History of the United Evangelical Church
Author of Natural History of the Bible.
The Lord
has done great things for us,
whereof we
are glad. — Psalms cxxvi.3.
published by
Publishing House of the United Evangelical Church
Harrisburg, Penna.
Copyrighted in the year 1896
by the Board of Publication
of the
United Evangelical Church.
take no note of time
from its loss. To give it then a tongue
wise in man." — Young.
Almost a century has
passed by since the ecclesiastical foundations of the
Evangelical Association
were laid, and the hands that, under the Providence of
God, gathered the
materials, have long since been folded in death. Yea, even
the immediate successors
of our Church fathers are already growing old and fast
passing away. One by one
the few remaining links are being broken, and soon
our aged Evangelical
pilgrims, who in their youth came in contact with, and under
the influence of our
early pioneers, will also have joined the triumphant Evan-
gelical host beyond the
The Evangelical
Association has come to her present position through many
severe trials and
tribulations. No denomination originating in America has a
more interesting history
than our Evangelical Zion.
Although several
histories of the Association have been published, all excel-
lent in their way, it
has nevertheless been felt for many years that one of the
most interesting phases
of her history has been passed over too lightly by previous
authors. This deficiency
the author of this work has endeavored to supply in
the first part of this
volume, in the recovery of the names of early members and
preaching places, as
well as incidents connected with the establishment of the
work by our early
The publication of this
work is the consummation of a long and fondly
cherished desire of the
author. There are many things connected with it which
to him seem
providential. In early youth it was his good fortune to be a member
of several of the first
classes of the Association, in which were still found some of
the original members,
who had much to say about Albright and his co-laborers.
Many of these old people
had very clear and distinct recollections of the stirring
scenes of the olden
times. In course of time the knowledge thus gained was
reduced to notes,
without any regard to their connection with the history of the
Association. The accumulation
of so many interesting facts and incidents pertain-
ing to the olden time,
naturally found expression in a desire for their preservation
in a permanent form.
A circumstance very
remarkable and worthy of record, is the fact that so
many very aged people
kept alive and cherished in their memories the knowledge
of facts pertaining to
our early denominational history, in the hope of some day
communicating it to the
right person for publication. Some of these people
communicated important
matters to their children, and in this way many of the
facts here recorded were
Our older preachers
often expressed a desire that the names of the old
appointments and first
members might be recovered for the benefit of posterity,
before all the sources
of information should be forever closed. This desire the
author has endeavored to
meet in the publication of this work, which was under-
taken, as he firmly
believes, none too soon, seeing that most of the sources of
information from which
materials of the first part were gathered, have passed
away since the work was
commenced, and much of the matter could not again
be reproduced from the
sources now at command.
There are doubtless some
errors in this work, as may be expected in such a
vast mass of details,
embracing many hundreds of names and dates. Yet the
author confidently
believes that such errors are few in number. Neither pains
nor expense have been
spared to secure accuracy. Records in the state and
county archives have
been examined to ascertain facts, and to verify such as
were doubtful.
The oldest living
preachers of the Association co-operated with a zeal which
evinced their deep
interest in the work. Among them may be mentioned father
Joseph M. Saylor, who
entered the ministry in 1824, and was a contemporary
of some of the first
preachers of the Association. He not only furnished a large
amount of material, but
also reviewed a considerable portion of the copy pertain-
ing to the first
circuits. Father Francis Hoffman, who entered the ministry
in 1826, also did
considerable in the same line. To father Daniel Long (1835)
the author owes his
first knowledge of Albright's work in Bedford county, and
other important matters,
but while gathering fuller details for this work, he was
suddenly called to his
eternal reward. Father Joseph Harlacher (1832) also
rendered valuable
services. The recovery of the names of early preaching places
and members in Ohio is
largely due to fathers Lewis Einsel (1836), Daniel
Swartz (1835), Abraham
Loehner (1837), and Ch. Idleman. The latter
was one of the first
converts in northwestern Ohio. The four last named brethren
traveled in Ohio when
most of the appointments established by our first mission-
aries were still
maintained. A great many other brethren, both ministerial and
lay, co-operated
heartily in the preparation of this work, some going to great
pains to ascertain or
verify facts. Without their help this work could never have
been accomplished.
To the reader who is not
a member of the Evangelical Association it may
seem strange that so
much attention has been paid to the laity, and matters of
family history. This
feature finds its explanation in the following grounds: The
author holds that men
who were willing to come out from among the formal
churches and espouse the
cause of Evangelical truth in the face of bitter perse-
cution, and opened their
houses as preaching places, which often required great
sacrifices, deserve a
wider recognition than has been hitherto accorded them.
Another reason is the
fact that most of these old fathers became centers of
Evangelical influence. Their houses served as preaching places until churches
were built, and in many
cases they provided for the maintenance of public worship
at their homes after
their death. There are homesteads now in the Evangelical
Association where
preaching appointments have been maintained ever since the
days of the founder of
the Church; a period of almost one century.
A great many of the
first families of the Association were among the most
prominent in their
respective communities. This is contrary to a generally received
opinion. We have for
many years been misrepresented in this respect, and the
reproach has been laid
at our doors that our early members and adherents were
composed of the ignorant
classes and gathered from the humbler walks of life.
From a careful study of
this subject, we can assure the reader that this opinion
is an erroneous one, as
the following chapters will abundantly show. It required
no small degree of moral
courage for them to abandon the formal churches with
which they stood
connected. Many of them were officers in these churches, and
cases were not
infrequent in which their former pastors incited their parishioners
to violent measures to
prevent them from receiving the “false prophets,” as our
first preachers were
In this connection it
may be observed that most of the early conversions
were deep and powerful.
This assertion must not be understood as implying
that conversions now are
less genuine. The spiritual condition of the masses at
that time was at such a
low ebb, and such erroneous opinions respecting the
character of
experimental religion prevailed, that when people were thoroughly
converted to God, its
immediate effects upon the individual, as well as those with
whom he came in contact,
were far more powerful than at the present time.
The converts then were
especially drawn to God in prayer. They sometimes
gave pledges to each
other of special remembrance in prayer. When such per-
secution as they endured
is prevalent, it requires special grace to remain faithful.
Although denounced by
their formal pastors as heretics, and in many cases
disowned and
disinherited by parents and relatives, they held out well, and their
inspiring examples still
live among us to incite us to follow, as they did, the
footsteps of the Lord
Jesus, and ever reminding us that
the thorn road, and none other,
the mount of vision won."
The preparation of the
second and third parts of this book was less difficult,
as the sources of
information were more accessible. The works of Orwig,
Raidabaugh, Breyfogel
and Yeakel, and also the periodical literature of
the Church, were freely
consulted. To the many friends who have rendered
valuable aid, and above
all, to our dear Heavenly Father, who has blessed us with
health and the spirit of
perseverance for the successful accomplishment of our
arduous but agreeable
task, we give our most heartfelt thanks.
Berwick, Pa.
Containing an Account of
the Origin and Development
of the Evangelical
Association Through the Labors of
His Co-Laborers. Also
an Account of the Early
Preaching Places and of Prom-
inent Laymen.
8 [page 8 is blank]
The Pennsylvania Germans
— The Immigration to America.
Their Spiritual
Condition — Awakening Among Them.
Conversion of Jacob
Albright, and beginning of his
The Pennsylvania Germans.
The Evangelical Asso-
ciation, of North
America owes its origin, under the providence
of God, to the labors of
Rev. Jacob Albright and his co-laborers
among the Pennsylvania
Germans. As our early preachers labored
exclusively among this
people, and as they have a dialect, cus-
toms and traits of
character peculiarly their own, a brief history
of them seems proper in
this connection.
The Pennsylvania Germans
were mostly emigrants from the
Palatinate, or Lower
Rhinish provinces of Germany. Prior to
1702 very few Germans
had settled in Pennsylvania. The first
settlement by them was
made in 1683, when a small colony under
Pastorius founded
Germantown, now a part of Philadelphia.
This was the beginning
of one of the most remarkable emigrations
of modern times, chiefly
because such a large proportion of the
emigrants represented a
distinct division of the great Germanic
race. So large indeed
was this proportion, that it absorbed and
assimilated in a great
measure' all other racial elements with which
it came in contact, and
thus were laid in America the foundations
of a new and distinct
Germanic people, differing widely in many
respects from the
typical native of the Fatherland.
In this we see the
necessity for inquiring more minutely into
the circumstances which
led to this remarkable development.
The Huguenots. There is
no more eventful period in
modern history than the
close of the seventeenth century. Oct.
18, 1685, marked the
Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, by
Louis XIV. of France. In
1598 Henry IV. granted religious
tolerance to French
Protestants who were called Huguenots, and
by its revocation Louis
XIV. kindled anew the fires of persecu-
tion against them. He
deprived them of all exercise of their
religion, and tore their
children from them to be educated as
Catholics. He was very
ambitious of the fame that would attach
to the extirpation of
heresy from his dominions. Notwithstand-
ing his tyrannical
decree against the emigration of his unhappy
subjects, and the strict
guard on his borders, great multitudes
escaped the vigilance of
his guards and spies, and in a few years
over half a million of
the best and most intelligent people of the
nation had fled the
country, many thousands of whom in course
of time found a
congenial refuge on the shores of the New World,*
and many of their
descendants were among the first to open their
doors to Albright and
his co-laborers.
The Mennonites.
About this same time the Mennonites were
also bitterly
persecuted, especially in Switzerland, and thousands
fled to Holland and the
Lower Rhine provinces, and later came
to Pennsylvania. The
Mennonite emigration properly began in,
1709. In 1706, or 1707,
the Mennonites of the Canton of Bern,
Switzerland, sent
several agents to London to make arrangements
with William Penn for
the settlement of a large number of their
people in his province.*
Soon thereafter the envoys came direct
to Pennsylvania, and
after considerable exploration selected a
very fine tract of
10,000 acres on the north side of Pequea Creek,
now in Strasburgh
township, Lancaster county. The title was
perfected Oct. 10, 1710,
and the land divided according to
previous arrangement the
following April 27, 1711.*** In a few
decades thousands of
these conscientious and peaceable people
had found homes in
The Palatinates.
In 1688 Heidelberg was taken the sec-
ond time by the French
Papists and laid in ashes. Like the
Phoenix of old it arose
again from its ruins, only to be stormed
and destroyed again by
the same inveterate enemy in 1693.
The panic-stricken
inhabitants were compelled to flee from the
* Bancroft says the
United States are full of monuments of this Huguenot
** Col. Records iii. p.
*** Rupp's Hist. of
Lancaster county, p. 75.
relentless foe in the
darkness of the night. Manheim, Speyer
and Worms were also
pillaged and partly destroyed, and the whole
region was laid waste
and desolate by the wanton fury of the
The unfortunate
inhabitants were, however, induced to rebuild
their ruined homes again
under promise of religious freedom, and
immunity from taxes for
a certain length of time. In this they
were cruelly deceived by
their Elector, who doubtless acted on
the Papistical principle
then prevalent, that promises made to
heretics should not be
redeemed. Betrayed by their heartless
Elector, and despoiled
by their old enemy, the French, they were
well nigh driven to
Emigration to Pennsylvania.
Queen Ann of England
issued a proclamation in
1708, inviting the persecuted, long-
suffering Palatinates to
her dominion, and before the end of the
year nearly 12,000 of
them were quartered in warehouses and
tents in London and
vicinity. Stripped of all their earthly
possessions they were
very poor, and were supported by the gov-
ernment and the
munificent charity of the queen.
The presence of so many
thousand indigent foreigners became
a serious burden to
England, and plans were devised to transport
them to the Provinces.
In the summer of 1710 about 3,000 who
had lived on the bounty
of Queen Ann, were shipped to New
York. One large party,
under Rev. Kocherthal, settled at
Schoharie, New York.
Trouble, however, arose, and the Ger-
mans became
dissatisfied, many gradually working their way to
Pennsylvania, and were
the first Palatinates in the province.
Their dissatisfaction
soon became known to their kindred in
Europe, and thereafter
New York was shunned by them. In
1723 the proprietaries
of New York invalidated the titles of the
Schoharie settlers and
they came to Pennsylvania that same winter,
suffering incredible
hardships in traveling through the wilderness.
In this company was the
famous Conrad Weiser, afterwards
Colonial Indian agent
and interpreter. This colony settled on
the Tulpehocken, fifteen
miles northwest of Reading, Pa.
While the English
emigration was comparatively insignifi-
cant, the Germans from
the Lowlands and the war -scourged
Palatinate poured into
the province at a rapid rate. James
Logan, provincial
secretary, wrote the proprietor in 1717, "We
have of late a great
number of Palatinates pouring in upon us
without any
recommendation or notice, which gives the country
some uneasiness, for
foreigners do not so well among us as our
own English
people." Two years later Jonathan Dickinson
wrote, "We are
daily expecting ships from London which bring
over Palatinates in
number six or seven thousand." In 1717
Gov. Keith appeared
before the Colonial Council with a state-
ment that great numbers
of foreigners from Germany, who were
strangers to the
language and customs, were dispersing themselves
immediately after
landing, "without producing certificates from
whence they came, or
what they are," etc. This was considered
dangerous to the colony,
and led to the adoption of a measure
which has preserved the
names of upwards of 30,000 male emi-
grants, (Germans), as
all males sixteen years old and upwards
were thereafter
compelled to subscribe to an oath, or article of
allegiance to the
English government and obedience to the Colo-
nial authorities. This
was equivalent to the naturalization of the
present day. The lists
containing these names are among the
most precious treasures
in the archives of the Commonwealth.
In 1727 no less than six
vessels arrived in Philadelphia, well
laden with Palatinates,
followed in 1728 by three more vessels, and
the same number in 1729.
The Palatine emigration, however,
was unprecedented from
1730 to 1740, as no less than sixty-five
ship-loads arrived. In
1730 the region west of the Susquehanna
river was opened to
settlement, and what are now York and
Adams counties were soon
filled up with Germans. Thousands
also mingled with the
Scotch Irish in the fertile Cumberland
Valley, and many
Palatine settlements were made in Maryland
and in the Shenandoah
Valley, in Virginia, as far south as Shen-
andoah and Rockbridge
counties. "When George Washington
and others were
surveying lands in that part of Virginia in April,
1748, they were attended
by a great company of people, men,
women and children, who
followed them through the woods. They
would never speak
English, but when spoken to would always
speak Dutch"*
(German). In 1742 the Germans of Pennsylva-
nia were estimated to
number 100,000,** and in many sections
formed fully nine-tenths
of the inhabitants. After the treaty of
Fort Stanwix, Nov. 5,
1758, the rich and fertile valleys of the
west and northwest were
penetrated by the Germans, and some
extensive settlements
were made by them west of the main ridge
of the Allegheny
mountains, prior to the war of the Revolution.
* Sparks' Washington,
Vol. ii. 418.
** Horn's History of
Lehigh Co., p. 23.
Their Language.
The language spoken by the Pennsyl-
vania Germans is a
slight variation of the soft and beautiful dialect
still prevailing in the
Palatinate (German "Pfaltz"). This dia-
lect in America retains
its grammatical forms, but has acquired
some additional
idiomatic features, and a curious intermixture'
of English words which
have been adapted to it. As a dialect
it holds a place between
High and Low German. By many it is
supposed that
"Pennsylvania Dutch" is merely a corrupt German
and English. The reader
will see that this is not the case. As
originally spoken it is
one of the finest and softest dialects of the
great Teutonic tongue.
Some fine works have been published in
this dialect, notably
those of Rev. H. Harbaugh, Prof. Horn,
and Henry Fisher, Esq.
Their Religious Condition.
The German emigration to
Pennsylvania, as already
indicated, was mainly the result of relig-
ious intolerance in the
Fatherland. The co-religionists generally
settled together. The
Mennonites and Dunkards mostly located
in Lancaster county. The
Schwenkfelders, most of whom arrived
in 1734,* settled in a
section now embraced in Berks, Lehigh and
Montgomery counties. The
Moravians, under the patronage of
Count Zinzendorf,**
settled in the Lehigh Valley, in 1741, and
founded the towns of
Bethlehem and Nazareth. The Lutherans
and Reformed, who were
mostly Palatinates, and formed the bulk
of emigrants, spread
themselves more generally over the country.
Strange as it may seem,
the strong tide of religious feeling
which led to this influx
of Germans seems to have subsided in a
great measure soon after
their establishment here. Their new
surroundings may have
contributed to this condition. It became
a hand-to-hand struggle
for subsistence. For more than a quar-
ter of a century they
had no pastors, and religious training was
woefully neglected. This
statement has particular reference to
the Palatinates.
* They came in the ship
St. Andrew, Sept. 12, 1734 (Col. Records iii. 568).
Among them were the
Yeakels, Schuberts, Huebners, Kribels, Hoffmans.
** Nikolaus Ludwig
(Count Von Zinzendorf). Born 1700, died 1760. A
German nobleman of deep
piety. He espoused the faith of the Moravians,
who were then reduced to
a mere handful through the religious persecutions then
prevalent. He invited
them to settle on his estates, which they did, and founded
the town of Herrnhut. Z.
was made a minister and bishop of the reorganized
church, and thereafter
was its leader until his death. He established numerous
Moravian colonies. He
was the author of more than one hundred works in
prose and poetry.
Although there were some
congregations formed as early as
1735, still the great
mass of the people were strangers to the
sanctuary. In 1742 the
noted Lutheran divine, Henry Melchior
Muhlenberg,* was sent
from the Fatherland to look after the
spiritual interests of
the Lutherans in Pennsylvania. He found
the spiritual condition
of his countrymen most deplorable, and in
letters published in the
Halliche Nachrichten, describes their
dition in a vivid
manner. In 1746 Rev. Michael Schlatter,**
a Reformed minister from
Switzerland, came to Pennsylvania
on a similar mission.
His communications to the home church
convey the same sad
story of spiritual decline. In 1752 there
were but sixteen
Reformed congregations, having regular pastors,
in a Reformed population
of thirty thousand souls.
The war of the
Revolution likewise had a demoralizing effect
on the Pennsylvania
Germans. Intemperance, especially, became
alarmingly prevalent
among them. Their pastors seldom raised
a hand to stem this
rising tide of evil. Many of the clergy con-
doned the use of ardent
spirits and, alas, in many instances were
themselves openly
intemperate. This was overlooked by their
people, who regarded it
as only a "Fehler" (an infirmity) in
their preacher, about
which it was best not to say anything.
Beginnings of Religious Revival. It is gratifying to
know that the darkness
and spiritual ignorance of this period was
relieved by many burning
and shining lights. Signs of promise
multiplied, and
harbingers of better days everywhere appeared.
While we would not
disparage the influence of the great Wesleyan
revival in England, and
its spread in America through the preaching
of that man of God,
George Whitefield, still it is a remarkable
•fact that many
conversions of prominent men were brought about
spontaneously, a
considerable number of the ministry and laity
in nearly all
denominations professing conversion, and becoming-
* Heinrich Melchior
Muhlenberg, D. D. Born at Einbeck, Germany,
1711, died 1787. A
distinguished German divine. He was sent by the Univer-
sity of Halle to
organize and promote the interests of the Lutheran Church in
America. He is justly
regarded as the founder of the church in America. Several
of his sons became men
of great distinction. Muhlenberg and his sons were
great patriots during
the war of the Revolution.
** Rev. Michael
Schlatter. Born in Switzerland 1716, died 1790. Edu-
cated at St. Gall. Sent
by the synods of Holland 'to organize the Reformed
Church in Pennsylvania.
In 1751 he went to Europe and secured six missionaries,
with whom he returned to
Pennsylvania. He was a patriot in the war of the
Revolution, for which he
was imprisoned by the British.
dissatisfied with the
cold and formal worship of the times. This
was the state of affairs
about the close of the Revolutionary War.
Among those who cried
aloud and spared not, was the Men-
nonite preacher, Martin
Boehm.* He was brought to see his
own unconverted state,
and after experiencing God's saving grace
in his own heart, he
became a strong advocate and forcible
expounder of
experimental religion in his church. His fearless
denunciation of sin and
his views on experimental religion were
so radical as to
constitute a great gap between him and his corelig-
ionists. The spirit of
toleration was then almost unknown, and
Boehm was excluded from
the Mennonite Church. His influence,
however, was felt
powerfully among the people of that denomi-
nation, and contributed
in a marked degree to preparing the way
for the great success of
later evangelists.
A well defined movement
was also about this time noticeable
in the Reformed Church.
William Otterbein,** one of the
prominent preachers of
that church, began to preach Evangelical
repentance and
conversion in a very forcible manner, and made
profound impressions.
George Adam Guething [Geeting], John G.
Phruemer [Pfrimmer], and
Anthony Hautz, all of the Reformed Church,
became earnest preachers
of repentance and conversion. The
two former associated
themselves with Otterbein and Boehm,
and became prominent
ministers of the United Brethren Church.
Mention should also be
made of John Neidig, of Dauphin county,
Felix Licht [Light], of
Lebanon county, and Christian Newcomer.***
* Rev. Martin Boehm was
born in Lancaster county, Pa. in 1725. He
became a Mennonite
preacher in 1756. Five or six years later he was excluded
from that denomination,
"for holding fellowship with other societies of a
language." Thereafter he was an active co-worker in the Evangelical
movement of the times,
and became one of the founders of the United Brethren
in Christ, of which
church he was made a bishop in 1800. After a long life of
signal usefulness, he
died in Shenandoah Valley, Va., in 1812.
** Philip William
Otterbein. Born in Germany 1726, died in Baltimore,
Md., 1813. Was one of
the Reformed missionaries sent by the Holland Synod to
America in 1752. Became
pastor of a Reformed Church at Lancaster, Pa., and
later at Baltimore, Md.
Many revivals and conversions followed his preaching.
He was associated with
Martin Boehm, and through their labors the movement
which resulted in the
formation of the United Brethren Church was brought about.
*** Rev. Christian
Newcomer, whose name occurs prominently in this
work, was a son of
Wolfgang Newcomer, and was born in Lancaster county,
Pa., 1749. He began to
preach in 1787, and was a member of the first United
Brethren Conference in
1789. He was elected as bishop of that denomination
in 1818. He labored with
great zeal in that capacity until March 12, 1830, when
he died at his home near
Hagerstown, Md.
Separation from the Old Churches. We have now out-
lined the beginning of
the Reformation among the Pennsylvania
Germans. The churches
for the most part being closed against
these men of God, they
were compelled to preach in houses and
barns and on the
streets. Hundreds of people opened their houses
as regular preaching
places. There was, however, a strong aver-
sion on the part of many
against leaving the old churches where
they had rendered their
confirmation vows. Many of the laity
were excluded from the
churches for following after or abetting
the so-called
"heretics," but the churches soon discovered that
thereby they excluded
their best, their fraying people, and were
glad enough to retain them
if possible. Many of these preach-
ing places were open to
all preachers who were approved and
converted 'men of God.
Bishop Newcomer's journal reveals the
fact that he frequently
preached at the houses of persons who
had connected themselves
with Albright's society, and the same
is probably true of
nearly all the "New Measure" preachers of
that day. Therefore it
follows that because some prominent
member of the old
churches opened his house as a regular preach-
ing place, we must not
at once conclude that he left his church.
The converted people of
the various churches often met as an
unorganized society — if
such an expression is allowable — calling
"Brethren." Later they became "The United Breth-
ren." Still later,
when the number of those professing conversion
was considerable, it
became quite common to speak of them as
a class, as "die
bekehrte Lent" (the converted people), and the
adherents of the old
churches as "die Kirche lent" (the church
While it is an undeniable
fact that the spirit of sectarianism is
an evil in the Christian
church, it is also true that the lack of
organization and
administrative powers is an evil equally deplor-
able. At first view
there is something noble in the thought of
coming out and standing
aloof from a cold and dead church, and
seeking the genial
warmth of true devotion burning on other altars,
but this spirit of
independence and non-allegiance to church
organization is found to
be an evil in practice. It weakens the
incentives to support
the cause of the church, her ministry, her
ordinances and her work.
This fact soon became apparent to
the many gospel workers
of the various denominations who for
several years had
labored independently of the denominations
with which they were
formally connected. In 1789 a number
of them, under the
leadership of Boehm, Otterbein, and others,
connected themselves
together under the name of "The United
Brethren in
Christ." It does not seem that a separate church
organization was at
first contemplated, but the hostility of the
old church against this
movement drew the converted ministry
and laity more closely
together, which necessarily developed into
organization. A large number, however, remained
independent of any
A remarkable incident
relating to this subject is worthy of
record. In the early
ministry of John Seybert, (afterwards
bishop,) he had an
extensive revival near the Black Oak Hill,
Lebanon county, Pa., at
a meeting held at the house of Joseph
Kreider,* at which the noted
Felix Licht, was present. Licht
had been a prominent
Mennonite, but after his conversion he,
with many others, stood
aloof from churches. Seybert urged
the converts to hold
together, and showed the necessity and advan-
tages of organization.
Licht astonished the assembly by arising
and contradicting the
advice of Seybert and spoke against the
formation of a class, to
which little attention was paid.
Rise of the Evangelical Association. In the religious
movements which we have
outlined, the Evangelical Association
also took its rise. The
establishment of our Zion was not the
result of disruption, or
secession from any of the old denomina-
tions. Neither is it the
result of a difference in faith or church
polity, but it
represents, as its name indicates, a revival of the
evangelical or spiritual
element, which existed only in the creeds,
but not in the practice
of the German churches of that day.
Herein we see her
standpoint and distinctive features as a church.
Should the Evangelical
Association ever lose sight of the funda-
mental principles of her
existence, namely, the conversion of
sinners to Christ and
the building up of God's people in true
holiness of heart, then
may it be truthfully said, there is no apol-
ogy for her existence.
That such a stage should ever be reached,
may God forbid!
The Evangelical
Association has no connection whatever with
any of the more recently
established churches in America. Her
origin and development
were entirely independent of them all.
Her's was a growth by
accretion, brought about by instrumental-
ities of her own, which
were blessed and owned of God in the
•Near Palmyra, Pa. He
died in 1878, aged eighty-four years. His place
was for many years an
important point.
conversion of souls. We
have already seen how for some time
the new measure
preachers labored side by side without formal
organization, and with
them the founder of the Evangelical Asso-
ciation. But in its
organization and subsequent development
there does not seem to
have been much material except that which
Jacob Albright and his
co-laborers could properly call their own.
This of course has
reference to the fruits of their labors. Most
of the members of the
original classes were the spiritual children
of Albright and his
assistants, as will appear to every candid
reader of the subsequent
details of their labors in this work.
Conversion of Albright.
In 1790 Jacob Albright, who
then lived in West
Cocalico township, Lancaster county, Pa.,
lost several of his
children by death. On the occasion of their
burial Rev. Anthony
Hautz,* a Reformed minister already
referred to, officiated.
The word spoken had the effect of bringing
Albright into a penitent
condition. He failed, however, to find
peace, and after many
months of prayerful seeking he was brought
to the verge of despair.
Not very far from him lived a minister
named Adam Riegel, who,
like many others of his day, stood
independent of the
churches. To this man Albright went for
counsel and help after
having been in the deepest spiritual distress
for over a year. The Sun
of Righteousness then arose upon him
with healing in his
wings, and he was converted in the house of
Riegel, in 1792, and
together they subsequently enjoyed many
happy hours in Christian
communion and devotion.
We have already noticed
the aversion of the early German
converts to a separate
church organization, a feeling in which
Albright did not share.
He felt the need of a church home in
which he could serve God
according to his new light and experi-
ence. He therefore
united with the Methodist Episcopal Church,
a class of which had
been established in his locality. This, on
the whole, maybe
regarded as a fortunate circumstance, inasmuch
as he found not only
congenial Christian fellowship, but also
opportunities for the
free exercise of the gifts with which he was
* Rev. Anthony Hautz, a
deeply spiritual Reformed minister and faithful
preacher of experimental
religion was licensed as a Reformed preacher in 1787,
was a co-worker with the
independent brethren, but never withdrew from his
church. Because he
advocated the "New Measures” he came in conflict with
his conservative
parishioners, and changed charges a number of times; finally he
removed, in 1804, to the
state of New York. Here he died in Groton township,
Tompkins county, in
1830, at an advanced age.
naturally endowed.
Although a German, so well did his Metho-
dist brethren think of
Albright that they granted him license as
an exhorter. After
laboring in this capacity for some time, he
felt the inward call to
the holy ministry. The difficulties in the
way, however, seemed
insurmountable. The church with which
he was connected was
English in language, while the people with
whom his labors as a
minister could be successful, were German.
After much fasting and
prayer, he finally determined to enter the
gospel field as an
independent evangelist, and labor among his
German countrymen, in
the full belief that God had called him
to this work, and would
open the way for him. Albright never
withdrew from the
Methodist Church, neither was he excluded.
His membership simply
lapsed when his sphere of usefulness was
enlarged from the
exhorter to the itinerant preacher.
Beginning of Albright's Ministry. In 1796 Albright
started on his first
evangelistic tour, which, as he himself says,
embraced, a portion of
Maryland and Virginia and the interior of
Pennsylvania. The first
definite account we have of his labors
refers to October of
this same year, when he preached at the mar-
ket house at
Shafferstown, Lebanon county, Pa., on the occasion
of the dedication of the
new Reformed Church at that place.
It is exceedingly
difficult to gain definite information of his early
labors, for the reason
already advanced, that he doubtless preached
at many places where all
godly ministers were alike welcome.
The first tangible
results of his work, so far as we know, appear
in the eastern part of
Berks county, near the Colebrookdale iron
works. Here he preached
at Samuel Liesser's, and Abraham
and Joseph Buchwalter's.
At Quakertown, Bucks county,
eighteen miles northeast
of this, he preached at Peter Walter's
and Charles Bissey's. In
Penn township, Schuylkill county,
he preached regularly at
Leonhart Zimmerman's. In North-
ampton county, along the
Blue mountains, he preached at the
houses of George
Phillips and his sons, Conrad and Jacob, and
Jacob Riedy. In what is
now Lebanon county, near Jonestown,
he preached at the house
of Ludwig Zehring. At the foregoing
places he preached prior
to 1800. The persons named, with their
families, were his first
fruits in the ministry, and loved him as
their spiritual father.
As the number of the converts through
his ministry increased,
he clearly saw the necessity of organizing
them into classes. This
he did in 1800, when his adherents num-
bered about twenty.
The first class was
formed on the Ridge, three miles east of
Quakertown, Bucks
county, and consisted of Charles Bissey
and wife, and Peter
Walter with his wife and family. Peter
Walter was the leader of
the class. The second class was formed
about twenty miles
southwest, at the Colebrookdale iron works,
in Berks county, and
consisted of Samuel Liesser, his wife and
several children,
Abraham Buchwalter and wife, and Joseph
Buchwalter and wife.
Samuel Liesser was leader. The third
class was formed along
the Blue mountains, in Hamilton town-
ship, Northampton
county, and consisted of father George
Phillips and his two
sons, Conrad and Jacob, and their wives,
Jacob Riedy and wife,
Phillip Miller and wife, and Barbara
Hecht. Conrad Phillips
was leader.
First Co-laborers of Albright. After laboring alone in
the vineyard for a
period of about five years, the Lord gave his
servant, Jacob Albright,
an assistant, in the person of John
Walter, son of Peter
Walter, the first class-leader. This
young man entered the
Evangelical work in 1802, and became
noted for his untiring
zeal and powerful eloquence. From his
biography and the
numerous references to him in this work, the
reader will perceive
that he was a man of brilliant talents whose
oratorical powers have
never been excelled in the history of the
Association. The
following year, 1803, another young brother
entered the work. This
was Abraham Liesser, son of father
Samuel Liesser, of
Colebrookdale, Berks county. He was a
young man of mild and
quiet disposition, zealously devoted to
the saving of souls, but
does not seem to have possessed a strong
bodily constitution. In
1805 he broke down altogether and died
the same year. In 1804
Alexander Jemison, of Lancaster
county, entered the active
work. The following year, however,
he located, after which
but very little is known of him. In 1805
George Miller entered
the itinerancy and eventually became
the leader of the
Association. In 1806 the number was not
increased. In 1807 John
Dreisbach, of Buffalo Valley, in Union
county, and Jacob Frey,
of Middle Creek Valley, in (now)
Snyder county, entered
the work. The former became in course
of time the leading man
of the church. John Erb, of Conestoga,
Lancaster county, began
to preach in Albright's time, was
received on trial in
1808, and became a very useful man* The
foregoing brethren
entered the ministry under the supervision
of the founder of the
Of local preachers of
this period it is doubtful whether all the
names of those who
exercised the office, and were recognized as
such, can be definitely
ascertained. Several of the names given
below do not appear on
the records of the church, but of their
license as local
preachers there is no doubt. In 1806 the office
of local preacher was established
in the society. The first to be
received were the
following: Charles Bissey, of Quakertown,
Bucks county; Jacob
Phillips, of Northampton county, and
Solomon Miller, brother
of Rev. George Miller. The great
revival on the new
circuit, in 1806, almost doubled the mem-
bership of the society.
The number of local preachers was also
increased as follows: In
1807 Christopher Spangler accom-
panied John Dreisbach to
attend the first conference of the
church. Spangler, at
this conference, received license to
preach,* and for half a
century was a pillar in the church. John
Thomas, Jr., of Mifflin
county (died in Wayne county, O., 1837),
whose license was given
him by Albright.** Christian Wolf,
of Derrstown (now
Lewisburg, Union county), who removed
to Seneca county, New
York, 1807, and died 1833. Besides the
above, mention should
also be made of Michael Maize and
Henry Niebel, of Dry
Valley, Union county, and Matthias
Betz, of Millheim,
Centre county. These brethren without doubt
began to preach in
Albright's time, Niebel and Betz entering
the active work
immediately after the founder's death (1808).
Biographies of nearly
all the co-workers of Albright will be
found in subsequent
chapters. They were men of untiring zeal,
and willing to endure
hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ
(II. Tim. ii. 3). Amid
many privations and disappointments
they laid the
foundations of our Evangelical Zion.
Pentecostal Meeting.
The first meeting of Albright and
his adherents, of which
we have any knowledge, was held when
he had but four male
followers, of whom Charles Bissey*** was
one. The names of the
others are not known. The place and
time of the meeting are
also unknown, but the time must have
been soon after he began
his ministry. The object was to seek
a closer union with God,
and to pray together for the power of
* Letter of Dreisbach in
"Chr. Botschafter," 1843,
P. 189.
** Orwig's History of
the Ev. Association, p. 219.
*** This fact was given
in a historical address at the General Conference at
Allentown, Pa., in 1883,
by Rev. Henry Stetzel, who had obtained his infor-
mation from Charles
the Holy Ghost. The Lord
blessed them in a wonderful manner,
and the meeting no doubt
proved a great encouragement to
Albright and his little
First General Assembly.
After Albright had labored
in the gospel ministry
about six years, it was felt necessary to give
a more definite and formal
recognition of his call and work.
Hence a general Council
Assembly was called, which met Nov. 3,
1803, at Samuel
Liesser's.* Besides Albright and his two
assistants, John Walter
and Abraham Liesser, there were pres-
ent the following
brethren: Jacob Phillips, George Miller,
Carl Bissey, Conrad
Phillips, John Brobst, Solomon W.
Frederick, Chr. Brobst,
George Phillips, Michael Brobst,
Samuel Liesser, Peter
Walter, Adam Miller, Jacob Riedy
and Solomon Miller. This
assembly transacted the following
important business:
1. An ecclesiastical
organization was effected by the adoption
of the Holy Scriptures
as the guide and rule of faith.
2. Jacob Albright was
declared to be a minister of the gos-
pel in the full sense of
the term and recognized as their spiritual
father and teacher.
3. He was solemnly
ordained as such by the laying on of hands;
4. And was given a
license or commission, of which the fol-
lowing is a close
"From the Elders
and Brethren of His Society of Evangelical Friends.
We, the undersigned
Evangelical and Christian friends, declare and recog-
nize Jacob Albright as a
genuine (Wahrhaftigen) Evangelical preacher, in
word and deed, and a
believer in the Universal Christian Church and the commun-
ion of saints. This
testify we as brethren and elders of his society (Gemeinde).
Given in the State of
Pennsylvania Nov. 5, 1803.”
The document was signed
by Albright's two colleagues,
Walter and Liesser, and
the fourteen laymen mentioned.
Second Assembly.
Some time between 1805 and 1807
another council was held
in the house of George Becker, of the
Muehlbach. Of this
meeting there is no record whatever; but that
it was held, is
substantiated by the testimony of two daughters of
George Becker who were
present, namely, Mrs. Gockley and
Mrs. Catharine
Klinefelter, the wife of Rev. John Kline-
felter. Some time prior
to their death they made definite
statements relative to
the assembly, Mrs. Gockley especially
* This statement of the place is according to the testimony of John
having a vivid
recollection of it. Mother Elizabeth Stump, a
daughter of Samuel
Becker, in whose house the first conference
was held in 1807,
related to the author that she frequently heard
her relatives, including
her uncle, George Becker, speak of the
council at the house of
the latter.
First Conference.
The first regular conference was held
in November, 1807, at
the house of Samuel Becker, on the
Muehlbach, Lebanon
county, a few miles east of Schaefferstown.
With this conference the
official history of the Association prop-
erly begins.
An Account of the First
Field of Labor, Commonly Called
"Schuylkill and
Lancaster Circuit" — Its Preaching
Places and Classes as
Established by Rev. Jacob Al-
bright and His
Co-Laborers, with Copious Biographical
We have already in a
previous chapter noted the beginning
of Jacob Albright's
ministry. In this chapter we will seek to
give a description of
the first field of labor, with an account of
its preaching places,
and the noble families who, in the face of
great persecution,
opened their homes to the founder of the
church and his
co-laborers. In doing this it will, however, be
impossible to follow the
work in the order of its establishment,
as that plan would
necessitate a frequent recurrence to the same
locality. The number of
preaching places on the old circuit,
prior to Albright's
death (1808), was upwards of sixty. In
their enumeration We
deem it proper to begin with the locality in
which the first class
was organized.
Bucks County. On the
rocky ridge, about three miles east
of Quakertown, Bucks
county, Albright was received by Peter
Walter and Carl Bissey.
Peter Walter, who lived
in Rockland township, three miles
east of Quakertown, was
the father of a large family, nearly all
of whom were grown when
Albright first visited them, and so far
as can be ascertained,
Walter was one of the very first to asso-
ciate himself with
Albright. In the year 1800, when Albright
decided to organize his
spiritual children into classes, he began
here, and father Walter
was made leader of the first class of the
Evangelical Association.
In the year 1805 he and his entire
family removed to the
Swatara Creek, near Jonestown (now),
Lebanon county. In that
connection the reader will find a
further account of him
and his family.
Carl Bissey, of Richland
township, lived three miles north of
Walter, and was also one
of the first adherents, and was promi-
nent in the early days
of the society. He was present at the
council assembly of
1803, and became one of the first local
preachers of the church.
In this capacity he rendered good
service until his death,
Oct. 20, 1847, at the age of seventy-
five years.
Northampton County.
Along the southern slope of the
Blue Mountains, in
Hamilton township, Northampton county,
was organized the third
class of the Evangelical Association in
the year 1800. The first
to open their houses to Albright as
preaching places, prior
to the organization of the class, were
father George Phillips
and his sons, Conrad and Jacob, Jacob
Riedy and Adam Miller,
all of whom were present at the Gen-
eral Assembly of 1803.
The following were the members of the
class: Father George
Phillips and wife, Conrad Phillips and
wife, Jacob Phillips and
wife, Peter and Jacob Riedy and
their wives, Philip
Miller and wife, Adam Miller and wife
and Barbara Hecht.
Conrad Phillips was the class leader.
In the fall of 1802
Jacob Albright held the third general
meeting of the society
at Conrad Phillips', and was assisted by
John Walter, his first
fruits for the ministry. This meeting
was attended by George
and Solomon Miller, who at this time
publicly identified
themselves with the work of Albright, and
soon became very
efficient instruments in the establishment and
promotion of the
Jacob Phillips became
one of the first local preachers of the
society. He died in the
prime of life, in 1809.
In 1811 Conrad Phillips
removed to Dry Valley, in Union
county, where his house
became a prominent preaching place.
Here he died in 1816,
and his aged father, who had removed
with him, died in 1822.
Adam Miller was one of
the first converts under Albright
Note. — Catharine Hecht
died in 1808, leaving a bequest of $100 to the
society, which was the
first it received. This was considered a large amount at
that time, and was added
to the fund for the support of the preachers.
in Northampton county.
In the early part of the century he
removed to Crawford
county, O., where he died in 1848, aged
eighty-one years.
Berks County. At the
Colebrookdale iron works near the
eastern line of Berks
county, Rev. Jacob Albright found some
open doors in the very
beginning of his ministry, and here formed
his second class in
1800. The men who received him and opened
their houses as
preaching places were the following: Samuel
Liesser, who with his
family was converted through the labors
of Albright and became
the leader of the class that bore his
name. His son Abraham
became Albright's second assistant
in 1803. Father Liesser
was widely known as a man of exem-
plary piety. At his
house Albright held his first "general
meeting"* in June
1802. Brother Liesser died in the early part
of the century. His wife
Anna died in 1838, at the ripe age of
eighty-two years.
Abraham** and Joseph
Buchwalter and their families also
became adherents of
Albright. They were Mennonites in faith
but became dissatisfied
with the cold and formal worship of their
society, and cast their
lot with the persecuted "converted peo-
ple." The
Buchwalters were men of deep piety and sterling
worth, and quite
prominent in the community. In 1820 they
removed to Ross county,
O., where they were among the first to
receive the Evangelical
preachers. John Buchwalter, a son
of Abraham, married to a
sister of Rev. John Dreisbach, also
removed to Ross county
in 1827, and his house was for years a
preaching place.
In Albany township,
almost surrounded by the Blue Moun-
tains, lived a very
wealthy man named Michael Brobst. He
was an iron master, and
his furnace and two forges stood in the
very heart of the
valley. His landed possessions comprised over
10,000 acres. About the
year 1800 his daughters, Magdalena
and Maria, married
George and Solomon Miller respectively.
* "General
meetings" were meetings held at irregular intervals in various
'parts of the society.
They usually began on Saturday, and continued over the
Sabbath. As the work
became more established, these meetings gave way to
the "quarterly
** Abraham Buchwalter
was born in Berks county, Pa., 1761, and died in
Ross county, O., 1837.
Barbara, his wife, born 1764, died in Ross county, O.,
1868, aged 102 years.
Their son John, who served 1812 in the ministry, born
1787, died 1872. His
wife Susanna (Dreisbach) born 1793, died 1881. Joseph
Buchwalter, born 1767,
died 1838.
The Millers, with their
wives, were soon afterwards converted
through the labors of
Jacob Albright, which greatly incensed
Mr. Brobst, who was a
strict adherent of the old churches.
Soon after the
conversion of the Millers the three sons of
Brobst were also
converted. Circumstances point to father
Zimmerman's house as the
place of their conversion. Their
names were John, Michael
and Christian. They were all pres-
ent at the Council
Assembly of 1803, and their names are on the
instrument declaring
Albright a gospel minister. Of Christian
nothing can be learned,
and it is probable that he died prior to
his father. John and
Michael lived on the estate and were con-
nected with the business
of their father, and at his death inherited
the vast estate, but
through circumstances not necessary to detail
here, lost their
possessions in after years. The homes of John
,and Michael were
regular preaching places for Albright and
his co-workers from
1803. The home of John is especially
worthy of note from the
fact that here at a general meeting, held
on Easter day, 1808,
Albright stationed his preachers for the
last time.
Northwest of Reading,
along the Tulpehocken, Albright
and co-laborers found
entrance at an early day. The home of
father Peter Dundore was
the chief preaching place. A class
was formed here in 1806.
In 1809 an extensive revival occurred
in this region and a
considerable ingathering took place. Among
the converts at this
time were George Lantz,w1io entered the min-
istry in 1820, and Lewis
Henkey, who became a local preacher
in 1828. Later he
removed to Summit county, O., where he
was an Evangelical
pioneer, and where he died in 1873, aged
83 years. The Miesse
family were also members on the Tulpe-
hocken, and later
removed to Ohio, where they became strong
supporters of the work,
and some of the younger members later
became ministers.
About 1823 the
Evangelical preachers were received by John
Tobias, Sr., and his
wife, Mary Elizabeth, who lived on the
Tulpehocken, about six
miles from Reading. A great revival
began here in this year,
and many souls were converted at his
house, among whom were
his sons, John, Jr., Benjamin, Peter,
Abraham, David, Samuel,
Daniel and Henry, who in later
years became pillars in
the church. In 1832 father Tobias
removed to a locality
six miles north of Circleville, O., where
the family again
received the preachers and were instrumental in
the establishment of a
church. Here father Tobias died Aug.
23, 1847, aged
seventy-eight years, three months and fourteen
days. His last words
were, "I know that my Redeemer liveth."
Mother Tobias survived a
number of years. In course of time
most of the sons removed
to Illinois. Samuel entered the min-
istry in 1826, preached
many years in Pennsylvania and Illinois,
and died at Naperville,
Ill., in 1890. Daniel entered the min-
istry in 1833 and died
the following year while serving Wooster
circuit. David was a
local preacher. Of grandsons the following
entered the ministry:
Benjamin Franklin, son of Benjamin,
died in the ministry of
the Ohio Conference; Simon A. and L.
B., sons of John Jr.,
entered the Illinois Conference, and J. H.,
a son of Peter, is a
prominent member of the Kansas Conference.
In Bern township, along
the southern slope of the Blue
Mountains, in Berks
county, Albright and his associates gained
entrance prior to 1805,
and a class was formed here about this
year. The preaching
places were at father Levergood's, Val-
entine Brobst's, John
Miller, Sr.'s (see Miller family), and
father Jacob Kline's.
The latter resided about four miles west
of Shoemakersville. All
the foregoing were men of means and
high standing in their
respective communities. They had been
connected with the old
churches, and when they opened their
houses as preaching
places for the expounders of Evangelical
truth, they became the
objects of ridicule and persecution, yet
they stood like pillars
of light in that region of moral darkness.
Camp-meetings were held
at father Levergood's at an early day.
In later times the
families of Earnst and Loose became strong
pillars in this section.
Near the gap where the
Schuylkill River forces its way through
the Blue Mountains, is
the town of Hamburgh. Here Albright
was entertained by a
merchant named Diehl. In 1801, when
passing through, he
asked permission of Diehl to preach at his
house, but the latter
said it was hardly a suitable time, as there
was a "frolic"
in progress at the tavern not far away. A mill
stood in close proximity
to the tavern, at the front of which was
a worn-out millstone.
Albright obtained permission from the
proprietor to mount the
stone and preach. A multitude soon
gathered, to whom he
delivered a heart-searching address. As it
had the effect of
breaking up the frolic, the tavern-keeper became
incensed at Albright and
attempted to punish him with a whip.
George Miller, who a few
years later was converted and became
a co-laborer with
Albright, was at this time engaged in working
at the mill, and
received impressions which came to an early
Some time later Albright
and his co-laborers began to preach
in a small school-house
in the town, but because of opposition the
work made but little
progress for years.
A Wayside Meeting.
In 1812 an officer who had died in
the war with England
then in progress, was brought to his home
in Hamburg for
interment. To this funeral, which was attended
with considerable
demonstrations, Mrs. Saylor, of Orwigsburg,
came, accompanied by her
son, Joseph M. Saylor, who was
then a boy of nine years
of age. The town was full of people
who had come to witness
the obsequies of the dead officer. The
attention of the mother
and son was attracted by a crowd gath-
ered around a man who
was holding a religious service on the
pavement. The mother
drew near and with close attention lis-
tened for the first time
to an Evangelical preacher, who was none
other than George
Miller, who eleven years before had first
heard Albright preach
from the millstone, a few hundred yards
away. Miller was at this
time the chief man in the society.
An incident which
impressed itself upon the mind of the little boy
was that of a man who
took off his hat and reverently bowed his
head when Miller kneeled
on the pavement in prayer, while all
the rest of the hearers
kept on their hats and laughed and talked
in a disrespectful
The Bertoletts.
Near Friedensburg, in Oley township,
Berks county, is the old
home of the Bertoletts. In 1726 Jean
Bertolett, a French
Huguenot, of Chartien Duise, Switzerland,
with his wife Susanna
and five children, was compelled to flee
from his home because of
religious persecution. He settled in
Oley, Pa., and many of
his descendants became members of the
Evangelical Association.
In 1735 his son Abraham married
Esther DeTurk, through
whom he came in possession of the
estate still owned by
the Bertoletts at Friedensburg. In 1736
he built a stone house
which is still standing, and is one of the
most interesting
landmarks of the church. In course of time
Daniel Bertolett, a
grandson of Abraham, came in possession
of the estate. He, like
his ancestors, was noted for his inde-
pendence of thought and
thrifty habits. When still young he
became dissatisfied with
the dead formality of the churches, and
became an earnest
inquirer after spiritual life, and through a
circumstance became acquainted with the Evangel-
ical Association.
In 1809 a traveler
stopped at the Bertolett home and asked
for dinner, which was
cheerfully given him. He was young,
entertaining in his
manners and made a favorable impression.
Soon after this he
stopped again, this time feeding his horse.
Bertolett was naturally
curious to know his name and business,
but not until the
stranger had mounted his horse and was ready
to proceed on his
journey did he ask him. The reply was, "I am
John Walter, and my
business is to -preach the gospel to rich
and poor wherever doors
are opened to receive me." He then
bade farewell and rode
away. Bertolett stood awhile engaged
in thought concerning
the strange visitor, when a voice seemed
to say to him, "Why
did you not invite him to preach in your
house?" Following
its promptings, he ran after the preacher
now disappearing in the
distance and succeeded in stopping him.
The conversation on
religious matters was resumed, with the
result that an
appointment was made for Walter. This was the
beginning of a great
work in that locality and the organization
of a strong class, the
principal members of which were the Ber-
toletts, Clevers,
Weidners, Yeakels and Hochs. For many
years Bertolett's house
was a preaching place and he one of
the chief pillars of the
church. A camp-meeting was held on his
land in 1814 and many
years thereafter, besides many important
general meetings. He was
one of the principal promoters of the
Book Establishment in
1816, and was elected by the conference
as one of the
commission. He possessed fine poetical talent;
many of his hymns became
familiar throughout the church, and
some are still to be
found in our German hymn book. One of
his notable hymns begins
with the lines:
"Die Wasserbaeche
rauschen dar
Die Stern' am Himmel
leuchten klar,
Die kuehlen Winde
Many of his productions
were published in a separate volume.
In the conference
records of 1820 is a resolution ordering the
publication of a volume
of hymns written and translated by John
Dreisbach and Daniel
Bertolett. In 1832 Bertolett was
licensed as a local
preacher. He was severely plain in his habits,
so that many who did not
understand him thought him peculiar.
In his house was posted
a notice forbidding the use of tobacco
on his premises, which
he considered a great evil. He was a:so
a prominent anti-slavery
man. He died in 1868, at the age of
eighty-eight years, and
his son Jacob, born in 1815, succeeded
to the ancestral estate.
He was a local deacon of the church
and also a prominent
man. He died in 1878.
Lehigh County. At Lynnville, Albright found entrance
to several families who
opened their homes for preaching places.
His leading support here
was George Kuster, whose house
became a regular
preaching place as early as 1800. He died in
the early part of the
century, but his house continued as one of
the preaching places of
the Schuylkill circuit as late as 1835. In
1842 the widow Maria
Kuster died, aged eighty-three years.
Having no children, she
bequeathed the entire estate to the East
Pa. Conference, which in
turn very generously transferred all the
proceeds of the estate,
which were considerable, to the Charitable
Society of the
Evangelical Association.
Near the present town of
Macungie lived a liberal-minded
man named Philip Wescoe,
who welcomed Albright to his
home, and permitted him
to preach in his house. No immediate
results were apparent
until 1834, when J. M. Saylor preached
to an assembly of over
one thousand people in the orchard of
Mrs. Susan Mohr, near
the old home of Wescoe. This was
the beginning of a great
Schuylkill County. In West Penn township lived that
eminent man of God,
Leonard Zimmerman, and his wife Sophia.
He was a member and
officer of the Reformed Church, and a
spiritually enlightened,
pious man. About 1797 he turned his
back to the dead
formality of his church and opened his house
as a preaching place for
the zealous evangelist Albright. For
this he was decried as a
heretic and became the subject of sore
persecution. His former
pastor did his utmost to keep him from
"falling from the
faith," and urged him to close his door against
the "false
prophets" and "deceivers." Zimmerman at this time
was well advanced in years.
He was the father of a large family,
nearly all of whom were
grown, and some were already heads of
families. The following
is a list of his children, all of whom
became members of the
church prior to Albright's death:
(1) John Zimmerman,
Esq., for many years a justice of the
peace in Schuylkill
county, and whose house was one of the early
preaching places; (2)
Rev. Leonard Zimmerman; (3) Maria
and (4) Eve, married
brothers, John D. and Michael Sey-
bert, respectively; (5)
Catharine, married to John George
Zehner. The Seyberts and
Zehner lived in the North Branch
valley, in (now)
Columbia and Luzerne counties, where Albright
and associates preached
in their homes. (6) Susan, married
Conrad Biebelheimer; (7)
Barbara, married H. Balliet,
and (8) Albertina,
married Jacob Bochard. About 1806 the
three latter sons-in-law
also emigrated to the same valley, and
received the Evangelical
preachers. Bochard settled a short
distance above Danville,
in (now) Montour county. After the
death of the parents (9)
Margaret, the youngest, was cared for
by Rev. Solomon Miller,
who in 1816 removed to New Berlin,
Pa., to take charge of
the Printing Establishment of the society.
Here she met, and in
1818 married, George Miller, "the
printer." In the
early history of the church father Zimmerman's
was one of the leading
points of the connection. In the begin-
ning of the century
Albright preached there a sermon of great
power from the words,
"But who may abide the day of His
coming?" (Mal. iii.
2.) The whole assembly was melted under
its influence and many
were converted, among whom was father
Zimmerman's son Leonard,
who later became a minister. At
another meeting held
here in 1802 George Miller, who became
so eminent and useful in
the church, was fully confirmed in the
faith. Father
Zimmerman's house was open to all godly preach-
ers, whether adherents
of Albright or not. Father Peter
Beaver,* one of the
first German Methodist preachers in Amer-
ica, frequently preached
at Z.'s house, and often spoke of his
deep piety and his zeal
for the work of the Lord. Father Zim-
merman was gathered
home, like a shock of corn fully ripe (Job
v. 26), in the latter
part of 1812, and his wife soon thereafter.
A great number of his
descendants are members of the Evangelical
Association, some being
useful ministers of the gospel.
In 1803 the first
Evangelical class was formed in Schuylkill
county, and George
Miller was appointed leader by Albright.
The Miller Family.
Jacob Miller and his wife Eliza-
beth were highly
respectable people of Pottstown, Pa., and
members of the Lutheran
Church at that place. During the
Revolutionary War they
removed to Alsace township, Berks
county, where Miller
died in 1784. As their sons became
prominently identified
with the society through the ministry of
Albright, a notice of
them seems proper in this connection:
* Grandfather of
ex-Governor James A. Beaver.
(1) John Miller and his
wife Sabilla lived in Bern town-
ship, Berks county, and
their house was one of the first preaching
places. John Miller
never united with the society, but his wife
did. He died early in
the century. She died at the home of
her son Solomon G., in
Stoyestown, Somerset county, Pa., in
1850, at a very advanced
age. John Miller, Jr., son of the
foregoing, entered the
Evangelical ministry in 1822, traveled
seven years, broke down
in health, and died near Shoemakers-
ville, Pa., in 1833.
Solomon G. Miller, another son of John,
was a very talented man.
He entered the ministry in 1829, trav-
eled a number of years,
and later was employed at the Book
Establishment at New
Berlin, Pa. He resided for some time at
Stoyestown, Pa., and
still later removed to Kansas, where he
died, near Augusta, Nov.
19, 1883, aged seventy-six years.
(2) George Miller lived
in Schuylkill county, where he, in
June 3, 1802, became a
subject of saving grace, but some years
later removed across the
mountain to Allemangel, near his father-
in-law. In 1805 he
entered the active ministry. As his biogra-
phy appears elsewhere, a
further notice of him in this connection
is unnecessary.
(3) Solomon Miller lived
in Schuylkill county, near his
brother George. He was
also converted in 1802, and his house
became a regular
preaching place in the Autumn of that year.
On Easter day, 1803,
Albright held his fourth general meeting
at his house. In the
Fall of 1803 he attended the First Council,
and in 1807 the first
annual conference, where he was licensed as
one of the first local
preachers. In 1816 he removed to New
Berlin, Pa., to take
charge of the newly established printing busi-
ness of the society. As
he derived no income from this source,
he carried on his trade
as a hatter. His good work for the church
was, however, soon cut
short, as he died March 29, 1820, aged
forty-two -years, five
months and twenty-two days. His body
reposes near that of his
brother George.
(4) Frederick Miller in
the early part of the century re-
moved to the upper end
of Lehigh county, near the Blue
Note. — A few years
after their conversion, George and Solomon Miller
removed from Schuylkill
county to the head of Allemangel corner, near their
father-in-law Michael
Brobst. Here George built a saw mill, and Solo-
mon erected a small hat
factory, on the same premises. In 1809 the second
annual conference was
held at their house, and in the Fall of 1810 the second
camp-meeting was held on
the north bank of the mill dam, where there is a
beautiful spring. Still
later they removed to New Berlin, as elsewhere noted;
Mountains, where his
house was for many years a preaching place.
He became quite wealthy,
and being without issue, willed his
entire estate to the
East Pa. Conference. This was the largest
bequest ever made to the
church. The will, however, was con-
tested by other
claimants, and after a very costly litigation the
conference saved about
$10,000, which was very generously
turned over to the
Charitable Society of the church. He died
in 1854, at a very
advanced age.
In the vicinity of
Orwigsburg, Schuylkill county, lived George
Orwig, who was a member
of the Lutheran Church, and a highly
respectable citizen. He
was liberal in his views and strongly
opposed to the dead and
formal worship so prevalent in his
locality. He therefore
opened his house as a preaching place
for Jacob Albright.*
Although he never withdrew from the
church of his fathers,
he was nevertheless a warm friend of the
Evangelical Association,
and his children and grandchildren be-
came prominent members.
Several of his sons having removed
to Buffalo Valley, Union
county, he and his wife Magdalena
went thither to spend
their last days with them, and there they
both died in 1841, each
at the age of eighty-two years.
In Lower Mahantongo
Valley lived John Haldeman, whose
house became a preaching
place for Albright and his asso-
ciates. Probably nowhere
else in Pennsylvania was there greater
spiritual darkness than
in this region, and the work seemed fruit-
less. Brother Haldeman,
however, did not become discour-
aged, although he stood
almost alone for a quarter of a century
as a professor of
experimental religion. His house was for many
years a noted stopping
place for the preachers in their travels to
and fro. The precious
seed of the gospel sown in this place was
not lost, however, as in
course of time it came to a rich fruitage,
and a class was formed.
John Seybert and others took up ap-
pointments in adjoining
places, and a rich harvest of souls was
realized. One of the
chief pillars in this valley for many years
was Henry Heppler. Many
victorious camp-meetings were held
on his place, and the
Evangelical work throughout that region
has continued to nourish
to the present time.
* This statement is from
his grandson, Bishop W. W. Orwig.
Note. — Father John
Haldeman died 1842, aged seventy-four years. His
wife Salome in 1838,
aged seventy-one years.
Lebanon County. For some unknown reason Albright
was specially interested
in Schaefferstown and vicinity. This place
is situated about seven
miles south-east of Lebanon, in one of the
finest agricultural
regions of the State. It is especially noted as
the place of Albright's
first labors, of which we have definite
knowledge. In October,
1796, the Reformed church here was
dedicated, and we find
him addressing an overflow meeting from
a board pile at the
entrance of the market house, in the public
square. A furious attack
was made upon him by a godless mob,
and the result would
doubtless have been serious to him had not
the arm of the Lord
encircled him. At the critical moment when
a rush was about to be
made upon him, a powerful man, named
Maize, who saw his
danger, seized him, and carried him away,
as though he were a
child. The cowardly mob well knew the
strength and courage of
Maize, and made no further attempt to
harm him. A kind hearted
man named Peter Mohr then took
him to his home and
sheltered him. This perilous attempt to
preach Evangelical
doctrine in this wicked place did not in the
least discourage him,
but with true Christian heroism he fre-
quently returned, and
the Lord not only opened doors for him,
but also hearts to receive
the truth, and the precious seed thus
sown in tears and
sorrow, came to a rich and glorious fruitage,
as will be observed. But
before this result could be reached,
God's servant must pass
through a still more fiery ordeal.
Albright's Terrible Persecution. In the Autumn of
1799 a fair was held at
Schaefferstown, at which time he preached
to a large multitude by
the wayside. On this occasion he was
attacked by a mob and
shamefully abused. Bruised and bleed-
ing, and with garments
almost torn from his body, he escaped
with his life to father
Zentmyer's, who lived two miles distant,
and at whose home he had
often found a warm welcome. Here
he lay for two weeks
under the care of a physician.
Among Albright's hearers
at the fair was George Becker,
who lived two miles
east, at the Muehlbach. The word of truth
made an impression upon
his heart, and some years later he was
converted, and became
one of the strongest pillars the church has
ever had. (See
Near Schaefferstown lived
Jacob Gleim, a man of sterling
worth and deep piety.
Soon after Albright began his labors
here Brother G. opened
his house for preaching, and it was for
many years a noted
place. He died in 1837, at the age of
seventy-one years. It is
worthy of note that when Albright
was suffering from his
last illness and was on his way home, as
he said, to die, he was
brought from Linglestown to brother
Gleim's. From there he
resumed his journey, but was compelled
to stop at George
Becker's, only two miles distant, where he
breathed his last.
Among the converts of
Albright at Schaefferstown was Jacob
Bricker, who was, so far
as we know, the first in the town to
open his house as a preaching
place. He died in Lebanon,
in 1840, aged
seventy-three years. Bishop Newcomer, of the
United Brethren Church,
mentions in his journal the fact of
having preached in
Bricker's house in 1823. John Grumbein
and family were also
converted under the preaching of Albright,
and their house was a
preaching place. (Father G. died in 1868,
aged ninety years.) A
little later Jacob Bucks became a prom-
inent member. He was
class leader for many years, and was the
father of Rev. H. Bucks,
who entered the ministry in 1832.
The Muehlbach and
Vicinity. In West Cocalico town-
ship, in the
northeastern part of Lancaster, and near the line of
Lebanon county, is a
locality known as "The Swamp," opening
in the direction of
Schaefferstown, between the Muehlbach and
Chestnut Ridge. The
Muehlbach is a few miles north and Schaef-
ferstown northwest. In
this place Albright was received by
John Wenger,* who opened
his house for the preachers of exper-
imental religion. On one
occasion when Albright preached
here, the house was so
thronged that the floor gave way, and
a disaster was narrowly
averted. Some people regarded this
mishap as a sign of
God's disfavor and thereafter kept aloof.
In the Spring or Summer
of 1805 George Miller, Albright's
co-laborer, gained
entrance a little farther north towards the
Muehlbach. In his
autobiography he says, "One evening I
stopped with a man in
Lancaster county named Lesher, and
was lovingly received.
In the evening and morning I prayed
with them, and as I was
about to take my departure, he asked
me whether I was not a
Methodist preacher. I replied that I
was no Methodist. 'But,'
said he, 'you are a preacher, and in
what connection do you
stand?' I replied, 'I am an Evangelical
preacher, and preach the
gospel to all who receive and hear me.'
* He was a brother to
Jacob and Joseph, of State Line, Pa., which see, and
brother-in-law to father
Philip Breidenstein, and Bishop H. Kummler.
'Tell me the truth,'
said he, 'are you not a Methodist preacher?'
'You can depend upon
it,' said I. 'I would like to hear you
preach, but the
Methodists I would not receive, because they are
too boisterous. Or are
you so loud too? At any rate, I will
give out an appointment
for you and then we will see.'
"An appointment was
given out, and the house was filled
with people. The Lord
gave me grace to preach His Word with
feeling and power, so
that nearly all were melted. Lesher desired
another appointment, and
as I preached again others desired it
also, and the Lord so
wrought that in a short time sinners began
to seek for pardon. As
Lesher heard the noise he left the
assembly, but God worked
powerfully so that many sinners were
converted, and also this
old man with nearly his entire family
were converted."*
The Beckers and Lefflers Converted. Among the peo-
ple who came to the
meetings at Lesher's were some from the
Muehlbach, about three
miles distant, among whom was Cath-
arine, wife of Frederick
Becker, a highly respected man, and
a brother of George and
Samuel, of the Muehlbach. John
Leffler, married to
Becker's sister Julianna, lived near Lesh-
er's, and also attended
the meetings. Mrs. Becker was con-
verted and a little
later her husband Frederick. This opened
the way for the
introduction of the work.
Soon after his
conversion Frederick Becker began to urge
his brothers, Samuel and
George, to attend the meetings at the
Swamp. After much
persuasion they agreed to do so, and went
together. The service
made a deep impression upon them, and
on their return they
discussed the propriety of having Albright
preach at the Muehlbach
also. Samuel thought that inasmuch
as he was an officer in
the Lutheran Church, it would not do for
him to open his house as
a preaching place, but urged his brother
George to do so. George
signified his willingness, but there
were domestic obstacles
in the way, and the project was deferred.
Quite unexpectedly,
however, whether in jest or earnest we can-
not say, the wife of
George told him to have an appointment
made at their house.
This was just what he desired, but she had
hitherto shown no
disposition in favor of the work. An appoint-
ment was accordingly
made, which was filled by Albright.
The wife, however,
opposed a second meeting, but Albright
* Miller's Leben, page 83.
persuaded her to permit
another appointment, to which she finally
agreed. At the second
meeting he was assisted by his colleagues
John Walter and George
Miller. The house was thronged
with people. Much
opposition was manifested by the enemies
of the cause, and
considerable damage was done about the prem-
ises. The meeting
nevertheless was a glorious triumph, and
among the saved was
George Becker. The precious seed
dropped into his heart
by Albright at the Schaefferstown fair,
five years previous, at
last matured in his salvation. Becker's
sister Julianna, and her
husband John Leffler, from the Swamp,
were also present at
this meeting. She was powerfully wrought
upon, and with
contending emotions within her soul she stole
away ere the meeting
closed and returned to her home, several
miles distant. When her
husband returned he found his wife in
bed and the door
securely barred. To his repeated calls to open
the door she paid no
attention, whereupon he bowed down and
offered up a fervent
prayer in her behalf. This induced her to
open the door, but she
immediately returned to bed. She there
began to upbraid him for
falling away from the faith of their
fathers. It was quite
evident, however, that her heart had been
touched by the spirit of
conviction, and she was in that condi-
tion in which the enemy
of souls makes a last desperate effort to
hold his victim. Her
husband then bowed down by the side of
a chest near the bed,
and with tears began to pray for her salva-
tion. Soon the mighty
power of God came down upon them,
and the woman cried out
with a loud voice, "Der Teufel muss
weichen." (The
devil must flee.) After a season of Jacob-like
wrestling the unseen One
revealed His hidden name, and the
house resounded with
shouts of joy and praise from the lips of
husband and wife.
Samuel Becker was still
unconverted. Soon after the con-
version of Lefflers a
prayer-meeting was appointed at their
house. When the time for
the prayer-meeting came, Samuel
Becker's wife, who had
been converted, said to her husband,
"Come, get ready,
and let us go over to Leffler's to the prayer-
"No," said he, "I must go to church to-day or they
will throw me out of
office, as I have missed church pretty often
of late." After
much persuasion, however, she induced him
to accompany her. The
meeting was one of great power, and
Becker resolved to seek
the Lord in the salvation of his soul.
The friends joined in
fervent supplications with him, and he was
soon overwhelmed with
the power of saving grace. Springing to
his feet, with his
streaming eyes turned heavenward, he repeated
that grand old hymn of
Rothe, beginning,
"Ich habe nun den
Grund gefunden
Der meinen Anker ewig haelt;
Wo anders als in Jesu
Da lag er vor der Zeit der Welt,
Ein Grund der
unbeweglich steht
Wann Erd und Himmel
Deacon Samuel Becker was
now converted, and another
strong pillar added to
Albright's little society. His conversion,
however, was the signal
for abuse from his former co-religionists.
He had "fallen away
from the faith," according to their notion,
and to ridicule him and
disturb the meetings at his house was
considered just what he
deserved. His father-in-law, who was a
man of considerable
means, was especially hostile to him and
his wife, and finally
announced to them that he had disinherited
them. Mrs. Becker said,
"Dear father, you may do me all the
harm you can. You may
throw me out of my inheritance, if you
will, but you cannot
take from me my inheritance above, which
rests in God's hands,
and is incorruptible, undefiled, and fadeth
not away.” The aged
father spent much of his time at her house,
but whenever there was
preaching there, he left and remained
away until the service
was over. His bitterness against the
Evangelical work never
abated, and at his death it was found
that he had executed his
cruel threat, and his dear daughter, who
had bestowed upon her
aged father the tenderest care and affec-
tion, was cut off from
her father's estate. In the light of eternity
this was of little
moment to her, for she has for many years
enjoyed her more
enduring substance in the City of God.
Becker Family History.
Among the early German emi-
grants in Pennsylvania
were a number of Baptists, who fled from
the religious
intolerance of the Old World to seek homes in the
New, where they might
serve God according to the dictates of
their consciences. At
first they were somewhat scattered, but
Conrad Bissel having
settled at the Muehlbach in 1721,** he
was in 1724 joined by
others, and a society was organized. This
society chose one of
their number named Peter Becker*** as
* See English
translation in Evangelical Hymn Book, No. 324.
** Egle'S History of
Lancaster county.
*** Becker was from
Dilsheim, Germany.
their official
baptizer.* This was the ancestor of the Becker
family. In 1724 he
baptized Bissel in the Pequea Creek,**
Bissel was a man of
considerable intelligence, and changing his
views somewhat, he a few
years later withdrew and founded the
famous Communistic
Society at Ephrata. Becker's estate on
the Muehlbach was quite
large, and a good portion of it has
remained in the hands of
his descendants continuously to the
present time. Among the
sons of the emigrant was John George,
to whom the estate
John George Becker was
the father of fifteen children, nearly
all of whom became
supporters of Albright and members of his
society, and multitudes
of his descendants are to be found as hon-
ored members in almost
every quarter of the church. He died
prior to 1800, aged
ninety-two years. His aged companion, who
was his third wife,
lived to see the Evangelical work established,
became a member of the
Muehlbach class, and died in peace soon
afterwards. Of the
children of John George Becker, several
of whom have already
been mentioned, a brief reference can only
be given in this
connection. John Jacob soon after his conver-
sion removed to Windsor
township, York county, where he was a
pillar for many years.
Michael lived on the Swatara, where he
received Albright and
his co-laborers. Frederick, (wife Eliza-
beth), Elizabeth,
married to John Lesher, of Dauphin county.
Frederick Becker and his
brother-in-law Lesher removed to
Seneca county, O.
Julianna, wife of John Leffler, already
referred to; Christina,
who became the wife of Rev. John
Walter, the first
co-laborer of Albright; Samuel and George,
of whom more will be
found presently.
The Becker mansion is
one of the most interesting land-
marks connected with the
history of the church. It was erected
by John George Becker,
and is a two story stone edifice of
large size. The body of
the building is of limestone, but the
corners, windows, and
doors are of fine red sandstone trimmings.
Over the door is neatly
cut the legend, "G, 1767, B." The edi-
fice is in an excellent
state of preservation. An abiding interest
attaches to it, because
in it was held, in 1807, the first annual
conference of the
Evangelical Association. Brother Samuel
Becker gained possession
of the homestead, and it has been
•Rupp's History of
Lancaster county, page 214.
** Ephrata Chronicles.
retained by his
descendants ever since. He was killed in 1809
by accidentally falling
under the wheel of his wagon, while on his
way to Reading. George
Becker lived on the western end of
the estate. The old
homestead was situated near a large spring,
which is the source of
the stream known as the Muehlbach,
(Millcreek.) In this
house Albright died in 1808. The an-
nual conference was held
here in 1810 and 1811. The old home
has long since given way
to a more modern edifice. George
Becker was blessed with
a family of godly children, of whom
his eldest daughter Mary
married Rev. John Erb, but died in
the bloom of life in
1814. Catharine in 1823 became the wife
of Rev. John
Klinefelter, who was one of the leading men of
the church. Father
George Becker died in 1855, at the age
of eighty-eight years,
his wife Maria having preceded him many
The Muehlbach class was
organized in 1805, John Leffler,
leader. Members: Father
John Lesher and family, John Lef-
fler and wife Julianna,
mother Julianna Becker, Frederick
Becker and wife
Catharine, John Jacob Becker, Catharine
(Becker) Kissinger,
Christina Becker, (afterwards Mrs. Rev.
J. Walter), Anna Yost,
John A. Hake, and also Jacob Bricker,
Jacob Gleim, and John
Grumbein, with their families, of Schaef-
Albright was buried in
the private burying ground of George
Becker. In course of
time it was enlarged, father John Kline-
felter donating
considerable land for the purpose, and it is now
known as the Albright,
or Evangelical cemetery. In the midst
Notes. — 1. Frederick
Becker's son Abraham entered the ministry in
1822 and traveled five
years. John Jacob was noted for his wonderful gift of
prayer, under which the
hearts of many sinners melted like wax before the flame.
He died in Windsor
township, York county, Pa.
2. John Adam Haake,
whose remarkable conversion at Michael Becker's
in 1805 is elsewhere
related. He was blind through the premature explosion of
a blast, which accident
occurred before his conversion. He was a powerful
exhorter, and was
accustomed to go to meetings in distant localities and wrought
much good. He died in
1851, aged seventy-five years. He is buried close by
Rev. Jacob Albright.
3. Anna Yost lived in a
small house belonging to George Becker. She
was one of the first
converts, and especially noted as a sweet singer. She was
Albright's nurse during
his last illness at Becker's, and cheered him by
singing the sweet songs
of Zion. Later she married Brother J. Snavely and
removed to Cornwall,
Lebanon county, where she died in 1855.
of it stands the
Albright Memorial Church, built in memory of
the founder in 1850. The
material is red sandstone. It is,
however, not as
originally constructed. Because of faulty work
in its erection, it
became necessary to rebuild the entire struc-
ture. The inscription on
the marble slab above the entrance
reads as follows:
"Albrechts Kirche,
zum andenken des verewigten
Jacob Albrecht,
Stifter der Evangelischen Gemeinschaft in Nerd Amerika,
im 50 ten Jahr der Gemeinschaft,
Anno. 1850.
Ganz neu aufgebaut im Jahr 1860."
Translation. —
"Albright Church, erected to the memory of the Sainted
Jacob Albright, founder
of the Evangelical Association of North America, in
the 50th year of the
Association, Anno. 1850. Rebuilt in the year 1860."
The Breitenstein Family. A few miles south-west of
Lebanon, Pa., lived
Philip Breitenstein, a man in good cir-
cumstances and highly
respected in his community. Albright
had become acquainted
with him prior to the beginning of the
century, when he lived
at Adamstown, Lancaster county. Late
in the Fall of 1805 he
preached in his house for the first time.
The weather being
unfavorable, his audience consisted of the
family and a pumpmaker,
who was then doing some work for
Breitenstein. Although
favorable to Albright, he did not
fully yield to the
influence of the gospel. His wife was still less
inclined than her
husband. She was not only indifferent, but
also in a measure
opposed to Albright's pretensions as a min-
ister of the gospel. On
the score of old acquaintance, and the
fact that he was
welcomed by her brother, John Wengerd, near
Adamstown, it would seem
she tolerated his services at their
house. But with the
exception of the privilege of preaching there
occasionally, his work
for the time being seemed in vain. Sev-
eral providential
circumstances occurred by which the Lord
turned these otherwise
excellent people to Himself, and raised
them up as pillars in
His church. The following remarkable
account of Mrs.
Breitenstein's conversion she related to her
pastor, J. M. Saylor,
from whose lips the author received it:
The evening was drawing
near, when a young man on horse-
back drew rein in front
of Breitenstein's house. He inquired
whether they could tell
him of the whereabouts of Jacob Al-
bright. The appearance
of the young man and his inquiry at
once aroused the
interest of Breitenstein, who asked' his name.
The young man replied,
"I am John Walter, Albright's helper."
He was then kindly
requested to remain for the night, an invita-
tion which he thankfully
accepted. Mrs. B. at once proceeded
to prepare supper, and
the young itinerant was invited to share
the repast. He was
requested to ask the blessing at the table,
which he did in a unique
manner. He made it the occasion for
praying specially for
her who had prepared the meal. This was
something new to her,
but it was of God. "The words of the
wise are as goads, and
as nails fastened by the masters of assem-
blies, which are given
from one shepherd." (Eccles. xii. 11) It
was this remarkable
prayer that led her to the Saviour, and like
Lydia her heart was
opened "that she attended to the things
spoken of." (Acts
xvi. 14.)
Brother B. still refused
to receive Christ fully, but mark how
strange are the ways of
Providence. Soon after the foregoing
incident (May 18, 1808)
Albright was called to his rich reward,
and the same Walter who
could lead souls to Christ by saying
grace at meals, preached
such a sermon at the funeral of the
sainted founder of the
church that the hearts of the hearers
melted like wax before
the flame, and father Breitenstein was
led into "the
fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Jesus
Christ." (Rom. xv.
29.) From this time on he was a pillar in
the society. Many
important general meetings and camp-meet-
ings were held on his
place. Later he was licensed as a local
preacher, in which
capacity he was signally useful. His son
John, who was also
converted at an early day, entered the active
ministry in 1818.
After faithfully serving
his day and generation father Breit-
enstein was gathered to
the fathers above. His mortal remains
were deposited in the
little family burying place on his farm. By
his side rests his
beloved companion, and his distinguished son
Father B. was born in
1764, and died Jan. 22, 1838. His
wife Barbara died April
29, 1851, aged eighty-one years. Their
entire family were
prominent members of the church. Their
daughter Catharine
became the wife of Rev. J. C. Reisner.
Another daughter, Mary,
converted in 1807, married Jacob
Middlekauff, of
Hagerstown, Md., and their house was one of
the most important
preaching places of the old Franklin Circuit
for many years. She died
in 1855, aged sixty-one years.
In May, 1811, the third
camp-meeting of the Connection was
held on Breitenstein's
place, and when it is remembered that
ministers and people
came from all parts of the church, it will
be seen that an ordinary
farm would be taxed to its utmost to
furnish pasturage for
their horses. After considering the matter
B. found that he had no
suitable field into which he could turn
the horses except a
clover field on which he depended for that
season's crop. After
much anxiety he referred the matter to the
Lord, praying that He
would in some way provide. The time
for holding the
camp-meeting arrived, and also people from all
parts of* the church,
with a great number of horses, jaded and
hungry. What was to be
done? There was no alternative and
brother B. opened the
bars to his field of clover then in blossom.
The unconverted people
now pointed to this act as proof that the
prophets" had completely turned Breitenstein's head,
and said the people
would "eat him out of house and home."
Reader, mark the sequel.
While the horses were feeding a whole
week in the best pasture
they ever had, their owners were enjoy-
ing one of the best
camp-meetings ever held. The second day
following the close of
the camp and the departure of the people
a steady rain set in
which continued several days. This caused
the downtrodden clover
to grow afresh and produced the greatest
hay crop ever gathered
from that field. The year in general was
a prosperous one to him,
which brother B. regarded as a special
indication of God's
favor because of his trust in Him.
Lebanon and Vicinity.
Through the labors of Father Breit-
enstein and his son John
the Evangelical work was established
in the vicinity of
Lebanon. They were ever ready to secure new
preaching places for the
preachers. Although Albright and his
co-laborers had preached
in the town of Lebanon as early as 1805,
there was no visible
fruit until the Breitensteins effected a reg-
ular appointment.
A gracious revival
resulted in 1826 under the labors of John
Seybert, afterwards the
first bishop of the church. A strong class
was formed and our work
has ever prospered at that place.
It is worthy of note
that of the early converts three young
men, Henry Fisher, Elias
Stoever and Jacob Burkett, became
prominent ministers. The
former was one of our early publish-
ers, and editor of the Evangelical Messenger.
About three miles from
Lebanon, and the same distance from
Breitenstein's, lived
two brothers, Jacob and Henry Eby, both
highly respected
farmers. The time and circumstances of their
conversion are unknown,
but it is certain that in 1805 George
Miller preached at their
houses, and beyond doubt the Founder
of the church often did
likewise. Important general meetings
were held here at an
early day, and conversions took place, but
no organization was
effected. The members of this locality and
constituted one class. Preaching was kept up
here for many years, and
many camp-meetings were held on their
lands. Jacob Eby died in
1838, aged sixty-four, and Henry
died in 1863, in his
eighty-second year.
Samuel Bien and wife
were among the first converts in Leb-
anon county and are
supposed to have been members of the
Breitenstein Class.
Their house became a preaching place in
Albright's time, but we
have not been able to ascertain, with
certainty, the locality
of their residence. In the early part of
the century they removed
to Warren county, Ohio, where they died
near Lebanon. Father
Bien died in 1852, aged seventy-eight
years, and his companion
soon afterwards.
During the year 1809 a
general meeting was held at Henry
Eby's, attended by all
the traveling preachers of the Association.
At this meeting George
Miller, John Walter, and John Dreis-
bach were solemnly
ordained as elders in accordance with a pre-
vious resolution of the
conference. The meeting was an occasion
of great rejoicing. The
brethren reconsecrated themselves to the
service of God, and the
work of the ministry, and the consequence
was that great and
unprecedented revivals took place on all the
charges soon afterwards.
Jonestown is situated
about seven miles northeast of Lebanon,
near the Swatara Creek.
Albright and his associates found
some open doors in this
region, but also met with violent oppo-
sition. In Jonestown
they preached in a small building in which
all denominations were
permitted to hold services. Mother
Wingerd (noticed below) often related that she was
present at a meeting
held here by the Old Brethren ("Die Alte
Brueder" — meaning
Albright and his associates), when the
building was surrounded
by a mob and an attack made upon the
worshipers, from which
they escaped without injury only with
the greatest difficulty,
and their deliverance was ever afterwards
ascribed to the
providence of God. After several years of hard
labor and great
opposition, a class was formed in Jonestown and
vicinity by Rev. George
Miller in 1805 ("Miller's Leben"
page 84).
Among those who received
Albright was Ludwig Zehring,
a man of wealth and
influence who lived on the Swatara Creek,
a few miles east of
Jonestown. He was a prominent member of
the Reformed Church, and
made great sacrifices when he opened
his house to the
Evangelical preachers. There seems but little
doubt that Albright
visited him in the early part of the ministry,
as his daughter
Catharine, already referred to, was converted
in 1799. She died in
Jonestown in 1874, at the age of eighty-
eight years, having been
connected with the church from its
infancy. Ludwig
Zehring's house was a regular preaching
place as late as 1825.
Between Jonestown and
Mt. Nebo ("Ono" post-office), and
about a mile east of the
latter place, lived Adam Faber, whose
father Michael came from
the Palatinate, Germany, in 1733.
Adam Faber was a highly
respected member of the Reformed
Church and an officer in
the same. He was led to see the spir-
itual darkness then
prevailing in his own heart, and by the grace
of God, was led into the
blissful experiences of salvation. His
house became a regular
preaching place for Albright and his
associates, and
continued to be one of the strongholds of the
church for many years.
His son John, who lived on his father's
estate, also opened his
house as a preaching place at an early
day. The first
camp-meeting of the Association in this vicinity
was held on Faber's land
in 1815, at which time the noted John
Walter (whose little
farm adjoined Faber's) preached what
was probably his last
sermon. Father Faber died in 1819 and
was laid to rest in the
family burial ground by the wayside, on
the north side of the
farm. (Rev. John Walter was buried in
the same graveyard.) His
wife Anna Faber died in 1839, aged
eighty-two years, and
was buried in the Reformed churchyard
at Jonestown.
The Walter Family.
About three miles west of Jonestown,
Pa., lived Father Peter
Walter, who with his wife Margaret,
was of the first to
adhere to Albright in the beginning of his
ministry. We have
already observed that he was the first class-
leader of the
Association, and removed from Quakertown to
this locality in 1805.
From the fact that this family was not
only one of the first,
but also one of the most noted in the early
history of the society,
a more extended account seems proper in
this connection.
The family consisted of
the following sons: Joseph, John,
Abraham and Peter; and
daughters: Elisabeth, Magdalena,
Sarah Christina and
Rebecca. Joseph, soon after his father's
removal here, was
married to Mary Stine. Their house became
a regular preaching
place in Albright's time, and became a noted
place for general
meetings and camp-meetings. He died near
Mt. Nebo in 1857, aged
seventy-nine years, his companion having
preceded him about ten
years. John became Albright's first
co-worker, as will be
seen in his biography. After his health
failed he purchased a
small farm near his parental home where he
resided till his death.
Abraham was a local preacher in the early
days, although his name
does not appear in our history as such. He
lived at Linglestown and
was class-leader there. Peter removed
to Ohio, where he died.
Lena (Magdalena) was noted for her deep
piety, zeal and
remarkable courage. Once when attending a gen-
eral meeting at Solomon
Miller's, held by Albright and others
in 1804, she with other
sisters was engaged in prayer, when a wicked
man named Brobst,
father-in-law of Rev. George and Solomon
Miller, who was most
bitterly opposed to the work, entered the
house and forced his way
up stairs, where he drew a sword, and
in a terrible manner
menaced the life of the worshipers. Lena
Walter arose and boldly
withstood him, declaring that neither
he nor his sword should
prevent her from loving and praising
her Lord, and that she
was willing to die for Jesus' sake. With
one accord the
worshipers then called on the Lord for help, and
the heart of the cruel
old man relented and he withdrew, and
afterwards confessed to
having wept and prayed on his way home.*
Lena afterwards was
married to a man named Douglass, and
removed across the
mountain into Dauphin county, and became
a member of the
"Stroh" Class, in Fishing Creek Valley. Sarah
married a brother named
Hockman, of Lancaster county. Chris-
tina married John
Lesher, a son of Father John Lesher, who
first received our
preachers in the Swamp, Lancaster county.
They removed to Seneca
county, Ohio, where they were among
our first members. Mrs.
Lesher died in 1838, aged forty-seven
years, and her husband
the year following, aged fifty years.
Rebecca married a
brother named Bader, and also moved to
Ohio. She died in Iowa
in 1865, aged seventy-one years.
* Miller's "Leben
und Wirken."
A sad story remains to
be told in this connection. About
1822 Abraham Walter
conceived the idea of removing to Tur-
key Valley, in Juniata
county, and persuaded his aged father
to remove thither with
him. This was very unfortunate, as the
region is rough and
unproductive, and was then a mere wilder-
ness. Despite the
entreaty of his children he resolved to go, and
in his old days build up
a new home in the forest. Here both
he and his aged
companion soon found graves for their home.
Abraham also died here,
so far as is known.
The following account we
take from Orwig's history:
"It was in the
month of August, 1808, when John Dreisbach returned
from a general meeting
near the Muehlbach, accompanied by a young brother,
Andrew Wolf,* in order
to fill an appointment that evening in Jonestown,**
but as he had been
disturbed while preaching there before, on his way to said
general meeting, it was
his intention to preach to the friends there without
giving public notice of
it. From fear (not of the Jews, but of the heathen-like
Christians), the doors
had been locked and the window shutters fastened inside
before the services
commenced. After singing and prayer the sermon com-
menced, but as the
exercises had in all probability been heard by some of the
adversaries, a mob
gathered in a short time, and forcing the doors and shutters
open, they rushed with a
dreadful noise and with still more dreadful impreca-
tions into the house and
thus put a stop to the exercises. The preacher then
took a light and went
among the crowd to restore order, but several ruffians
seized him and dragged
him toward the door, at the same time treating him very
roughly, extinguishing
all the lights in the house, and calling to their companions
who were outside, 'Boys,
open the door; we have got him!' They replied,
'Give it to him; kill
the priest!' The preacher was justly apprehensive of still
worse treatment if they
should succeed in getting him out of the house, but how
to get out of their
hands he knew not. Suddenly it flashed upon his mind, as if
God had revealed it to
him, that if he would jerk himself up with all his might
and then suddenly fall
down like a log, he might get out of their hands. He
did so and thus got rid
of them, although he was still among the crowd in the
dark. Now as the
ruffians were groping for him, they got hold of each other,
letting torrents of
blows descend on one another, each fancying he was giving it
to the 'priest;' but
while they were thus regaling each other to their heart's
content with blows and
pushes, he managed to get out of the crowd and the mob
got out doors. Alarmed
for the minister, some of the friends hastened out also,
but were seized and very
much abused by the mob. The landlord, father P.
Walter, was so much hurt
that the blood gushed from his mouth and nose. A
sister was knocked down
and carried into the house for dead, and several more
friends were likewise
very roughly dealt with."
As an agreeable sequel
to the above, we may add that the
leaders of the mob,
seven in number, were legally indicted the
* Brother Wolf was from
Buffalo Valley, Union county, and soon thereafter
was married to Anna
Dreisbach, sister of Rev. John Dreisbach. (See
Buffalo Valley.)
** It was three miles west.
— Author.
next day and heavily
fined by the court when the case came to
trial. The fines were
generously remitted by the brethren. One
of the jurors in the
case was Philip Breitenstein, who after-
wards became a local
preacher and a great pillar in the church,
as already noticed.
Lancaster County.
Among the first in Lancaster county
to receive Albright was
a widow named Elisabeth Thomas,
who resided in Manor
township, near the confluence of the Big
and Little Conestoga. By
a first marriage she had two sons,
Jacob and John Rippley,
and by a second marriage Christian
and David Thomas, all of
whom became men of great prominence
in the church.
Albright began his labors
in this place in 1802 or 1803.
Souls were saved from
time to time, and a class was formed in
1806 or 1807. During the
latter year a considerable revival
occurred at Millerstown.
Among the converts was John Erb,
who entered the ministry
the following year.
In 1809 another gracious
revival took place all along the
Conestoga and many
prominent conversions occurred. Among
those who at this time
became actively identified with the society
were John Rippley, and
David and Christian Thomas. The
latter had some years
previous opened his house at Millersville
as a preaching place for
Albright. Some years later Jacob
Rippley also united with
the society, and thereafter the Evangel-
ical work on the
Conestoga made rapid progress. Christian
and David Thomas and
John Rippley were licensed as preachers
soon after their
conversion. John Rippley's was for many
Notes. — David Thomas
entered the active ministry in 1815. Traveled
two years and thereafter
served in a local capacity with great acceptance until
his death, which took
place in 1874. His services to the church were important
and valuable. He was one
of the delegates to the "Social Conference" in
1816. In 1818 he
conducted the obsequies of Rev. John Walter, Albright's
first co-laborer.
Christian Thomas was
early licensed as a local preacher. Entered the
active work in 1832.
Located next year. Died in 1851.
John Rippley, after
serving the church many years as a local preacher, died
in 1851, aged
seventy-seven years.
Jacob Rippley, at an
early day, with others, removed to Erie county, Pa.,
where he opened his
house to John Seybert, who was sent there as missionary
in 1833. He died in
1851, aged seventy-nine years. His wife Anna died in
1853, aged eighty-two
years a noted place for
meetings. An amusing incident occurred
here which we give, as
serving to illustrate the ignorance of divine
things in that day.
About 1810 John Walter preached here,
at which time he had
among his hearers a man named Adam.
In the course of his
sermon he remarked that it was absolutely
necessary that the
"Old Adam" be driven out, referring, of
course, to the expulsion
of the sinful nature. The individual
Adam, however, did not
understand it in that sense, but took it
as a personal matter and
left the assembly greatly offended. A
daughter of John Rippley
married Michael Kneisley, who also
became a prominent
member, and was for many years one of the
pillars of the work on
the Conestoga.
A few miles distant from
mother Thomas', at Conestoga
Centre, lived Philip
Herrman, who was the first in this neigh-
borhood to open his
house as a preaching place for Albright
and his co-laborers. His
wife Barbara, however, was very much
opposed to it, and it
was with difficulty that the appointments
were filled. On one
occasion when Albright was preaching, she
blew out the lights. In
the revival of 1809 she was converted,
and thereafter the
preachers were doubly welcome. Herrman's
house was for many years
a preaching place. He died near the
close of the first
quarter of the century, and his wife died in
1849, aged eighty-three
The home of Henry Wertz
and his wife Mary, near the
Herrman home, was also a
preaching place of Albright and
his co-laborers.
Henry Mandebach and his
wife Maria and David Williams
and his wife Magdalen a
were among the first members in Manor
township, and their
homes were, in all probability, preaching
places. David Williams
removed with Rippley and others to
Fairview, Erie county,
Pa., and were among the first members
there. Brother W. died
in 1864, aged eighty years, his wife
having preceded him in
At Mt. Joy lived father
Samuel Lehn and his wife Magda-
lena. They were converted
under the ministry of Albright in
1804, and not long
afterwards opened their house as a preaching
place, which was an
important point for many years. He was
the father of Rev.
Michael Lehn, who entered the ministry in
1839. Father Lehn died
in 1854, aged eighty-two years. His
wife preceded him in
1847, aged seventy-five years. A class was
formed here between 1807
and 1809. The sainted John Seybert
served as leader of this
class in 1810, as well as the Manheim
Class at the same time.
The first and principal
preaching place here was at Herman
Long's. He was converted
in the early days, probably on the
Conestoga, and some time
prior to 1810 his house became a
regular preaching place.
He was a man of deep piety and great
zeal for the cause of
vital godliness.
At Manheim entrance was
gained soon after Albright's
death. In 1809 a number
of conversions took place under the
labors of John Dreisbach
and M. Betz, among whom was David
Boyer. On the evening of
April 5, 1810, as Brother Betz
preached his last sermon
preparatory to going to conference, a
young man named John
Seybert was brought under conviction.
Little did the young
preacher think that his words would result
in the conversion of the
future first bishop of the church. Brother
Boyer followed up the
good impressions made by the preacher
upon the heart of
Seybert, and he was soon thereafter (June 21),
as he expressed it,
"converted deep into eternal life." He was
then living with Jacob
Lehr who, with his entire family, was
soon converted through
his instrumentality. This same insatia-
ble thirst for souls
remained a predominant characteristic of
Seybert through his
entire ministry. He was appointed leader
of both the Manheim and
Mt. Joy classes (eight miles distant)
in this same year. One
of the first and most important preach-
ing places at Manheim
was at Catharine Krall's.
A few miles below
Columbia, on the Susquehanna River, is
situated the town of
Washington. Here lived a number of highly
respected people, who
opened their houses as preaching places.
Among them may be named
Father Andrew Kauffman, and the
brothers Abraham,
Christian and David Herr. The time
when the Evangelical
preachers began their labors here cannot
ascertained with
certainty, but it is quite probable that Albright
preached at Kauffman's,
and Abraham, and Christian Herr's,
as they were connected
with the revival movement already prior
Notes. — David Boyer was
licensed as a local preacher soon after his con-
version. He was the
father of a large family, all of whom became useful
members. He died in
1823. His family later removed to Dark county, Ohio,
where his widow died in
Father Lehr at an early
day removed to Wayne county, Ohio, where his
house became a preaching
place, and here he died in 1846, aged seventy years.
to 1800, and all
ministers who preached experimental religion
were welcome. That
eminent servant of God, Christian New-
comer, (later bishop in
the United Brethren Church) records in
his journal of 1801.
"This day (October 20) came to Abraham
Herr's. (22) To-day I
preached here from Jer. xlvi. 13. Bless
the Lord, conviction
fastened on a few. We prayed with them
some time. At night I
preached at Christian Herr's from Ps. viii.
5. The meeting continued
until nearly daylight." An Evangelical
class was formed here
about 1810, of which Father Kauffman
was leader.
Dauphin County. About eight miles northeast of Harris-
burg Albright found
entrance in the early years of his ministry.
A revival took place and
a class was organized in 1806. The
principal members were
Jacob Becker and family. Also the
Steins and Leonard Crum.
The latter became class-leader, a
position which he filled
for many years, and the class became
known as "Crum's
Class." He died in 1869, aged eighty-three
years. His wife Anna
died in 1877, aged eighty-three years.
As already noticed,
Jacob Becker (also Baker) and family
were members of the
Paxton Class in 1805. A little later John
Baker, a son, removed to
the vicinity of Linglestown, where he
opened his house as a
preaching place. He was a personal friend
of Albright, and
sometimes accompanied him to his neighboring
appointments. He was one
of the first members of the Paxton
Class in 1805, and
sometime after the class was established at
Linglestown, he was made
leader. For many years he was a
strong pillar in the
church. He died in 1868, aged eighty-four
years. His son, Rev. C.
H. Baker, labored many years in the
itinerant ranks of the
East Pa. Conference.
In Fishing Creek Valley,
about five miles north of Crum’s,
beyond the mountain,
Albright was received as early as 1800,
by Benjamin and P.
Stroh. The latter removed to Ohio at an
early day and was one of
the first to receive our missionaries in
that State. Benjamin
Stroh and his wife Mary became the
chief pillars of the
work in Fishing Creek Valley, and many con-
versions took place in
their house. In 1802 Albright baptized
their daughter Mary, of
whom more will be said hereafter.
Father S. died in 1855,
aged eighty-four years. Other members
Note. — Father Andrew
Kauffman died 1837, aged eighty-one years.
David Here, died 1846,
aged eighty-eight years.
in the vicinity were the
Colliers, Hoffmans* and Gippels.**
About nine miles from
Harrisburg, near the base of the Blue
Mountain, is the village
of Linglestown. Hare in the early days
lived Peter Raidabach, a
deacon and chorister in the
church. He was a well
informed, highly respected man. In the
beginning of 1808,
during the prevalence of a snowstorm, a stranger
on horseback stopped
before his door, and requested lodging for
the night, which was
granted. This stranger was Jacob Albright,
seeking the lost sheep
of the house of Israel. He soon made
known his character and
requested permission to preach there
that night, which was
also granted. Word was sent throughout
the neighborhood, and
the house was filled with people, anxious
to hear what the strange
preacher had to say. Albright preached
from the words, "If
we confess our sins, He is faithful and just
to forgive us our sins,
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
(I John i. 9.) The
preacher spoke with great power, and a
wonderful commotion was
produced. The doctrine of the new
birth and heart purity
was something new to the people, and
some contended with
Albright during the service that his doc-
trine was heretical, as
they had never heard their preacher
advance such ideas.
Some, however, were convinced that the
doctrine was in
accordance with God's Word and that they had
been following blind
guides. After the people had dispersed,
Albright convinced his
host and the remaining friends from the
Bible and the catechism
that his doctrine was true. Another
appointment was made for
him and he preached on Sunday
morning, after which he
and Raidabach proceeded to Michael
Becker's, where he also
preached, little dreaming of the con-
spiracy which Satan
instigated to destroy the precious seed he
had sown. That same
Sunday morning a large number of people
had met at their church
and conspired to break up Albright's
work, and if possible
rescue their highly-esteemed chorister from
* The Hoffmans removed
to Crawford county, Ohio. Mrs. H. was
converted under Albright
in 1801. She died in. 1863, aged seventy-eight years.
** George Gippel, a
member of the above family, married Mary Ann Stroh.
In 1831 they removed ten
miles north to Peter's Mountain, where they opened
their house as a
preaching place. A class was formed here of which Bro. G.
became the leader, which
position he held until 1852, when he and several other
families removed to
Grandview, Iowa, and where they organized themselves into
a class. The first
Evangelical church in Iowa was built by them. Bro. G. was
the first leader of this
class, and remained in office until he died in 1856, aged
fifty eight years. His
wife survived until 1891, aged eighty-eight years.
his influence. They
proceeded to Raidabach's house to accom-
plish their purpose, but
when they arrived Albright and Raida-
bach had already gone to
Michael Becker's. When Albright
preached again, a little
later, a number of evil disposed persons
gathered around the
house, intent on mischief. At the close of
the service they rushed
into the house to attack Albright and
his host. In the
struggle which ensued they dragged Raidabach
out of the house. He had
a number of sons who were fearless, as
well as muscular young
men, and who rushed upon their father's
assailants. Bethinking
themselves as to whether it would be
right, they cried out,
"Vater, sollen wir drauf schlagen?"("Father,
shall we strike?")
The father answered “No." Not in the least
daunted by this dreadful
persecution, Raidabach still clung to
Albright, and soon after
the foregoing occurrence it was deter-
mined to hold a General
Meeting at his house. At this meeting
there were present Albright,
Walter and Miller. The house
was crowded with people,
many of whom were convinced of their
sinful state, while
others were there to hinder, if possible, the
spread of the work. In
the afternoon Walter preached with
wonderful power, so that
during the sermon many cried out for
mercy, while some fled
in terror as though from the presence of
God. The meeting was a
great victory for the people of God,
Many found salvation in
the blood of the Lamb. A strong class
was formed, of which
Raidabach was made leader. A peculiar
interest attaches to
this man from the fact that at his house
Albright held his lost
public service. On Easter day, 1808, there
was a general meeting at
John Brobst's in Berks county, where
Albright stationed the
preachers for the ensuing year. (There
was no annual conference
this year.) Eight days after this another
general meeting was held
at Raidabach's, at which time Albright,
Miller and John
Dreisbach were present Albright's health,
however, was so
precarious that he was not able to preach. He
felt that his work was
done, and arrangements were made to
remove him to his home.
It was here he gave that admirable
advice which should find
a place in the hearts of all Evangelical
preachers. As he gave
the parting hand to his faithful co-laborers,
Miller and Dreisbach, he
repeated the lines of a familiar hymn:
"Kampfe bis auf's
Blut und Leben,
Dring hinein in Gottes
"Struggle even unto
Press into the kingdom
of God."
When advanced in years,
Father Raidabach and his children,
who were then heads of
families, removed to Medina county,
Ohio, where they again
became pioneers in the establishment of
the church. Several of
the sons were prominent members of the
church. Father R. died
at Gillfort, Medina county, Ohio, in
1838, aged seventy-four
years. His companion followed him
in 1841, aged eighty-four
The first one to open
his house to Albright and his co-laborers
in lower Dauphin county,
near Hanover, was Michael Becker,
a brother of the Beckers
on the Muehlbach. This was sometime
in 1805, during which
year a class was formed here by George
Miller, of which Becker
became the leader.
As an illustration of
the mighty power of God which often
accompanied the
preaching of His word, we here append part of*
a letter written by
Father John Fleisher and published in the
Christliche Botschafter:
Esteemed Brethren in the
Lord: I have felt for some time as though
I ought to write
something for the Botschafter
concerning God's work of years
ago, and since I am old
and unable to write much more, I will relate some things
of the early days.
Forty-three years ago (1805) Father Albright held a big.
meeting at Michael
Becker's, two miles from Hanover, under some apple
trees. On this occasion
I found Him in whose blood we have purification from
sin. On Sunday forenoon
Brother Albright preached. After him John Walter
spoke so powerfully that
a wonderful commotion took place among the audience.
There was a blind man
present named H--- who was so deeply affected that
he cried "Fire!
Fire!" believing that the world was burning. Another man,
then unconverted, sprang
upon his horse and hastened to his people and told
them that the world was
coming to an end and was even then burning. I did
hot know Brother Miller
very well as I only once came to where he preached.
Still I know that God
was with him. In course of time Brother Seybert came
to our place to preach
the gospel. At this time he also wanted to go into Stone
Valley to preach. A
certain man who was very much incensed against him, lay
in ambush with a gun to
murder him. In all probability he would have accom-
plished his purpose, had
not the Lord sent his servant by another way. Brother
Seybert preached at that
place, and gave out another appointment, but before
he came again the audacious
miscreant was in eternity* and the way to Stone
Valley was free and
open. John Fleisher.**
Armstrong county, Pa.,
Nov. 8, 1848.