Video Tape Collection


A. Central Pennsylvania Conference

category          tape#   description

annual conf     7005    1983: Bicentennial Vignettes

8072    1984: (general)

                        8073    1984: Dr H Grady Hardin, Dr. Haviland C. Houston

8074        1984: Bicentennial Celebration

8226    1987: Into a New Mission Age (22 min)

7010        1994: Menking and Easum on Church Growth

9166    1998: March 7 Altoona District Bishop’s Town Meeting

8064    1998 #1: Friday morning

                        8108    1998 #2: Friday afternoon I

                        8155    1998 #3: Friday afternoon II

                        8288    1998 #4: Friday evening

9325        1998 #4A: Friday night

8357    1998 #5: Saturday morning

                        8647    1998 #6: Saturday morning

8649        1998 #7: Saturday afternoon

8740        1998 #8: Saturday afternoon [label says Sunday afternoon?]

8766        1998 #9: Saturday night

8800        1998 #10: Saturday night

8832    1998 #11: Sunday morning

9327        1998 #12: Sunday morning

9944    2000 keynote address: Bishop Neil Irons

8181    2002 keynote address: Bishop Irons

8182    2002 keynote address: How to Use Bishop Iron’s Address as a Study

benev homes   8269    Eagle Program: survey of conference benevolent homes

bishop              8124    1984: interview, Bishop Felton May

                        8163    Bishop May: Saving Stations & Shalom Zones, channel 27 news

7018        1990: Spotlight on the News, Felton May (30 min)

9313    Currents: Interview with Neil Irons (29 min)

8781    2002: Our First Love, Bishop Neil Irons

camping           8301    1996: camping promotional

                        8313    2001: Go the Distance

7009    2002: camping program

            7021    retreat facilities (12 min)

                        7027    People Places, Sacred Places (Southern New England Conf promo)

churgrowint     8916    1993: April, Currents #122 – guest = Bill Easum (30 min)

9113    1994: June, Church Growth with Integrity Overview #1

9114        1994: June, Church Growth with Integrity Overview #2

9094        session 1: Four Building Blocks

9095        session 2: Obstacles

9096        session 3: principle #1

9097        session 4: principles #2-7

9098        session 5: principles #8-9

9099        session 6: principles #10-16

9100        session 7: principles #17-20 and conclusion

conf office      8142    audio visual library (at former conference center in Hbg)

district             7024    York District Festival of Pentecost, York First (67 min)

finances           7023    1992: district chairpersons meeting, funding campaign

8528    Together We Can

9471        Shares of Ministry

7025        Reach Out, Capital Funds (13 min)

8735    Vital Congregations/Faithful Disciples: capital campaign (16 min)

                        7303    Rekindle the Flame (Memphis TN promo)

historical soc   7002    1998: at Wellsboro, Hymns from Central PA

7003        1998: at Wellsboro, Milton Loyer as John Wesley

7011    1998: at Wellsboro, Wellsboro District History (Dan Jordan)

local church     7004    Austin: 1988 A Moment with Our Senior Members (16 min)

7007    Carlisle Allison: (unknown)

7001        Clines: 2001 John Fohl drama, other events

8056    Fayetteville Calvary: 1982

8918    Harrisburg: Neighborhood Center

8952    Jersey Shore Trinity: Visions of Trinity

7000    Mount Rock: 150th Anniversary

7008        Newburg New Hope: church revitalization, Dianne Salter

8517    New Cumberland Trinity: celebration service

7059    Shrewsbury Grace: Taking the Next Step

8068    Warrior’s Mark: church growth

8016    visioning: Warrior’s Mark, Harrisburg Grace, Williamsport St. John’s

mission            7038    Ukraine Initiative (23 min 30 sec)

                        7039    Ukraine Initiative, Felton May 1994-95 (10 min)

                        9156    Ukraine Initiative 1994: York Otterbein, York Aldersgate, Charlton

news                7034    channel 27 flood relief; Nightline refugee crisis

special events  9247    1996: September 28, Welcome for Bishop Irons

                        9133    1984: September 23, Service of Investiture for Bishop May

                        9040    2000 Music Jubilee ay Bryce Jordan Center, State College

UMW              9360    The New Structure

                        8877    1992 annual meeting: Past Presidents

youth               8857    1991: The Great Escape

9084        Greater York Cooperative Youth Ministry

8243    2002 Safe Sanctuaries


B. United Methodist Denomination

category          tape#   description

Advance          8840    Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of The Advance

                        8070    Alaska Missionary Conference (17 min)

                        8072    Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference (13 min)

9217    Puerto Rico (12 min)

Africa Univ     8490    1989: Challenge for the Future

8651    The Dream Is Alive (12 min)

8239        A Bridge to Dreams (18 min)

9070        1992: Official Opening Highlights (6 min)

9188    Graduates un Action

bishops            8345    Bishops Initiative on Drugs and Drug Violence

7035        Hope for the Children of Africa: bishops’ appeal (5 min)

8199    In Defense of Creation (19 min)

Cokesbury       8347    Clergy Reading Group Promo (20 min)

Discipleship     8381    GB of Discipleship, Helping Congregations/Helping People

                        9294    1997: January 5, Ministry for a New Day

GBGM            9775    Journey of Your Mission Dollar (16 min)

                        9135    Africa Initiative: 4/4/1995 Update (25 min)

7026    Appalachia: Advance Projects

8032    Cambodian Initiative: 1998

                        8721    1991: May 3, Called By God (21 min)

                        9219    1997: April 12, Kansas City Global Praise Celebration

                        9639    1997: Global Gathering III – tape #6, sessions 303 & 302

                        9194    1999: The Millenium Fund

8215    Local Church Missions Director: overview

8216    Local Church Missions Director: job

8760    Volunteers in Mission (13 min)

9182    Threads of Love: AIDS Memorial Quilt

general conf    7013    1980: general conference

8071    1984: reports

7006        1988: worship, Bishop Woodie W. White

7040        1988: Advance 40th Anniversary, Felton May (12 min)

7041        1988: review of actions and issues (2 hr 20 min)

7011        1992: pre-conference issues

9380        1995: November, General Conference (preview of 1996)

9371    State of the Connection #2: 5/23/1995

9372    State of the Connection #3: 9/23/1995

9191    1996: Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks (58 min)

9960    2000: 5/2 opening worship tape 1

9961    2000: 5/2 opening worship tape 2

9959    2000: 5/3 laity address

9955    2000: 5/4 morning worship

9956    2000: 5/4 acts of repentance & reconciliation tape 1

9962    2000: 5/4 acts of repentance & reconciliation tape 2

9958    2000: 5/4 Millard Fuller, Habitat for Humanity

9957    2000: 5/4 United Brethren 200th anniversary celebration

9953    2000: 5/8 national plan for Hispanic ministries

9952    2000: 5/9 morning worship

9951    2000: 5/10 ecumenical worship

9949    2000: 5/12 morning worship

9950    2000: 5/12 closing worship

other confs      8949    1993: Vision 2000, Boston Area Launch Event (48 min)

seminaries        8295    United: How to Discern & Respond to God’s Call (16 min)

                        8778    Wesley: Ministry 2000 Promo

                        8539    Wesley: Ministry 2000 Retreat (3 presentations)

                        1189    Ministry Profile: Bishop James Thomas

special events  8080    Camp Meeting 1984: Bishop Joseph Yeakel, Bishop Kenneth Goodson

                        8081    Camp Meeting 1984: Robert Schuller, Lloyd John Ogilvie

                        8082    Camp Meeting 1984: Tex S. Sample, Pauline Webb

                        8083    Camp Meeting 1984: Leontine Kelly, Bishop Marjorie Matthews

                        8084    Camp Meeting 1984: Charles W. Coulson, James Forbes

                        8085    Camp Meeting 1984: Daniel Berrigan (Christian Faith and Nuclearism)

                        8086    Camp Meeting 1984: Theodore Weeden (Life Wrapped in Parables)

8087        Camp Meeting 1984: Rosemary Keller (Church History)

8841    Aldersgate 1990: The Music of Aldersgate ’90 

stewardship     7028    Tithing: Gimmick or Gift (1992)

                        8961    Come, Share, Rejoice: 6 UM Special Giving Days (approx 20 min each)

TV Spots         8282    Hurricane Guitar; Urban Guitar; School Guitar (30 sec each)

                        7033    Lifelifters, with Bob Holmes (assorted 90 sec and 60 sec)

7036        1999: Igniting Ministry intro (8 min)

7037        1999: Igniting Ministry (30 sec each)

UMCOM        8921    By the Rivers of Water

                        8758    Catch the Spirit: program #90-18 (29 min)

                        9132    The Pentecost Spirit: National Hispanic Ministry Plan 1995

8920        People Called Methodist, EcuFilm (28 min)

8936    Vision 2000, EcuFilm (13 min)

UMCOR         8950    1993: September 8, Teleconference on Midwest Floods (60 min)

8868        Why We Care About Midwestern Floods (26 min)

9003    1994: January 27, Earthquake ’94 Update

8224    Behold I Make All Things New (13 min)

UM Men         8974    1993 Congress: Overview (25 min)

8975    1993 Congress: Men at Purdue Through the Years

8965    1993 Congress: Zan Holmes

8966        1993 Congress: Ezra Earl Jones, Randy Nugent

8967        1993 Congress: Jim Hollis

8968        1993 Congress: Charles Yrigoyen

8969        1993 Congress: Joe Harding

8970        1993 Congress: Bill Irwin

8971        1993 Congress: Bishop Roy Sano

8972        1993 Congress: Dr. G. Ross Freeman

8973        1993 Congress: Fred Shaw

                        9537    1999 Man To Man training series (87 min)

8170    2001 Congress: Bill McCartney, theme speaker

8171    2001 Congress: Tony Campolo, keynote

8172    2001 Congress: Tom Osborn, featured speaker

8173    2001 Congress: Ken Wyatt, featured speaker

8174    2001 Congress: Maxie Dunnam, theme speaker

8175    2001 Congress: Overview

UMW              8557    1989: UMW Children's Campaign – To Love In Deed

                        8169    1990: Invitation to 1990 UMW Assembly

                        8869    1992: UMW – Count Me In

                        8167    1994: A Time of Hope…A Time of Threat (3/8/1994)

                        8019    1994: Women’s Assembly Highlights

                        8189    1998: Promotion for 1998 Assembly

                        8168    Called to Mission/Worship

                        8035    A Message to United Methodist Women

                        9524    United Methodist Women on the Word Wide Web (11 min)

                        8164    Giving: A Gift of God's Grace (21 min)

urban min        8299    Holy Boldness: Urban Initiative

workshops       7014    1988: TMT teacher training, children intro

                        7015    1988: TMT teacher training, children

                        7019    1988: TMT teacher training, youth intro

7016    1988: TMT teacher training, youth

7017        1988: TMT teacher training, adults

WorMethCon  8764    1991: Singapore, World Methodist Conference Overview

                        9844    1999 Millennium Event: Rev. Grace Imathiu, keynote

                        9845    1999 Millennium Event: Bishop Graciela Alvarez Delgado, Bible study

                        9846    1999 Millennium Event: Coach Jerry Dunn, witness

                        9847    1999 Millennium Event: H. Eddie Fox, sermon

                        9848    1999 Millennium Event: Dr. Larry Lewis, sermon

                        9849    1999 Millennium Event: Bishop John R. Bryant, sermon

                        9850    1999 Millennium Event: Bishop Thomas Hoyt Jr., Bible study

                        9851    1999 Millennium Event: John Maxwell, keynote

                        9852    1999 Millennium Event: Dr. Rob Blackburn, sermon

                        7044    2001: Bishop John R. Bryant’s Address

                        7045    2001: Dr. David Wilkinson’s Address

                        7046    2001: Dr. Frances M. Alguire’s Address

                        7047    2001: England, World Methodist Conference Overview

                        7048    2001: Dr. Mariela Michailova

                        7049    2001: Cardinal Edward Cassidy

                        7050    2001: Dr. Arjith Fernando, Monday

                        7051    2001: Dr. Arjith Fernando, Tuesday

                        7052    2001: Rev. Grace Imathiu, Thursday

                        7053    2001: Rev. Grace Imathiu, Friday

                        7054    2001: Rev. Grace Imathiu, Saturday

                        7055    2001: Bishop Mvume Dandala

                        7056    2001: Dr. Joe Hale

                        7057    2001: Evangelism – Eddie Fox, Maxie Dunham, Winston Worrell

                        7058    2001: His Eminence Sunday Mbang

WorMethCou  8099    For Such a Time As This (World Methodist Council)

                        8343    One People In All the World (World Methodist Council)


C. Other

category          tape#   description

Bible                8034    Approach to Bible Study: Frazer UMC, Montgomery AL

                        1163    Bishop Irons: 5-part study on Managing the Landscape

                        8739    A Return to Our First Love: The Cjurch at Ephesus

cable TV          7031    VISN religious cable network

ecumenical      8165    Share the Vision: 1992 International March for Jesus

                        8166    Harvest of Hope: gleaning to combat world hunger

                        9212    Yokefellow Prison Ministry: Can You Find Christ in Prison? (17 min)

                        9379    Why We Care: Missionaries (30 min)

movies             9470    The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

                        7023    The Bride, a message to the churches (109 min)

                        7029    God Bless the Child

                        8018    The Parent Trap

PaCouChu       9368    Christians Working Together (PA Council of Churches)

                        8057    A Friend on the Road: Trucker & Traveler Ministry

PA State          7020    Filling the Gap, 1990 Summer Food Program (13.5 min)

                        7060    The Bethesda Mission Story, Harrisburg (short: 7 min?)

racism              8034    Amati Church in DC, black Catholics break away: CBS TV

                        8777    Racism in the News

resources         7032    Empfield Enterprises, local video company

social justice    8034    rich and poor find unequal justice: CBS TV

WorCouChu    8759    7th Assembly Highlights (World Council of Churches)