Afton, N. Y. 691






Afton, N. Y.


Union Valley, North Afton (Ayreshire), and Afton (South

Bainbridge) formed a part of the old Bainbridge Circuit until

formed into a charge in 1858 bearing the name of South Bain-

bridge. It took the name of Afton in 1859. Union Valley re-

mained a part of Afton charge until 1876, when it was put with



We are unable to give the circumstances connected with the

formation of the class at Afton, and any date we might mention

would be conjectural. The society held services in the village

schoolhouse prior to going into the church, and became incor-

porated at a meeting held in the schoolhouse on November 24,

1851. Jesse C. Flagg and Dorr Stowell presided, and Dorr Sto-

well, Charles W. Griswold, Samuel C. Bump, Luman C. Pollard,

and Isaac Furgason were elected trustees of "The First Metho-

dist Episcopal Society of South Bainbridge." On April 12, 1852,

Damaris Garrett deeded the society forty-four rods of land, in

consideration of $150. The church was built on this lot, at a

cost of $1,500, and was dedicated in September, 1852, by Rev.

William Reddy. This church was thoroughly remodeled in 1880.

One thousand dollars was spent in building an alcove back of the

pulpit, reseating the auditorium, and changing the entrances to

the building. At this time Mr. George Knight presented the

church with a bell. In 1899 the building was thoroughly rebuilt.

The tower, and an addition to the left of the building, 15x52 feet,

were built. The addition can be opened so as to add to the seat-

ing capacity of the auditorium when needed, and also serves for

social purposes. The walls were substantially repaired and an

excavation made to hold a furnace. The pulpit was placed in the

northeast corner of the auditorium, which was seated with cir-

cular pews, wainscoted, walls papered and decorated. Stained-

glass windows replaced the old ones, the floor was carpeted, and

the room lighted with gas. These, with some minor improve-

ments, cost $1,906.34. The church was reopened on Thursday,

January 11, 1900. Rev. M. S. Hard, D.D., conducted a love feast

at 10:30, after which Rev. T. F. Hall preached a sermon on the



692 Wyoming Conference


theme, "A Good Foundation." In the afternoon Dr. Hard

preached the dedicatory sermon from Isa. xxxv, 8-10. Following

the sermon, $618.46 was raised. The service closed with the ded-

icatory service, which was conducted by Rev. T. F. Hall. In the

evening Rev. A. W. Hayes, D.D:, preached from "It is finished."

The first parsonage was purchased of Lyman Lesuer, on March

9, 1865, for $1,450. It was located on Spring Street, a couple of

blocks above the church, and was sold to Truman Green in 1893.

On April 28, 1894, the society secured a property on Pleasant

Street for $2,250, from Mary E. Barrett. This was used until

going into the present house, in the fall of 1901. The lot on

which the parsonage now stands was secured by deed from Lo-


        AFTON CHURCH [photo]


villa Stewart, on April 3, 1895, for $500. On this a house and

barn were built in 1901, costing about $2,200, most of which was

provided for in the sale of the Pleasant Street property.


North Afton is about two miles above Afton. That the class

was vigorous at an early day is evidenced from the fact that the

society was incorporated on February 17, 1829, at a meeting held

in the storehouse of Benjamin Jacobs, taking the corporate name

of "The Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church and Congre-

gation in Newton Hollow," in the west part of the town of Bain-

bridge. The first trustees were Cooley Wilkins, Charles Curtis,

Lewis Weeks, Thomas Newton, Peter Bridgman. By failure to

elect trustees the charter became invalid. Accordingly, the so-

ciety met at the chapel on September 10, 1833, and incorporated



North Afton, N. Y. 693


again as "The West Bainbridge Methodist Episcopal Church."

Edward Z. Hyde and Reuben Reynolds presided at this meeting,

and Dana Post, Button Stowell, William Cleveland, Wesley

Cleveland, and Edward Z. Hyde were elected trustees. The house

of worship was erected in 1829, at a cost of $1,500. This society

was one of the earliest formed on the old Bainbridge Circuit. This

house stood just off the main road, on the road leading from

North Afton to Coventry, and but a little ways from the corner.

The lot on which the present church stands was secured by deed

from George F. Hard and wife Mary, and Daniel S. Hyde and

wife Vitella, on January 29, 1864, for $100. The trustees at this

time were Joseph H. Fletcher, Abijah Cornell, and William Kel-

ley. The church was built about this time. The building was

repaired in 1873, at a cost of $1,200, and in 1897 was completely

renovated, at an expense of $800.


Russell Hill was supplied with preaching from Afton for some



The Ladies' Aid Society at Afton and North Afton have been

important factors in work at both places.


The charge has experienced many revival seasons.


Some old-time camp meetings were held in a grove midway

between Afton and North Afton, owned by Elija,h and Chauncey

Hyde, later owned by Mr. Mahew and Mr. Balcolm. Meetings

were held a couple of years, 1845 and 1846, ortthe west side of

the creek, and subsequently several years on the east side of the

creek. The meeting of 1850 was one of especial power.




1858-59, J. W. Mitchell; 1860-61, W. G. Queal; 1862-63, L.

Bowdish; 1864-66, B. H. Brown; 1867-69, W. W. Andrews;

1870-72, B. B. Carruth; 1873-75, T. P. Halstead; 1876-77, H. N.

Van Deusen; 1878-79, N. j. Hawley; 1880-82, J. F. Williams;

1883-84, A. F. Chaffee; 1885-86, A. J. Cook; 1887-91, N. B. Rip-

ley; 1892, C. D. Shepard; 1893-95, C. B. Personeus; 1896-98,

J. L. Thomas; 1899-1902, C. E. Sweet; 1903, E. L. Jeffrey.



Bainbridge, N. Y.


The beginning of Methodism in the town of Bainbridge was at

Searles Hill, in the northwest corner of the township, and about

1810. The class was organized, and preaching services held in

the log house of Abner Searles. Soon after this a schoolhouse

was built on Searles Hill, when the society went there with its




694 Wyoming Conference


Methodism was introduced to Bainbridge village by Charles

Curtis, who began holding services irregularly in 1816, using any

place he could secure to hold them in.


"The First Episcopal Methodist Society of the Town of Bain-

bridge" was incorporated on March 25, 1816, with Samuel Banks,

Israel Stowell, and William Banks trustees. The next incor-

poration was on February 11, 1833. Charles Curtis and Reuben

Reynolds presided at the meeting, and Charles Curtis, William






Banks, David Scott, John Newton, Joseph Badger, and Ambrose

Lyon were elected trustees of "The North Bainbridge Society of

the Methodist Episcopal Church." The society was again incor-

porated on June 1, 1853. Charles Curtis and Levi Scott presided

over the meeting, and Ansel Phinney, Charles Curtis, and Leroy

Scott were elected trustees of "The North Bainbridge Village

Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church."


The society began to agitate the building of a church in 1825,

but five years passed before the building began to materialize.

"The first stick of timber drawn for the church was given by

Samuel Carpenter, who lived near what is now Afton Lake.



Bainbridge, N. Y. 695


Nearly all of the lumber entering into the construction was do-

nated, as was also much of the manual labor — working at odd

times, several one day, none the next. It was July, 1830, before

the frame was ready to raise. This was to the people of those

days what the laying of the corner stone of modern edifices is to

present-day gatherings, except that it called for more hard work

and danger. The raising of the main portion of the church was

accomplished without difficulty, but when the framework for the

steeple was being placed in position one of the main supports

fell, precipitating a dozen men into the basement amid the falling

timbers. Four were seriously hurt, Briggs Lyon, who lived a

mile or two west of the village, being the most seriously injured.

His fractures and bruises were so severe that it was necessary

to improvise a litter to carry him home, there not being the spring-

wagons and good roads of the present day. On the shoulders of

four men, who were frequently relieved by their companions, the

wounded man left the labor of love to return to his home. He

lived for several years, but never fully recovered his health. The

other three who were injured were Alson Searles, of Searles

Hill, Rufus Burlingame, of Afton, and Ephraim Bixby, of



"This accident naturally delayed the work of construction, and

it was not until late in the fall that the building was ready for

occupancy. Even then it had no arrangement for heating, and

when services were held during the ensuing winter small indi-

vidual foot stoves were used, such as were common in those times,

in which fire was made. The interior of the church was of the

style of the day, having a high pulpit and galleries on three sides.

The building was without paint, either outside or in, and no

changes were made except by the elements until 1853."


The lot on Evans Street, upon which the old church stands,

was deeded to the society on May 4, 1854, by Charles Curtis and

wife Permelia, in consideration of $400.


In 1865-66 radical and extensive repairs were made on the

building. The galleries were torn out, the old pulpit cast aside,

an addition built on the rear, and the steeple enlarged, making

the building more modern. Mr. William Cooley, of Yaleville,

had the contract for the work, which cost $4,000. The church

was reopened on Thursday, March 1, 1866, Rev. William Searls

preaching in the morning and Rev. William Bixby in the even-

ing. The sum of $1,500 was raised during the day.


In 1874 some minor changes were made, chief of which was

the change in location of the choir. It was removed from near



696 Wyoming Conference


the entrance and placed on the left side of the pulpit. Gaylord

S. Graves served as choir leader thirty years.


In 1890 $1,300 was spent in changing the plan of seating,

making two aisles and two entrances, papering and painting the



The site for the present church was deeded to the society on

October 14, 1898, by Mrs. Dr. Copley, for $1,200. The corner

stone was laid on August 23, 1902, by Rev. T. F. Hall, D.D., and

Rev. J. S. Crompton. Addresses were made by Revs. T. F. Hall,

C. E. Sweet, A. R. Burke, C. M. Olmstead, and J. S. Crompton.

The stone contained the following: Bible, Hymnal, Discipline,




Conference Minutes, Epworth League Year Book, New York

Advocate, Northern Advocate, Epworth Herald, Bainbridge Re-

publican and Express, Lesson Quarterly, League Topic Card,

lists of officers and members of the Senior and Junior Leagues

and the Ladies' Aid Society, and an historical sketch of the



The building, including organ $1,000, bell $200, seating and

other furnishings, cost $10,000. The windows are all memorial.

The Epworth League bought the organ, and the Ladies' Aid

Society raised about as much money for the project.


The building was dedicated on Friday, May 8, 1903, Rev.

John Krantz, D.D., preaching in the morning from Psa. xxxi, 8,

and managing the finances of the day. In the afternoon Rev.



Union Valley, N. Y. 697


Edgar Brown, D.D., preached from Mark ii, 3. The evening

service was a platform service addressed by pastors of the local

churches and visiting clergymen, and closed with the dedicatory

service, conducted by Rev. T. F. Hall, D.D.


When Bainbridge appeared among the appointments in 1822

it was a circuit of considerable dimensions. About 1830 it in-

cluded North Bainbridge (Bainbridge), East Guilford, Searles

Hill, Turnpike (now West Bainbridge), Coventry, Coventry-

ville. South Bainbridge (Afton), Nineveh, Harpursville, Wind-

sor, Vallonia Springs, Lanesboro, Page Brook, Perch Pond,

Melondy Hill, Sanford, Masonville, Sidney, and numerous small

schoolhouse appointments. In 1841-42 the circuit included North

Bainbridge, Ireland's Schoolhouse, Searles Hill Schoolhouse,

Coventry (church), West Bainbridge (church). South Bain-

bridge Schoolhouse, East Masonville Schoolhouse, Masonville

Schoolhouse, Log Schoolhouse, Tompkins Schoolhouse, Me-

londy Hill Schoolhouse, Morse Schoolhouse, Plains Schoolhouse,

and North Windsor Schoolhouse. The parsonage was at Mason-

ville. Bainbridge subsequently became the home- of the pastor.


In 1833 Rev. Reuben Reynolds was one of the preachers on

the circuit. He was hired by the bridge company to keep the

tollhouse, for which he received one dollar per week. His family

did the work while he was absent on the circuit.


Searles Hill continued to be an appointment until its absorp-

tion in Union Valley in 1852.


The parsonage lot was bought of Nelson Humphrey in 1883

for $900, and the parsonage erected the same year at a cost

of $1,600.


In 1842 there were two hundred conversions on the circuit,

and in 1851 there were three hundred.


In 1892 an $800 debt of nine years' standing was paid.


Union Valley receives its name from the fact that the societies

at Searles Hill, Turnpike, and the Bush Settlement united to

form this church. On March 9, 1852, the members of the north-

west part of Bainbridge Circuit met at the house of Peleg Ferris

for the purpose of incorporation. Lyman J. Bush and John H.

Post presided. Samuel H. Bush, Nelson Ireland, John H. Post,

Lyman J. Bush, and George Blanchard were elected trustees of

"The Union Valley Methodist Episcopal Church of Bainbridge."


On November 11, 1850, in consideration of $1, Job Ireland and

his wife Ursula deeded the society one fourth acre of land, upon

which the church was built in 1852 at a cost of $1,200. It was



698 Wyoming Conference


dedicated by Rev. William Reddy some time in 1853. On Sep-

tember 26, 1860, Philander Loomis and wife Phoebe sold the so-

ciety nine and one third rods of land adjoining the above for

$11.62, and on November 7, 1860. Job Ireland and wife sold the

society twenty-one rods of land adjoining the first purchase for

$26.25. These last purchases were for the purpose of building



From the time of the formation of Afton charge until 1876

Union Valley formed a part of Afton charge.




1822, Joshua Rogers; 1823, John Griffing; 1824, Isaac Grant,

Elijah King; 1825, H. G. Warner, Herota Barnes; 1826, Mark

Preston, Benjamin Shipman; 1827, Henry Peck, George Evans;

1828, George Evans, R. Lumry; 1829, J. M. Brooks, M. Ruger,

1830, J. M. Brooks, E. Colston; 1831, Morgan Ruger; 1832, E.

L. Wadsworth; 1833, C. G. Hapgood; 1834, D. Fancher; 1835,

R. Ingalls, D. Fancher; 1836, T. D. Wire, S. B. Yarrington;

1837, T. D. Wire, A. D. Burlingame; 1838, A. D. Burlingame;

1839, J. D. Warren, A. Brown; 1840, J. D. Warren, F. P. Cleave-

land; 1841-42, Jacob Brooker, R. S. Rose; 1843, P- Bartlett,

Benjamin Ferris; 1844, George Evans, B. Ferris; 1845, G.

Evans, Atchinson Queal; 1846, E. P. Beecher, W. G. Queal;

1847-48, E. W. Breckinridge, A. R. Wells; 1849, E. P. Beebe,

W. G. Queal; 1850, E. P. Beebe, L. D, Brigham; 1851, E. D.

Thurston, S. S. Weber; 1852, E. D. Thurston, B. B. Carruth;

1853, R. S. Southworth; 1854, F. P. Cleaveland, R. S. South-

worth; 1855, H. Halstead, W. Peck; 1856, J. Davis, T. J. Bissell;

1857, J. Davis, R. Townsend; 1858, T. P. Halstead; 1859-60,

William Southworth; 1861-62, D. L. Pendell; 1863-64, L. Sperry;

1865, A. C. Smith; 1866, L. Sperry; 1867-68, L. V. Ismond;

1869-71, A. J. Cook; 1872-73, W. B. Thomas; 1874-75, A. B.

Richardson; 1876-77, N. S. Reynolds; 1878, A. F. Brown;

1879-81, J. Ryder; 1882-83, J. N. Lee; 1884-85, G. A. Place;

1886-8814, H. B. Cook; 1888½-90, W. T. Blair; 1891-94, T.

F. Hall; 1895-96, E. Kilpatrick; 1897-1900, C. H. Sackett;

1901-03, J. S. Crompton.





One writer states that Philip Wager and Jonathan Newman

were the first Methodist preachers to preach in Cooperstown.

It might be a fair conjecture that these men who were on Otsego





Circuit in 1791 reached this place during the year. However,

this is simply conjecture. We have no evidence that they did.

It is also claimed that Cooperstown supported a pastor in 1795.

This is highly improbable, as the class in 1816 had only twenty

members. Further, Rev. D. W. Bristol, who was pastor here in

1838, claimed that Methodism was introduced to Cooperstown in

1810 or 1812.


The following were members in these early days: Amos Berry,

P. Butts, George Roberts, Daniel McLeland, Joseph Perkins and




wife, Asher Campbell, Justus Hinman, B. Eaton, Ezra Crane and

wife, Andrew Petty and wife, Benjamin Allen and wife, Mr.

Potter and wife, A. Jarvis, and H. Knowlton.


At a meeting of the society held in the schoolhouse on October

22, 1816, at which Rev. Seth Mattison and Daniel McLeland pre-

sided the society became incorporated as "The First Incorporated

Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Cooperstown,"

George Roberts, Daniel McLeland, Asher Canfield, Joseph Per-

kins, and Justus Hinman were elected trustees.


Meetings were held in the courthouse, schoolhouse, and private



700 Wyoming Conference


dwellings until 1819, when a church, 35x45, with fifteen-foot posts,

and no tower or steeple, was erected on a building lot donated by

James Averell and wife Marcy. This lot contained one rood or

thirty perches and was situated on the west side of Chestnut Street

about one hundred and seventy-five feet above the corner of the

present church lot on the corner of Chestnut Street and Glenn

Avenue. It was ultimately absorbed in the lot occupied recently

by the Cooper House. The deed was executed on April 13, 1824,

to David" Marvin, Asher Canfield, Asa Ransom, Ezra Crane, and

Benjamin Allen as trustees. The deed contained a clause stipu-

lating that should the society cease to use the lot for church pur-

poses it should revert to the Averell estate. Notwithstanding

this fact, after the church was moved off the lot, the trustees

(Romeo Bowen, Harry Knowlton, Zadock Fitch, and Alexander

H. Cooper), on December 2, 1839, deeded the lot to William H.

Averell, son of James, in consideration of $50.


In the Memoir of Rev. Benjamin G. Paddock we learn that in

1818 he was appointed to Otsego Circuit, the senior preacher

living at Cooperstown. A place of worship had already been

commenced. It was thought best in 1819 to make Cooperstown

a charge, segregating it from the circuit. P. G. Paddock was

appointed to the place, though he was supernumerary. Through

his leadership the chapel was completed. He was the promoter

of a great revival, in which Rev. John Smith, the Presbyterian

pastor, heartily cooperated. From June 1, 1819, to March 1,

1820, one hundred and one members were added to the Presby-

terian church. It is not known how many united with the Metho-

dist church. At the end of the year Mr. Paddock reported one

hundred and fifty-five members. It is presumed that the churches

shared about equally in results. However, a writer twenty-one

years later claimed that most of the converts went to the Presby-

terian church, largely on account of the location of the Methodist



After Mr. Paddock's pastorate Methodism began to decline

until in 1838 the society had but fifteen members, "and they were

quite poor." At the close of Mr. Bristol's pastorate there were

sixty-two members. In the next year about forty were added

to the number.


The location of this church was unfortunate, as it was outside

the cluster of dwellings, on the outskirts of the town. A writer

to the Northern stated that it was deserted about 1838 for re-

ligious purposes, meetings being held in private houses or the

schoolhouse. On December 6, 1838, Ellery Cory and wife Phoebe





and Holder Cory deeded the society a lot on the north side of

Elm Street for $250. This lot had sixty feet front, and it was

about 216 feet from the corner of Elm and Pioneer Streets to

the center of the lot. Buckingham Fitch, Zadock Fitch, Russell

Brownell, Henry Bowen, and Romeo Bowen were the trustees at

the time. Either in 1838 or 1839 the church was moved from

Chestnut Street to the lot on Elm Street. Rev. D. W. Bristol

took a position at one end of a roller, and did vigorous work in

moving the building. The cost of removal and repairs was about

$850. To raise this amount Mr. Bristol "was dispatched in

various directions to raise funds." A subscription book is in ex-

istence showing that his visits to various charges secured $263.50.

The local society probably raised about $236.50.


After removal and extensive repairs the building was dedicated

by the presiding elder, D. A. Shepard. In this removal a debt of

$350 was incurred, which was carried until 1847 before being

paid. In 1846-47 the building was remodeled, a basement being

built and an uninviting tower constructed, and on March 27,

1848, the society secured additional land from the Corys, at a

cost of $200. The total outlay was over $1,000. Of this amount

$559 was raised by the society, and the balance was secured out-

side the congregation.


On May 1, 1872, Luther I. Burditt and wife Eliza deeded the

society a lot on Eagle Street for $500, upon which a house was

built costing about $1,000.


In 1875 the church passed through its last transformation. The

basement was eliminated, the old steeple gave place to a more

inviting one, a lecture room was built on the rear of the church,

and memorial windows put in. The large rose window in the

tower was put in by ministers who had entered the work from

Otsego County. In these repairs $3,800 was spent. The building

was rededicated on November 10, 1875. Bishop R. S. Foster

preached in the morning from Isa. ix, 6, and Rev. Henry

Wheeler in the evening from Gen. xxviii, 17. Twelve hundred

dollars was asked at the close of the bishop's sermon, and $1,500

raised. At the close of the evening sermon a statement was made

to the congregation that a church in Schenectady would sell its

pipe organ, costing $2,200, for $800. The congregation at once

raised $500, which, with the excess of the morning, bought the



In 1885 a debt of $600, which had been carried nine years, was

paid, and in the following year $500 was spent in recarpeting the

church, buying a new furnace, and decorating the lecture room.



702 Wyoming Conference


In 1897 $600 was expended in painting, papering, and carpeting

the building.


On March 10, 1902, John Pank deeded the society the property

on the corner of Chestnut Street and Glen Avenue for $4,600,

taking as part payment the Eagle Street parsonage at $2,500. The

house on this last-purchased lot was moved on to the lower side

of the lot and nicely fitted for a parsonage. On the corner of the

lot there is being erected a church which will cost about $13,000.

When finished the society will have one of the most attractive

properties in the Conference.


The Oneida Conference was entertained by this society in

April, 1858.


In the days when the society was very weak it received $150

per year from the Missionary Society for several years.


Hyde Park was a part of this charge from the time of organiza-

tion until it was put with Hartwick in 1902.




Prior to 1819 part of Otsego Circuit; 1819, B. G. Paddock;

1820, Elias Bowen; 1821, Dana Fox; 1822 (Otsego and Coopers-

town), Orin Doolittle, Eli Allen; 1823-27, probably a part of

Otsego Circuit; 1828 (Otsego and Cooperstown), Isaac Grant;

1829 (Cooperstown alone again), Henry F. Rowe; 1830-37, part

of Otsego Circuit again; 1838-39 (an appointment again), D. W.

Bristol; 1840, V. M. Coryell; 1841, William Bixby; 1842, Lyman

A. Eddy; 1843 (Otsego and Cooperstown), L. A. Eddy, J. Shank;

1844-45, (alone again), Cassius H. Harvey; 1846-47, B. W. Gor-

ham; 1848-49, D. W. Bristol; 1850-51, E. G. Andrews; 1852-53,

Charles Blakeslee; 1854, S. Comfort; 1855-56, M. C. Kern; 1857,

Joseph Shank; 1858, J. T. Crippen; 1859-60, J. L. Wells; 1861-62,

G. W. Bridge; 1863, R. Townsend; 1864, J. Pilkington; 1865-67,

I. D. Peaslee; 1868-70, W. L. Thorpe; 1871-72, H. M. Cryden-

wise; 1873, W. A. Wadsworth; 1874-76, A. S. Clarke; 1877-79,

W. M. Hiller; 1880-81, J. C. Leacock; 1882-84, A. J. Cook; 1885-

87, A. F. Chaffee; 1888-90, T. F. Hall; 1891-93; W. T. Blair;

1894-98, B. P. Ripley; 1889-1900, E. Kilpatrick; 1901-03, J. H.




Cooperstown Junction


On May 8, 1876, a meeting of the people of Colliersville and

vicinity was held in the schoolhouse. Rev. H. B. Cook, who was

pastor of Oneonta Plains and Colliersville, presided at the meet-

ing, which was largely attended. Jerome H. Talmadge, Alonzo B.



Cooperstown, N. Y. 703


Every, J. P. Barnes, A. E. Thurston, George German, G. M.

Pendell, James Badeau, Abraham Diefendorft, and F. M. Fox

were elected trustees. R. M. Roundy was elected secretary and

treasurer of the new society. A building committee was appointed

consisting of Alonzo B. Every, F. M. Fox, G. M. Pendell, and

Jerome H. Talmadge. On May 29, 1876, Merritt and David

Multer deeded the Methodist Episcopal Church of Junction and

Colliersville forty-nine and a half square rods of land for $180.

The church was built upon this lot by day labor, J. P. Manning

being the foreman. The building cost $2,777.50, which was raised

during the summer and on the day of dedication, which was

November 2, 1876.


There were a number of Baptists in the community who were

interested in church work and they were given the use of the

church afternoons a number of years. A diminution of their num-

bers prompted them to discontinue their services here.


Through the kindness of Dr. D. E. Siver, the Cooperstown and

Susquehanna Valley Railroad Company gave the society a lot

adjoining the church lot, containing forty-nine rods, the deed for

which was executed on November 7, 1898. During the summer

and fall of 1898 a house valued at $1,500 was erected on this lot,

$1,000 in money being raised for that purpose and $500 in labor

being contributed. The following year the barn was built.


The society was incorporated as "The Methodist Episcopal

Society of Junction and Colliersville" on April 11, 1900, with

Lester Howe, W. J. Barnes, and A. B. Every trustees.


In 1892 the society was greatly strengthened by a revival.


From 1876 to 1878 this society was served by the Oneonta

Plains pastor, and from 1879 it has been with Portlandville, the

charge taking the name of Cooperstown Junction in 1891.


Portlandville is four miles north of Cooperstown Junction.

Work was established here at an early day. The church was

dedicated on January 16, 1849. Rev. Lyman, Sperry, the presid-

ing elder, preached at 11 a. m. and Rev. D. W. Bristol in the

afternoon. In the evening the Otsego District Ministerial Associa-

tion convened in the church.


In 1867 $3,000 was spent in repairs. The building was raised, a

basement constructed, a bell purchased, and the auditorium refur-

nished. The building was reopened on Thursday, August 1, 1867,

Rev. William Bixby preaching in the morning and Rev. C. D.

Mead in the evening.


The society became incorporated on October 28, 1852, as "The



704 Wyoming Conference


First Methodist Episcopal Church of Portlandville." Thomas

L. Wakefield and George Bowers presided at the meeting for

incorporation, and Thomas L. Wakefield, Erastus Soule, and

Lorenzo Lane were elected trustees.


The lot upon which the church was built contained a quarter

of an acre, and was deeded to the society on August 8, 1855, by

Kachel Lane, Lorenzo Lane and wife Marcia, William Lane and

wife Harriet, Philander Lane and wife Evaline, Nelson Lane and

wife Lavantia, Caroline Cronkite, Caleb J. Paul and wife Emaline.

The purchase price was $40. By two subsequent purchases, one

in 1868 and one in 1873, additional land was purchased.


The class was first a part of Otsego Circuit, and when Milford

became an appointment formed a part of that charge, where it

remained until it became an appointment in 1879. Westville

was for a while connected with Portlandville.






1879 (Portlandville and Junction), H. B. Cook; 1880, M. D.

Sill; 1881-82, C. W. Babcock; 1883, W. Burnside; 1884-86, N. B.

Ripley; 1887, B. B. Carruth; 1888-89, W. H. Alger; 1890, R. P.

Green; 1891 (Cooperstown Junction), A. W. Loomis; 1892-93,

C. E. Sweet; 1894-95, D. R. Smith; 1896, S. A. Luce; 1897-98,

F. A. Mattison; 1899-1900, B. L. Hess; 1901-02, A. E. Potter;

1903, C. A. Frear.



Davenport, N. Y.


Methodism has been prominent in this section ever since

its introduction into the Charlotte Valley. The territory of this

charge, and of Davenport Center, was first reached by the preach-

ers of Delaware Circuit, and subsequently formed a part of

Charlotte Circuit, which was taken from Delaware Circuit in

1834. Charlotte Circuit included Charlotteville, Russ Hill, Dug-

way, South Worcester, Fergusonville, East Davenport (now

Davenport), Davenport Center, Briar Street (now East Mer-

edith), West Davenport, and the Hemlocks.


When Olaf G. Hedstrom was appointed to the circuit in 1835

he made his home in a building which had been used for a wood-

house and wash-shed. "When he moved into the building it was

without furniture, save an old cracked stove. The preacher had

no money with which to buy; he therefore took some rough

boards, and sticks from the wood pile, and made a table, a bed-

stead, a cupboard, and a few benches for seats. When the work



Davenport, N. Y. 705


was done he knelt and thanked God that he was in possession of

so comfortable a home."


The territory has been visited with some notable revivals. In

the winter of 1844-45 occurred one of special interest. "A ball

had been announced to be held at the hotel on the evening of the

Methodist prayer meeting, which was held in the church, not far

from the hotel. One object of the ball was to break up the

Methodist services, if possible. Rev. A. C. Fields, who was then

preacher in charge of the circuit, suggested that special prayer

should be made for the rioters and dancers who had already

gathered at the hotel. It was done. The prayer of faith was

speedily answered. Long before midnight the ballroom was

vacant, and the persons who had proposed to break up the prayer-

service were in the church loudly and earnestly seeking for mercy.

Many who had intended to spend the night in dancing spent it

in prayer. The meeting continued with great power all night, and

before dawn many were saved. An extensive revival followed

which gave much strength to the church." Memorable revivals

occurred during the pastorates of Elliott, King, James W. Smith,

Richmond, the Burgars, Morehouse and others.


In 1853 the Davenport Circuit was formed, which included

Emmons, West Davenport, Prosper Hollow, Davenport Center,

Briar Street, East Davenport, South Hill, Fergusonville, Mary-

land Hill, and South Worcester, the last two places being in

Otsego County. In 1862 the circuit was divided, the places above

East Davenport constituting a charge taking the name of Fer-

gusonville; remaining appointments continuing under the name

of Davenport.


This charge came into Wyoming Conference from the New

York Conference in 1894.


The name of this charge was changed from Fergusonville to

Davenport in 1899.


John Bangs, brother to the gifted Nathan Bangs, was one of

the preachers on Charlotte Circuit in 1837. He was a strong

preacher and referring to the contrast between himself and his

brother he said: "My father had a great memory, and my mother

a poor one. Nathan inherited my father's, and I my mother's."


The Davenport church was built in 1883, and was dedicated

on February 1, 1884, by Chaplain McCabe and Rev. Lucius H.

King. It is Gothic in style, having a basement under the whole

church well equipped for social work, and in its tower swings a

bell weighing one thousand and seventy pounds.


In 1892 the building was repaired and the interior beautified.



706 Wyoming Conference


The parsonage was located at Fergusonville many years. In

1895 it was sold and the present parsonage at Davenport pur-

chased, costing $2,000.


The charge was blessed by gracious revivals in 1894 and 1895.


Fergusonville is three miles northwest from Davenport, and

early became an important point on the Charlotte Circuit. The

church was built in 1835, costing $1,400. It was extensively re-

paired in 1869.


In 1848 Rev. Samuel D. Ferguson, a distinguished member of

the New York Conference, founded an academy at Fergusonville

which, because of its environment, salubrity of the climate, and

Mr. Ferguson's ability, proved a success. Mr. Ferguson died in

1855, and the school was transferred to James Oliver. It has

long since ceased to exist, and part of the buildings have been



In 1851 Davenport and Fergusonville were swept by revivals.

In the latter place, it is said, every family was reached except

a Catholic one.




(Delaware Circuit:) 1794, Robert Dillon, David Buck; 1795,

David Bartine, Jeremiah Ballard; 1796, Zenas Conger, Daniel

Crouch; 1797, Anthony Turk, John Robinson; 1798, John Robin-

son, William Vredenburgh; 1799, Daniel Higby, Nathan Smith;

1800, Thomas Dodson, Jonathan Newman; 1801, John Leach,

Benjamin Bidlack, William Williams; 1802, Matthias Swaim,

Stephen G. Whitehead; 1803, Zenas Covil; 1804, Henry Steele,

Andrew McKean; 1805, John Crawford, Jesse Davis; 1806,

Alexander Martin, Nehemiah U. Tompkins; 1807, Joseph WiUis,

William Snow; 1808, Nathan Bangs, Robert Dillon; 1809, Hugh

Armstrong, Cyprian H. Gridley; 1810, John Kline, Abner Chase;

1811, Samuel Fowler, Elijah Hibbard; 1812, Bela Smith,

Alexander Dunbar, Hawley Sanford; 1813, John Finnegan,

Elisha P. Jacob, Henry Hobby; 1814, Stephen Jacob, Beardsley

Northrup; 1815, Stephen Jacob, Heman Bangs; 1816, Bela

Smith, Horace Weston; 1817, W. M. Stilwell, Isaac Lent; 1818,

Arnold Schofield, James Young; 1819, A. Schofield, Henry Had-

field, Nathan Rice; 1820, John Finnegan, James Quinlan; 1821,

John Finnegan, Roswell Kelly; 1822, Jesse Pomeroy, Quartus

Stewart; 1823, John Bangs, Ira Ferris; 1824, John Bangs, Beza-

leel Howe; 1825, Cyrus Silliman, Bezaleel Howe; 1826, Cyrus

Silliman, Philo Ferris; 1827, Friend W. Smith, Philo Ferris;

1828, Friend W. Smith, Paul R. Brown; 1829, Alexander Calder,



Davenport Center, N. Y. 707


Paul R. Brown; 1830, Orin Pier, Harvey Brown; 1831, Harvey

Brown, Rodman Lewis; 1832, Noah Sullivan, John Bangs; 1833,

Elbert Osborn; (Charlotte Circuit:) 1834, Harvey Brown; 1835-

36, Olaf G. Hedstrom; 1837, Matthew Van Dusen, John Bangs,

sup.; 1838, Daniel Bullock, George L. Fuller; 1839-40, John

Carver; 1841-42, Eben S. Hibbard; 1843-44, Andrew C. Fields;

184S, Daniel Bullock, Abraham Davis; 1846, Addi Lee, John

Bangs, sup.; 1847, Russell S. Scott, John Bangs, sup.; 1848,

Russell S. Scott, Samuel D. Ferguson; 1849, Hiram Lamont,

Moses L. Pendell, S. D. Ferguson, sup.; 1850, Hiram Lamont,

Joseph Elliott, S. D. Ferguson, sup.; 1851, Lucius H. King,

Noble Lovett, S. D. Ferguson, sup.; 1852, L. H. King, Robert

Kerr, S. D. Ferguson, sup.; (Davenport Circuit:) 1853, David

Gibson, Asahel M. Hough; 1854, David Gibson, Royal Court-

right; 1855-56, James W. Smith, George Hearn; 1857, James M.

Burgar, John F. Richmond; 1858, James M. Burgar, Orin P.

Dales; 1859, Alonzo C. Morehouse, J. P. Burgar; 1860, Alonzo C.

Morehouse, Sanford L Ferguson; 1861, Nehemiah O. Lent, San-

ford L Ferguson; (Fergusonville:) 1862-63, Robert Kerr; 1864-

65, Robert. H. Kelley; 1866, Charles W. Lyon; 1867, W. W.

Shaw; 1868 (Fergusonville and Charlotte two years, when the

charge is Fergusonville again), W. W. Shaw, L. S. Brown; 1869,

W. S. Winans, E. F. Barlow; 1870-71, W. S. Winans; 1872-74,

E. White; 1875-76, J. H. Wood; 1877, John Keogan; 1878, C. H.

Travis, 1879-80, Thomas Elliott; 1881-83, C. Palmer; 1884-85,

(Fergusonville and Charlotteville two years), C. H. Travis, 1886-

87 (Fergusonville and Davenport to 1897), S. Merchant; 1888-

92, G. W. Martin; 1893, Samuel Bullen; 1894-98, C. E. Sweet;

1899-1902, Joshua Brundle; 1903, J. L. Serviss.



Davenport Center, N. Y.


The early history of this charge is involved with the history of

the Davenport charge. Its pastors are to be found in Delaware,

Charlotte, and Davenport Circuits. At the division of Davenport

Circuit in 1862 one part (see Davenport) continued the name

Davenport, and carried the name until 1895, when it was changed

to Davenport Center.


This charge came into Wyoming Conference from the New

York Conference in 1894.


The church at Davenport Center was built in 1835, at a cost

of $3,000, and was extensively repaired in 1876.


The parsonage is located at Davenport Center.



708 Wyoming Conference


West Davenport is two and a half miles west of Davenport.

The church was built in 1852 at a cost of $1,100, and was

thoroughly repaired in 1874 at a cost of $1,600, at which time

the bell, which cost $300, was purchased. The building was

again repaired in 1891 at an expense of $600.


A good revival occurred at this place in 1850-51, and in 1885

there were over one hundred conversions.




1862, Nehemiah O. Lent; 1863, Edwin B. Pierce; 1864, Amos

N. Mulnix; 1865, Peter V. Schermerhorn; 1866-67, Wilham D.

Fero; 1868-69 Joseph Elliott; 1870-71, Lorenzo G. Niles; 1872,

Adelbert Gaylord; 1873-74, William W. Taylor; 1875-76, Milo

Couchman; 1877-78, Edward P. Crane; 1879-81, Edwin Hunt;

1882-83, T. Carter; 1884-86, A. B. Barker; 1887-88, A. H.

Haynes; 1889, George L. McLane; 1890-91, L. S. Brown; 1892-

93, M. S. Buckingham; 1894-95, C. H. Reynolds; 1896-98, C. D.

Shepard; 1899-1901, S. A. Terry; 1902, A. J. Neff; 1903, W. S.




Decatur, N. Y.


The first society organized in this town was a union affair with

the following members: Timothy Parker, Biger Wright, Stiles

Parker, Jesse Davis, Martha Howe, James Parker, Martha Davis,

Sarah Maple, Parker, J. Lewis, N. Lewis, Samuel Howe, P.

Parker, and Elijah Parker.


The first church building was erected in 1807, at a cost of $500.


On January 17, 1823, a meeting was held at the house of Justus

Lewis, when "The Decatur Union Society" became incorporated,

with Jesse Davis, Chauncey Parker, and Sheubel Bullock trustees.

The Methodists used the "Society House" until they went into

their own church.


As early as 1836 Decatur formed a part of Westford Circuit.

About this year, at a Quarterly Conference held on June 23 and

24, this motion was passed: "Resolved, That Decatur Hollow be

allowed the privilege of circulating a subscription paper in order

to ascertain the practicability of maintaining a station preacher,

and report their success to the presiding elder." The same record-

ing steward's book states that a church was dedicated at Decatur

on March 16, 1837, Rev. D. A. Shepard preaching the sermon

and dedicating the church.


Biger Wright was the first class leader.


Decatur, Elliott Hill, and Red Schoolhouse are not mentioned



Decatur, N. Y. 709


again in the Minutes of Westford Circuit until February, 1841,

when the preachers of the circuit were requested to supply those

places. Nor do the Minutes of Conferences give any hint as to

how the places were supplied with preaching. The July Quarterly

Conference of 1841 passed the following: "Resolved, That Deca-

tur Hollow, Elliott Hill, and West Worcester be set off as a

station." From this time on Decatur appears among the Confer-

ence appointments.


While the preceding is decidedly fragmentary, it is very sug-

gestive, and by reading between the lines we may see the growth

of the society.


In 1871 $2,700 was spent in repairing the building. The gal-

leries were removed, a tower built, bell purchased, and other im-

provements made. The church was reopened on Thursday,

November 30, 1871. Rev. W. N. Cobb preached in the morning

from Psa. cxvi, 12-16, and after the sermon raised $1,300. Rev.

J. V. Newell preached in the evening.


In 1890 the building was papered, ceiled, and carpeted, at a

cost of $500.


The old church was torn down, and a new one built in 1901

costing $2,000. It is of modern design and has eleven memorial

windows. It was dedicated on January 30, 1902, by Rev. T. F.

Hall, D.D., $1,950 being raised on the day of dedication.


The first parsonage was bought in. 1840, and sold about 1880,

when the present parsonage was built on the lot by the church.

Anticipating a new house, the society bought a half acre of land

of William Cipperly in April, 1874, for $500. This lot was sold,

and on October 2, 1875, the lot upon which the parsonage stands

was bought of G. M. Starkweather for $175.


Between January and April, 1842, there were over two hundred

conversions at Decatur. A good revival occurred in 1869, and in

February and March, 1886, one hundred and five were converted.


Elliott Hill formed a part of this charge until about 1887, when

it was placed with East Worcester.


South Valley is about four miles northwest of Decatur. For

many years this society worshiped in a building which was

jointly owned by the Episcopal and Protestant Methodists. The

society sold its interest in the church for $300. Delos Easier pre-

sented the society with a fine lot, upon which a church costing

about $2,000 was built. It was dedicated on July 25, 1895. Rev.

L. B. Weeks preached in the morning, Rev. C. H. Sackett in the

afternoon, and Rev. H. B. Benedict in the evening. The sum of



71O Wyoming Conference


$300 was raised during the day. The dedicatory service was con-

ducted by Rev. A. J. Van Cleft.

A bell costing $200 was purchased in 1902.




1841, A. E. Daniels; 1842-43, C. Starr; 1844, S. C. Phinney;

1845-46, E. Dennison; 1847-48, E. L. North; 1849, George Parsons,

R. O. Beebe; 1850, George Parsons; 1851-52, D. C. Dutcher;

1853-54, W. Burnside; 1855-56, S. M. Stone; 1857, A. E. Daniels;

1858-59, W. R. Lynch; 1860, P. Hughston; 1861-62, D. Potter;

1863, H. E. Rowe; 1864-65, J. N. Piatt; 1866-68, C. G. Wood;

1869, A. S. Clark; 1870, H. A. Blanchard; 1871, S. H. Hill; 1872-

74, W. R. Cochrane; 1875, A. W. Barrows; 1876, A. G. Bar-

tholomew; 1877, S. H. Wood; 1878, W. Edgar; 1879-80, L. B.

Weeks; 1881-83, R. C. Gill; 1884-86, C. B. Personeus; 1887-88,

A. W. Loomis; 1889-90, E. H. Truesdell; 1891-92, R. P. Green;

1893, G. N. Underwood; 1894, L. V. Wood; 1895, G. H. Bent;

1896-99, W. S. Adams; 1900, William Mountenay; 1901, W. H.

Horton; 1902, Asa A. Callendar; 1903, W. S. Adams.



East Worcester, N. Y.


The society was formed about 1823 or 1824. Mrs. Elizabeth

Champion, wife of John Champion, called a meeting at the school-

house, situated near the Comers, on a certain Sunday evening,

and sent for a local preacher named Depew, living at Elliott Hill

to come and preach for them. The large audience was disap-

pointed. Mrs. Champion spoke to the people explaining the teach-

ings of Methodism. After praying and exhorting she asked those

who were willing to join her in holding prayer meetings to signify

it. Two responded. Meetings followed in which Mr. Depew

assisted. Preaching services were established. Rev. Messrs.

Depew and Jeremiah Simmons alternating in preaching. Revival

work followed with success. Next year this class forms a part of

Westford Circuit.


The class met in the schoolhouse in district No. 1, in the town of

Worcester, on April 10, 1838. Rev. A. E. Daniels was chairman,

Silas Devol secretary, and Silas Devol and Aaron Champion

acted as judges of election. At this meeting "The Methodist

Episcopal Church of East Worcester" was incorporated, and Silas

Devol, Aaron Champion, Eli P. Bruce, Jonathan Jennings, and

John Rockefeller were elected trustees.


The society was again incorporated on August 2, 1886. E. R.



East Worcester, N. Y. 711


Thurber and Elanson Snow presided, and Giles C. Dana, Aaron

Hollenbeck, and Adam Eckerson were elected trustees.


On July 24, 1838, Leonard Caryl and wife Mary deeded the

society a lot, located on the road to South Hill, for $1. He also

subscribed liberally toward the building of the church. To this

man and Messrs. Aaron and James Champion the building of the

church was chiefly due. It was put up prior to 1839. A writer

says: "It was a heavy tax on a few persons, and when the com-

mittee were soliciting contributions they called on John Champion,

the 'hotel preacher,' as he was extensively known, for aid. He

promised to pay a certain amount if they would grant him the

privilege of preaching the first sermon in it after its completion.

This was readily agreed to. At the dedication, when the prelim-

inaries had taken place, and all were ready for the sermon by the

presiding elder. Uncle John left his seat and started for the pulpit.

All eyes were turned on the old gray-haired veteran, and those

in the pulpit seemed to hesitate, not knowing what was going to

occur. Many of the auditors knew what was coming. One of

the sons attempted to persuade him to relinquish his plan, as it

might disturb the proceedings. He pushed his son aside, with

the remark that he knew what he was about to do. On reaching

the altar, he addressed the ministers, and related, in a clear voice,

the contract made, and said that he was ready to fulfill the last

of the bargain on his part. The ministers stood aside, the old

gentleman took his text, and for twenty or thirty minutes ad-

dressed the crowded house in a manner never before nor since

known. It almost seemed as if St. John, the apostle, were speak-

ing in his own flesh and blood. He concluded by trusting that

those who were to occupy the sacred desk would preach only

from the Holy Bible before him, with love to all, laying aside all

bigotry, superstition, intolerance, or fanaticism, to the end that

all might become better, and prepared to occupy another temple

not made with hands; also thanked all concerned, walked back to

his seat, and the dedicatory exercises proceeded."


The building was enlarged in 1866 and rededicated on Thurs-

day, February 7, 1867, Rev. William Bixby preaching both

morning and evening. In 1883 $800 was spent in repairing and

improving the church.


In 1895 a parsonage was built costing $1,600. It was formally

opened on December 28, 1895, by a reception. The following

Sunday morning Rev. J. E. Bone preached, and after the ser-

mon raised $500 to finish paying for the building. On January 10,

1896, in consideration of $245, Eliza A. Sullivan deeded the



712 Wyoming Conference


society half an acre of ground — the lot on which the parsonage

was built.


The charge has been visited by a number of gracious revivals.


The charge was formed in 1853, but from 1855-82 it was with

Worcester, and became a charge again in 1883.


Elliott Hill was a part of Westford Circuit as early as 1836,

and became a part of Decatur charge at its formation. On May

19, 1880, James H. Skinner and his wife Mary deeded to the

Methodist Episcopal Church of Elliott Hill, in the town of De-

catur, a quarter of an acre of ground, receiving $1 therefor. The

church was built in 1880. About 1887 this society became a part

of the East Worcester charge.




1853, E. Dennison; 1854, Wayne Carver; 1855-82, with Wor-

cester (which see); 1883, G. H. Prentice; 1884-85, W. R. Turner;

1886, G. H. Prentice; 1887-89, J. W. Mevis; 1890-91, R. C. Gill;

1892-94, E. E. Pearce; 1895-96, L. A. Wild; 1897-1900, W. M.

Shaw; 1901-02, W. S. Wilcox; 1903, W. S. Adams.



Fly Creek, N. Y.


Prior to the creation of Fly Creek charge this territory formed

a part of Otsego Circuit.


Not long after the year 1800 a "meetinghouse" was built upon

the spot now called the "old chapel burying ground," situated

about one fourth of a mile north of the village. This was built by

the Episcopalians.


The class was organized about the year 1810 by the Rev. Seth

Mattison, with the following among the first members: Benjamin

and Celinda Gallap, David Marvin, George Roberts, Eleanor

Williams, Sally Rutember. The society used the chapel, spoken

of above. In time it came to be called the "old Methodist chapel."


On March 31, 1834, the society met in this chapel and became

incorporated as "The First Methodist Episcopal Society in Fly

Creek. David Marvin presided, and Russell Brownell acted as

clerk. Russell Brownell, Zadock Fitch, David Marvin, Philip

Moses, and Henry Fish were elected trustees. For some reason,

not now known, the society met in the same place on April 23,

1835, and again incorporated, using the same name as before.

Russell Brownell presided at this meeting, and Jasper Denslow

acted as secretary. David Marvin, Bennajah Comstock, Joseph C.

Marvin, Warren Babbitt, Zadock Fitch, Russell Brownell, and



Fly Creek, N. Y. 713


Philip Moses were elected trustees. At this meeting the trustees

were authorized to secure a site and circulate a subscription for

a church. Some funds, however, had already been raised for

that purpose.


On July 31, 1835, David Marvin and his wife Eleanor deeded

the society one rood and fourteen rods of land for $50. The

church, which was 40x60 feet, was built on this lot, and dedicated

in 1839 by Dr. Elias Bowen.


This building was remodeled in 1874 at an expense of $2,500.

The galleries and high pulpit were removed, and other radical




changes made. It was reopened on Thursday, February 25, 1875.

Rev. H. Wheeler preached in the morning from Gen. xxviii, 17.

After the sermon the congregation was asked for $600, and $900

was given. Rev. H. V. Talbott preached in the evening. The

society used the Universalist church while the repairs were in



The bell in this church was purchased as a community affair,

but for years, by virtue of possession, it has been considered the

property of the church. For years it rang at exactly noon, the

janitor priding himself on his accuracy. It was also used to ring

for curfew, which prevailed many years ago in the village.


The ground upon which the Old Chapel used to stand was

leased to the society for nine hundred years, the owner reserving

the right to pasture sheep between the graves. The lot was

subsequently deeded to the society.


The first parsonage was built on half an acre of ground deeded



714 Wyoming Conference


on December 31, 1835, to the trustees of Otsego Circuit, by-

Buckingham Fitch, for $5. The parsonage was not paid for until

about 1854. The pastors resided in this house until the present

property was bought, when it was sold. On June 17, 1901,

Henry C. Babcock and wife Mary H. deeded the society the

present property beside the church, which contains three quarters

of an acre of ground, for $2,000.


Fitch Hill class was organized about 1813. Its first members

were Jonah and Esther Sprague; Reuben and Elsie Whipple, son

and daughter; George and Alice Roberts and George, Jr.; S. R.,

Sophia, and Sally Roberts; Joseph and Alice Perkins; William

Holavert; and Amos Babcock and wife.


On May 9, 1835, the society met at the house of B. Fletcher, in

the town and county of Otsego, for incorporation. William T.

Tanner presided and Eleazer Boiden acted as clerk. Eleazer

Boiden, William T. Tanner, Zadock Fitch, David Marvin, and

Buckingham Fitch were elected trustees of "The Third Methodist

Episcopal Society in the town of Otsego, State of New York."


A church 24x30 feet was built in 1835, and was extensively

repaired in 1881. It was dedicated on Thursday, February 2,

1882, Rev. F. L. Hiller preaching in the morning and Rev. J. C.

Leacock in the evening.


No services are held here now, having been discontinued in



Fly Creek Valley is six miles north of Fly Creek and two miles

from Fitch Hill.


On August 28, 1882, Leander Weldon and wife Mary, in con-

sideration of $1, deeded to Alonzo House, Menzo Bourne, Gorton

Shaw, Fayette T. Shant, and Louis Hinds, trustees of "The Fly

Creek Valley Methodist Episcopal Church," forty-one rods of

land. The church, which cost $2,000, was dedicated on Thursday;

January 3, 1884, by Rev. A. J. Cook.


Toddsville formed a part of this charge until placed with

Hartwick in 1898.




1853-54, A. R. Wells; 1855-56, George Parsons; 1857-58, D. L.

Pendell; 1859, S. Comfort; 1860, S. Comfort, H. F. Rowe; 1861-

62, William Watson; 1863-64, William C. McDonald; 1865-67,

J. W. Rawlingson; 1868-69, H. V. Talbott; 1870-72, George

Parsons; 1873-74, H. A. Blanchard; 1875, A. J. Cook; 1876-78,

J. Ryder; 1879-80, H. G. Harned; 1881-83, B. P. Ripley; 1884,



Harpursville and Nineveh, N. Y. 715


P. R. Tower; 1885-87, A. Wrigley; 1888, H. E. Wheeler; 1889-

90, J. S. Southworth; 1891, H. A. Williams; 1892-93, J. L.

Thomas; 1894-96, A. M. Colegrove; 1897-1900, E. E. Pearce;

1901-02, E. L. Jeffrey; 1903, R. E. Wilson.



Harpursville and Nineveh, N. Y.


From 1842 to 1857 the territory in this charge formed a part

of Page Brook Circuit, which contained the following preaching

places: Page Brook, East Page Brook, New Ohio, Harpursville,

Wakeman's, and Elliott. In 1844 three other appointments were



The first Quarterly Conference held in Harpursville was held

at the schoolhouse on February 10, 1844. On March 12, 1844,

the society met for incorporation, when Hartson Humaston,

Darius W. Pearsall, and Albert Pratt were elected trustees of

"The First Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church in



On July 5, 1845, land was purchased of Robert Harpur, and

the church was built the same season, being dedicated on October

16. Rev. J. M. Snyder preached from James i, 17, and after the

sermon raised $50 to liquidate indebtedness. After an inter-

mission Rev. T. H. Pearne preached from Gen. xlix, 22-24. The

society at this time had fourteen members.


The parsonage was built in 1867.


When Harpursville charge was formed it contained the fol-

lowing preaching places: Harpursville, New Ohio, Nineveh,

Coles Hill, Perch Pond, Schonton, Nurce Hollow, and Welton



Nineveh class was organized in 1852. On March 21, 1853, the

society met at the schoolhouse, the usual place of worship, for

incorporation, when R. S. Run, John Padgett, H. W. Mahew,

Jeremiah Pular, and Daniel Stone were elected trustees of "The

First Methodist Episcopal Church of Nineveh."


The church was built in 1855. In 1892 $380 was spent in

improvements, and in 1900 Mr. Reuben Lovejoy presented the

society with a bell costing $240. In the same season the interior

of the church was somewhat improved.


Nineveh became an appointment in 1873, and was served by

the following pastors: 1873, T. C. Roskelly; 1874-75, A. Brown;

1876-77, S. Wood; 1878, L. Frutchman; 1879-80, F. L. Ketchum;

1881, E. Andrews; 1882-83, C. H. Marsh. In 1884 Nineveh

returned to its former relation with Harpursville.



716 Wyoming Conference


During the pastorate of L. F. Ketchum a contention arose. He

insisted on preaching on territory belonging to Harpursville

charge. This eventually caused a rupture and Ketchum left the

Church, taking some members with him, and organized a Re-

formed Methodist society, only two miles from Harpursville,

which society still continues.


Perch Pond is a schoolhouse appointment about four miles

east of Harpursville. This has been a thrifty appointment for



Harpursville charge has been favored with a strong line of

local preachers — Revs. S. Parsons, father of Rev. F. H. Parsons,

of this Conference, John Moon, Adam Yeager, Billy Way. Revs.

L. Alexander, E. H. Truesdell, and John Hurlburt went from

this charge and did supply work. A. Estes was licensed in 1859

and entered the pastorate. M. D. Matoon was licensed in 1861

and is now doing supply work. R. W. Van Schoick was licensed

in 1866 and entered the Conference.


W. W. Cowdry served as recording steward from 1842 to

January 10, 1863, being present seventy-two sessions out of

eighty-four, and during ten successive years did not miss a session

of the Quarterly Conference. S. B. Monroe served ten years, and

C. W. Hare has been recording steward since 1880.




(Page Brook:) 1842-43, A. G. Burlingame; 1844-45, Philip

Bartlett; 1846-47, Henry Ercanbrack; 1848-49, Levi Pitts; 1850,

T. D. Wire; 1851, M. Ruger (Ruger died, E. Puffer filled out the

year); 1852, E. Puffer; 1853, W. Round; 1854, W. Round, E.

Puffer; 1855 (Harpursville alone), W. Roberts; 1856, A. C.

Sperry, W. Roberts; 1857, A. C. Sperry, E. Puffer; (Harpurs-

ville:) 1858, P. G. Bridgeman; 1859-60, G. A. Severson; 1861-

62, A. W. Loomis; 1863, P. Holbrook; 1864, L. Pitts; 1865-66,

A. Brigham; 1867-69, S. Barner; 1870-71, C. D. Shepard, G. E.

Hathaway; 1872, W. H. Gavitt, G. E. Hathaway; 1873, W. H.

Gavitt; 1874-76, I. P. Towner; 1877-78, George Pritchett; 1879,

A. F. Harding; 1880-81, C. H. Jewell; 1882-83, F. P. Doty; 1884-

85, N. J. Hawley; 1886, J. G. Stephens; 1887, G. H. Prentice;

1888-89, J- H. Taylor; 1890-93, A. M. Colegrove; 1894-95,

Joshua Brundle; 1896, James Benge, A. W. Phillips (Benge died,

Phillips filled out the year); 1897-98, A. C. Olver; 1899-1900,

H. E. Wheeler; 1901, William Mountenay; 1902-03, W. H.




Hartwick, N. Y. 717



Hartwick, N. Y.


Very little has been gleaned concerning Hartwick. Lying, as

it does, but a few miles up the valley from Mount Vision, it would

be fair to presume that the itinerants of Otsego Circuit in reach-

ing Mount Vision would not overlook this place nor pass it by.

It formed a part of Exeter Circuit in 1843. There is a tradition

that Methodist preachers held services in an old stone schoolhouse

seventy-five years ago. It is also claimed that the church was

raised on May 29, 1839.


On June 21, 1842, the society met for incorporation. E. R.

Van Home and Joshua Duly presided, and Caleb F. Smith,

Lyman Green, Russell Benjamin, Frederick H. Bissell, and E. R.

Van Home were elected trustees. The corporate name of the

society is "The Trustees of the First Methodist Episcopal Church

of Hartwick."


Upon application of Rev. Nelson Rounds, D.D., the presiding

elder of Chenango District, to the faculty of Cazenovia Seminary,

E. G. Andrews, now bishop, went to Hartwick and taught a select

school in the winter of 1843, in the basement of the Methodist

Episcopal church. This winter he received an exhorter's license

from Rev. Calvin Hawley, then preacher in charge of Exeter

Circuit, which included Hartwick, and later a local preacher's

license signed by Dr. Rounds. His first sermon was preached in

a schoolhouse three or four miles south of Hartwick.


The building was repaired in 1866, at a cost of $3,400. It "was

reopened on Wednesday, February 13, 1867, Rev. William

Bixby preaching morning and evening. It was again repaired

in 1880, at an expense of $800, and again in 1902, at a cost

of $500.


Mount Vision and Hartwick formed a charge many years.

There is a parsonage at each place. It was customary for years

for the pastors to alternate in their place of residence. Should one

pastor live at Hartwick, the next would live at Mount Vision. In

1898 the places were separated, each becoming an appointment.


Toddsville is five miles east from Hartwick. The class here

was for many years a part of the Fly Creek charge, and worshiped

in a union church. This class became a parrof Hartwick charge

in 1898. On June 20, 1902, in consideration of $1, Leon D. Pope

and wife Bertha, Frank Peck and wife Kate, and Nathaniel Finch

and wife Adelia deeded a building lot to the Methodist Episcopal

Church of Toddsville. The Church Extension Society made pos-



718 Wyoming Conference


sible a church by donating $250 to the society. The church has a

fine basement, with furnace room, kitchen, and dining room, and

the auditorium and League rooms can be thrown together. It

has memorial windows and is neatly finished throughout. It cost

$2,200, and was dedicated on September 28, 1902, by Revs. T. F.

Hall, D.D., and M. S. Hard, D.D.


Hyde Park is three miles below Cooperstown, and but a short

distance from Toddsville. Some time before the church was

built meetings were held in the schoolhouse at Hope Factory, in

the stone schoolhouse across the river, below Phenix, and in the

house of Cornelius Teachout (now occupied by his son-in-law,

Henry C. Winsor). Students from Cooperstown Seminary used

to preach here frequently. The class formed a part of Coopers-

town charge from its origin until 1902, when it became a part of

Hartwick charge.


The class was organized in 1858 by Rev. John T. Crippen. On

February 26, 1859, the society met at the home of Cornelius

Teachout for the purpose of incorporation. E. Swartwout and

George Kirby presided, and Andrew Losee, George Kirby, and

Cornelius Teachout were elected trustees. The corporate name

of the society is "The Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church

of Hyde Park." On October 10, 1859, Cornelius Teachout and

wife Eliza deeded the society the lot on which the church was

already built for $1. The church cost about $800. It is claimed

that Mr. Teachout not only gave the lot, but drew the lumber,

boarded the workmen, and contributed about $500 toward the

enterprise. The building was dedicated on October 13, 1859,

Rev. J. Shank preaching in the morning. Rev. J. T. Crippen in

the afternoon, and Rev. J. L. Wells in the evening.


Several gracious revivals have stirred the community and added

strength to the society.




1848-49, William Bixby; 1850-51, J. T. Wright; 1852-53, W.

Southworth; 1854-55, J- Shank; 1856-57, Lewis Hartsough;

1858, L. C. Queal, P. Hughston; 1859, L. C. Queal; 1860, W. C.

McDonald; 1861, S. Comfort; 1862-63, L. H. Stanley; 1864-65,

W. R. Lynch; 1866-68, Austin Griffin; 1869-70, L. Cole; 1871,

J. L. Wells; 1872-74, J. V. Newell; 1875, J. C. Shelland; 1876-78,

A. J. Cook; 1879-80, A. F. Brown; 1881-83, H. G. Harned; 1884-

86, R. C. Gill; 1887, C. C. Vrooman; 1888-90, E. Kilpatrick;

1891-93, A. Wrigley; 1894-97, H. A. Greene; 1898-1903, A. D.




Lanesboro, Pa. 719



Lanesboro, Pa.


Lanesboro Circuit was detached mainly from the Bainbridge

Circuit in 1833, and held its last quarterly meeting June 14, 1851,

supplemented by a meeting of the official board on July 19, 1851.

The circuit included the eastern part of Broome County, N. Y.,

the northern part of Wayne County, Pa., and the northeastern

part of Susquehanna County, Pa., and was about thirty miles in

length, from north to south, and fifteen miles in width. It had

eleven appointments at formation, each to be filled once in two

weeks. Schoolhouses and private houses were used as places of

worship. This necessitated five week-day appointments which

were usually at 4 p. m. in summer and at "early candle light" in



There being no church of any kind on the circuit, the first

quarterly meeting was held outside of its limits, in the village of

Windsor, N. Y., as was the case with the first quarterly meetings

for the years 1834 and 1835.


Palmer Owen was a local deacon, and one of the stewards of

the circuit for about ten years. He was a good and useful man.

He, however, became dissatisfied, and subsequently he and several

other members identified themselves with the Protestant Meth-

odist Church. On June 17, 1842, he was expelled for disorderly



In 1833 Joseph Dow, Jr., was advanced from exhorter's to

local preacher's rank. He was a good speaker and singer and a

useful man, and became a local deacon. In 1845 he signed the

following statement: "I, Joseph Dow, do firmly and sincerely

disbelieve in the doctrine of the endless punishment of the human

family, and also the existence of an evil and powerful spirit or

personal being called the devil, as is generally supposed to exist,

and that the above doctrines are taught in the Bible." Of course

he was tried and expelled from the Church. He subsequently

became an avowed infidel. However, in his old age, he returned

to his former faith and "died in the Lord."


John Dickinson, an exhorter, became a Protestant Methodist



William Wooley was received from this charge into the Oneida

Conference. He married injudiciously, and retired, went West,

and labored under the elder a few years, returned, and sought

admission to the Conference. Failing to be admitted, he united

with the Presbyterians and preached for them.


Another official of these early days was John Comfort, Esq.,



720 Wyoming Conference


of Lanesboro, father of Dr. Silas Comfort; grandfather of George

Comfort, the educator, of Rev. George Comfort, for many years

in Montana, and of Rev. James H. Cargill; father-in-law of Dr.

Nelson Rounds and Dr. William Reddy; and grandfather of Rev.

G. H. Blakeslee. He was a wise and incorruptible magistrate, and

given to hospitality. He was accustomed to say on quarterly

meeting occasions, "Send as many to my house as I have boards

in my floor." He was the first recording steward of the circuit.


In 1840 three Sunday schools existed on the circuit, one of

which was at Tallmansville (Lake Como), which had been in

existence several seasons. In this year Nathaniel Lewis's name

appears as a local preacher. He was an elder, ordained by Bishop




Asbury, and the society with which he was connected was this

year taken from the Brooklyn Circuit and connected with this

circuit. In his younger days Lewis was known as an industrious

and intelligent young man. He lived on that side of the Susque-

hanna River now embraced in Oakland, and near the Great Bend

line. The place where he lived was called Susquehanna, and was

three miles down the river from Lanesboro. Lewis was employed

a great deal by John Holborn, who was led to admire his religious

zeal. He accordingly advised Lewis to procure a license to

preach in conformity with the rules of the Methodist Episcopal

Church, Mr. Lewis being a firm believer in the doctrines of

Methodism and fully competent to teach. He did so, and became

a power in this territory. He was talented, laborious, and had

much to do with the planting of Methodism in these parts.



Lanesboro, Pa. 721


The wealthiest member of the class to which Lewis belonged

was Isaac Hale, whose daughter Emma married Joseph Smith,

the founder of Mormonism.


In 1846 the circuit comprised "Lanesboro, a small place about

three miles farther up the river, Starrucca in a ballroom, Thomp-

son in a schoolhouse, Ararat, Tallmansville, Scott, Hale's Eddy,

Woodmansee, Little York, etc., twelve places in all." This year

the pastor sold $1,000 worth of Book Concern publications on

the circuit.


A short time before Rev. C. V. Arnold's death we asked him

to give us the circuit as he served it. Here it is: Lanesboro

Church, Susquehanna Schoolhouse, South Harmony Schoolhouse,

Maple Grove Schoolhouse, South Windsor Schoolhouse, Mc-

Kune Schoolhouse, Jenkins Schoolhouse, Ararat Schoolhouse,

Hine's Corners Schoolhouse, Ira Cargill's house, Starrucca

Church, Tallmansville Schoolhouse, Woodmansee Schoolhouse,

Lake Como at Lakin's house, McClure Church, Gulf Summit

Schoolhouse, Creek Settlement Schoolhouse, Bettsburg Springs

Schoolhouse, Hill Lake Schoolhouse, and Starrucca Stone



In 1851 Lanesboro and Susquehanna became a separate charge,

and the Lanesboro Circuit went into history, Sanford Circuit

becoming its successor. In 1855 the present Lanesboro charge



The following charges have been formed from the old Lanes-

boro Circuit: Susquehanna, Thompson, Ouaquaga, Hale's Eddy,

Lake Como, McClure, Sanford, and Lanesboro.


At Lanesboro meetings were held in barns in summer and

private houses in winter until the log schoolhouse was built, when

it was used for worship until the church was built.


The names of the original class, which was formed as early as

1812, cannot be given with certainty. However, it is known that

John Comfort and wife, Nathaniel Lewis and wife, Isaac Hale

and wife, Marmaduke Salisbury and wife, and James Newman

and wife were members of it.


The church at Lanesboro was built in 1837, and first used for a

quarterly meeting service on February 10 and 11, 1838. The

building was erected by the community in general, but Mr. Lane,

the largest contributor, advised deeding it to the Methodist

church, because that was the only church organization in the

vicinity. Until December, 1847, this was the only church within

the bounds of the circuit.


In 1872 the building was repaired at a cost of $700, and was



722 Wyoming Conference


reopened on October l0, 1872, Dr. H. R. Clarke preaching in the

morning and D. D. Lindsley in the evening. The sum of $300

was raised during the day. In 1895 it was again repaired, this

time at a cost of $1,125. It was reopened on Thursday, December

5, 1895, Rev. J. O. Woodruff preaching in the morning and Rev.

H. H. Wilbur in the evening.


In 1841 a parsonage was built about a half mile from the

church. This became dilapidated and was sold about 1877 for

$600, at which time the present parsonage by the church was built,

costing $1,400.


Bethel Hill is one of the appointments of this charge and has a

comparatively new church.


Stevens Point is another appointment of the charge. A new

church was dedicated here on November 19, 1896, which cost





1833-34, D. Torry; 1835-36, P. G. White; 1837, King Elwell;

1838, Alanson Benjamin; 1839, A. Benjamin, A. Calder; 1840-41,

Philo Blackman; 1842-43, P. G. Bridgeman; 1844-45, David

Davis; 1846, P. Bartlett; 1847, P. Bartlett, G. W. Leach; 1848,

N. S. De Witt, G. W. Leach; 1849, N. S. De Witt; 1850, C. V.

Arnold; 1851-54, with Susquehanna; 1855-56, S. G. Stevens;

1857, A. Brigham; 1858, W. Roberts; 1859, F- L- Hiller; 1860-

61, G. R. Hair; 1862, F. Spencer; 1863-64, S. Barner; 1865-67,

J. W. Hewitt; 1868-70, N. S. De Witt; 1871, R. J. Kellogg; 1872-

73, A. F. Harding; 1874, S. W. Spencer; 1875, S. W. Cole; 1876-

77, C. H. Jewell; 1878-79, J. W. Hewitt; 1880-82, J. R. Wagner;

1883-85, T. C. Roskelly; 1886-87, William Bixby; 1888, P. R.

Tower; 1889-92, C. L. Rice; 1893-94, H. L. Hubbard; 1895-97,

C. C. Vrooman; 1898-99, D. C. Barnes; 1900-03, D. L. Meeker.



Laurens, N. Y.


Methodism sprang up here in the days of the Otsego Circuit,

and when Otego Circuit was formed became a part of that circuit.

In 1828 the Methodists and Presbyterians united in building a

church in which the society worshiped until going into its own

church, when it sold its interest in the union church to the Pres-



On January 22, 1844, the society met in the schoolhouse for

incorporation. John Phillips and Elkanah Johnson presided, and

Elkanah Johnson, John Phillips, William Mosher, Samuel Patten-



Laurens, N. Y. 723


gill, and George W. Powell were elected trustees of "The Laurens

Methodist Episcopal Society." On February 23, 1844, Gideon

Cornell deeded the society thirty-one rods of land, in consider-

ation of $100. The church was built on this lot the same season,

costing $1,500.


In 1868 the building was remodeled, galleries removed, and the

pulpit put in the opposite end of the church, with some minor

improvements. It was reopened on November 12, 1868, Rev.

William Bixby preaching in the morning. Rev. J. L. Wells in the

afternoon, and Rev. W. G. Queal in the evening. In 1884 $1,350

was spent in building an alcove for the pulpit, reseating, and

other improvements. It was reopened on December 11, 1884, Rev.

H. M. Crydenwise preaching in the morning and Rev. J. N. Lee

in the evening and conducting the dedicatory service. During the

day $300 was raised. In 1899 $300 was spent in recarpeting, etc.


The parsonage is across the road from the church, and was

built in 1871 on land purchased of William Strong for $400.


On June 4, 1888, the society reincorporated. A. Davis and J. F.

Newell presided at the meeting called for that purpose, and J. N.

Mead, A. S. Allen, A. G. Davis, J. F. Newell, and L. A. Sergent

were elected trustees of "The Methodist Episcopal Church of the

Village of Laurens."


Stephen Strait and J. N. Mead have been members and officials

here about fifty years.


Glorious revivals were experienced just after the church was

built, and in 1850, 1882, 1889, and 1896.


John Phillips, Dexter Johnson, Jacob Richardson, George

Brightman, and Philander Camp were among the members of the

church when it was built.


Oneonta Plains is about seven miles south of Laurens and two

miles west of Oneonta. We know nothing very definite about

Methodism's early days here. The society is supposed to have

been formed about 1820. The church was built in 1843 on a lot

bought of Lyman Toles for $150, and cost $1,800. Prior to the

erection of the church the society used barns in the summer and

private houses in the winter.


In 1878 $1,000 was expended in removing the galleries and

other improvements. The reopening occurred on Thursday,

December 12, 1878, Rev. G. W. Izer, of Cortland, preaching at

10.30 A. M.


The society met for incorporation on September 18, 1867. San-

ford Shepherd and James C. Sheldon presided, and John M.



724 Wyoming Conference


Packard, Sanford Shepherd, and James C. Sheldon were elected

trustees. The corporate name of the society is "The Trustees of

the Oneonta Plains Methodist Episcopal Church."


This class probably formed a part of Otsego Circuit, and sub-

sequently a part of Otego Circuit.


From 1877 to 1882 it was a charge and served as follows: 1877-

78, E. W. Lockwood; 1879, M. Dorr Sill; 1880, W. F. Albrecht;

1881, N. P. Ripley; 1882, E. B. Olmstead. In 1883 it was placed

with Laurens.


Henry Shepherd and Aaron Richard have held official positions

over thirty years.


Extensive revivals were experienced in 1870 and 1891.


Richardson Hill, now called Wilbur Lake, is about three miles

from Laurens. The society is the result of a revival promoted

by John Marble, a local preacher from Oneonta, assisted by his

brother James, and Edward Shove, from the same place. The class

was organized on November 10, 1854. Among the first members

were Justus G. Richardson, Daniel Richardson, Sally Richardson,

Elizabeth and Benjamin Richardson, Samuel, Amy A., and Edwin

Peet, Benjamin and Mary Travis, Charlotte Peet, Charles T. Gif-

ford, Mary Cooley, Henry R. Gifford, and Andrew Richardson.


On July 7, 1856, in consideration of $50, William Richardson

and wife Polly deeded to Simon Green, Justus G. Richardson, and

Edwin Peet, trustees of "The Methodist Episcopal Society of

Laurens, Oneonta, and Milford," a site for a church. The building

30x40, was dedicated the first Tuesday in January, 1857, and was

erected mainly through the influence of Simon Green and Justus

G. Richardson, and cost $1,200. Justus G. Richardson was the

first class leader.


In 1900 it was recarpeted and otherwise improved.


The class formed a part of the Laurens charge from its founda-

tion until 1859, when it was placed with Oneonta, where it re-

mained until 1863, and then returned to Laurens. Since 1883

it has held Quarterly Conference relations with Laurens, but its

pulpit has been supplied by Rev. Henry Gifford, a local preacher

who is now living at Oneonta, and who has been a member of the

society many years.


In 1870 the society was visited by an extensive revival.




1848, G. C. Elliott; 1849, G. C. Elliott, E. Dennison; 1850-51,

William Southworth; 1852-53, C. G. Robinson; 1854, D. C.

Dutcher; 1855-56, H. S. Richardson; 1857, Samuel M. Stone;



McClure, N. Y. 725


1858-59, L. Bowdish; 1860-61, R. Townsend; 1862-63, A. Griffin;

1864, L. E. Marvin; 1865-66, B. B. Carruth; 1867-69, J. W.

Mevis; 1870-72, H. N. Van Deusen; 1873-75, J- S. Southworth;

1876-77, B. P. Ripley; 1878, A. S. Clark; 1879-81, H. A. Blanch-

ard; 1882, A. F. Chaffee; 1883-84, E. B. Olmstead; 1885-86, H.

B. Benedict; 1887-89, D. Personeus; 1890, W. M. Shaw; 1891-

93, W. H. Alger; 1894, M. S. Buckingham; 1895-96, E. E. Pearce;

1897-99, G. G. McChesney; 1900-02, W. S. Adams; 1903, J. R.




McClure, N. Y.


The information secured concerning this charge is very meager

indeed. It is claimed that there was an appointment at Alexander

Hill, not far from the McClure church, as early as 1830, perhaps

earlier, and that the present society is the outgrowth of the class

formed there. The territory formed a part of the Lanesboro Cir-

cuit until it became a charge in 1851, and was known as the San-

ford charge until 1887, when it took the name of McClure.


A camp meeting was held at McClure Settlement in 1839 by

Rev. George Peck, at that time presiding elder on Susquehanna



On September 11, 1843, at a meeting over which P. G. Bridge-

man and Henry Bunker presided, the society became incorporated

as "The First Methodist Episcopal Church in the Town of San-

ford," and elected Henry Bunker, John W. Sheldon, Calvin Shel-