AUM - Authors within United Methodism
Location Title Author Qty
AUM ALL Perfect peace Allen, Charles 1
AUM BAN Sunday-night evangel Banks, Louis Albert 1
AUM BAN Year's prayer-meeting talks Banks, Louis Albert 1
AUM BAR Letters of Paul Barnett, Albert 1
AUM BAU Beyond belief Bauman, Edward 1
AUM BEE A key to unlock the Bible Beet, Joseph Agar 1
AUM BIN Binney's theological compend improved Binney, Amos 2
AUM BIN Theological compend containing a system of divinity Binney, Amos 1
AUM BOR Handful of stars Boreham, F. W. 1
AUM BUT God, pain, and evil Buttrick, George 1
AUM BUT Sermons preached in a university church Buttrick, George 1
AUM BUT So we believe, so we pray Buttrick, George 1
AUM BUT His book: essays, lectures, sermons, exegetical notes Buttz, Henry Anson 1
AUM CAS The exalted life Castle, N. 1
AUM CHA Chappell's special day sermons Chappell, Clovis 1
AUM CHA Living zestfully Chappell, Clovis 1
AUM CHA Meet these men Chappell, Clovis 1
AUM CHA Sermons from Job Chappell, Clovis 1
AUM CHA Sermons from Revelation Chappell, Clovis 1
AUM CHA Sermons from Simon Peter Chappell, Clovis 1
AUM CHA When the church was young Chappell, Clovis 1
AUM CHA Studies in the life of John Wesley Chappell, E. B. 1
AUM CHI Honeysuckle and other poems Childress, W. Lomax 1
AUM CHI Mountain laurel and other poems Childress, W. Lomax 1
AUM CLI The Unique Voice of Hillary Rodham Clinton Clinton, Hillary Rodham 1
AUM CLI Servant of God Clinton, John 1
AUM CLO God's hands in our lives Cloud, Fred 1
AUM COO Incarnation and recent criticism Cooke, R. J. 1
AUM COO Speeches delivered on various ocassions Cookman, George 1
AUM CRA Beginning of Christianity Craig, Clarence Tucker 1
AUM DRU Outlines of doctrinal theology Drury, A.W.  2
AUM DUN Manipulator and the church Dunman, Maxie 1
AUM ENS Persons can change Ensley, F. Gerald 1
AUM FLI Discourses on doctrinal and practical subjects Flickinger, D.K. 1
AUM GRA Postwar strategy of religion Gray, Joseph 1
AUM HAM Why? Making Sense of God's Will Hamilton, Adam 1
AUM HAM Empty Churches and How to Fill Them Hamilton, Jay Benson 1
AUM HAN Evangelism Hannan, F. Watson 1
AUM HAR Christian ethics Harkness, Georgia 1
AUM HAR Dark night of the soul Harkness, Georgia 1
AUM HAR How to find prayer more meaningful Harkness, Georgia 1
AUM HAR Methodist church in social thought and action: a summary Harkness, Georgia 1
AUM HAR Ministry of reconciliation Harkness, Georgia 1
AUM HAR Our Christian hope Harkness, Georgia 1
AUM HAR Prayer and the common life Harkness, Georgia 1
AUM HAR Toward understanding the Bible Harkness, Georgia 1
AUM HAR Understanding the Christian faith Harkness, Georgia 1
AUM HAR Women in church and society Harkness, Georgia 1
AUM HES Christ & the End of Meaning: The Theology of Passion Hessert, Paul 1
AUM HOT Journeyings in the old world: Europe, Palestine, Egypt Hott, James W. 1
AUM HOT Sacred hours with young Christians Hott, James W. 2
AUM HOU Great evangel Hough, Lynn Harold 1
AUM HUG Bible and life Hughes, Edwin Holt 1
AUM HUG Boy's religion Hughes, Edwin Holt 1
AUM HUG Evangelism and change Hughes, Edwin Holt 1
AUM HUN Recovering the Sacred Hunt, Earl G. 1
AUM HUR History of rationalism Hurst, John 1
AUM HUR Short history of the medieval church Hurst, John 1
AUM JOB Three Simple Rules Job, Reuben P. 1
AUM JON Abundant living Jones, E. Stanley 1
AUM JON Choice before us Jones, E. Stanley 1
AUM JON Christ and human suffering Jones, E. Stanley 1
AUM JON Christ at the round table Jones, E. Stanley 1
AUM JON Christ of every road Jones, E. Stanley 1
AUM JON Christ of the American Road Jones, E. Stanley 1
AUM JON Christ of the Indian road Jones, E. Stanley 1
AUM JON Christ of the mount Jones, E. Stanley 1
AUM JON How to be a transformed person Jones, E. Stanley 1
AUM JON Is the kingdom of God realism? Jones, E. Stanley 1
AUM JON Reconstruction of the church - on what pattern? Jones, E. Stanley 1
AUM JON Selections from E. Stanley Jones Jones, E. Stanley 1
AUM JON Song of ascents Jones, E. Stanley 1
AUM JON Unshakable kingdom and unchanging person Jones, E. Stanley 1
AUM JON Victorious living Jones, E. Stanley 1
AUM JON Victory through surrender Jones, E. Stanley 1
AUM JON Way Jones, E. Stanley 1
AUM KEC Church confident Keck, Leander 1
AUM KEN Good news about security, morality, and faith Kennedy, Gerald 1
AUM KEN I believe Kennedy, Gerald 1
AUM KEN While I'm on my feet Kennedy, Gerald 1
AUM KNU Doctrine of God Knudson, Albert 1
AUM LAC Principles of Christian ethics Knudson, Albert 1
AUM LAC Collected works of Donald Charles Lacy Lacy, Donald Charles 1
AUM LAC Jesus, our high priest Lacy, Donald Charles 1
AUM LAC Reactivating acts Lacy, Donald Charles 1
AUM LEO Ancient fires of modern altars Leonard, Adna Wright 1
AUM LES Man's search for a meaningful faith Leslie, Robert  2
AUM LUC Acts of the apostles in present-day preaching Luccock, Halford 1
AUM LUC Communicating the Gospel Luccock, Halford 1
AUM LUC Fares please!: and other essays on practical themes Luccock, Halford 1
AUM LUC Five-minute shop-talks Luccock, Halford 1
AUM LUC Halford Luccock treasury Luccock, Halford 1
AUM LUC Jesus and the American mind Luccock, Halford 1
AUM LUC Mid-week service Luccock, Halford 1
AUM LUC Preaching through Matthew Luccock, Halford 1
AUM LUC Preaching values in new translations of the New Testament Luccock, Halford 1
AUM LUC Putting life on center: brief meditations for the prompting of daily personal devotion Luccock, Halford 1
AUM LUC Best of Dick Sheppard Luccock, Halford, editor 1
AUM MAL Fullness of the blessing of the Gospel of Christ Mallalieu, W. F. 1
AUM MAS Treatise on self-knowledge Mason, John 1
AUM MAT The church in earnest: a call for the trainining necessary for world achieve,ents Mathews, G.M. 2
AUM MCC Aids to Christian belief McConnell, Francis John 1
AUM MCC Christian materialism McConnell, Francis John 1
AUM MCC Christlike God McConnell, Francis John 1
AUM MCC Humanism and Christianity McConnell, Francis John 1
AUM MCC Increase of faith: some present-day aids to belief McConnell, Francis John 1
AUM MCC Is God limited? McConnell, Francis John 1
AUM MCC Just weight and other chapel addresses McConnell, Francis John 1
AUM MCI Bishop Robert McIntyre's ordination address before the M. E. Conference McIntyre, Robert 1
AUM MCK From life to life McKelvey, John 1
AUM MCK Now and the not yet McKelvey, John 1
AUM MET Eternity in the heart: Quayle Methodist Pulpit 1
AUM MET Is the Lord among us?: Huntington Methodist Pulpit 1
AUM MET The angel in the flame: Little Methodist Pulpit 1
AUM MET The beauty of Jesys: Elliott Methodist Pulpit 1
AUM MET The captain of our faith: MacMullen Methodist Pulpit 1
AUM MET The compulsion of love: Anderson Methodist Pulpit 1
AUM MET The higher ritualism: Hughes Methodist Pulpit 1
AUM MET The hungry Christ: Young Methodist Pulpit 1
AUM MET The living word: Tuttle Methodist Pulpit 1
AUM MET The religious instinct of man: Bristol Methodist Pulpit 1
AUM MET The stars and the book: Cobern Methodist Pulpit 1
AUM MET Only a profession: Mills Methodist Pulpit 2nd series 1
AUM MET Religious certainties: Foss Methodist Pulpit 2nd series 1
AUM MET The call of to-day" Lucas Methodist Pulpit 2nd series 1
AUM MET The certainty of the kingdom: Ketcham Methodist Pulpit 2nd series 1
AUM MET The earnest exp[ectation: Crook Methodist Pulpit 2nd series 1
AUM MET The nobl;est quest: Mitchell Methodist Pulpit 2nd series 1
AUM MET The royalty of Jesus: Luccock Methodist Pulpit 2nd series 1
AUM MET The upward leading" Potts Methodist Pulpit 2nd series 1
AUM MET The young man with a program: Eckman Methodist Pulpit 2nd series 1
AUM MIL Lift up your eyes Milhouse, Pail W. 1
AUM MOO Best thoughts and discourses of D. L. Moody Moody, D. L. 1
AUM MOO Fight on! Fear not! Moore, Arthur 1
AUM MOO Immortal tidings in mortal hands Moore, Arthur 1
AUM NAL Vital religion: a crusading church faces its third century Nall, T. Otto, editor 1
AUM NEE Spiritual authority Nee, Watchman 1
AUM NOR Development of modern Christianity Norwood, Frederick 1
AUM PEA Art of real happiness Peale, Norman Vincent 1
AUM PHI The sword unsheathed, or the Bible for the masses Phillippi, J.M. 1
AUM POT God and the Celebration of Life Potthoff, Harvey H. 1
AUM PRA The Potter and the Clay Praetorius, Elmer Wesley 1
AUM QUA Blessed life: being a series of meditation on manhood and womanhood in Christ Quayle, William 1
AUM QUA Climb to God Quayle, William 1
AUM QUA Laymen in action Quayle, William 1
AUM QUA Out-of-doors with Jesus Quayle, William 1
AUM QUA Prairie and the sea Quayle, William 1
AUM QUA Task golden Quayle, William 1
AUM QUA Uncommon commonplace Quayle, William 1
AUM RAL Faith for today Rall, Harris Franklin 1
AUM SAN Talks between times Sangster, Margaret 1
AUM SAN Can I know God?: and other sermons Sangster, W. E. 1
AUM SAN He is able Sangster, W. E. 1
AUM SAN Let me commend Sangster, W. E. 2
AUM SAN Methodism can be born again Sangster, W. E. 2
AUM SAN Methodism: her unfinished task Sangster, W. E. 1
AUM SAN Path to perfection Sangster, W. E. 1
AUM SAN Pure in heart Sangster, W. E. 1
AUM SAN Questions people ask about religion Sangster, W. E. 1
AUM SAN Sangster's special-day sermons Sangster, W. E. 1
AUM SAN Secret of radiant life Sangster, W. E. 1
AUM SCH Beginnings of the Christian church Schermerhord, William 2
AUM SHA Our search for truth: selected sermons and outlines Shackford, John 1
AUM SHA Program of the Christian religion Shackford, John 1
AUM SHO My great redeemer's praise Short, Roy 1
AUM SIM Walking in the spirit Simpson, A. B. 1
AUM SMI Be of good cheer Smith, Chester 1
AUM SMI Bible and the first world state Smith, Roy 1
AUM SMI First Jewish Bible Smith, Roy 1
AUM SMI How your Bible grew up Smith, Roy 1
AUM SMI Jewish thinkers and propogandists Smith, Roy 1
AUM SMI Jewish wit, wisdom, and worship Smith, Roy 1
AUM SMI John books Smith, Roy 1
AUM SMI Paul launches the New Testament Smith, Roy 1
AUM SMI Paul writes scripture in prison Smith, Roy 1
AUM SMI Refugees who wrote scripture Smith, Roy 1
AUM SMI Three Gospels and a history Smith, Roy 1
AUM SMI Three letters and five tracts Smith, Roy 1
AUM SMI Winning ways for working churches Smith, Roy 1
AUM SMI Writing scripture under dictators Smith, Roy 1
AUM SOC Highway of God Sockman, Ralph 1
AUM SOC How to believe Sockman, Ralph 1
AUM SOC Man's First Love Sockman, Ralph 1
AUM SOC Meaning of suffering Sockman, Ralph 1
AUM SOC Paradoxes of Jesus Sockman, Ralph 1
AUM SOC Recoveries in Religion Sockman, Ralph 1
AUM SOC Whole armor of God Sockman, Ralph 1
AUM SOP Advocacy of the Gospel Soper, Donald 1
AUM SOP Faiths of mankind Soper, Edmund Davison 1
AUM SOP Religions of mankind Soper, Edmund Davison 1
AUM SOP What may I believe? Soper, Edmund Davison 1
AUM SPU Hope and faith: new sermons Spurgeon, C. H. 1
AUM SUM Sermons and sketch of sermons by the Rev. John Summerfield, A.M. Summerfield, John 1
AUM SWE Faithquakes Sweet, Leonard 1
AUM SWE New life in the spirit Sweet, Leonard 1
AUM SWE Revivalism in America Sweet, Leonard 1
AUM SWE Story of religion in America Sweet, Leonard 1
AUM TAY Election of grace Taylor, W.  1
AUM TAY Contrary winds and other sermons Taylor, William 1
AUM TAY Seven years' street preaching in San Francisco, California Taylor, William 1
AUM THO The power of the invisible Thompson, H.A. 1
AUM THO The schools of the prophets Thompson, H.A. 2
AUM TIL Paths that lead to God Tillett, Wilbur Fisk 1
AUM TRO Loving God with One's Mind: selected writings of F. Thomas Trotter Trotter, F. Thomas 1
AUM VIN Pearls of perfect provision Vinaroff, G.E. 1
AUM WAL Modern message of the psalms Walker, Rollin 1
AUM WAR Covenant-keeping God Warne, Francis Wesley 1
AUM WAR Building the body of Christ Warner, Ira David 1
AUM WEA After death Weatherhead, Leslie 1
AUM WEA Christian agnostic Weatherhead, Leslie 1
AUM WEA In quest of a kingdom Weatherhead, Leslie 1
AUM WEA Jesus and ourselves Weatherhead, Leslie 1
AUM WEA Prescription for anxiety Weatherhead, Leslie 1
AUM WEA Private house of prayer Weatherhead, Leslie 1
AUM WEA Psychology and life Weatherhead, Leslie 1
AUM WEA That immortal sea Weatherhead, Leslie 1
AUM WEA This is the victory Weatherhead, Leslie 1
AUM WEA When the lamp flickers Weatherhead, Leslie 1
AUM WEA Why do men suffer? Weatherhead, Leslie 1
AUM WEA Christian doctrine Weaver, Jonathan 2
AUM WEA Christian theology Weaver, Jonathan 1
AUM WEA Discourses on the resurrection Weaver, Jonathan 1
AUM WEA Divine providence Weaver, Jonathan 2
AUM WEA Heaven Weaver, Jonathan 1
AUM WEA Universal restoration Weaver, Jonathan 1
AUM WEE From life to life, or how our preachers die Weekley, William M. 1
AUM WER And we are whole again Werner, Hazen 2
AUM WER Bible and the family Werner, Hazen 1
AUM WER Christian family living Werner, Hazen 1
AUM WHI Sermons of George Whitefield Whitefield, George 1
AUM WIL And the laugh shall be first: a treasury of religious humor Willimon, William 1
AUM WOO Take my heart Woodrum, Lon 1
AUM ZZC The Methodist Episcopal pulpit: a collection of original sermond by living members of the M.E. Church Clark, D.W. 2
AUM ZZT A preaching mission: twelve sermons by the new bishops of the Methodoist Church (1949) Tidings 1