record that this actually occurred.  He is last listed in the 1914 UB Yearbook as a member of the East Pennsylvania Conference living in Annville.  There is no record of him as a student or staff member at Lebanon Valley College.  He was a student at Lebanon Valley College with ministerial intentions, but appears to have left without graduating (he had a 5-year-old daughter who died on Christmas Day 1912) and stayed in Annville for a few years before moving to Gardners PA as the railroad station agent.




Born: 10-29-1784  Berks County PA                         married: Barbara _____

Died: 9-10-1852  Linglestown PA                             obit:

Miller-Raker #: 266

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1842    license





1846                                charter member of East Pennsylvania Conference

1849                                expelled


Note: Peter Bonawitz was an elder in the Linglestown congregation organized in 1827 by John Winebrenner that erected the first church building in what became the Church of God denomination.  In 1843 Bonawitz and his wife Barbara sold the Linglestown UB congregation the lot for its first church building.





Born: 6-20-1813                                                          married:

Died: 10-11-1875                                                        obit:

Miller-Raker #: 291

Fulton #: 76

Gibble list: no


1848    ordained, on credentials from Primitive Methodist Church


Interment: Hershey Cemetery, Richfield OH



1848-49                      Philadelphia Clinton Street Mission

1849-50                      Rocky Spring circuit

1850-51                      Chambersburg station

1851                                transfer to Allegheny Conference

1851-52                      Jefferson circuit

1852-54                      Juniata circuit [Three Springs]

1854-55                      Schellsburg circuit

1855-56                      Mahoning circuit

1856-57                     Clearfield circuit

1857-59           Springfield circuit      

1859-60           Allegheny circuit

1860-61           local relation for 1 year

1861                transfer to “any other annual conference he may wish to join”


Note: The Chronicle 1996, page 90, gives a brief biography.  J.W. Bonewell apparently brought the Clinton Street Mission with him into the denomination.  One source lists him preaching in Columbia, East Pennsylvania Conference, 1854-55 – but this may have been for revival meetings or some other special circumstances.  It has not been confirmed that the “Elder John W. Bonewell” buried in Richfield OH who was “in the ministry 32 years” is the John W. Bonewell whose service record appears above.





Born:                                                                           married: Barbara

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no





1930-31           Linglestown circuit


Note: William J. Book supplied the Linglestown circuit (Linglestown & Colonial Park) during the first part of the conference year.  He is not listed as a local pastor, and his credentials are not known.





Born: 9-10-1878  Cherry Tree PA                              married: Laura May Felix (3/31/1902)

Died: 2-7-1972  Altoona PA                                      obit: [1/29/1880 – 3/14/1963]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 304

Gibble list: no


1902    license, Allegheny Conference

1908    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Alto Reste Burial Park, Altoona PA



1902-03           Glasgow


1918                returned to quarterly conference license


Note: A.L. Boring was a 1905 graduate of Otterbein Universoty.





Born: 1-15-1780  Baltimore County MD                   married: Catharine Moore

Died: 2-14-1861                                                          obit: [12/12/1784 – 11/16/1853]

Miller-Raker #: 127

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1825    license

1828    ordained


Interment: UB Cemetery, Manchester MD

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1862, 76&78


1828-29                      Juniata circuit

1829-31                      appointments not listed in journal

1831-32                      presiding elder, Chambersburg & Juniata & Huntingdon circuits

1832-34                      presiding elder, Huntingdon District

1834-35                      Cumberland circuit

1835-36           Lancaster station


Note: Gibble’s 1951 History of the East Pennsylvania Conference, page 165, gives a brief biography.  He is the namesake of Bishop Ezekiel Boring Kephart (1834-1906).





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: 49

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1804    license





1818                charter member of Muskingum Conference





Born: 4-12-1866  Middletown PA                             married: Kathryn Hemperly

Died: 7-3-1960                                                            obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1958, 44

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1886    quarterly conference license, Royalton

1888    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1890    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Paxtang Mausoleum, Harrisburg PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1960, 57


1890-93           Oberlin

1893-07           Lancaster Covenant

1907-13           Steelton

1913-17           Harrisburg State Street

1917-18           retired

1918-21           Middletown

1921                retired




Born: 12-17-1922                                                        married: Helen Frain

Died: 9-3-2005  Greenville OH                                  obit: [8/18/1921 – 8/26/2012]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1949    license, recommended by Philadelphia Second

1952    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Oak Grove Cemetery, Marietta OH



1950-52           Laura OH Congregational Christian

1952-57           Lebanon Bethany

1957                granted “certificate of recommendation”

                        to the Southwestern Association of the Ohio Conference of the United Church of Christ


Note:  A.A. Boston is a graduate of Bonebrake [United] Seminary in Dayton OH.



Born: 2-10-1868  Lebanon County PA                      married: Clara Wagner Fritz

Died: 12-4-1922                                                          obit: [6/30/1869 – 5/6/1947]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1891    license, East German Conference

1894    ordained, East German Conference


Interment: Charles Evans Cemetery, Reading PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1923, 15


1891-93           Montana [Aristes]

1893-95           Paxinos circuit [Shamokin circuit]

1895-96           Susquehanna circuit

1896-99           Cressona circuit

1899-01           West Lebanon circuit

1901                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference

1901-03           Intercourse

1903-10           Ephrata

1910-15           Oberlin Neidig Memorial

1915-16           Harrisburg First

1916-20           Reading Zion

1920-22           Lykens


Note: Charles E. Boughter is an uncle to Harvey D. Boughter.




Born: 9-17-1870  Fredericksburg PA                         married: Emma Elizabeth Daub

Died: 5-23-1940  Decatur IL                                      obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1949, 35

Miller-Raker #: 664

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1900    ordained, Churches of God


Interment: Cedar Hill Cemetery, Fredericksburg PA

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1940, 33


                        Upper Sandusky OH

                        Martinsburg PA

                        Altoona PA

                        Chambersburg PA

                        Decatur IL

1922                transfer to UB Church, Oregon Conference

1922-26           president, Philomath College

1926-30           Greenmount

1930                transfer to Pennsylvania Conference

1930-31           Greenmount

1931-34           Chewsville

1934-36           Fayetteville

1936-40           Dover


Note: Harvey D. Boughter is a nephew to Charles E. Boughter.




Born: 6-10-1837  Lancaster County PA                     married: Mary A. Simmons

Died: 5-24-1914                                                          obit: [5/31/1839 – 3/15/1915]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1870    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1881    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Stoverdale Cemetery, Stoverdale PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1914, 33


1868-69           Union Deposit circuit


1876-77           Lebanon circuit


1879-81           Susquehanna circuit

1881-82           Valley View circuit

1882-84           Middleburg circuit

1884-84           Freeburg circuit

1885-87           Fishburn circuit

1887-89           apparently w/o appointment

1889-90           Lancaster circuit, East Pennsylvania Conference (see 1890, 18)

1890                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference

1890-92           Lititz circuit

1892-93           Ruhl’s station

1893-95           Chestnut Grove circuit

1895-96           Royalton

1896-97           Lebanon circuit (English)


Note: This surname is also rendered BUCHTER.




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no





1897-98           Middleburg circuit


Note: S.B. Boughter was a quarterly conference pastor in the East German Conference (see 1898, 18).





Born: 5-25-1827  Washington County MD                married: Mary Ann Cost (12/29/1851)

Died: 12-5-1897                                                          obit: [9/21/1796 – 1/25/1886]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


Interment: Keedysville MD



1893-1894              Marion circuit, member of Virginia Conference


Note: UB Yearbooks for 1893, 1894 list Daniel R. Bovey in the Virginia, Maryland conferences – no other references.  Our journal indicates he served the entire year (Feb-Feb), but he is also the pastor of record for Mar-Sep 1893 of Williamsport MD station in the Maryland Conference.  He is the son of Adam I. Bovey (1797-1879: Virginia Conference) and a brother to Jacob A. Bovey (1824-1859: Virginia Conference) and Henry A. Bovey (1831-1919: Virginia, Central Ohio, Miami Conferences). He is an uncle to Michael Stine Bovey (1858-1935: California Conference), son of Henry.  He did not enter the ministry until he was 50 years old and apparently served as a local pastor, for there is no formal record of him in the Virginia Conference.





Born: 10-8-1879                                                                      married: Amelia Mohr

Died: 2-7-1963                                                                        obit: [d. 1953]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1900    quarterly conference license, Paradise St. John’s

1904    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1911    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference



Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1963, 62


1904-06           Middleburg, Allegheny Conference

1906-07           Liverpool, Allegheny Conference

1908-18           Lancaster Laurel Street mission, under conference supervision

                        1909-10  Centerville

1918-50           Lancaster Laurel Street mission, as an independent work

1950                retired





Born: 12-31-1821 Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany     married: Barbara E. Rider

Died: 12-19-1907  Malcom IA                                   obit: Iowa Conference 1901, 28

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 61

Gibble list: no


1844    license, Allegheny Conference

1847    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Lime City Cemetery, Lime City IA

Obit: Iowa Conference 1908, 42


1846-47           Bellefonte

1847-48           Washington

1848-50           Clearfield

1850-52           Schellsburg

1852                transfer to Iowa Conference


Note: Mrs. Bowers is the daughter of John Rider.





Born: 3-26-1913                                                          married: Violet Cleona McClain

Died: 4-9-1981                                                            obit: [6/29/1913 – 4/5/2004]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1933    quarterly conference license, Rockville

1940     license, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Hill Cemetery, Cleona PA



1943-46           Northampton

1946-47           Hummelstown circuit

1947-48           Philadelphia Burholme

1948-49           Mount Carmel

1949-52           living in Halifax

1952-54           Royalton

1954-57           living in Halifax

1957-69           living in Harrisburg

1969                no longer listed


Note: Herbert H. Bowers is the son of Walter G. Bowers.





Born:10-24-1904  Denton MD                       married:

Died: 6-10-1983  Saltillo PA                          obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gilbble list: no


1939    quarterly conference license

1948    license, Allegheny Conference

1954    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Fairview Cemetery, Three Springs PA



1944-53           Three Springs

1953-60           New Florence

1960-70           Orbisonia – Mt. Nebo

1970                no longer listed


Note: In 1970, when the former Methodist and EUB Conferences in the entire state were reorganized, Theodore R. Bowers was serving Orbisonia (which was being moved from the Western Pennsylvania Conference EUB to the Central Pennsylvania Conference UM).  In 1970 he appears in no UM journal, and the Orbisonia EUB charge is left without a pastor and experiences a drastic loss of membership.  T.R. Bowers reappears in the 1970’s as the pastor of the independent Cromwell United Brethren Church (re-incorporated as the Cromwell United Bible Church in 1977) 3 miles north of Three Springs on PA 747.



Born: 2-3-1890  Rockville PA                                    married: Katie Heilman

Died: 3-2-1982                                                            obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1955, 35

Miller-Raker #: no                                                      married2: Bessie Clara Shanaman Kreps

Fulton #: no                                                                 obit2: Central Pennsylvania Conference 1972, 402

Gibble list: yes


1926    quarterly conference license, Harrisburg Sixth Street

1932    license, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Hill Church Cemetery, Cleona PA

Obit: Eastern Pennsylvania Conference 1982, 269


1926-46           Rockville

1947-58           Halifax

1958-62           Allentown Grace

1962                retired


Note:  Walter G. Bowers is the father of Herbert H. Bowers.  Officially, Walter G. Bowers was “referred” in 1938 and re-admitted in 1950; during those years he appears in the category “others employed by the conference.”  After 1970 he lived in the Harrisburg area and should be a member of the Central Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church; the memoir of his second wife appears in that journal, but he is never listed in any category.








Born: 1866                                                                  married: Louella Funk (10/30/1890)

Died: 8-19-1940  Lebanon PA                                   obit: b. [11/16/1869 - 1936]

Miller-Raker #: 442

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes [EDWIN S. BOWMAN]


1889    license

1892    ordained         





1885-90           Lebanon Valley College

1890-94           Greencastle (begins in mid-ear: see 1891,20)

1894-00           Mechanicsburg

1900-03           Harrisburg Otterbein

1903                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference

1903-08           Harrisburg Otterbein

1908-09           living in Princeton NJ

1909-10           living in Dayton OH

1910                transfer to Miami Conference

1910-11           ?

1911                "transfer" to Presbyterian Church

1911-37           Emmanuel Presbyterian Church

1937                retired


Note:  The conference journals consistently refer to him erroneously as “Edwin S. Bowman”.  He is listed as an 1890 graduate of LVC “from Boonsboro MD”, but also as being on faculty 1885-1890 in bookkeeping & penmanship.   He authored at least one book, The Bible Doctrine of Devotion.  A 1929 anniversary booklet in the Harrisburg Otterbein file gives his picture and refers to him as Edward S. Bowman, DD of Philadelphia.  His relationship to other Bowmans on the LVC faculty in the 1880’s and 1890’s is not known.  Mrs. Funk is the daughter of Erasmus P. Funk.





Born: 4-6-1839  Dauphin PA                                     married: Mary A. Espenshade

Died: 9-25-1910  Harrisburg PA                                obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1926, 13

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1873    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1878    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Ephrata PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1910, 43


1872-73           Highspire circuit

1873-75           Grantville circuit

1875-77           Schuylkill Haven

1877-79           Spring Garden [Florin]

1879-82           Manheim circuit

1882-84           Ephrata

1884-87           Boiling Springs, Central Pennsylvania Conference

1887-88           Dillsburg, Central Pennsylvania Conference

1888-89           Intercourse circuit

1889                Hummelstown circuit (Feb-Oct)

1889-91           Union Deposit circuit

1891-94           chaplain, Dauphin County Almshouse

                             1892  Fishburn circuit (Jun-Oct)]

1894-95           Royalton

1895-99           Fishburn circuit

1899                Grantville circuit, did not finish

1899-01           Lititz

1901-03           Manheim

1903-05           Elizabethville

1905                retired 

                              1907        Harrisburg Sixth Street (Feb-Oct)

                              1909-10   Hillsdale circuit





Born: 1-28-1870                                                          married: Lulu Kunkle

Died: 8-26-1939                                                          obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1961, 47

Miller-Raker #: 463

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1892    quarterly conference license, Duncannon

1896    license

1899    ordained


Interment: Westminster Memorial Gardens, Carlisle PA

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1939, 42


1897-01           Dover

1901-07           York circuit

1907-15           Shermansdale

1915-24           Oakville

1924-37           Enola

1937                retired





Born: 10-12-1900  Johnstown PA                              married: Estella Shank

Died: 7-12-1953                                                          obit: Western Pennsylvania Conference 1954, 22

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 475

Gibble list: no


1922    quarterly conference license

1923    license, Allegheny Conference

1930    ordained, Allegheny Conference



Obit: Western Pennsylvania Conference 1954, 22


1928                Connellsville (summer)

1930-32           East Pittsburgh

1932-37           Johnstown Barron Avenue

1937-40           Altoona First

1940-45           Westerville OH

1945-53           faculty, Otterbein College in Westerville OH


Note: J. Neely Boyer also served as the mayor of Westerville OH.  He and his wife were killed in a plane crash while returning from visiting their daughter in Guam.




Born: 7-7-1889                                                            married: Anna Elizabeth Hatton

Died: 5-6-1965                                                            obit: [7/12/1901 – 10/2/2001]

Miller-Raker #: 612

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1919    quarterly conference license, York Fourth

1921    license, recommended by York Fourth

1926    ordained


Interment: Mt. Rose Cemetery, York PA

Obit: in the biographical files at the conference archives


1921                Baltimore Otterbein Memorial (Apr-Oct)

1921-25           Carlisle circuit

1925-27           Springet

1927-35           Baltimore Scott Street

1935                withdrew 1935, 34


Note: Following a summer-long tent campaign in 1935, Ralph E. Boyer moved to York and founded the York Gospel Center.  He is the father of singer-evangelist Dave Boyer.  Mrs. Boyer was granted a quarterly conference license in 1927.





Born: 9-23-1874  Chapman Quarries PA                   married: Ida M. _____

Died: 1947                                                                  obit: [1882 – 1958]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1899    license, East German Conference: recommended by Middleburg

1902    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Hays Cemetery, Easton PA



1898-01           Middleburg circuit

1901                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference

1901-03           Jonestown circuit

1903-05           Jonestown

1905-07           Intercourse

1907-11           Williamstown

1911-12           on leave, living in Williamstown

1912                expelled


Note: After leaving the ministry, William H. Boyer “entered business.”  He worked for Bethlehem Steel beginning in 1914 and enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1919.




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: 368

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1872    license

1872    ordained





1871-71           West Fairview circuit

1872-73           York Springs circuit

1875                withdrew irregularly 1875, 5





Born: 7-20-1907  Braddock PA                                 married: Margaret Thelma Mackey (1930)

Died: 12-3-1987  Port Allegheny PA                         obit: [11/10/1915 – 9/28/1980]

Miller-Raker #: no                                                      married2: Corrina Belle Kibbe

Fulton #: no                                                                 obit2: [9/7/1907 – 6/14/2003]

Gibble list: no


1926    exhorter’s license, Methodist Episcopal Church

1926    local preacher’s license, Methodist Episcopal Church

1926    local preacher’s license, Church of the Nazarene


Interment: Card Creek Cemetery, Roulette PA



1926-28           evangelist

?                      “transfer” to Erie Conference of the United Brethren Church

1933-35           Sartwell Creek

1935-38           Sweden Valley           


Note: Limited biographical material on Walter H. Bradley is available in the biographical files and the Sartwell Creek closed church file.  He served in the Erie Conference as a supply pastor.  The second Mrs. Bradley was the widow of a Mr. Homer Frank Taylor (1909-1970).




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1954    1icense, East Pennsylvania Conference: recommended by Annville

1958    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference





1954-55           student, Lebanon Valley College

                             1954           Brunnerville (3 months)

                             1954-55      assistant, Elizabethville

1955-58           student, United Theological Seminary in Dayton OH

1958-59           Elizabethville Tinity

1959-72           missionary, Hong Kong

1972-73           lecturer, Stanford University

1973-79           faculty, University of Washington

1979                transfer to Pacific Northwest Conference


Note: Frederick P. Brandauer is the son of Evangelical/EUB/UM missionary Frederick W. Brandauer (1904-1986) of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference.





Born: 9-22-1878  near Newville PA                           married: Emma Frances Engle

Died: 4-15-1979  Mechanicsburg PA                         obit: [10/11/1884 – 4/?/1974]

Miller-Raker #: 513

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1901    quarterly conference license, Shippensburg Messiah

1903    license, recommended by Big Spring charge

1906    ordained


Interment: Mechanicsburg Cemetery, Mechanicsburg PA

Obit: Central Pennsylvania Conference 1979, 330


1901-04           student, Lebanon Valley College

1904-07           student, Union Seminary Dayton OH

                             1906  Riverside CA (summer)

                             1907  Beloit WI (summer)

1907-10           Shenandoah Collegiate Institute, Dayton VA

1910-11           principal, Derry township high school (Dauphin County PA)

1911                                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference 1911, 50

1911-13           Schuylkill Haven

1913-16           Reading Zion

1916                transfer to Virginia Conference

1916-21           Dayton VA

1921                                transfer to Pennsylvania Conference

1921-59           local/supply

                            1921-44  teacher/principal, Mechanicsburg high school (Cumberland County PA)

                            1944-67  justice of the peace, Hampden township

1959                retired


Note: Mrs. Brandt earned an A.B. and A.M. from Lebanon Valley College in 1905 and 1906, and a B.D. from Bonebrake [United] Seminary in 1907.  Apparently, she never pursued a ministerial license.





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: 80

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1815    license








Born: 12-25-1849  Frederick MD                              married: Clara Magdalena Harp

Died: 4-7-1920  Dayton OH                                       obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1923, 17

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1873    license, Virginia Conference

1876    ordained, Virginia Conference


Interment: Benevola UMC cemetery, Benevola MD

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1920, 54


1872-73           Potomac mission

1873-74           New Germany

1874-76           Mechanicstown MD

1876-78           ?

1878-79           Rockbridge

1879-82           ?

1882-85           located due to ill health, Washington DC

1883                Newville, Pennsylvania Conference: completed part-year vacancy

1885-86           presiding elder, Shenandoah District

1886-87           Hagerstown MD

1887                transfer to Maryland Conference

1887-90           Hagerstown MD

1890-93           Washington DC

1893-94           general secretary, Church Erection

1894-96           Pequa, East Pennsylvania Conference

1896                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference

1896-06           Lebanon Trinity

1906-09           Reading Otterbein

1909-17           associate editor, Religious Telescope


Note: Dr. Brane (along with Daniel Eberly and Isaiah H. Albright) is one of the authors of the 1911 Landmark History of the United Brethren Church.  Funkhouser’s 1921 History of the Virginia Conference, page 156, gives a brief biography.  C.I.B. Brane is the father of Jessie Brane Rupp, wife of S. Edwin Rupp, and of Annette Brane Siddall, wife of noted medical missionary to China Dr. Alcines Clair Siddall (1897-1980) – who in turn was the son of Alcines C. Siddall (1868-1928) of the Sandusky Conference.  Mrs. Brane is the daughter of Joshua Harp.





Born: 3-5-1825                                                            married: Rachael Ryland

Died: 4-18-1888  Nebraska                                         obit: [1/5/1825 – 1/9/1912]

Miller-Raker #: 332

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1849    license, Virginia Conference


Interment: Graceland Cemetery, Mitchell SD

Obit: UB Yearbook 1889, 28


1849-50           South Branch

1850-52           Buckhannon

1852-53           Highland mission

1853-54           Rockingham

1854-55           appointments not listed

1855-56           Myersville

1856-57           Lacey Springs

1857-59           Rockingham

1859-61           Churchville

1861-62           Woodstock

1862                Bethany mission (Pennsylvania Conference), completed part-year vacancy

1862-63           presiding elder, Southern Section

1863                transfer to Pennsylvania Conference

1863-65           Manchester circuit

1865                transfer to any conference he wishes to join, 1865, 102

                        Rock River Conference (IL)

                        Iowa Conference

                        Elkhorn Conference (Dakota Territory & northern Nebraska)


Note: Funkhouser’s 1921 History of the Virginia Conference, page 157, gives a brief biography.  This surname is also rendered BRASHIER.





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: 290, 320

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1848    license

1851    ordained





1851-54           attends conference and serves on committees

1854-60           not listed in any category

1860                joined conference as “an elder in the Methodist Episcopal Church”

1860-61           Perry circuit

1861-62           no assignment

1861                                withdrew


Note: The Chronicle 1996, page 90, gives a brief biography.





Born:                                                                           married:

Died: 1822/3                                                               obit:

Miller-Raker #: 88

Fulton #:

Gibble list: yes


1817    license


Interment: Chambersburg PA

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1823, 19


Note: This surname is also rendered BRAEZER.  Weaver’s 1908 Minutes of the 1819-24 Conferences, page 45, gives a brief biography.





Born: 11-24-1859  near Mount Joy PA                      married: Jennie Kauffman Smith (1902)

Died: 5-7-1940                                                            obit: [1875 – 1940]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1900    quarterly conference license, Mount Joy Circuit of the East Pennsylvania Conference

1901    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1909    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Silver Spring Cemetery, Lancaster County PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1940, 14


1900-01           Marietta circuit

1901-04           Centerville

1904-07           Harrisburg circuit

1907-13           Paradise [Hopeland]

1913-20           Refton and West Willow

1920-32           Denver

1932                retired





Born: 7-?-1887  York PA                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: 570

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1910    quarterly conference license from Windsor  1910, 36

1911    license, recommended by Windsor





1910-11                      Jefferson

1912                Horse Valley, 7/7-8/25

1912-17                      local, living in Windsor

1917-21           local, living in Annville

1921                dropped: reported to have joined another denomination 1921, 34


Note: The 1917 LVC yearbook, page 43, lists “Cervin E. Brennaman” of Freemont MI.  The 1947 LVC Alumni Register lists “Curwin Elmer Brenneman” as a 1915 graduate, address unknown.  There is a Rev. Curvin E. Brenneman in the Roberts Centennial Book of St. Croix County WI.





Born: 11-17-1897                                                        married: Sadie S. Crawford

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1922    license, East Pennsylvania Conference





1921-25           student, Lebanon Valley College

                        1921-22  Rocherty

                        1923-24  Sinking Spring

1927                transfer to ?

1932                graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary

1947                pastor of The Open Bible Testimony, Denver PA





Born: 5-16-1869  Clearfield County PA                    married: Rachel Perks

Died: 1950                                                                  obit: [3/8/1875 – 1949]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 300

Gibble list: no


1901    license, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Mock's Hill Cemetery in Boggs township, Clearfield County PA



1899-01           Lickingville (resigned & appointed to West Decatur soon after 1901 conference)

1901-03           West Decatur

1903-04           Path Valley

1904                honorable discharge

1904                supply pastor, Erie Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church

1904-05           Putneyville, Armstrong County

1905-06           Hawthorn, Clarion County                

1907-08           Arroyo, Elk County





Born: 10-18-1869  State Line PA                               married: Nellie Maude Snoke

Died: 5-11-1961  Dayton OH                                     obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1960, 49

Miller-Raker #: 527

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1888    quarterly conference license, Middleburg [State Line]

1890    license, Iowa Conference

1893    ordained, Iowa Conference


Interment: Memorial Park Cemetery, Dayton OH

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1961, 43


1888-90           student, Buckhannon Academy at Buckhannon WV

1890-92           student, Western College at Toledo IA

1892-93           medical rest & supply pastor

1893-96           student, Union Seminary at Dayton OH

1896                transfer to Maryland Conference

1896-98                      Hagerstown

1898-99                      Canton OH (East Ohio Conference)

1899                transfer to East Ohio Conference

1899-04           Canton OH

1904                transfer to Pennsylvania Conference, page 32

1904-11           Chambersburg First

1911-12                      First Church of Christ, New Haven CT

1912-13           Baltimore Fourth

1913-29           general secretary, Sunday School & Brotherhood Work

1929-33           general secretary, Evangelism

1933-39           Dayton Fairview (Miami Conference)

1939                retired


Note: Miller’s 1968 History of Pennsylvania Conference, page 395, gives a brief biography.  Dr. Brewbaker is the author of several books on the conference authors’ shelves.  Mrs. Brewbaker is a niece of Jacob H. Snoke.





Born:                                                                           married: Anna Barbara Kershner

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


?          license

?          ordained





1848                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference

1848-50           Northumberland mission

1850-52           New Holland

1852-53           Dauphin circuit

1853-54           Hummelstown circuit

1854-57           presiding elder

1857-58           Highspire circuit

1858-59           Lancaster circuit

1859-61           New Holland

1861-63           Reading Zion

1863-65           Susquehanna circuit

1886                name erased


Note: Jacob Brewer was a General Conference delegate from the East Pennsylvania Conference.  He performed a wedding in Hummelstown in 1868, and in 1869 he is listed as living in Hummelstown PA and in the 1880’s as living in Winchester IN.




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no





1880-81           Mercersburg: see 1881, 4





Born: 5-1-1840  New Berlin PA                                 married:

Died: 8-26-1895  York PA                                         obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


Interment: Prospect Hill Cemetery, York PA

Obit: The Evangelical, 9/11/1895 page 294


1865-66                      York & Jefferson circuits (1865, 104)

1866-67           Greencastle & Alto Dale circuits

1874-75           Shamokin First, East Pennsylvania Conference; see Gibble, 358


Note: George A. Brinkley is the youngest son of Rev. Dr. George Brickley (1806-1889) who was a preacher with the Evangelical Association before locating in 1846 to practice medicine.  George A. was a member of York Grace United Evangelical Church at the time of his death.





Born:  1890                                                                 married: Agnes Hummel

Died: 7-23-1956                                                          obit: Western Pennsylvania Conference 1959, 30

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 397

Gibble list: no


1910    quarterly conference license

1912    license, Allegheny Conference

1913    ordained, Allegheny Conference



Obit: Western Pennsylvania Conference 1957, 30


1912-13           Connellsville (beginning 6/1/1913)

1913-14           Coalport

1914-18           Altoona Third (ending 4/1/1918)

1918-19           Portage (beginning 4/1/1918)

1919-23           Philipsburg

1923-28           Connellsville

1928-33           Mount Pleasant

1933-34           Altoona Garden Heights

1934-40           Braddock

1940-45           conference evangelist

1945-49           Punxsutawney

                             1948-49      Albion Heights

1949                retired




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no     

Fulton #: no    

Gibble list: no








1896-97           Mount Union

1902-03           Byromtown, Erie Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church


Note:  T.M. Briggs served in the Allegheny Conference under “others employed in the conference.”  His service in the Erie Conference of the Methodist Church was as a supply.  Nothing more is known about this person.




Born: 12-21-1796  Centre County PA                        married: Margaret Packer [4/11/1816]

Died: 9-15-1875                                                          obit: [6/14/1797 – 10/23/1868]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 41

Gibble list: no


1841    license, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Boalsburg PA



1845                withdrew


Note: Ezra D. Brisbane never received an appointment.  This surname is also rendered BRISBIN.




Born: 7-25-1934                                                          married: Kim _____

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: 773

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1959    license, recommended by York Fifth

1964    ordained





1959-60                      Gardners-Mt. Victory

1960-61                      Shermansdale

1961-64                      student, United Theological Seminary Dayton OH

                            1962        Sulpher Grove EUB, OH

                            1964-64  Morning Sun United Presbyterian, OH

1964-67                      Williamsport MD

1967-84           US Army Chaplain

1984                retired

                             1984-90      Tillicum WA Community Presbyterian Church





Born: 2-24-1887  West Willow PA                            married: Mary S. Brenneman

Died: 10-21-1951                                                        obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1911    quarterly conference license, West Willow

1912    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1927    re-license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1930    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Boehm’s Cemetery, Willow Street PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1952, 22


1912-13           Jonestown

1913-17           Centerville

1917-18           Jonestown (resigned Oct 1917, see 1918, 6)


1920                referred

1929-39           Manheim

1939-45           Denver

1946-51           Lebanon Ebenezer





Born: c1939  Harrisburg PA                                                   married: Constance Myers

Died: 4-13-2009  Neffsville PA                                             obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1960    1icense, East Pennsylvania Conference, recommended by Harrisburg 29th Street

1964    ordained, Eastern Conference


Interment: Grandview UMC Memorial Gerdens, Lancaster PA



1964-87           assistant, Lancaster Otterbein

1987-01           West Chester Grove

2001                retired


Note: Alan S. Brown is the father of Rev. Andrea Brown of the East Pennsylvania Conference and is a brother to Janice Brown Fisher, wife of Rev. David Fisher of the East Pennsylvnaia Conference.




Born: Cumberland [now Perry] County PA               married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: 81

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1815    license

1820    ordained





Note: Weaver’s 1908 Minutes of the 1819-24 Conferences, page 45, gives a brief biography. This is believed to be the Rev. George Brown who was a brother of Peter Brown, father of Bishop William Brown.




Born: 6-10-1895                                                          married: Alice May Bixler

Died: 2-6-1960                                                            obit: Central Pennsylvania Conference 1974, 435

Miller-Raker #: 638

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1924    quarterly conference license, Waynesboro

1925    license, recommended by Waynesboro

1928    ordained


Interment: Greenmount MD

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1960, 45


1925                Mt. Tabor-Williamsport MD, Apr to Oct

1925-29           Taneytown MD

1929-33           Newburg

1933-43           Winterstown

1943-46           Enola

1946-53           Greencastle

1953-60           Frederick MD





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: 310

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1856    license

1869    ordained





1856-58           York circuit

1858-61           Manchester circuit

1861-63           York circuit

1863-66           Perry circuit

1866-68           ?

1868-69           Ickesburg mission

1869-70                      ?

1870-72           Carlisle

1872-74           West Fairview circuit (did not finish the second year)

1874                dismissed





Born: 8-3-1876  Lampeter PA                                    married:

Died: 5-6-1934  Sunbury PA                                      obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1911    license, East Pennsylvania Conference: recommended by Shamokin circuit

1917    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Paradise PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1934, 13


1910-16           Shamokin circuit

1916-19           Shamokin Second

1919-34           Sunbury





Born: 10-20-1800  Cumberland [Perry] County PA  married: Jemima _____

Died: 12-23-1884  Hoopeston IL                               obit:

Miller-Raker #: 94                                                      married2: Huldah _____

Fulton #: no                                                                 obit2:

Gibble list: yes


1820    license

1821    ordained





1820-21                      Juniata circuit

1821-24           [records incomplete]

1824-27           York circuit


Note: John Brown [PA] is a brother to Bishop William Brown, on whose page is more family information.  He apparently migrated westward sometime during or prior to 1845, living successively in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois.




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: 92

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1819    license

1821    ordained








Born: 7-9-1796  Cumberland [Perry] County PA      married: Sallie Koch

Died: 5-11-1868  Benton County, IN                         obit: [1796 – 4/29/1873]

Miller-Raker #: 84

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1816    license

1819    ordained


Interment: Pond Grove Cemetery, Otterbein IN



1817-18           Hagerstown circuit

1818-20           Virginia circuit

1820-21           Hagerstown circuit

1821-23           appointments not listed

1823-24           presiding elder, circuits unspecified

1824-25           appointments not listed

1825-28           Baltimore

1828-29           presiding elder, circuits unspecified

1829-31                      appointments not listed

1831-32           presiding elder for eastern & southern circuits

1832-33           presiding elder, Carlisle District

1833-37           bishop

                            1834-35  Lancaster station, in conjunction with being bishop

1837                moved to Indiana

1838                transfer to Wabash Conference


Note: Koontz’ 1950 The Bishops: Church of the United Brethren in Christ, page 201, gives a biography of Bishop Brown.  Bishop William Brown is a brother to John Brown [PA] and is the father of Rev. William Otterbein Brown (Wabash Conference), and one of his daughters married Peter Whitesell.  In addition, his brothers Simon (1804-1874) and David (1813-1875) and numerous nephews were also UB preachers.  His father Peter Brown (1770-1848) served as a local pastor.  There is a folder on William Brown in the biographical files.  This name is also rendered Wilhelm Braun.  Weaver’s 1908 Minutes of the 1819-24 Conferences, page 46, also gives a brief biography.





Born: 3-28-1872  Manheim PA                                  married: Martha Roloson (1905)

Died: 10-10-1957                                                        obit: Kansas Conference 1923, 37

Miller-Raker #: no                                                      married2: Mrs. Estella Eliza Ankeny Long (1926)

Fulton #: 282                                                               obit2: 8/13/1881 – 9/5/1950]

Gibble list: no


1896    quarterly conference license, Manheim

1897    license, Allegheny Conference

1909    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Otterbein Cemetery, Westerville OH

Obit: Erie Conference 1958, 41


1896-97           Dunlo (beginning 1/1/1897)

1897-99           Punxsutawney Woodland Avenue

1899-04           student, Otterbein College in Westerville OH

1904-07           Huntingdon (beginning 4/1/1904)

1907-11           East Pittsburgh

1911-14           student, Bonebrake [United] Theological Seminary in Dayton OH

1914                transfer to Miami Conference

1914-16           Dayton High Street

1916                transfer to Kansas Conference

1916-19           Iola

1919-21           Salina

1921-24           Attica

1924-25           field work, Bonebrake Seminary

1925-26           assistant editor, Sunday School (ending 1/1/1926)

1926                transfer to Erie Conference

1926-30           Warren Bethel (beginning 1/1/1926)

1930-33           Jamestown NY Grace

1933-40           Clarence Center

1940                retired


Note: The second Mrs. Brubaker was the widow of a Mr. Herman A. Long.




Born: 6-5-1909                                                                                    married: Thelma Lou Morgan

Died: 3-31-1977                                                                                  obit: [1/29/1920 – 7/2/2011]

Miller-Raker #: 749

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1955    license


Interment: Rolling Green Memorial Park, Camp Hill



1955-56           living in Philadelphia

1956                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference

1956-57                     Tremont-Barry

1957-58                      Cressona

1958                                withdrew: East Pennsylvania 1958, 81


Note: Rev. Brydia felt called to the ministry as a student at Penn State but failed to respond.  This bothered him, and he finally responded while working as an engineer at Frankford Arsenal and attending Third EUB in Philadelphia.  He left the ministry because of poor health.  In 2002 Thelma M. Brydia was living at 3003 Brisban Street, Harrisburg PA 17111, and attending Charlton UM.





Born: 9-15-1889                                                          married: Clara Hahn

Died: 3-11-1972                                                          obit: East Pennsylvania 1957, 48

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1925    quarterly conference license, Manheim Salem

1950    license, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Fairview Cemetery, Manheim PA

Obit: [Eastern Pennsylvania Conference 1972, 337]


1925-26           Silver Spring Salem

1927-34           Rocherty

1941-43           Brunnerville

1945-55           Newton-Mt. Gretna

1955-60           Mt. Gretna

1960-61           Williamstown

1961                retired

1969                no longer listed




Born: 12-11-1904                                                        married: Anna Evelyn Petroff

Died: 12-21-1968  San Diego CA                              obit: conference archives biographical files

Miller-Raker #: 647

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1924    quarterly conference license, Yoe Salem

1926    license, recommended by Yoe Salem


Interment: Yoe Union Cemetery, Yoe PA

Obit: conference archives biographical files


1926-28           Shepherdstown

1928-29           assistant administrator, Quincy Orphanage

1929-30                      living in Wormleysburg

1930                withdrew





Born: 8-3-1876  WI                                                                            married: Minnie V. Noll

Died: 2-3-1921  Lebanon PA                                                             obit: [12/26/1873 – 3/11/1940]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1895    license, East German Conference

1899    ordained, East German Conference


Interment: Gravel Hill Cemetery, Palmyra PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1921, 64


1895-97           Middleburg circuit

1897-99           Pine Grove circuit

1899-00           Ebenezer station

1900-01           Sinking Spring

1901                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference

1901-06           Bellegrove circuit

1906-12           Lebanon Bethany

1912-20           Reading Salem

1920-21           Lebanon Hebron


Note: Mrs. Buddinger is the daughter of Simon Noll.





Born: 9-13-1838  Ligonier Valley PA                                    married: Susan C. Brant

Died: 3-18-1891                                                                      obit: Allegheny Conference 1928, 64

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 159

Gibble list: no


1873    license, Allegheny Conference

1876    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Valley Cemetery, Ligonier PA

Obit: Allegheny Conference 1891, 36


1874-75           Ligonier

1875-76           Susquehanna

1876-79           Castleman

1879-81           Springfield

1881-83           Madison

1883-84           no appointment

1884-85           Mahoning (resigned before reporting)

1885-86           Bigler

1886-89           Cambria

1889-90           Coalport

1890-91           Somerset


Note: For reasons that have not been reported, John S. Buell appears not to have served under appointment 1883-85.  He appears to have maintained a regular family residence in Ligonier, even though some of his appointments were some distance away.




Born: 6-20-1863  Pillow PA                                       married: Agnes L. Ressler [9/28/1886]

Died: 1-5-1952                                                            obit: [11/24/1864 – 1961]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 240

Gibble list: yes


1884    quarterly conference license

1885    license, East German Conference

1889    ordained, East German Conference


Interment: Maple Grove Cemetery, Elizabethville PA

Obit: [Western Pennsylvania Conference 1952, 18]


1884-86           Lebanon Glossbrenner

1886-88           Tamaqua circuit

1888-89           Altoona Second, Allegheny Conference

1889                transfer to Allegheny Conference

1889-91           New Florence

1891-93           Cambria

1893-95           Jenner Cross Roads

1895-98           Walnut Grove

1898-01           student, Bonebrake Seminary in Dayton OH

1901-03           Conemaugh

1903-05           Windber

1905-06           Hollsopple

1906-10           Coalport

1910-11           Huntingdon

1911-15           Somerset

1915-16           Latrobe

1916-19           Philipsburg

1919-21           Pitcairn

1921-24           Altoona Third

1924-26           Johnstown Westmont

1926-27           Wilmore

1927-29           Madison

1929-34           Conemaugh

1934-36           New Florence

1936                retired


Note:  Henry A. and Agnes Buffington retired to Pillow Pa.  Following Rev. Buffington’s death in 1952, Mrs. Buffington moved to West Carrollton OH.  Their deaths are reported in the Pottsville Republican on 1/9/1952 (page 18) and 4/1/1961 (page 14).





Born: 2-5-1876  Kantner PA                                      married: Flora Williamson

Died: 6-5-1948  Braddock PA                                    obit: Pittsburgh Conference (M) 1948, 165

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 414

Gibble list: no


1911    quarterly conference license

1915    license, Allegheny Conference

1919    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Mount Washington Cemetery, Perryopolis PA

Obit: Pittsburgh Conference (M) 1948, 162


1913-14           Claysville

1914-16           Arona/Middletown

1916-18           Fairmount

1918-19           Wilmore/South Fork

1919-22           Rockwood

1922                Woodland (resigned 10/1/1922)

1922                transfer to Pittsburgh Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church

1922-24           Glassport

1924-27           Vanderbilt

1927-28           Fayette City

1928-31           Mount Pleasant

1931-32           Somerset

1932-35           Fredericktown

1935-38           Centerville/Taylor

1938-40           Murraysville

1940-44           Dayton/Smicksburg

1944-45           Circleville

1945-47           Redstone

1947-48           Dunbar Franklin Memorial





Born: 6-12-1882  Indian Head PA                             married: Christine H. Muir

Died: 5-24-1975                                                          obit: [1883 – 1965]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 368

Gibble list: no


1908    quarterly conference license

1909    license, Allegheny Conference

1915    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: St. John's Centennial United Brethren Cemetery, Somerset PA

Obit: Western Pennsylvania Conference 1975, 300


1912-15           Monessen

1915-18           Herminie

1918-19           Trafford

1919-22           Portage

1922-31           Altoona First

1931-38           Johnstown Park Avenue

1938-49           Somerset

1949-54           Mount Pleasant

1954                retired

                             Listie Lutheran Church

                             Berlin United Church of Christ

                             Stoystown St. Paul's United Church of Christ


Note: Benjamin F. Bungard is the father of William S. Bungard and of Barbara Bungard Reed, wife of Rev. Allen W. Reed (1921-1971) of the Western Pennsylvania Conference.  B.F. Bungard served two terms (1915-16 and 1919-20) in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives as a Republican from Westmoreland County.  His varied experience also includes teaching at Monessen High School (2 years), agent for the Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad Company (4 years), and other positions.





Born: 1-19-1914  Monessen PA                                 married: Catherine Parcher [12/10/1937]

Died: 6-17-2004  Attleboro MA                                 obit: [10/22/1914 – 1/20/2002]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1933   license, Allegheny Conference: recommended by Johnstown Park Avenue





                        student, Otterbein College

                        entered ministry in the YMCA

                        Dayton OH

                        Piqua OH

1945-48           Newton MA

1948-79           Attleboro MA

1979                retired


Note: William S. Bungard is the son of Benjamin F. Bungard.  In Piqua OH he organized the first high school group for black teens in Ohio.  In Attleboro MA he led a YMCA program from the verge of bankruptcy to one of the best in the state.  He was a member and Sunday School teacher at the Attleboro Evangelical Covenant Church.  Mrs. Bungard was a 1937 graduate of Otterbein College.





Born: 2-2-1828  Spring Run PA                                 married: Barbara Hammond

Died: 1-18-1898  Henry County IL                            obit: [11/7/1837 – 3/3/1906]

Miller-Raker #: 307

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1855    license

1859    ordained


Interment: Woodhull Cemetery, Woodhull IL



1855-56           York circuit

1856-58           Path Valley circuit

1858-61           Carlisle circuit

1861-63           Rocky Spring station

1863-66           presiding elder, Chambersburg District (did not finish last year)

1868                transfer to Rock River Conference




Born: 2-8-1917  Collinsville IL                                  married: Lynell Mae Carter

Died: 8-16-2007  Windber PA                                   obit: Western Pennsylvania Conference 2006, 376

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1940    license, Baptist Church

1941    ordained, Baptist Church


Interment: Forest Lawn Cemetery, Johnstown PA



                        Butler Hill Baptist

                        Troupsburg NY Baptist

                        East Bethany NY Presbyterian

1948-49           Rochester Mills, Allegheny Conference of EUB Church

1949                transfer to Allegheny Conference of EUB Church

1949-50           Monessen

1950-53           Dunlevy

1953-58           Altoona Wehnwood

1958-63           Johnstown Westmont (ending 12/1963)

1963-67           Johnstown Belmont (beginning 12/1963)

1967-70           director, Stewardship Education and Capital Fund Service

1970-75           Franklin Christ

1975-78           director, Care & Share Program

1978-80           Connellsville Wesley

1980                retired

                             1981-86  associate, Johnstown First

                             1988-90  associate, Shawnee




Born: 2-15-1854  Pittsburgh PA                                 married: Lulu Mary Long

Died: 8-12-1945                                                          obit: Allegheny Conference 1949, 72

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 217

Gibble list: no


1882    quarterly conference license

1886    license, Allegheny Conference

1890    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: St. Clair Cemetery, Greensburg PA

Obit: Allegheny Conference 1945, 61


1886-87           Allegheny

1887-90           ?

1890-92           Middletown

1892-94           Connellsville

1894-97           Clatsville

1897-00           Somerset

1900-03           Johnstown Fourth [Walnut Grove]

1903-05           Pitcairn

1905-07           Herminie

1907-12           Kephart Memorial

1912-13           Wall

1913-14           Walnut Grove

1914-17           Westmoreland

1917-24           Jeannette

1924-37           Herminie

1937                retired




Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no






1916-17           Richfield (ending 2/12/1917)


Note: R.W. Burgreen is listed as “others employed by the conference.”  He is otherwise unknown.  This surname is also rendered BERGREEN.  This may be the Roy William Bergreen (3/29/1898 – 6/8/1965) buried in Olean NY.





Born: 11-19-1910  Jeannette PA                                married: Betty Bohse

Died: 11-20-1992                                                        obit: [4/18/1912 – 1/20/2003]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1934    quarterly conference license, recommended by Jeannette

1936    license, Allegheny Conference: recommended by Jeannette

1942    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: William Penn Memorial Cemetery, Forest Hills PA

Obit: Western Pennsylvania Conference 1993, 278


1936-37           Dunlevy (beginning 2/18/1937)

1937-42           Dunlevy (beginning 10/1/1937)

1942-48           Trafford

1948-63           Wall

1963-70           Wilkinsburg Christ

1970-76           Wilkinsburg Christ-Grace

1976                retired


Note: This name is sometimes erroneously noted as BERKEL.



Born: 7-7-1842  Rebersburg PA                                 married: Anna C. Boughner [1867]

Died: 11-12-1905  Dayton OH                                   obit: [1837 – 1916]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1861    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1865    license, Miami Conference


Interment: Germantown Cemetery, Germantown PH



1859-60           Halifax circuit

1860-61           Union County circuit

1861-62           Lebanon Salem

1862                dropped

1865                entered Miami Conference

                        presiding elder

                        Dayton Summit Street

                        presiding elder                       


Note: Cyrus J. Burkert moved to Indiana in October 1861 and became a school teacher.  He later became a member of the Miami Conference and served as a presiding elder.  He is believed to be a first cousin of John R. Burkert.




Born: 1821                                                                  married: Elizabeth _____

Died: 7-24-1871                                                          obit: [1819 – 1896]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1861    license, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Springlawn Cemetery, New Paris OH

Obit: White River Conference 1892, 57


1864                transfer to White River Conference


Note: John R. Burkert is believed to be a first cousin of Cyrus J. Burkert.  Wilmore’s 1925 History of the White River Conference, page 160, lists him as transferring from the Pennsylvania Conference, but the transfer was from East Pennsylvania Conference.




Born: 10-9-1935                                                          married: Virginia Smedley

Died: 8-6-2009                                                            obit: [1/10/1936 - ]

Miller-Raker #: 750

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1955    license, recommended by Shiremanstown

1960    ordained


Interment: Slate Hill Cemetery, Camp Hill PA



1955-57           student, Lebanon Valley College

                             1955-57      West Hill

1957-59           seminary student at Dayton OH

1959-61           Lemasters (first year, apparently latter part only)

1961-68                      Mont Alto

1968-69           Gettysburg

1969                withdrew

1969-80                      Easter Seals Society

1980-90                      American Cancer Society

1990                retired


Note:  Donald S. Burkhart was an active member of the West Shore Evangelical Free Church.





Born: 8-28-1895                                                          married: Hazel Shover (8/24/1917)

Died: 12-9-1962                                                          obit: [3/1/1898 – 4/20/1978]

Miller-Raker #: 624

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1923    license, recommended by Mechanicsburg

1929    ordained


Interment: Wesley Chapel Cemetery, Hilliard OH



                        principal & football coach at Mechanicsburg High School

1923-33                      student at United Seminary & national UB Youth Director, Dayton OH

1933-35           PhD student, University of Chicago

1935-40           First Community Church (Congregational-Christian), Columbus OH

1940                withdrew to join Congregational-Christian Church: 1940, 44          


Note: Dr. Burkhart is the author of several books, which are available in the conference archives, and the subject of several studies.  As pastor of the First Community Church of Columbus OH in 1946, he organized the National Council of Community Churches.  The widowed Mrs. Burkhart later married a Mr. Harry Edmond Floyd.  Rebecca Davis’ 2010 book More Perfect Unions, page 139, states of Roy Burkhart: “He had grown up in a small Mennonite community in Newville, Pennsylvania, but when he marries Hazel Shover, and member of the United Brethren Church [from Mechanicsburg], in 1917, the Mennonites expelled him for marrying outside the faith.  After serving in World War I as an ambulance driver, Burkhart worked as a public high school principal in southeastern Pennsylvania [Mechanicsburg], became the national youth director for the United Brethren in 1927…”





Born: 5-5-1837  Cumberland County PA                   married: Susan Diller

Died: 4-6-1902                                                            obit: [1832 – 1900]

Miller-Raker #: 364

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1872    license

1875    ordained


Interment: Hays Grove Church, Cumberland County

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1903, 70


1872-73           Big Spring

1873-75           Perry

1875-78           Shippensburg

1878-82           Rocky Springs

1882-86           Shopp’s [Shiremanstown]

1886-89           Waynesboro

1889-90           Big Spring station

1890-92                      Rocky Springs

1891-92           Marion

1892                located, health reasons


Note: Holdcraft’s 1939 History of the Pennsylvania Conference, page 290, gives a brief biography.




Born: 6-2-1852  near Keezletown VA                       married: Clara E. Light

Died: 3-5-1900  Harrisburg PA                                  obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1912, 32

Miller-Raker #: 382

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1876    license

1879    ordained


Interment: Mount Annville Cemetery, Annville PA

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1900, 45


1878-79           Duncannon

1879-81           Big Springs

1881-84           Mercersburg circuit

1884-87           York Second

1887-91           Baltimore Second

1891-94           York Second

1894-97           presiding elder, Baltimore District (resigned 10/1/1897)

1897-00           Harrisburg Otterbein (beginning 10/1/1897)


Note: Holdcraft’s 1939 History of the Pennsylvania Conference, page 290, gives a brief biography.  C.A. Burtner earned a PhD (not honorary) from Lebanon Valley College in 1892.  Cornelius A. Burtner is a brother of Rev. Markwood M. Burtner and a grandson of Rev. Henry Burtner.





Born: 3-21-1867  Enola PA                                        married: Helen Rauch

Died: 12-1-1954                                                          obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1954, 27

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1893    quarterly conference license

1895    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1896    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Mt. Lebanon Cemetery, Lebanon PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1955, 32


1893-95           student, Union Theological Seminary [United] in Dayton OH

1896-97           Freeport, Rock River Conference

1897-98           Paradise

1898-99           Philadelphia Central Mission

1899-06           Hummelstown

1906-08           Mt. Joy

1908-09           Harrisburg Otterbein

1909-10           Lykens

1910-23           Palmyra First

1923-28           Allentown Linden Street

1928-35           Steelton

1935                retired

                            1936-37  Harrisburg Derry Street (beginning Dec 1936)


Note: Edward O. Burtner was licensed and ordained in 1895 and 1896 by the Rock River Conference, but as a member of the East Pennsylvania Conference.  He is the father of J. Howard Burtner and is the brother of Ida May Burtner Lowery (wife of Daniel D. Lowery) and of Rev. Daniel Emory Burtner (1862-1958) of the Congregational Church.  Edward O. Burtner is the grandson of Frederick May (through his daughter Katherine).





Born: 5-6-1800  Cumberland County PA                   married: Margaret Stotler (7/19/1824)

Died: 1-5-1857  Dayton VA                                       obit: [11/24/1798 – 3/29/1866]

Miller-Raker #: 99

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1821    license

1823    ordained


Interment: Dayton Cemetery, Dayton VA



1830                                charter member of Hagerstown [Virginia] Conference


Note: Funkhouser’s 1921 History of the Virginia Conference, page 158, gives a brief biography.  Henry was the father of Rev. William H. Burtner (Virginia Conference), who was the father of Revs. Elmer E. Burtner (Southeast Ohio Conference), Luther O. Burtner, Newton W. Burtner and Otto W. Burtner.  Henry was also the father of Mr. Ezra Burtner, who was the father of Revs. Cornelius A. Burtner and Markwood M. Burtner.   Weaver’s 1908 Minutes of the 1819-24 Conferences, page 45, also gives a brief biography.  Mrs. Burtner is an aunt to Lydia Stotler (Mrs. William T.) Lower.





Born: 12-23-1903                                                        married: Alva D. Wall

Died: 7-?-1982                                                            obit: [10/2/1911 – 9/28/1988]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1932    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1933    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference





1931-34           Union Deposit circuit

1934-38           Royalton Emanuel

1939                honorable dismissal


Note: J. Howard Burtner is the son of Edward O. Burtner.  After leaving the Conference, he is described as a “religious field worker” in the Middletown area and pastor of the non-denominational Brookfield Bible Church in Harrisburg.





Born: 12-9-1858  Dayton VA                                     married: Jennie Louisa Light

Died: 5-15-1910                                                          obit: [1/1/1866 – 7/21/1943]

Miller-Raker #: 483

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1882    license, Virginia Conference

1889    ordained, Virginia Conference


Interment: Woodland Cemetery and Arboretum, Dayton OH

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1910, 118


1883-84           Rockbridge

1884-88                      apparently not assigned (perhaps serving in Maryland Conference)

1888-89           Keedysville (Maryland Conference)

1889                                transfer to Maryland Conference

1889-92           Keedysville

1892-93           Walkersville

1893-96           missionary to Sierra Leone

1896-97           furlough

1897-98           missionary to Sierra Leone

1898-99           Hagerstown circuit

1899-01           presiding elder, Maryland Conference

1901-04           missionary to Philippines

1904-09           Foreign & Home Missionary boards, Dayton OH

1909-10           located, for health reasons


Note: Funkhouser’s 1921 History of the Virginia Conference, page 159, gives a brief biography.  Holdcraft’s 1939 History of the Pennsylvania Conference, page 324, gives a brief biography.  Luther was the son of William H. Burtner of the Virginia Conference (1834-1894), and the grandson of Henry Burtner.  Luther is a brother to Newton W. and Otto W. Burtner, and to Mrs. W. Lomax Childress.  Walter N. Roberts’ 1936 book The Filipino Church, page 4a, gives a picture of Rev. and Mrs. L.O. Burtner.  The 1902 UB Yearbook, page 47, gives a picture of L.O. Burtner.  Mrs. Burtner is the daughter of Ezekiel Hoffer Light.





Born: 1-7-1858  Keezletown VA                               married: Margaret Benedict Reed

Died: 9-1-1932  Dufur OR                                         obit: [8/22/1863 – 6/27/1946]

Miller-Raker #: 435

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1889    license

1891    ordained


Interment: Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles OR



1887-88           Orrstown station

1889-91           St. Thomas circuit

1891-94           Littlestown

1894-95           supernumerary, living in Hancock MD

1895-98           West Fairview

1898-01           Rayville (ending 8/1/1901)

1901-04           Wasco OR

1904-05           Klondike OR

1905                transfer to Columbia River Conference

1905-06           Touchet WA

1906-07           Walla Walla WA

1907-08           Lowden WA

1908-09           Walla Walla WA

1909-12           Dufur OR

1912                                no longer listed


Note:  Markwood M. Burtner is a brother to Rev. Cornelius A. Burtner and a grandson of Rev. Henry Burtner.  Markwood and his father are shown in a group picture in the Penn Grove camp meeting file.  Family tradition and other sources indicate that the 1901 move to Oregon may have been arranged by Bishop Hott in connection with Philomath College – but Bishop Hott died before the final arrangements had been settled.  His grandson Robert W. Burtner is listed in 2003 as a retired member of the Oregon-Idaho Conference.  Some sources give his dates as 6/7/1858 – 12/1/1932.




Born: 9-13-1864  Harrisonburg VA                           married: Ella May Albert

Died: 9-8-1933  Chillicothe OH                                 obit: Ohio Southeast Conference 1957, 109

Miller-Raker #: 471

Fulton #: 314

Gibble list: no


1899    license


Interment: [reportedly, Union Grove Cemetery, Canal Winchester OH]



1898-99           Baltimore Salem

1899-01                      Baltimore Fourth (resigned 11/6/1901 to go to Johnstown)

1901-02           Johnstown First, Allegheny Conference

1902                transfer to Allegheny Conference

1902-08           Johnstown First

1908-10           Scottdale

1910-12           Punxsutawney

1912-16           Huntingdon

1916-18           Canal Winchester OH

1918                transfer to Southeast Ohio Conference


Note: Newton W. Burtner is the son of William H. Burtner of the Virginia Conference, and the grandson of Rev. Henry Burtner.  Newton is a brother to Luther O. and Otto W. Burtner, and to Mrs. W. Lomax Childress.  He graduated from Western [Leander Clark] College in Iowa in 1891 and apparently was admitted into the Iowa Conference [see 1899, 19] from which he “transferred” soon after the 1898 conference to be assigned to Baltimore Salem.





Born: 11-1-1873  Mount Clinton VA                         married: Ethel Bookwalter

Died: 4-23-1951                                                          obit: [9-3-1875 – 2-28-1963]

Miller-Raker #: 505

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1894    license, Virginia Conference


Interment: Pine Grove Cemetery, Ansonia CT



1899                Greensburg (Allegheny Conference 1899, 7)

1899-00           supply, Scottdale (Allegheny Conference 1900, 6)

1902                transfer to Pennsylvania Conference

1902-05           Washington DC

1905-12           New Haven CT

1912                no longer listed

                        entered the Congregational ministry

                        First Congregational Church, Ansonia CT


Note: Funkhouser’s 1921 History of the Virginia Conference, page 159, gives a brief biography.  Otto is the son of William H. Burtner of theVirginia Conference, and the grandson of Henry Burtner.  He is a brother to Luther O. and Newton W. Burtner, and to Mrs. W. Lomax Childress.





Born: 10-18-1926  Sharpsburg MD                            married: Sylvia Cruger

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: 737

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1951    license, recommended by Keedysville Salem

1956    ordained





1951-58           Ortanna (ending 1/12/1958)

1958-62           York Second (beginning 1/12/1958; 1958, 59)

1962-68           missionary to Nigeria

1968                transfer to Baltimore Conference

1968-70           missionary to Nigeria

1970-77           director, CROP/CWS New Windsor MD

1977                withdrew

1983                reinstated

1983-87           Grace-Bosley

1987-90           Rohrersville

1990                retired


Note: Miller’s 1968 History of the Pennsylvania Conference, page 406, gives a brief biography.  Roger E. Burtner is not to be confused with Methodist pastor Rev. Roger Q. Burtner (1818-2006), no relationship, who was a member of the Central Pennsylvania Conference from 1944 until transferring to the Southwest Texas Conference in 1976.  Roger E. Burtner is supposed to be a descendent of prominent early UB pastors George Adam Geeting and John Russell.





Born: 7-24-1865  Gerrardstown WV                          married: Ida Gertrude Knadler

Died: 9-21-1952                                                          obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1947, 32

Miller-Raker #: 564

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1889    quarterly conference license, Greensburg (Martinsburg charge, Virginia Conference)

1891    licensed, Virginia Conference

1898    ordained, Virginia Conference


Interment: Homewood Cemetery, Dillsburg (section K, lot 44)

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1952, 34


1891-92           New Creek circuit

1892-93           Hartmanville

1893-98           Inwood

1898                                Berkley Springs (March-July)

1898                transfer to Northern Illinois Conference

1898-01                      Orangeville

1901-03           Joslin

1903                transfer to Iowa Conference

1903-05           Garwin

1905-06                      Goodwill

1906                transfer to Miami Conference

1906-07                      Water House circuit

1907-09           Vandalia

1909                 Roanoke VA (Feb-Oct), Virginia Conference

1909-11                      Bendersville, Pennsylvania Conference

1911                transfer to Pennsylvania Conference 1911, 30

1911-14           Enola

1914-17           Sumner IA

1917-21           Lemasters

1921-25           Enola

1925-29           Dillsburg

1929-35           Manchester

1935-37                      Ortanna

1937                retired

                              1937-40     supply, Gardners-Mt. Victory





Born: 9-4-1837  Augusta County VA                        married: Florentine Matilda Sefton (1862)

Died: 10-30-1919  OH                                                obit: Miami Conference 1926, 99

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1861    license, Virginia Conference

1863    ordained, Virginia Conference


Interment: Woodland Cemetery and Arboretum, Dayton OH

Obit: Miami Conference 1920, 86


1860-61           Thurmont MD

1861-63           ?

1863-64           Shopps station [Shiremanstown], Pennsylvania Conference

1864-65           Littlestown circuit, Pennsylvania Conference

                        transfer to Miami Conference


Note: The 1863 appointment included extended ministry to Harrisburg Front Street [see Gibble’s History of the East Pennsylvania Conference, page 196].  Flora, Mrs. Bushong, was from Thurmont MD.





Born: 1-12-1943                                                          married: Gloria Umberger

Died: 8-20-1998                                                          obit: [6/9/1933 – 7/16/2006]

Miller-Raker #: 795

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1962    license, recommended by Maytown of the Dover charge


Interment: Hershey Cemetery, Hershey PA



1962-64           Gardners-Mt. Victory

1964-65           senior, Lebanon Valley College

1965-67           living in Wellsville

1967                no longer listed




Born: 5-5-1874  Lehigh County PA                           married: Ella Augusta Field

Died: 6-28-1951  Allentown PA                                obit: [8/26/1880 – 4/7/1955]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1900    license, East German Conference


Interment: Salem UMC Cemetery, East Texas PA



1901                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference

1903                referred

1926-27           Cross Roads [Northampton County]


Note: Erwin H. Butterweck is a nephew to Francis J, Butterwick.  Some sources give his first name as Ervin, and the maiden name of Mrs. Butterweck as Garman.




Born: 3-14-1846  Mertztown PA                                married: Mary Jane Schaeffer

Died: 2-22-1921  Lebanon PA                                   obit: 10/7/1843 – 8/2/1906]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1880    license, East German Conference

1882    ordained, East German Conference


Interment: Covenant Greenwood Cemetery, Ebenezer (Lebanon County) PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1921, 63


1883-86           Landingville circuit

1886-91           Jonestown circuit

1891-94           Northampton circuit

1894-98           Bern circuit

1898-01           Jonestown circuit

1901                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference

1901-05           Lebanon circuit

1905-07           Iona circuit

1907                retired


Note: Francis J. Butterwick is the father of Robert R. Butterwick and an uncle to Ewin Butterwick.




Born: 12-2-1869  Breinigsville PA                            married: Emma Heilman

Died: 6-14-1942  Annville PA                                   obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1950, 27

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1891    license, East German Conference

1895    ordained, East German Conference


Interment: Evergreen Cemetery, Annville PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1942, 14


1895-97           Shamokin circuit

1897-98           Reading Fourth [Memorial] [Trinity]

1898-00           Sinking Spring

1900-01           Lebanon Salem

1901                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference

1901-06           Palmyra First

1906-07           field agent, Lebanon Valley College

1907-08           Schuylkill Haven

1908-16           Mountville      

1916-21           Hershey First

1921-38           faculty, Lebanon Valley College

1938                retired


Note: Robert R. Butterwick is the son of Francis J. Butterwick.





Born: 5-25-1866                                                                      married:

Died: 11-24-1900                                                                    obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1888    license, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Oakland Cemetery, Keokuk IA



1889                transfer to Miami (Ohio) Conference

1889-90           Greenville

1890-92           Middletown

                        joined the Congregational Church

1895-00           Keokuk IA


Note: Beginning in 1893, William L. Byers is no longer listed in the United Brethren Yearbook.  His obituary describes him as “Rev. William L. Byers, D.D., formerly of Chambersburg.”




Born: 9-15-1859  VA                                                 married: Cornelia Ann Evers Weaver

Died: 10-2-1928  York PA                                         obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1940, 33

Miller-Raker #: 485

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1884    quarterly conference license, Mt. Horeb (Dayton circuit, Virginia Conference)

1885    license, Virginia Conference

1887    ordained, Virginia Conference


Interment: Otterbein Cemetery, Spry PA

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1928, 73


1884-85           Trout Run mission

1885-87           Rockbridge

1887-89           Dayton

1889-90           Edinburg

1890-92           Toms Brook

1892-95           Berkley Springs circuit

1895                transfer to Maryland Conference

1895-99           Myersville

1899-02           Hagerstown

1902                transfer to Pennsylvania Conference

1902-04           Hagerstown

1904-09           Boiling Springs

1909-12           Shiremanstown

1912-17           Windsor

1917-20           York Fourth

1920-28           Spry


Note: Funkhouser’s 1921 History of the Virginia Conference, page 159, gives a brief biography.  Holdcraft’s 1939 History of the Pennsylvania Conference, page 290, gives a brief biography.





Born: 8-11-1839                                                          married: Martha W. Lucas Rafe

Died: 4-26-1902  Centre County PA                          obit: [8/?/1839 – 6/27/1909]

Miller-Raker #: none

Fulton #: 201

Gibble list: no


1882    license, Allegheny Conference

1885    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Philipsburg Cemetery, South Philipsburg PA



1882-83           Moshannon

1883-88           Philipsburg

1888-91           New Haven

1891-92           Bigler

1892-93           living in Philipsburg

1893-94           South Williamsport

1894-97           Mahoning

1897-99           Knoxdale

1899-00           living in Philipsburg

1900                name removed, page 19

continued to hold membership at Philipsburg


Note: Thomas Cameron is also listed by the Johnstown Barron Avenue UB congregation as one of their pastors.  Mrs. Cameron, nee Lucas, was the widow of a Mr. Andrew Rafe Sr who died from woulds suffered in the Civil War.





Born: 6-14-1860                                                          married: Martha Elnora Flexer

Died: 4-21-1931                                                          obit: East Ohio Conference 1930, 15

Miller-Raker #: no     

Fulton #: no    

Gibble list: no


?          license

?          ordained


Interment: South Lawn Cemetery, Beach City OH

Obit: East Ohio Conference 1931, 10


1897-98           Claysville


Note:  P.M. Camp served in the Allegheny Conference under “others employed in the conference.”  The dates for Mrs. Camp, not given on her conference obituary, are 3/5/1863 – 113/30/1929.




Born: 5-5-1909  Bellwood PA                                    married: James C. Moses (1944)

Died: 2-18-1999  Davenport IA                                 obit: Western Pennsylvania Conference 1971, 388

Miller-Raker #: no                                                      married2: Herbert Janke (1986)

Fulton #: no                                                                 obit2: [1918 – 11/15/2011]

Gibble list: no


1919    quarterly conference license, Bellwood

1931    license, Allegheny Conference: recommended by Altoona First

1933    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Forest Baptist Church, Morrisdale PA

Obit: Western Pennsylvania Conference 1999, 376


Note: The following item appeared in the November 29, 1929, Altoona Mirror:

     The first girl to be licensed as a minister from the Bellwood United Brethren church is Miss Elva M. Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Campbell of 815 North Fourth Street. Miss Campbell was licensed to preach by the Bellwood church and is now pursuing the conference course of study, preparing to be ordained. She is talented as a public speaker and delivers a forceful message. Miss Campbell was born in Bellwood and has resided there all bar life, with the exception of three years when her parents moved to Tyrone, but returned to Bellwood in June of the present year. She is well fitted for the life's work she has chosen, both by training and home surroundings, being engaged in Christian work all her life – and a host of friends wish her unbounded success in her chosen profession.

     She has made remarkable progress in her school work, entering the grade schools at the age of 8 and graduating from the High School at the age of 17, with honors. Owing to illness, she remained out of school for one year and then entered the United Brethren Church school at Dayton, Va., graduating with honors in June, this year, having completed the three years' course in a year and a half – and has completed one year in music, violin and piano, and two years of straight college work.  As a side line, Miss Campbell has written a number of poems, a number of which have been published in the church papers. She has been a faithful student and Christian worker, having united with the church at the age of 11 years – and it can be truthfully said she is a born missionary, never being too tired nor too busy to attend to the work of the Master. She lives by the motto, "All for Christ and the church – and self lost." She Is well known among Christian workers throughout the county as well as In the Allegheny conference of her own church. She is mild of manner and her interests center about her chosen work, and the inspiring of higher ideals among others.





Born:                                                                           married:

Died:                                                                           obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 129

Gibble list: no


1864    license, Allegheny Conference





1864-65           Curwensville

1865-66           (not listed)

1866                name erased






Born: 2-11-1893  Beatty PA                                       married: Bessie Irene _____

Died: 2-1-1961  Jeannette PA                                    obit: [1893-1942]

Miller-Raker #: no                                                      married2: Laura P. Rupert

Fulton #: 438                                                               obit2: [10/24/1882 – 8/24/1959]

Gibble list: no


1913    quarterly conference license

1917    license, Allegheny Conference, recommended by Bradenville

1921    ordained, Allegheny Conference


Interment: Mount Vernon Cemetery, Elizabeth PA

Obit: [Pittsburgh Press 2/2/1961, page 41]


1916-17           Waukesha

1917-18           East Salem

1918-19           Middleburg

1919-21           Casselman

1921-22           Ligionier

1922-23           (not listed)

1923-24           (appointed to Glasgow but did not report – see 1923, 72)

1924                open transfer, page 136

1924                “transfer” to Pittsburgh Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church

1924-26           Blackburn

1926-28           Madison

1928                discontinued

1931                applied for admission to Allegheny Conference, recommended by Bradenville, page 91

                        denied admission, page 120


Note: The newspaper obituary for Harry G. Campbell describes him as a “retired lay minister.”  The Pittsburgh Conference appointments listed above are from the General Minutes and do not agree with other material published by the Western Pennsylvania Conference.  H.G. had originally been recommended by Bradenville for a license in 1916 (page 43) but was rerferred back his quarterly conference for further preparation (page 53).




Born: 1-28-1890  Rayville MD                                  married: Ruth Ann Baker

Died: 1-5-1965  Front Royal VA                               obit: [1895 – 1971]

Miller-Raker #: 575

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1912    license, recommended by Rayville charge  112, 33

1921    ordained deacon, Baltimore Conference MES

1925    ordained elder, Baltimore Conference MES


Interment: Bennett’s Chapel Church, Warren County VA

Obit: Virginia Conference of the Methodist Church 1965, 124


1911-12           Millers

1912-13           Jefferson (also picked up Mt. Olivet, Winterstown charge  113, 32)

1913-14           Biglerville

1914-17                      Springet

1917-18           living in Esparto CA

1918-19           living in Codorus PA

1919                dismissed  1919, 41; affiliated with Baltimore Conference MES

1919-24           Warren VA circuit

1924-26           Richlands circuit, Greenbrier County WV

1926-29           Mt. Airy MD

1929-31           Freedom MD

1929                location, moved to California for health reasons

                        served Methodist Church in Colfax CA

1941-44           Toms Brook VA UB

1944-47           Mathias WV UB/EUB

1947-51           Antioch WV EUB

1951-54           Hillsboro-Bluemont Methodist

1954-56           West Frederick

1956-59           Stanardsville circuit

1959                retired

                             Amherst (6 months)

                             Cokesbury circuit, Warren County VA (6 months)


Note: William E. Canoles is a brother to Rev. John Jefferson Canoles (1893-1969) of the Presbyterian Church.  [Dates for Mrs. Canoles are inconsistent: One source says she was born was born 6-14-1902.  Their marriage is variously reported as 2-17-1914 at First UB in Hagerstown MD and as 2-14-1917 in Jefferson PA.]  There are pictures of Rev. and Mrs. Canoles in the Pleasureville church file.




Born: 9-4-1892                                                            married: Agnes Marie Mules

Died: 3-12-1969  Baltimore MD                                obit: [5/29/1896 – 4/15/1947]

Miller-Raker #: 604

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1915    quarterly conference license, recommended gy Raysville charge  115,31 [William D.]

1917    license, recommended by Rayville charge  1917, 39


Interment: St. Marys Episcopal Cemetery, Baltimore MD



1917-21           living in Parkton MD

1921-23           living in Baltimore MD

1923                referred back to quarterly conference  1923, 33




Born: 3-10-1873  Schuylkill County PA                    married: Emma Calvena Reed

Died: 5-6-1921  Tower City PA                                 obit: [12/1/1882 – 11/20/1949]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: 410

Gibble list: yes


1913    license, Allegheny Conference


Interment: St. Peter’s UB Cemetery, Fearnot PA



1913-14           Middleburg

1914                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference

1914-16           local preacher living in Spring Glen

1919                referred





Born: 10-17-1824  Lancaster PA                                married: Mary Jane Ricker

Died: 10-2-1890  Reading PA                                                obit: [1837 – 1/20/1920]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1852    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1855    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Charles Evans Cemetery, Reading PA

Obit: East Pennsylvania Conference 1890, 48


1852-53           Northumberland mission

1853-54           Lancaster circuit

1854-56           New Holland

1856-58           not assigned

1858-59           Harrisburg

1859-60           Amity mission

1860-64           not assigned

1864065          Halifax circuit

1865-66           not assigned

1866-67           Mountville

1867-69           not assigned

1869-71           Hummelstown

1871-72           not assigned

1872-76           Reading Otterbein

1876-77           not assigned

1877-78           Mountville

1878-79           Ephrata

1880                located to Reading




Born: 5-4-1930  Herminie PA                                                married: Helen June Highberger (1951)

Died: 8-25-2018  York PA                                         obit: [1920 – 8/24/2006]


license, Allegheny Conference

1959    ordained deacon, Western Pennsylvania Conference EUB

ordained elder, Western Pennsylvania Conferenbce EUB


Interment: Salem Union Cemetery, Dover PA

Obit: Western Pennsylvania Conference


1950-51           Port Matilda

1951                transfer to Western Pennsylvania Conference EUB by conference union

1951-52           Port Matilda


1959-70           Johnstown St. Paul’s

1970                “transfer” to United Church of Christ

1970-89           Faith UCC in York PA

1989-95           First Congregational UCC in Ashville NC

1995                retired

                             Salem UCC in Dover PA

                             Canadochly UCC in York PA





Born:  1-1-1851  Carroll County TN                          married: Maggie Brown (12/26/1875)

Died: 2-27-1916  Cincinatti OH                                 obit: [d. 1932]
Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1869    received on trial, Tenessee Conference of the Mehtodist Episcopal Church


Interment: Forest Hills Cemetery, Chattanooga TN




1870-74           student, East Tennessee Wesleyan University

1874-75           student, DePauw University

1875-76           principal, West Tennessee Seminary

1876-80           president, Tullahoma College

1880-82           missionary to China

1882-83           ill health

1883-92           in transition

1894                transfer from Holston Confreence ME to East Tennessee Conference UB

                        “superintended” within Pennsylvania Confrence and other places

1905-13           bishop of newly created Southern District

1913                retired


Note: Thomas C. Carter had been a Methodist Episcopal preacher who had difficulkty editing a northern newspaper while living in the South.  In 1894 he trabnsferred to the United Brethren Chuch and the Board of Missions appointed him superintendent of all work in the south.  It was in that context that he performed some duties within the Pennsylvania Conference



Born: 3-11-1896                                                          married: Ellen Wright

Died: 2-?-1978                                                            obit: [8/25/1884 – 10/?/1972]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes


1915    license, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Greenwood Cemetery, Decatur IL



1916-17           Birdsboro Grace

1917-19           Hillsdale circuit

1919-21           student, Penn State University           

1921                withdrew

1928-78           professor of biology, University of New Mexico


Note: Edward F. Castetter apparently served while a student at Lebanon Valley College.  He received a PhD from Iowa State in 1924, published much in ethnobiology, and is the namesake of Castetter Hall at the University of New Mexico at Albuquerque NM.




Born: 1-17-1855  Frederick MD                                married:

Died: 10-16-1936  Frederick MD                               obit:

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1886    license, Virginia Conference


Interment: Reformed Cemetery, Middletown MD



1884-85           Rockbridge

1885-87           Elk Garden

1887                charter member of Maryland Conference

1887-88           York Spring circuit, Pennsylvania Conference

1888-89           Duncannon station, Pennsylvania Conference

1889-90                      East Salem, Allegheny Conference

1890-93           living in Boonsboro MD

1893                no longer listed


Note: A.S. Castle was never ordained.  He served churches in the Pennsylvania and Allegheny Conferences as a licensed member of the Maryland Conference.  This is assumed to be SILAS ALVA CASTLE, brother of Elmer C.B. Castle, whose birth/death/burial information is given – and one year he is listed in the conference records as S.A. CASTLE.  He may have joined the Lutheran Church.





Born: 2-27-1863  Middletown MD                            married: Luella K. Routzahn

Died: 8-19-1934                                                          obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1943, 30

Miller-Raker #: 474

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1887    quarterly conference license, Middletown (Myersville circuit, Maryland Conference)

1890    license, Maryland Conference

1892    ordained, Maryland Conference


Interment: Reformed cemetery, Middletown MD

Obit: Pennsylvania Conference 1934, 22


1889-92           Walkersville

1892-95           Keedysville

1895-98           Thurmont

1898-99           Williamsport

1899-01           New Bloomfield, Pennsylvania Conference

1901                transfer to Pennsylvania Conference, page 9

1901-03           Newburg

1903-04           Greencastle

1904-06           Taneytown

1906-18           Mechanicsburg

1918-28           Dallastown

1928-33           Boiling Springs

1933                retired


Note: Elmer C.B. Castle is a brother to Silas A. Castle [see A.S. Castle].




Born: 4-1-1799  Manchester England                        married: Mary Crowell

Died: 2-1-1881  Bellefonte PA                                   obit: [1807 – 5/20/1887]

Miller-Raker #: 140

Fulton #: 23 [Cutlough]

Gibble list: yes [Cathlow]


1828    license

1840    ordained, Allegheny Conference





1839                charter member of Allegheny Conference

1854                erased


Note: Beers’ 1898 Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, page 92, states that “Richard Catlow, nephew of Sir Robert Peel [a Prime Minister of the U.K.], and a learned and eloquent preacher in the U.B. Church, inherited a fortune from the family estates in England, but preferred to reside in this country.  For some time his home was in Clearfield county, but later he removed to a farm in Bald Eagle Valley, where for many years he followed the peaceful calling of agriculture.”  He became a U.S. citizen in 1869.  Mrs. Catlow is an aunt to Abraham Crowell.  In Funkhouser’s 1921 History of the Virginia Conference this surname is given as TABLOM, apparently an indication of the handwriting and/or condition of the original document.







Born: 5-26-1855  Liverpool, England                                                married: Emma Elizabeth Hoover

Died: 1-3-1945                                                                                    obit [8/29/1854 – 1/30/1943]

Miller-Raker #: no

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: yes [CAVENAUGH]


1892    license, East Pennsylvania Conference

1894    ordained, East Pennsylvania Conference


Interment: Lake Carroll Cemetery, Tampa FL



1892                transfer to East Pennsylvania Conference

1892-94           Pequea circuit

1894-95           Mont Clare

1895-96           Lancaster circuit

1897                transfer to Northwest Kansas Conference

1902-03           East Freedom, Allegheny Conference

1903                transfer to Allegheny Conference

1903-04           East Freedom

1904-06           South Williamsport

1906-07           Magdalene station FL, Georgia Conference

1907                transfer to Georgia Conference

1907-08           Magdalene station


Note:  George Cavanagh was sent to Florida as a United Brethren home missionary to Lake Magdalene FL, now designated as historic site #60 of the UMC.  This surname appears erroneously in many conference/denomination records as CAVANAUGH.



Born: 10-26-1865  Winchester VA                            married: Maude C. Earmon [1887]

Died: 10-26-1952  Martinsburg WV                          obit: [1867 – 11/21/1917]

Miller-Raker #: 487

Fulton #: no

Gibble list: no


1888    quarterly conference license, Antioch (New Creek circuit, Virginia Conference)

1889    license, Virginia Conference

1891    ordained, Virginia Conference


Interment: Rosedale Cemetery, Martinsburg VA



1888-91           Winchester

1891-95           Martinsburg

1895                transfer to Maryland Conference

1895-98           Keedysville (ending 7/1/98)

1898-01           Washington DC (beginning 7/1/98)

1901                transfer to Pennsylvania Conference

1901-18           local, living in Martinsburg WV

                        Greencastle station, supply December 1902 – May 1903: 1903, 21